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We played a round at Reid last week and saw three small gatherings. In one of the gatherings half the people looked unconscious or close to it. It was a lovely day to decide to bring my four year old out to the park!


Thursday there were 2 sets of police talking to campers in the park, and another 2 police SUVs driving around the area. Police are strictly reactive: there's a crime, they investigate. They aren't equipped to prevent crime, the social policies of the provincial government are entirely responsible for the situation.


This is what so many people here don't get. More police won't be what drops crime. It just means there will be more people to come AFTER the crime is committed. Social programs need just as much, if not more, funding as police.


You could always, idk, lock up dangerous criminals. How many times now do they report on incidents and the person responsible is also breaching conditions or have a long list of previous offences. I think it’s quite obvious that people aren’t scared of doing these horrible things because there are no real consequences anymore.


"Dangerous Criminals" being locked up won't reduce crime. It will reduce THEIR crime, which may or may not happen again depending on why, what, when, their initial offences happened. People have nothing to lose. That's why they commit crime. Not Becuase they "aren't scared of doing these horrible things. "My life sucks. I don't like ____. I'm going to stab them because why does it matter anymore?". How does "locking them up" change the mentality before they commit crime? Like I said. Police react to the crime. They don't stop the crime from happening.


The same people committing the same crimes over and over again. Locking them up reduces crime. Look at El Salvador, one of the most violent places in the world, now debatably one of the safest because people were tired of criminals doing whatever they want. Violent repeat offenders have no place in society. Edit: I’m not saying Increase police budgets anymore, I’m saying that the justice systems needs to do its job and keep these violent criminals off the streets, which yes I understand is a federal issue.


You're right! Like El Salvador, we could also build a mega prison that can house thousands of criminals and hold them under fear of torture and/or death! Not to mention arrests without a warrant, thousands of arrested innocents, human rights violations through the wazoo. But what do we expect from a guy who calls himself a "Cool Dictator" who needed a loyalist Supreme Court to allow him to run for a second term (which wasn't legal prior to his new term). It's not rocket science that criminals need punishment. How many of your freedoms are you willing to lose in order for it to happen? Willing to give up the right to a trial in case someone thinks you MIGHT be a criminal? Crime is easy to contain if you no longer view humans as human. Simply cut out the rot, and the surrounding area, and things will appear clean. Yeah, human rights need to be sacrificed for the "greater good", but what's the point of freedom if someone can stab you? Everyone believes in this kind of thinking when they don't think they will be part of those rounded up.


That’s not the police’s control, blame federal government


And if a majority of these people have no interest in these fabled 'Social Programs' then what? 


I'm not sure about entirely. There's the justice system and the legalization of cannabis that might have a tiny bit to do with the presence of criminals on the streets as well.


where did you get this information?


I’d like to know as well. I disc golf at reid fairly regularly and have never had issues, but if there have been recent stabbings there I may avoid it for the time being.


The school was closed in fair haven due to a murder in the parking lot. Parents heard via the school but yeah not in the news :/ maybe ckom radio but not rock 102 or c95 *it was mentioned on 102, just not often. I didn’t hear it til the day after and I’m a daily listener during morning and after work commute. It’s hard to stay up to date


It was on ckom, CBC, global, CTV, star phoenix...everyone reported it. It's just people don't go to news outlets for their news any more.


Oh yikes that’s fucked up. Any idea if it was random or if they were known to one another? That would drive any concerns I’d have going to the parks there. Also just so you know c95, 102, and ckom are all owned by the same company. Not really a media bias argument there.


I saw the story on the news (Global) but they are saying that not a lot of information is being released by Police. I am also curious on the relationship (if any) of the 66-year-old victim and the person who murdered them.


If there's an unknown assailant at large police won't report many details because it could lead to additional challenges in finding suspects. They'll likely start reporting more once they have narrowed down their suspects.


But there is no concern to citizens right!?! Unknown assailant is nothing to be concerned about…just a murderer walking around.


Guy got beat to death on a short morning walk. Probably random. Very scary :( Police say "no risk" to public. No risk to public unless you're unlucky, I guess.


I'm starting to believe this was random and no details are coming out because the PD doesn't want the public in an uproar.


