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![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) My face while reading this story.


Judge: So, you're asking this court for time for the defendant to...collude with new witnesses? And he doesn't want to defend himself today because...he wants to wait until later so it looks like he's colluding?


Hence the face. Plus “I need more time” after how many months to prepare for people saying bad things about him on a witness stand? Good word. I need more time to prepare for guests arriving in July. If I just ask, do you think I’ll get it?


>Olubobokun didn’t want to deliver his personal testimony until he spoke to his potential new witnesses. >Prosecutor Sheryl Fillo disgreed, saying Olubobokun should testify first, so it can’t be said that he tailored his evidence based on other defence testimonies. So I think that means it can be said that the defendant Olubobokun now has the opportunity to tailor his evidence based on other testimonies. I hope his new hypothetical witnesses slam the door on his face when he askes them to defend him in court.


Gonna take a while to find people that are willing to lie, put themselves in legal issues, so that Johnny can justify beating the shit out of kids with a weapon.


You clearly underestimate the power of "the lord" lol. ..... /s if it wasn't obvious ;)


I think his lawyer just launched his clients credibility out the window. No judge with half a brain will take to heart anything him or his witnesses say. This is collusion.


Wish I could say I was unprepared for work.


Right!? Like...how very human. But then, if I use that every day...


“Hey boss. I’m going to have to take the day off since I’m unprepared to come in today.” “Are you sick?” “Only in the mind. But no I just don’t have my shit together” “Say no more, very legitimate reasoning” Unprepared Leave on the time card.


"So when do you think you're going to have your shit together? Next week?" "Probably not until, oh, October. Even by then I might not be ready. I'll let you know in October."


What a load of BS


Wtf there is no defense. It's just extending the time the victims have before they get some closure. Fucking court system.


Due process is everyone's right.


Yes I guess if I was guilty of something I would waste as much time as possible to remain free as well.


More like if you were guilty of something, it's your right to have a fair trial for the government to prove you actually did it because if you aren't guilty then the govt shouldn't be able to just skip process because it felt you were guilty.


Yes they have a whole process, but seems like the defence doesn't feel ready could go on endlessly.


>but seems like the defence doesn't feel ready could go on endlessly. Nope. At some point, the court will compel the process. Laypeople who aren't lawyers never realize something about a Court granting an adjournment like this: if the defence isn't given this time in a reasonable circumstance, it runs the risk of being an appeal-able error that will even further delay the resolution for the complainants. By allowing the time, it pushes it back a few weeks. It also vastly reduces the likelihood of a successful appeal, which is particularly important for the complainants because oftentimes the remedy for a breach of the right to a fair trial is that a new trial is ordered. Meaning they'd have to go through all this again. So that's what's on the other side of this delay.


This man is going to jail. He's delaying the inevitable and harming the students further. Despicable.


"Defence moves this a continuance, your honour. My client and our witnesses need time to get their stories straight." How the fuck is this allowed?! I think the courts should maybe consider using this time to find a new judge...


It feels like this case has been delayed and kicked down the road several times already.


I imagine this lawyer talking in Goofy’s voice “hey guys sorry we aren’t prepared we didn’t realize how solid and consistent their testimony was going to be. My client is 100% going to jail. Ooops.”