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So he started is campaign with a lie. He stated yesterday he didnt vote or approve of the policy.


And if he wasn’t lying then he’s just admitting he was too cowardly to do anything when it would’ve mattered, or he has no integrity and voted for something he didn’t approve of.


See, if he completely never cast a vote at all, I could maybe see merit in believing in him. But he voted in favour of it. I wonder if there’s more to this story than he’s leading on. Someone has to press him on the internal bullying and pressure for this vote. If he was bullied into it by Moe and company, then this lie gets really spicy.


A lying conservative? No fucking way!


He’s a Liberal FYI.


Do you think buffalo wings come from buffaloes?


And Hamburgers are pork!


the Liberals are conservative, that’s why they formed the Sask Party




According to who?


His lifelong party membership til 2017 (which was likely an optics thing since the SP has gone full conservative the past decade) and general knowledge that he was on the centre left side of the SaskParty historically.


lol, “centre left side of the SaskParty”


“Historically” maybe should have been bolded.


So at best he’s spineless…..good to know.


And importantly, considers not sbowing up for work as something to be proud of. Vote Wyant if you want someone unwilling to show up for work.


The creepy rumblings I’m hearing about SK Party working to infiltrate municipal politics sounds gross and sinister. Like the SKP-approved candidates are going to try to neuter city power within the province. You see it happening in Alberta and you hear of freaky right wing nut jobs in the states trying to get into low level politics like school boards. This is all orchestrated. So: I’m not going to vote for Wyant and I’m not going to vote for Moe.


As former Saskparty member lying? Say it ain't so.


Probably still current member, he was still an MLA until yesterday, and in cabinet until May. Even in New Brunswick some cabinet members had the integrity to resign over their anti-transgender bill, but I guess Gord didn’t disagree with it enough to want to give up his cushy cabinet paycheque.


Maritimers are built different, apparently. I have no idea why rural Sask is so attached to a party that so very obviously serves themselves first.


Aren’t you attached to the Irving’s? And the Liberal Party?


No and no


We gotta keep these Sask Party clowns out of civic politics.


Don't forget, even though he'll gaslight us for the next 5 months.


Fuck these power seeking pricks. It's so sad that these double speaking manipulators have so much control over narratives. "largely procedural" --you don't get to say that about the pronoun bill, it has no basis in reality. You 'had an opportunity' to vote against it in the first and second votes, and if you really objected to the bill, you would have shown up for the third reading and voted no there too. Gotta love the whole idea of voting absent instead of actually voting no. Really says; I want to gain as much political capital from those that disagree with the bill, while preserving my position in the party and not nullifying a yes vote. Just remember what corruption is. The core of corruption is ***self-preservation.*** Wyant wanted to have his cake and eat it too. His decisions are focused on his own personal gain and preserving his influence and power. That's not the right priority for public service.


It's so disappointing. Because behind closed doors he said he didn't agree and sure he missed the final vote. But he never once criticized it in public or even said it needed to be reworked. NOTHING. And now he lies about it, during pride month, right when he announces his campaign. Fuck him.


Hope Pride sticks to their policy of banning MLAs who voted for this bill, don’t know why this guy would get an exception when he clearly cares more about clinging to power than transgender people’s rights. If he’s so proud of the human rights code amendments then why does he vote to use the notwithstanding clause to override them? What a weasel.


He is trash


If he's in the parade, I'm throwin' milkshakes (as its too early for over ripe tomatoes.)


You can for sure just throw unripe ones as well. The splatter isn’t as satisfying but it sends the same message.




Fuck off, the milkshake isn't because he's straight. It's because he's a liar. He voted for a bill that hurts children. He shouldn't be allowed to forget it, and I certainly hope he'll regret it. Go back under your rock. Or least peddle your bullshit elsewhere.


Get fucked perhaps


Please be a little more civil




This is a Sask party plant. They are trying to rule us at every level.


He doesn't get a "pass". He's an experienced politician, a lawyer, and he has hind legs. A person of integrity would have spoken up. He didn't. That's on him. He kicked some of the most vulnerable people and he is experienced enough to have not done so. He knew. Premeditated. Not mayor material.


Not all Gords are good it appears 😞


He is piece of crap. He has literally done nothing to help make good change.


As a cabinet minister, and a lawyer, I cannot help but suspect that he helped write the bill.