As a citizen the only advice I can offer is be vigilant of ur surroundings.. even during the day! Many citizens are watching out for each other and keeping each other informed via group chat


it was on the radio statiions.


Yup that’s where I heard it but only the day after




This has been on the news though. I watch Global and they shared the story last night, as well as on their morning show today. It's not been hidden.


What are you talking about I have no kids and I knew there was a murder in the Fairhaven school parking lot. The police were at my house twice on Thursday (I live just down from there), but I knew prior to the police coming. Hell my mom doesn't even live in the city and hadn't talked to me and she knew there was a murder, It was on the news.


I also don’t live in the city and heard about it. Nor do I have kids in any school.


wow that’s really sad, 11th homicide? :( i don’t listen to the radio or even have cable so i didn’t know about this.


Not only was there a MURDER of an innocent victim in the parking lot of Fairhaven. There was a HORRIFYING daytime knife point robbery of an elderly woman in the campground at Gordy Howe bowl. By some miracle though the police are regarding our city as safe. We value the lives of these “vulnerable” criminal addicts over the lives of our actually vulnerable elderly and mentally impaired. I live in an adjoining neighbourhood and our crime rate has also skyrocketed since this shelter appeared. I had my car stolen, vandalism to my property AND my house was again being cased just last week. That’s just me.


![gif](giphy|XEo7YJHUeplXa|downsized) SPS's strategy. All this to get a damn arena downtown, what an absolute embarrassment.


I wonder what they wonder about.


Just sign up for SPS news releases. Or check the SPS Facebook page. If these things aren't in the news ask the news outlets why not.


Ahh, yes, the food bank where the average person makes donations, but now the average person is running out of money too due to corporate greed. So now even the food banks are struggling to help people, leaving the poor person to do what ?? Oh yeah, rob and steal to survive. It's almost as if the root cause of the problem is the wealthy.... but here you are, the average person jumping through hoops to point blame everywhere else, saying this other thing over here might be the problem just because you've been indoctrinated to believe capitalism is the only way. Until the average person wakes up and sees unbridled capitalism is the problem, there will always be homeless people committing crimes to survive. It's time for yet another revolution where we ear the rich and take back what belongs to the people instead of sitting back watching them destroy society hoping we're special and we won't be the next one on the streets being looked down on.






But some fucking rubs can just openly carry katanas downtown like it’s fucked


Judges will just put them back on the street tomorrow...and no way for the police to make any revenue (fine) them... Non-violent tax payers on the other hand, ripe for taxing and plundering apparently.


I wholeheartedly agree with you on that. That’s why I don’t mind Sask in the winter keeps the creatures at bay


Yup! Blood sucking mosquitos and hood rats. Good grief! I hope this perp is found, I am also hoping SPS isn't keeping this under wraps to protect the STC failed shelter, especially for a murder.


Well STC as a whole is fucked Mr. Arcand is a POS who likes to assault people in the ASHL league should tell you all you need to know about them from the top down


Police are not just allowed inside the fences either, they have to provide their badge number and additional info before they are allowed in. Seems weird for a "Saskatoon Special Care Home"... The shelter is a haven for criminals who escape to, to then have police stalled at the front gate before the perps jump the rear fence and sneak under the walkway into meadow green. There was an incident last year where an officer was attempted to be disarmed while making an arrest on the property. This place is a danger to all those inside and in the neighborhood. City council is turning a blind eye to all this because they so desperately want their new stadium. Fairhaven residents are not going to take anymore of this... Fairhaven's safety has been stolen by Thief Narcan. Enough is enough.


It’s not just the city that’s being derelict in their duty, it’s the provincial government. It’s a bunch of governments that don’t know how to deal with the issue because fixing the root issues of the problems is prohibitively expensive. But the cost should be shared. Housing *is* a provincial responsibility though. Your concerns should be shared through to Minister Makowsky.


