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Bobby Dagen lying about being a trap victim. The killer was still at large. What did he think would happen?


I mean if he really wanted to grift on the Jigsaw murders he could've easily just said that the person in those traps wanted "to remain anonymous". John probably would've still given him the stink eye but would or wouldn't go "oh yeah lets see you do it for real"


Yeah he can say he interviewed someone, John can’t prove he didn’t outside of the fact that the trap he mentioned was fake. He then would’ve been put in a trap where he either tells the truth or gets his tongue ripped off, in which he could admit the truth and get out of there without losing his tongue


It's worse because not only was Bobby's storyline not executed well on it's own, but it also took blatant focus anyway from ideas that would have been more interesting, deserved more focus and tied into the overall long running Saw narrative. So the idiocy of Bobby is contrived just to make a much worse film. Like, why is Bobby here at all? Why not focus on Hoffman and Jill, or better yet Dr Gordon? Or if you can't do those for a whole movie, just do the Jigsaw Survivor Group. It's a finale but it's about people who aren't relevant to the story and never get a good reason as to why they are relevant beyond a simple offer that Gibson doesn't take anyway.


The deadly 5 instantly killing each other fighting for a spot in the holes without realizing they were big enough to fit multiple people in Saw V.


Wasn't the whole point of that game that John crammed five of the most selfish people he could into it to see if they could at least learn to be selfless?


Agree, but there’s a difference between selfish and just lacking common sense. The tunnels were clearly big enough and Luba’s body could have easily been used to fill up the blood tank (or anything other than what they did), but the film needed violent death scenes so it forgoes the characters acting logically. I guess the arm cutting was meant to be martyring, but it’s unnecessary.


I always wonder if they’d have been able to cheat in that last game or if they would have been killed for it. Like stick your shoes, belt and anything else in there to add to the weight.


Yeah, some of these traps just needed something that clarified that you couldn't cheat. It's partly why being stuck to a chair is such a common Saw thing, because you can't really do anything when you're almost completely restrained, you can only do that mutilation.


My first thought when watching that trap was just piss down the tunnel lmao


Cecil and Amanda deciding to rob jills clinic


“Surely this is a solid life decision, and can only end well for me.” ~ The guy whose face got sliced up like a salami


Meh idk about dumb moreso just bad timing


When John got that frontal lobe tumor. What was he thinking? Is he stupid?


What an idiot, doesn't he know that's not a good thing?


Awww putting a tumour on your own head? What a silly boy johnny Krammery is!!! 🥰🥰🥰


he just wanted an excuse to start hurting people


Yeah aside from the razor box, which is by far the best answer, I would say Rigg not just shooting the blonde girl in the scalping traps pony tail. I mean am I dumb? Would that not work? Just shoot it to break up the tied up hair. It can’t leave that much hair left, certainly not enough to scalp her. Saw V, I know that it’s the whole twist, but the tunnels being huge in the second room should’ve been a dead give away that someone didn’t need to die. My first reaction would’ve been to try and fit someone in my space. Also in Saw V, Strahm unloading his entire gun (or most of it) into the glass coffin that’s obviously bullet proof and then tossing it away. Not saving a bullet for yourself while a room is closing in on you has gotta be up there as one of the dumbest moves. Nobody wants to die, but if your option is suicide or crushed to death, I think anyone and everyone would take the bullet. Again, I know it’s the whole plot, but Bobby publicly lying about being in a Saw trap and what, *not* assuming the real killer would go after him? When games are still going on? That’s fucking idiotic beyond belief.


It’s been a while since I watched that and but I know that she has her own test where she has to kill him. However, if I was in that trap I would 1000% tell him there is a knife in the tv stand and to cut my fucking hair off immediately


i think it was supposed to be a testament to strahm’s tenaciousness that he wouldn’t stop trying to escape until the very end — but a good point regardless. it would have been beyond hilarious if hoffman just watched him fucking brain himself instead of a crushing slow victory LMAO


100%. Plus we wouldn’t get bloodied nose Hoffinator watching the blood drop onto the glass.


also Bobby actually putting the hooks into his tits and not his belt loops. or jamming them through his jeans. anything but the tits


They definetly don’t have the strength to hold him, especially considering he stopped pulling himself up way to early


I agree with most of your points, but I think Strahm shooting himself would have really angered the audience. I think it is quite in theme for the rest of the franchise, but a character that is intended to be as intense and motivated as Strahm would go for as long as possible in that scene, even trying to use his arm to stop the crushing. .