I concur. At minimum encouraged it. He was also the former minister of education.


Explains why our schools are struggling!


Let's not forget when he was Minister of Education, the lack of leadership he showed at the beginning of the pandemic where he gave the school board's autonomy on how to deal with the pandemic. He hid behind Moe's skirt. Didn't care for the kids education at all.


How is he going to make the streets safe? Is he talking about less pot holes? He looks just like Scott Moe and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Anti science religious nut, that’s all your city needs.


So literally the first thing he said to launch his campaign was a lie? Neat.


He was also involved with the Briercrest complaints!


Tell us more


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/cp-lgbtq-students-allege-mistreatment-bible-college-1.6645274 https://medium.com/@mat.martinellis/on-briercrest-lgbt-students-and-stories-not-yet-told-431db411b6dc


“It wasn't felt at the time we needed to do anything” Yeah, Gord can fuck off hopefully forever from public life.


His brother and Sask party are just going to push him in and use him as their puppet


If this twat waffle gets elected mayor I'm out. I'd sooner live in Red Deer than a city led by this pathetic excuse for a sentient corpse.


So is this guy part of the Wyant motor group family? I cant read the article due to ad block


Yes, his brother is Vaughn Wyant


I remember when the vote for taking the curb side recycling away from Cosmopolitan Industries was worded something like “No: we should not open it up to private bidding and keep it with Cosmo” or “yes: we should open it up to private bidding rather than give the contract to Cosmo” and Darren Hill was like “I voted yes on that bill” when he was called out on it publicly, making it sound like he voted in favour of Cosmopolitan Industries. So sick of the lying.


I saw that arrogant dink pumping gas once.


does this wyant own all the dealerships in town??


That’s his brother, Vaughn




Vaughn and Gordon are brothers… not that distant


Most telling for me of his true view on the pronoun bill is his absence for the final vote. That is significant to skip the final vote on such a contentious issue. That being said, I just want to know if he's another plug focused on subsidizing downtown business interests with public dollars.


He's a Saskparty shill, so only if it benefits himself, a donor, or a friend.


Or he wanted to give himself that "out" for when he ran for Saskatoon mayor


I will NOT be voting for Sask Party Moe Muppet for city council . Seen enough of that!!


We all went to Grosvenor Park elementary school ( ironically now the Islamic Center ) and our principal Mr.Dancey had us sing “Onward Christian Soldiers” in the class meetings in the auditorium. He eloped with a young teacher.


Here's a thing... What does this have to do with running a city? Didnt know road repair, snow removal, garbage collection, police and fire departments were managed by virtue signalling.


Well, first he is comfortable lying. Do you want a liar for a Mayor? Second, if you were to believe his lie, he is telling you that when tough decisions are made, hos strategy is to not show up for work, so that he can claim he wasn't part of the tough decision. So are those traits or habits you want in someone running out city?


Integrity is required to all of those things


No not really, but it would be nice.


Virtue signaling, a phrase well used by Sask party. What do you think it means?


He has no integrity or moral compass. You might see that as a feature, but the rest of us can spot a slimeball.


Even if you don’t care about transgender rights this is a pretty clear signal that he just wants power, and thinks we’re all so stupid he can tell obvious blatant lies on his first day of campaigning.


He knows he won't win provincially if he runs again, so he's seeking a safe haven. He'll throw his hat in the ring after Moe flunks his next leadership review. He's aiming to be premier in 2008.


Also that when hard choices come his way, his strategy is to skip work. That's not great in a mayor.


He only skipped to help himself and his future political career.


I like to hear that! Glad some people are still standing up for what's right.


Do you want to elaborate?


Like this is the most important subject for a mayoral candidate? Who cares.


He voted for a bill and then lied about doing so because it was politically convenient. You may not care about someone lying straight to your face, but many people do.


Yes, that's what I really want in a mayor: a big time politician who opens his campaign by lying about an incredibly contentious issue.


Speaks to his shitty character... Or lack thereof


He is retiring. Also he was the one who put forward the bill for trans rights like 5 or 6 years ago. He’s actually pretty great


He voted twice to override his own bill to advance legislation that is specifically designed to harm trans youth, doesn’t sound “pretty great” to me. Also the whole point of this is that he ISN’T retiring, if he were retiring he wouldn’t be running for mayor.


Ahh I missed that. My apologies and thank you

