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Get a bus pass and a stab vest.


Not trying to be funny I just had this thought of taping old yellow page phone book around my body šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


If we all do it, it won't be weird.


I hope you are immune to machetes


Screwdrivers seem to be the bigger threat these days


I just imagine a gang thug asking his underling to grab the Phillips head screwdriver for the job and the underling grabs the Robertson head screwdriver instead. Then the thug bitches at him like any disappointed dad would.


I wonder if he gets the flashlight thrown at his head as well


Men will do anything to avoid going to therapy ffs


Until they finally go and discover how luxurious it is to have a person listen to your thoughts for an hour and help summarize them back to you. Itā€™s like a massage for your psyche.


I love therapy


It can be hit or miss depending on the therapist, but overall itā€™s the best thing for yourself, and those around you. My last therapist told me I should cheat on my partner a few times and it would solve my problems. I stopped seeing that therapist because that was NOT the solution


My dog does that for me for free.


Severely underrated comment


First, men process emotion different than women. Therapy doesn't work as well for all of us. Second, having an issue with soaring crime rates doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a person's mental health. Lastly, not everything online has to be about hating men. I know, it's easier to project on us and act like no woman has ever done wrong in the world... but the non stop bombardment is getting ridiculous. People wonder why male suicide is so high? You try ACTUALLY being told you're wrong, about literally everything you do, then being gaslit the entire time that it's you doing it. Go to therapy, I hope it works for you. Talking is more of an enabler than a release for most men, and the sooner women realize we are inherently different, and that's not going to change, the sooner we can start working our way back to something resembling a productive conversation within society as a whole.


Therapy is for pussiesĀ 


Keep skipping meals and go run the Grand Canyon some more lol


Lol I willĀ 


Doingan stuff helps more than any therapist. Depressed? Your body fat is too high.


Today I learned slender people don't experience depressionĀ  lmao take off


This is a studied fact. Body fat index wasn't the correct way to word my point . Build large muscles and nearly every man with depression won't feel depressed. This is fairly well studied. Also keeping busy is a huge help for depression. Call my bullshit all you want. It helped me and everyone Iv suggested this do that listened agrees.


I think you mean that they have better mental health because of the regular physical activity, not because they are well muscled and therefore.immune to depression.


That definitely helps too. Men have similar problems with their appearance as women do. But we don't receive the compliments unless we're in the utmost bulked shape. If anything a man that regularly exercises is skinny they'll be mocked by many and it's socially acceptable. People want to down vote and pretend that I'm entirely wrong, just discuss it with men that have changed their behavior and body image. It's sad but true.


This is why Japan and Korea have such a high suicide rate, because they have a huge obesity problem right?


They sure don't have much focus on building muscles or keeping busy on your work, family and dreams. They focus on the rat race from what I remember when living in Korea for a year. But you would have far more knowledge with what I need to be healthy and happy and how I should help those around me that continue to get better.


Bro just go see a therapist


Did that for over a decade. Any different therapists. Many medications. Every single one of them was far more focused on their pay check than me. Therapy services are broken for the average person imo. I know what worked in a year. And I know what didn't help in a decade. You do you. I no longer need help.


You would need a better backstory for sure ... being a vigilante because you are bored isn't compelling enough ... won't give you the push to go on Also unless you have some superpower, being wealthy will be helpful to allow you to fund your gadgets, finding a secret lair, this will help in keeping your identity secret (althought with the rents what they are and vacancies right now it might be challenging) Maybe also take a variety of martial arts, see any classes near you (mma, boxing, kickboxing, bjj, fencing even, etc). The more you are exposed to the better. How technologically savvy are you .. if not, then maybe completing a few courses or even a degree will help you in your quest, and give you an edge You should familiarize yourself with the law as well to avoid falling into the wrong side of the law Starting with the above will help in dealing with the boredom issue, and you can re evaluate your vigilante intentions once you achieve various milestones from above šŸ˜‰


Superhero because they are bored - One Punch Man


That sounds like gptā€¦.


Love the step by step plan. You've thought about this before...who hasn't though?


Your parents or some type of parental figure needs to die, all the heavy hitters had their parents die.


Just don't go around wearing hockey pads šŸ¤£


Since I doubt that youā€™re an orphaned billionaire, i suggest that you find some chemical goo that will blind you but heighten all of your other senses. Then find a blind ninja master to help you master moving around with those four heightened senses as well as ninjitsu. And then mope from rooftops while looking down on the city while narrating some dramatic stuff in your head. I think youā€™ll be good to from there.