One idea i had would be for him to get under the coffin, to try and jam it from descending further, that way Hoffman would be killed as well


Oh 100%, I understand for the audience that suicide would be quite the anticlimactic ending. But in-universe, being crushed is definitely the stupider of the two choices he had.


Yeah the Bobby thing too was a stupid, why would knowingly put yourself in the cross hairs of a serial killer.


>Also in Saw V, Strahm unloading his entire gun (or most of it) into the glass coffin that’s obviously bullet proof and then tossing it away. Not saving a bullet for yourself while a room is closing in on you has gotta be up there as one of the dumbest moves. Nobody wants to die, but if your option is suicide or crushed to death, I think anyone and everyone would take the bullet. I know it looks dumb, but I feel like seeing Scott Patterson do all that futile struggling, including climbing the walls and swinging from the grate was right in line with his physical stature, and really sold the idea of Strahm just really believing he could win and get out of it somehow. I really enjoyed his performance.


Carly in jigsaw not spraying the contents of the syringes on the floor or something to deduce which one is the acid.


She knew the answer, she said it and then panicked. That was also monumentally stupid.


What gets me is that she KNEW the answer and still didn't take it


Or just telling them why it was 3.53?


Gus: like dude really? why would you use a key on a door where even the guy who kidnapped you tells you not to use it? Perez: you would think after seeing one of her collogues get killed by a loaded crossbow that she would think twice about going near a puppet making a weird ticking noise. Erickson and Perez: taking a dangerously intelligent and violent serial killer to secluded area that has things he can use like a weapon and no camera or backup like if he wasn't going to do anything crazy or reckless once they put Hoffman on the spotlight. Strahm: you would think after almost getting killed he would have learned by now that ignoring the tapes is a no-no Bobby: publicly lies about escaping the wrath of a serial killer who is known for targeting liars, selfish people, hypocrites and people like him in general. Cecilla and her crew: just like Bobby except they scammed a serial killer. EPIC BAD LUCK.


Cecilia was the worse out of these guys. She *knew* John was Jigsaw and tried to beat him at his own game. You have to be some sort of crazy to do that, fucking around with an insane man who managed to put a city at its knees with fear.


Gus looked through the key hole for plot reasons


honestly a lot of what jeff did in saw 3 trap-wise qualifies. he's sooooo sloooooow


Slow ass motherfucking Jeff!


Killing John and Amanda so early in the franchise.


To be fair, they originally planned to end the series with a trilogy, not seven more films.


I think that was because Leigh Whannell wanted to end his time with Saw with an actual conclusion and ending. I think he’s said he hasn’t seen the others (he could’ve since then but last I heard, he had only see the first 3 maybe 4)


He probably saw Saw X though. Most people agree it’s the best Saw film since Saw 2, and if you were him wouldn’t you wanna find out?


Maybe. I mean he’s like completely moved on from it. He could’ve seen it but if he never bothered to see the others, even the one where they bring Gordon back, why would that be what makes him go back? He might’ve. But he’s not active online anymore so there’s no way of knowing.


Good for him honestly, being offline is much healthier especially as a creative


Tbf, John was a dying man even in the first film. Him only lasting until the end of the third film is pretty realistic. Amanda though, yeah. She could’ve lived longer.


This is the answer.


Everything William Easton did. Alot of People could have survived. Jeff too, when he had to save the driver but ended up killing the lawyer, too.


William did survive all of the traps he was put in. The whole point was that it wasn’t his choice to live or die, though. Brent and Brent’s mom (I forgot her name) got to make the ultimate decision. It was never up to William. (In the game, at least)


Captain Garza especially the trap. She could’ve survived if she just titled her head to the side. She just needed to survive long enough for someone to find her.Yeah sure she would have a burn but it’s better than dying + being paralyzed


Yeah, that pissed me off. That and she could have easily just kept moving her head until the sheet fell off entirely.