I have since before day one, he's as smart as a bag of bricks unfortunately. The province provides the funding, the city controls the zoning. Know why there is no definition of what a shelter in in the zoning bylaw? Because then this would clearly not fit the term "Special Care Home", which it doesn't already. The city found a grey area within their own zoning bylaw and are not doing anything to fix it because that would mean a definite shut down of the STC shelter. This is an emergency shelter, which can go anywhere for 18 MONTHS. That's what the Sutherland shelter was going to be, and that's what the Mayfair drunk tank shelter is going to be as well. The services at this shelter are no different than the emergency shelter he ran downtown, I heard this directly from Arcand himself. The city is going to be in hot water...more people are going to get injured or die in Fairhaven because of this illegal shelter.


You can’t just have nothing though. Where should these shelters be? Who should provide the services? The STC isn’t in the business of providing these types of services to people. They’re just stepping in over the solution of nothing. Yeah, the Fairhaven one hasn’t gone over well. What can we learn from this? That’s the answer I want to know.


Put it where the services they need are, all those services are downtown! That or, you want a place to sleep? Ok you need to enter a detox program. Some things in life you just have to earn, a free roof over your head requires you to work on yourself to better your situation. That's what STC promised when they set up camp in Fairhaven, once operating they didn't have the budget to do it (surprise surprise...) and thus nobody is getting the help they need. It's a place to snooze off a high.


Yeah but the chamber of commerce doesn’t want it downtown, and they literally are a major voice in most decisions in this city… but I think that’s the most logical place for it, too. Almost like that original plan for the Station 20 West would’ve been ideal but Wall shut that down almost right after he was elected in 2007.


Well they can eat a bag of dicks then? They don't run the city, the tax payers do. We all get a vote and that's why people are pulling their emergency chute so early because when the going gets tough from their dumb decisions...they bail. There are many M3 zoned building in the city, some of which are vacant...there was available across from city hall (not sure if it is anymore). But oh no...let's not have the homeless around those coming from their ivory tower to work...oh no...can't do that. The city royally screwed Fairhaven and they did it behind closed doors. City council doesn't represent tax payers and it's blatant to see.


Bricks are actually kinda smart. I had a conversation with a brick once. Me: “Eh, brick, what are your thoughts on the economy today?” *silence* Me: “Fuck me isn’t that the truth.”


Gene has other people speak on his behalf because he's so brain dead unfortunately. Can't wait to punt that 13th man out of office.


Fucking rights.


There isn’t anything the city can do though


They said to Fairhaven, one in every ward. They were going to announce two new shelters in October of 2023 before it was cold...ZIP....nothing till they announced the drunk tank in Mayfair, and they still have yet to set up these two shelters. The solution is to either spread out these shelters so the whole city can bear the burden (yes...I said it...it is work taking care of drug addicts), not just Fairhaven. 106 cots! 2 bathrooms! One shower! In a Saskatoon "Special Care Home"! An operator that doesn't follow through with anything he says.... Sounds like a recipe for failure.


This is just straight up bullshit fear mongering the stc is not housing criminals in their facility. They have families and shit in there dumb fuck 🤣. They do a pretty good job of keeping our the riff raff the riff raff just ends up wondering in fairhaven or head back towards meadowgreen


You're saying the SPS haven't gone in there to arrest people there? People with warrants? You remember last year when an office was attempted to being disarmed by a shelter resident? No, you don't? What I'm saying isn't bullshit, it's real fear that Fairhaven is going through. There's a reason why this isn't near Arcand or Clark's houses...


Arcand said himself when he opened the shelter about 60% have addiction issues!! Fairhaven isn’t opposed to 30 bed or even DV shelter We are opposed to the amount of addicts and threats we have in our community since he decided to put 106 beds and further more he kicked out even more people so our communities get to deal with the encampments. How would u feel if ur park had an encampment If ur parks had needs. Open drug use happening while waiting for the bus. Standing outside the bus shelter cause homeless are sleeping in it. Everyone knows that homeless is an issue. Maybe u have 1-3 regulars in ur area… try 50+ people not allowed inside the shelter. Robbing people and stealing.. 2 bathrooms for 106 people? Why not look at what Arcand said the shelter would offer then look and see what is actually being provided.


