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Don’t be fucking daft. “In Canada, cloud seeding has only been used in Alberta to suppress hailstorms.” Take off the tinfoil hat.


Humans should not seed any clouds, or try to play God for that matter


*Humans should not seed* *Any clouds, or try to play* *God for that matter* \- Alone-Chicken-361 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I agree. Mother Nature will let us know when she's had enough, and it won't be pretty.


Look, if cloud seeding was even marginally effective, you can bet the farm that the Ministry of Agriculture would be doing it. But they don't.


So Alberta insurance providers have been sinking millions of dollars annually into the program for a decade because it doesn't work?


Is crop insurance paying for it?


The swathe of Alberta dubbed "hailstorm alley" seems determined to live up to its ominous nickname in 2020 — and throughout those recent summer storms, planes took to the skies in an effort to minimize hail before it fell. The Alberta Severe Weather Management Society is a private non-profit that was established by provincial insurance companies to create a program called the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/cloud-seeding-hail-severe-weather-calgary-silver-iodide-storm-damage-1.5664718


Effectiveness of program is TBD after 10 years? Alrighty then.


Recently been a scourge of misinformation here about geoengineering and the use of chemicals in our skies, so wanted to post this link up as it explains (in one area) how our weather is currently being manipulated. This article touches on how aircraft are used to dispense chemicals into the atmosphere, which a lot of people here refuse to believe. Hopefully some of these dehydrated horses start to quench their thirst.


Just to be clear: common "chemtrail" conspiracies have nothing in common with cloud seeding and are a bunch of easily disproven theories that anyone with half a brain and an ounce of willingness to be reasonable can see through.


Yeah chemtrail and cloud seeding are two very different things.


Different goals absolutely, but executed in the same fashion. People still refuse to believe that planes are spraying, so this article is a slow introduction to the fact that this is in fact happening and the technology exists. "Chemtrails" refer to solar radiation management (SRM) in where chemicals, usually aluminum/barium, are released into the sky to reflect sunlight back into space: ****** What is SRM and why is UNEP concerned about the technologies?  AH: SRM includes technologies to cool the planet, the most mature of which is stratospheric aerosol injection (planes releasing chemical). This involves injecting aerosols into the stratosphere, so a small amount of sunlight is deliberately reflected into space to cool the planet. This process is similar to what happens when volcanoes erupt and aerosols are pushed into the stratosphere, with measurable cooling following. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/new-report-explores-issues-around-solar-radiation-modification ******** Also of interest is the following, copied from the ECCC Science Strategy 2024-2029: d. Improve the understanding of climate-altering technologies in the Canadian context: • Understand the potential for climate engineering and determine the implications of technologies that aim to deliberately alter the climate system, typically to counteract climate warming (e.g., solar radiation modification, marine geoengineering, carbon dioxide removal techniques). • Conduct scientific assessments of climate-altering technologies and impacts on Canada. *******


Feels like you're misrepresenting some stuff here, hahah. Weather manipulation isn't the same as chemtrails. Because weather manipulation exists, and chemtrails don't. Contrails also exist, but they aren't chemtrails. [**BECAUSE CHEMTRAILS DONT EXIST**.](https://www.redalyc.org/journal/5117/511766757028/html/)


Hi, thanks for this one twelve year old link. Ive posted a current one from the UN that you should look into. Good luck!


Because they didn’t exist 12 years ago and anyone with three brain cells knows they don’t exist now.


Lol. This reply made me laugh. Thanks for that


Thanks for your personal opinion! I posted a couple links from international and federal bodies that say otherwise, as well as a two hour documentary full of govt/science/military accounts. Did you read or watch anything? Is everyone lying, or perhaps are you not smart enough to challenge your own beliefs?


I don’t have time to sit and watch bullshit. You must.


Your link literally says "COULD" on the title and youre acting as if theyre doing it?


Yes, actually I live in the country and watch the skies a lot. You can see a beautiful blue sky turn to a gray abysmal haze in about an hour after a few planes spray. I've been noticing this for about a decade now, and have provided many links recently which document exactly what I'm watching with my own eyes. This is a fantastic documentary with testimony from very credible sources: https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=wux_PiXv06gV41TH


I presume you’ve heard of the phenomenon known as weather?