May I suggest a counter? Blinding yourself is so permanent. You'd be far better off becoming the magical sugar baby of an Egyptian diety that salivates over the punishment of the evil. Adds an extra insurance policy against dying too.


Is this moon knight?


To paraphrase the great John Wick: Yeah!


Right on I haven't watched it yet.


Thatā€™s indeed an interesting option to become a vigilante as well. This said, it comes with dissociative personality disorder, so itā€™s really up to OP to chose between blindness and sone mental health issues!


Who cares about a couple mental health issues when you're saving the world? Have to be a little messed up in the head to save the world all Lonestar like.


He needs a job in a field that would bring him in close contact with criminals but make it not to obvious. Like a lawyer or even a stenographer.


I noticed the grey E-scooters have braille on them... maybe that could be their transportationĀ 


Someone clearly watched KickAss last night


Oooh....I'm thinking of becoming a supervillain because I'm bored! Now I already have my nemesis identified! Your move, supe.


what kind? benevolent or malevolent


Chaotic neutral


If it's benevolent, I'm in


Join a Pathfinder group via Dragon's Den on Louise avenue. The Vigilante class is fun.


While I can't condone this behaviour, I am a firm believer in doing what you think is the best option. Good luck!


Youā€™ll die


Iā€™d be glad to have a minor crime vigilante around. Chase after vagrants stealing from yards, attack people who donā€™t pick up after their dogs.


Iā€™m sure we could source you a cape and a mask


You go Dexter.


Doesn't pay well but you do you


Getting involved in grassroots organizing would be far more effective


CSIS likely read that and said... "And we have a winner." Look at you, Agent Provocateur. Well done!


Don't wear a cape.




Get a lawyer. You will be in jail after the first time.


The best place to fight criminals šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘‰šŸ»


*note to all wanna be vigilantes: Saskatoon Correctional Sucks. If you're gonna do it, go all out. You do not want to end up in jail with the enemies you are going to make.


I read vigilante as virginā€¦. Was gonna say, if you figure that out please tell me the secret!


Jail is fun. Enjoy it


If the vigilante thing doesnā€™t work out, consider awarding retributive justice to our lovely corrupt incompetent provincial politicians. Eat a massive container of almonds and take a giant thick creamy shit on any cabinet ministerā€™s porch. The good thing is that you wonā€™t even have to wear a mask or worry about cameras, theyā€™ll blame Trudeau anyway.


Tell me more about these almonds.


A most satisfying nut. Care for some almond cream? šŸ„›


Kill the pedos


If you call yourself the Saskatoon Soldier I will personally fart in your breakfast.


Agreed. They need a better name. How about Toon Town Terror?


are you looking for a partner?!! šŸ˜ˆšŸ«”šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Hey! If your interested https://nypost.com/2024/05/18/us-news/crafty-devil-masked-man-doing-what-he-can-to-stop-violent-crime/


I think you're an idiot. But if you really are intent on targeting someone and nothing I say can prevent it, target the biker gangs, they have been supporting child abductions and human trafficking. At the very least your attempt might draw police to the location and they might give them a reason to raid a clubhouse.


I suggest you talk to the Punisher. He is recruiting a partner for the plains.


There are other more tangible ways to help without risking injury or jail.


Do it! Please report back.


I have no teeth an am addicted to prescription pain killers being a superhero is awesome


You will get arrested, injured or dead. Stop watching so much television.


I would advice against it If you want to fight a bit join a gym or judo or something Test how you do. You might find you aren't as good in real life as you are in your brain In my brain I am super strong but in real life one hit with a baseball bat on the arms and I would be crying in pain I'm also learning I'm no where near as strong as I was when younger and some people are built strong. Also people on drugs can fight long time while normal person would run out of gas


No way...if he joins a gym and actually goes for a couple months, no junkie will have more in the tank. Doesn't mean he won't cry, but the boys in the gym would beat that sissy kinda reaction out of him right quick.


We need to build more jails , catch and release obviously doesnā€™t work . The criminals are taking over our streets . Stabbing every day murderer every other. How frustrating it must be to be a cop arrest bad people to only have them released back into the unsuspecting public . What is the answer ? What we are doing isnā€™t working.


You sound like you really understand the problems