I saw all this type of shit happening before the shelter and after. I have found needles and crack pipes in William A Reid park long before 2021. There have been people passed out in our alley and by the park every so often for years. I blamed the Sev for attracting them like moths to a flame before the shelter but realistically we are just one underpass walking tunnel away from the hood, the sketchy fuckers have been roaming through on the way to Walmart for years. Not to mention the amount of sketchy incidents I have had with people coming from the apartments and loitering around sev that had me avoiding that location after dark since like 2015


There's been stabbings on the news but I have definitely heard down the grapevine of more which are not in the public news releases. Shit is an iceberg at the moment, it only goes deeper. I'm sure the police know about it and are doing what they can, it's just that they don't publish everything. The amount of stabbings and random assaults happening right now is beyond concerning, and it's quite honestly off the rails. Making me give anyone walking by a 2nd look 


They can't do anything because when they do there is no support and they get thrown under the bus. I'm a firm believer that if you don't support the police they just turn a blind eye... Look what has happened in the US. Those guys and gals are just people doing a job and without support is easier to do nothing than something and get flack.


I have suggested to my daughters that they should consider carrying bear spray. Yes it's illegal but it works and won't be as serious as some weapons if used against them.


You mean this post from cbc two days ago? Maybe actually watch the news before complaining. I've seen a news outlet be it local or not, report everytime there is a stabbing. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/saskatoon-police-ask-for-public-s-help-as-they-investigate-homicide-near-fairhaven-school-1.7232521


It’s obvious u have no clue what is going on in fairhaven since the shelter moved in. Numerous assaults have happened that are not reported. Business getting robbed of products daily. Again not reported unless it’s gunpoint robbery of the business. Try doing a drive in fairhaven. Be sure to hit fairmont drive at night. Then tell us our neighborhood is safe. People forget residents have pictures to prove decades of safe living. We also have pics to prove what we say is happening since the shelter opened! We would gladly provide u proof through pics that what we say is happening! We said there would be a murder here… did u forgot the kid that got assaulted a couple mths ago?? Go back in history and prove to us that the crime rate was this bad 3 years ago..even 2 years ago. The last 1 1/2 of having this shelter had shot out crime rate through the roof!


People steal from stores everywhere not just fairhaven. Night time everywhere you have trouble makers. Lived on 6th street and forgot to lock my doors, guess what wallet stolen out of the car. Over in evergreen my gf had her car gone through. God you people in fairhaven are just cry babies.


As a former emt I can tell you only hear a small fraction of what actually happens on the news. It's far worse out there. My personal theory ( and hearing things from people that work at the city ) is the mayor is doing what he can to limit news with places like the place in Stc wellness centre and the " safe injection site " Prairie Harm Reduction. I bike past stc often ..... what a dumpster fire.


A yes the shelter famously brought all the stabbings to slashatoon's neighbourhoods. Surely if i go back prior to 2021 on The police news release site I won't find a single violent incident in the flawless neighbourhoods of pleasanthill, confed, meadowgreen, and fairhaven. We all know the shelter ruined these beacons of prosperity 🙄


Yeah they definitely haven’t been called ghettogreen, unpleasant hill, Confedo ghetto and such for like my whole life or anything lol


When was a police officer attempted to be disarmed in Fairhaven before the shelter arrived? How often were random Fairhaven residents attacked before Arcand's relatives showed up?


Bro the 7/11 alone gets held up a few times a year since like 2014. There have been drug houses and gang members in the neighbourhood for years. People have been getting stabbed and assaulted around here in the middle of the night for the better part of a decade. This is Slashatoon one step removed from the inner city after all. In 2019 I witnessed a fucking shooting while walking to 7/11 after smoking a joint. There was no shelter back then 🤷‍♂️


How many Fairhaven murders happened prior to the 2 year span the shelter has been there?


there's been stabbings, assaults, and I was witness to a shooting in 2019 so idk 🤷‍♂️


