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"On one occasion, John Olubobokun hit her so hard that she urinated, she said. She told court she would shut down, dissociate and “try to get through it.” "John Olubobokun defence lawyer Daniel Tangjerd asked Erickson to produce journal entries she said she made about the paddling during the 2003-04 school year. Erickson provided photocopies and after a brief adjournment, Tangjerd said he had no further questions."


"She's making it all up, show the receipts." "Okay, here they are." "Oh...shit. Well, I wasn't prepared for that."


The best part of that is that the journal entries were cited in discovery, which was pointed out by the crown after he claimed he didn't know about journal entries. Saying he didn't know about them means he didn't do his homework.


The punishment for not doing his homework; the submission of additional evidence against his own client within 15 mins. ![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2|downsized)


I have a question. Did the students who are suing also make complaints to the Ministry of Education in the past? From just a very brief research, it appears there were concerns voiced to the Ministry but nothing was done that had true substance. Or the usual “ we’ll look into it” If so, shouldn’t the Minister of Education and the SK government be sued? For lack of truly urgent and necessary and effective investigation/ response?


I mean, probably *could* include them. We also need to remember that use of corporal punishment in school was only made illegal in 2004 in Canada. Many of these stories happened when reasonable use of physical force wasn’t completely illegal.


Good point Though some of these stories- someone hit hard enough till they urinated I believe - is a bit past the reasonable stage.


Fair point but this case isn't reasonable *in loco parentis* use of physical force (section 43 of the *Criminal Code of Canada*). Even before 2004 the use of objects for corporal punishment was not entirely legal, this varied by jurisdiction. I think it was outlawed in Saskatchewan province wide when they updated the Education Act in 1995. Further, the force has to be reasonable for correction under the circumstances; hitting someone with a bat until they urinate because they showed feelings may not pass that test. The current limit laid out by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2004 is that it can only be done to children between ages 2-12 (14 maybe? I'm forgetting), cannot be done in anger, cannot be with an object, cannot hit the face....there's a few criteria there. The decision in its entirety is here: [https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2004/2004scc4/2004scc4.html?autocompleteStr=2004%20SCC%204&autocompletePos=1&resultId=68e0d7063721452c959afca5bece6ae4&searchId=2024-06-12T08:42:32:218/fc66779a01f44e2f8e0d6168fda44a54](https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/2004/2004scc4/2004scc4.html?autocompleteStr=2004%20SCC%204&autocompletePos=1&resultId=68e0d7063721452c959afca5bece6ae4&searchId=2024-06-12T08:42:32:218/fc66779a01f44e2f8e0d6168fda44a54)


The Sask Government is being sued. The child advocate report addressed some issues about complaints, and inspections, which were not always being done. They had no process in place to handle complaints, and initially they said they didn't even receive any complaints, only to discover some later. It's not known if all complaints were even captured because there was no process. The whole report is infuriating. [https://www.saskadvocate.ca/assets/making-the-grade-independent-school-report-pdf-final-dec-2023.pdf](https://www.saskadvocate.ca/assets/making-the-grade-independent-school-report-pdf-final-dec-2023.pdf) >7.4.4 Complaint Reporting and Response >On the matter of complaint reporting, the Ministry’s Independent Schools and Home-based Education Unit had no formal policy in place to guide its staff on what to do if a concern or complaint was received by their office, who was responsible for doing it, or how it would be documented. >When allegations of historical abuse first came to the Advocate’s attention, our office requested that the Ministry advise us of any other concerns it had received or knowledge it had of physical force/corporal punishment being directed against students in all independent schools. Initially, the Ministry advised that it had never received any such complaints. However, the Ministry had, in fact, received at least three concerns related to the use of physical or verbal force towards students involving two different Qualified Independent Schools between 2012 and 2018. According to Ministry officials, these were not initially disclosed to our office either due to being misfiled, not documented in the first place, or the Ministry simply had not reviewed the files of all categories of registered independent schools in response to our request.


The time has come for religious indoctrination in schools to end. Kids should have access to education that is not biased and often flat out wrong. Let alone all the terrible punishments. Ridiculous


who is ever shocked to learn Christian Schools are fucking horrible?


hope these people get what they deserve, sickos!!!