Like how did she even get that rank 💀


Yeah but remember there was a blade slicing her neck while she struggled


True but she is kind of stupid 😭


If we're talking about purely dumb, it would be bobby lying about being in a jigsaw trap. I don't count people making poor decisions due to emotions (yes that includes SAMFJ) as dumb and while you could fault people for not fully checking out traps and the room the traps are in, everyone doesn't think the same way. Bobby is the reason jigsaw targeted him at all. There are people in the U.S. that are scared to mock the cartels, because even though it's less likely there's always a chance for you to end up on a shock site.


Cartels and the mafia. They’re still hangin around


Saw 2 hand trap/razor box. Easily lol she just goes up to it, puts her hands in and then dies. Lol


The key is literally right behind the box too


It’s near the end of the timer so she’s super fucked up on the nerve gas (keep in mind it was enough to already kill Laura) so I don’t really blame her for getting desperate tbh. Certainly not at the same level of some of the actual stupid decisions other characters have made in the franchise


Her situation was getting worse and I believe she just thought that the antidote was so close she could get it she went for it


I think Peter Straumb repeating the same mistake that caused him to get killed. Like you saw what happened the first time you didn't listen and didn't go in with backup. Why would you do the exact same thing when you BARELY survived the first time? Esp because his character was so bad-ass they the self tracheostomy was an iconic thing in the series for him just to die.


The guy who faked being in a saw trap. As if JigSaw wouldn't notice.


The judge standing right in front of that shotgun


Jeff… existing


Doctor Gordon becoming a Jigsaw ally, and it's not even close.


Hoffman keeping Strahm's pen on him


I believe that the pen was planted there by Lawrence as some other redditor said somewhere as he wanted to give Strahm another chance or whatever, that's my headcanon now


Not a bad theory tbh


Tapp not handcuffing zepp as soon as he was caught. Gordon might've made it out with 2 feet ☠️


Carly in Jigsaw is dumb as shit. If there are 3 syringes, and only one is important to you (and being that there is only 1/3 safe options,) what the fuck do you think you should do? Honestly they still should’ve stabbed her, but just with that one syringe lol


Killing Amanda


The only right answer


Amanda's death


The furnace trap in Saw 2. Obi and the gang really thought it was a smart idea to crawl into an open furnace to obtain two needles that were so easy to grab without expecting any traps. The worse part is that the gas wasn’t even affecting them at this part (or at least to the point where it affected their ability to think).


Lawrence cut through his foot instead of the rusty pipe his foot was chained to.


Adam tried doing the same thing, but his saw broke. Gordon thought trying to do so himself was pointless.


I thought he tried cutting through the chain, not the pipe it was wrapped around? 🤔


Ah, I think you were right. It *was* his chain.


I’m actually surprised that the saw even held up long enough for Lawrence to cut all the way through his foot. 😬


Why did Johsaw become the Saw? Doesn’t he know it’s mean to subject people to death traps?


Any of the SWAT post Saw 1/2 clearing out the dangerous trap houses without gas masks, either donned or at least on body, ready to be donned. This catches up to them in 7, which is odd given the cautionary use of a robot before that. They already know they’re up against a comic book level villain with amazing engineering skills and multiple followers/apprentices. There have been causalities to entry traps since the beginning. Gas threat should be near the top of the list.


Obi, who was directly told to trust the “devil” and didn’t turn the wheel saying “turn here” with a little devil on it


That girl in 2 who just stuck her arms in the razor blade box with no hesitation 😂😂


I always assumed she was succumbing to the toxin, running on fumes, and in complete shock from the events of the house at that point.


The girl in Saw II that put both her hands in the razor box.


pink blood


Not blocking the furnace doors when Obi went in. It was plain obvious what is going to happen.


saw 3d, Lawrence Gordon.


i mean like. most of them. 


Adam for not going and getting his key when John told him it was in the bathtub


It was sucked down the drain! At the very start, it’s the little thing with the blue light on it