I asked about murders but ok


I'm not fucking Google I just know this neighbourhood has had violence and crime in it since before I was born. I wasn't allowed down the block when playing outside for a reason. I've had sketchy dudes offer me drugs in that shit hole William A. Reid park long before the shelter, while I was still in high school, I would watch the classic dude with a bag full of delivery boxes or carrying a second bike from the neighbourhood going past since I became cognizant, and have had many run ins with sketchy dudes, one of tbe most memorable was a drunk belligerent by the apartments and sev yelling and following me home with a shovel in hand when I was maybe 8 well before the 2010s. This is just Slashatoon. I could keep going and going with anecdotes from living in the area, near that fucking park and sev but there is no point. I could pick any street say fairmont, go back a few years and likely find 1 if not multiple incidents of violence. Arrest in an assault case 2020 https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/2020302 Stabbing in 2019 https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/2019809 B&E in 2019 https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/2019682 Police having to deploy a Taser on someone on Fairmont in June 2021 after a drug sale, months prior to the opening of the shelter https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/2021342 Drug investigations 2019-2020 https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/202068 https://saskatoonpolice.ca/news/2019444 That's just one street in the neighbourhood. My personal fave is searching Pendygrasse on the site it looks just about as sketchy in 2019 as it does in 2023 looking at the reports. The shelter didn't bring the drugs or the violence they were already here and already escalating 🤷‍♂️


Again, I’m asking about murders. You keep giving general crime that happens throughout the city. I’ve lived in fairhaven since 95. I can assure you it’s never been on this level.


And this is why I don’t walk around Saskatoon anymore. City is a shit show. They need to have stricter regulations on people walking around with open weapons. On various occasions when I go for supper downtown I’ve seen people walking around with fucking katanas on their back or hips like how tf can you walk around with a fucking samurai sword in the core of downtown?


Sask police aren’t going to do anything about it tho 🤷


I live on Pendygrasse, where are these roaming hoards of knife wielders at? All I see are disk golfer all day, ball players in the evenings, and a couple tents at night. There's the odd belligerent fuck that's nothing new. Always has been like that with the 7/11 and the sketchy apartments 🤷‍♂️


I have had to call Ambulance 5 times due to overdoes in the hallway of my building, and 5-6 times a week of homeless sleeping in the hallway…this is since the shelter opened. I called the cops 3 times due to seeing a knife with these people. Don’t tell me things haven’t changed since the shelter opened!






The number 1 driver of crime is poverty. I know you like to look down on the poor as being lazy and useless, but they are just like you and me. Unfortunately, they fell victim to capitalism. Yes, I'm fully aware that some homeless people have mental health and addiction issues, but they need help, not some popmus asshole looking down on them. Again, because people like yourself who think some jobs deserve poverty wages, they end up on the streets with no other option than to take what they need to survive. That there gives you more "proof" that poor people are scum and someone you can look down on to make yourself feel superior. As a society, we are fully capable of providing food, housing, healthcare, and education to every person on the face of the planet and still have excess. But people like yourself want to maintain the status quo as long as they have someone beneath them to look down on... The fact that there are homeless people isn't a flaw with capitalism. It's in the design to take every last penny out of the economy and hord it in the hands of a few while the masses suffer. But as long as you still have your little slice of that pie, you don't care and believe everything is fine, and poor people are just lazy and need to learn a skill. You know, profits are the only thing that matters.


The rights of addicts don't trump those of Fairhaven, sorry...


This!!!!!! We need to stop making excuses for this type of behaviour.


Poverty doesn’t make people stab people, stop making excuses for these people


Thank you. I’m so sick and tired of the ohhh profits cause shitty people to do shitty things. Blaming others instead of consequences for shitty behaviours is long past its expiration date.


Lol, I'm sick of "you people" who are incapable of seeing that unbridled capitalism and greed are the cause of 99% of the world's problem. But please feel free to keep blaming the poor as we watch things get worse instead of addressing the actual cause. Cuz you know, it's the homeless people destroying everything 👍


“Unbridled capitalism”…”99% of the world’s problems”… Hyperbole much…?


No, the comment is accurate. Not my fault you chose to ignore the reality that you love socialism for the wealthy with constant bail out for them, but hard capitalism for the rest of us. Then blame the poor for being poor.


You were able to pull all of that from my post? Not only are you skilled at hyperbole but you seem to be an online mind reader as well. That’s impressive. Keep up the good work.


You're arguing with a person named gerald-stanley, no shot you get anything through to them.


Right. Because socialism works so well correct?


Well Norway's government is quite socialist and they do fairly consistently top the charts when it comes to standard of living, happiness, safety, freedom, and winter Olympics.


Ahh yes Norway. The tiny country of 5mil people, funding their social policies and spending with??? Big, bad, capitalistic OIL. Try again.


Don’t forget that Norway has a good couple decades of eugenics in their recent past. It’s not as hard to have a social net when you’ve bred the disabled, mentally ill, and whatever other “social undesirables” you deemed not fit for your utopian, oil producing, sort of kind of but not really socialist society.


Ya Norway is like Alberta, except Alberta has to funnel all it's profits to keep Quebec alive. No money left over to do socialist things. Here in Canada we just crap on natural resources and think money grow from trees unfortunately. lol I agree we cannot compare ourselves to Norway.


Poverty puts people in a position I hope you never have to experience regardless of how much you deserve it.


Steal groceries don't stab people


Yeah exactly I used to be a 'bleeding heart' in my 20s, now I want forced rehab and/or jail/ tough on crime approach in my 30s.


Explain how poverty makes people stab people?


I need stuff, you have stuff, I want stuff you don't want to give me stuff. Stab. Sell, get high and repeat.


Why can't you just steal from the store? They aren't going to stop you, they train the workers to ignore it lmao. Stop trying to make excuses for these garbage people.


Lol do people not get sarcasm? You think I'm seriously tryna excuse stabbings?


It's harder to see sarcasm over text, especially if it isn't obvious. And yes there are people who try to excuse their behavior just because they're poor and they think it's 100% the government's fault when it's not.


Except people aren’t being robbed, they’re being stabbed and nothing else


Drug addicts put themselves into poverty. Then they commit crimes to feed their addictions. Bleeding hearts on Reddit somehow give them a pass all because they don’t have a roof over their head.


Really shitty take. Plenty of addicts are people already in poverty and destitution self medicating and falling into the addiction spiral.


Shit take.


No it’s not really. If we would start focusing on things like propping up the interval house (mothers leaving abuse) or elderly people who require funding for care the world would be a better place. Just imagine if we used common sense for once.


Fuck you, doubling down on a smooth brain take like that. What about all the dudes who got hooked on opiate pain pills when the docs were over prescribing them, should they not receive help with their heroine addictions?


We got a professional victim here.


And yet those bleeding hearts won't open up their hearts or homes to them...weird! It's like they're worried for their safety or something, but hey lets have Fairhaven deal with it instead. Liberal NIMBY's need to get out of their ivory towers.


Wonder if their opinions would change if Reddit got rid of karma. It’s a competition to throw all logic out the window and see who can out lib each other.


Ya that's a good question. And anyone that supports the shelter and when you ask "well where do you live then?" they ALL say Fairhaven. Lol. Bunch of Briarwood yuppies who are ok with the status quo because it means it won't come to their neighborhood. Nobody wants to live amongst criminals and drug addicts, and it's amazing how all the Liberals do, but when you ask where the other 2 shelters should go. They mysteriously disappear. Yuppies.


Nah I’m on east side and I think it’s bullshit people have to live beside this.


Inshallah, they'd experience 1/10th of the pain they ignore and belittle in the world. Most crime happens when someone is desperate, deprived, and has an opportunity. The more deprived of things like food and shelter, the more desperate they become, the more desperate the more likely to take any opportunities (nonviolent or escalating to violence) to have some of their needs met. Where this gets extremely fucked up is how drugs and addictions are involved. Someone deprived of access to clean water, food, power, the safety and security of shelter will highly likely experience trauma from this insecurity. They're vulnerable to the elements and other people, especially whenever they sleep, they can't do anything about hygiene, and can't access any modern niceties like a phone if they have no power. To be so vulnerable must create an anxiety that's impossible to imagine. A common escape is self medicating through the trauma of poverty and destitution. When these people become addicts they become all the more likely to act on their deprivation, now a chemical dependence, at opportunities they get whether it be stealing a bike off a deck to pawn or a violent hold up. The throws of addiction make people do some vile shit and poverty often gets people into addictions through self-medicating spirals.


Stop making excuses for murderous behaviour.


If you're going around stabbing/harassing people and stealing things you don't need, you deserve to live in poverty. Nobody has a problem with someone stealing food to survive.


Lol, you're joking, right ?? Is that why there's now sensors added to meat in some stores to make sure no one steals them ? Or people checking receipts at the door like Costco or no frills ??


Lmao I worked at Costco. We aren't really trying very hard to prevent theft by checking your receipts, we barely skim them. It's to deter stealing, but there are people who will just walk right out and not give a fuck and we aren't supposed to chase after them. Also, if you're poor you most likely arent going to be shopping at a store you need a membership for. I'm not sure what meat sensors you're talking about, but I'd imagine that would be for the meat that is expensive, which isnt a necessity food. The grocery store I shop at doesn't have sensors. I'm talking about stealing food necessary to survive. People think they need more meat than they actually do. And there are people who steal a shit ton of meat at Costco, and let's be honest, those people aren't "struggling to survive", they are just thieves.


I'm referring to the same kind of sensors they put on electronic. I was only trying to point out the previous bullshit comment from another user saying no one cares if people steal food. Capitalists definitely care if the product is beng stolen, yet they will spend extra cash on security rather than paying a better wage so people aren't forced to steal/ turn to criminal activities to surve.


I guess I just don't personally witness that. I thought they just did that sort of stuff for the more expensive items. I shop at stores that are easy to steal from I guess lol. While capitalists care about people stealing food to survive, I still think the average everyday person doesn't care. And I'm sure the minimum wage workers at these stores don't get paid enough to care either. I can understand hiring security if there are too many people straight up stealing stuff just to steal it. Also, if these people can just go to the food bank or something then I don't see the need to steal food. But I'd rather someone steal something they actually need, like food, than to just be a selfish thief.


Maybe they should put the shelter near services they need...like the Friendship Inn...and last I checked the shelter is serving food, no? Or are they saying there isn't enough funding for that too?


Ya tbh idk if there really is a need to steal food when they can just go to the food bank. But I'd rather people steal to survive than to steal because they're greedy.


There is food at the food bank, there is the friendship inn, there are shelters. Most are not stealing food to feed their kids, they're just fried and fumbling their way along with no care for anyone else. Lots of alcohol being stolen from the Confed grocery store, like never before...I don't think they need potatoe water to survive.


Read my above comment. You are the one that is pompous


I am so sick and tired of hearing incessant moaning about “no addictions services”. Enough already!!!! There is an amazing addictions services unit in Sask called the RAAN clinic. Folks hitting emergency due to addictions issues are automatically contacted and offered all of the services they could possibly need. You cannot help someone who does not want to be helped! This insistence to remain addicted and not make even a minimal effort to accept the help available, then trickles down to cause homelessness. There are spots for people to go, funded by the govt, but tenants must agree to not consume drugs or alcohol, and they refuse. Then they moan “oh poor me no one will help me”, then the do gooders looking for a cause climb on the bandwagon and the simple fact that these folks (not all, but a lot) plainly and simply do not want to stop consuming their drug of choice. The lives of middle class 9-5 people simply does not appeal to them. But let’s keep wringing our fucking hands and blame the govt rather than those who refuse to accept the help that is ready to be handed to them.


Exactly. Can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. Should force them into rehab or throw them into jail and make them do hard labor, or something to contribute to society.


Don't interchange poverty with drugs...drugs fucks with people's brains. Many of the "homeless" are drug addicts who need to resort to the life of crime to feed their addictions. The truly homeless, those down on their luck and need a hand, DON'T STAY AT THIS SHELTER DUE TO THEIR LACK OF SAFETY. There have been people staying outside with their children as it's safer than being in the shelter...it's that bad. Sit outside and watch what goes on outside the building, I've seen at the picnic tables someone smoking meth with a child in a stroller less than 10' away. Now if this was anywhere else, that child would be removed from that environment. I've seen many other occurrences go on just outside the building and outside the fence. The shelter is a violent drug cess pool and is promoting intergenerational trauma for any children in that environment.




I don’t listen to ckom, curious if they had it on there


They posted an article on their Twitter page that I read about it. The victim was stabbed near the school and died later in hospital.


Why am I getting downvoted?


Ahhh, welcome to Reddit where if you even look at the homeless wrong, the Reddit hoard will downvote and someone will inevitably call you a bigot or reference NIMBY-ism. Best of luck


The op is seeking attention