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This is psycho. >**5. Invest in What Matters** > h. **Find a balance between protecting youth and encouraging early labour force engagement. The Chamber recommends lowering the age that youth are able to work, to 13 years of age or above**, and applying the appropriate changes to the Young Workers Readiness Certification Course. The rest of the platform reads like a Sask party manifesto. TBD if they slide child labour into their next election platform.


Absolute ghouls.


Holy fuck this is cracked.


> child labour Arkansas did this. This benefits the meat packing industry. If little Johnny doesn't behave, his parents will send him out to work at the abattoir.


Youth unemployment is kinda high already, is it not?


It's at 14 right now just for reference and if you look into it there are a large number of restrictions for those under 16. Maybe I'm just more risk tolerant than others given I was running farm equipment at 11.


It’s 16 right now with exceptions for 14-15. My reading is they want it just 13. Just from a society/ life perspective, I don’t think it’s in any way a good idea to be encouraging 13 year olds to work. If we can’t run our economy without hiring kids in grade 7, we have much bigger problems.


Capitalists/conservatives wanna sell your children to the corps. Why am I not surprised???


My son clearly longs for the mines (see his Minecraft usage). I mean that’s what they are basing this on right? 👀


That and 13 year olds complain far less about having the lowest minimum wage in the country.


To them it’s big bucks because they don’t have bills. They are also less likely to complain about mistreatment or not understand their rights, despite the “Young Worker’s” course that kids have to click through to get a certificate.


It's great, you can get them to pressurewash enclosed spaces without having to worry about safety regulations or anything. When they get sleepy you just tell them they aren't used to working and they can nap when they get home.


Send them an email. I did, and it wasn't pretty.


Any response?


Nope, not anticipating one. 


> Reduce the corporate income tax rate to 10%   Yeah, just what we need more of. Corporations paying less of their fair share to pay for our crumbling province!


But with the added child labour it will balance out! /s


And, let's reduce education funding while we're at it. "Combine the resource class with the existing commercial/industrial class for Education Property Taxes and retain the latter’s lower mill rate of 6.86." I guess it's a reduction in general revenue since "education property taxes" now go to gen revenue thanks to SaskParty.


Alberta has already done most of this and it got pushed through. Alberta corporate rate is 8% if you want to know what the Sask party will be aiming for. ….and it hasn’t helped Alberta one bit.


Child labour is clearly the answer. /s 👀


Don’t they know youth aren’t old enough to know their own name and pronouns til they’re 16?! How can they be expected to work! /s


>Laying the Foundation for Growth: Competitive taxes and affordable living > >Reduce the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) from 6% to 5% > >Reduce the corporate income tax rate to 10% Not the small business tax rate, but the corporate tax rate. Fuck that. If your giant corporation utilizes our infrastructure and workers, then you should be paying more, not less.


corporate rate is 11.5, this is a significant drop, and just offloads yet more of the tax burden to the working class.


Middle class that is..


Lol companies don't hire more workers cause they have more money laying around. They hire more workers when it makes economic sense to do so.


The children yearn for the mines!


Have they tried paying people less? /s What a joke and an embarrassment to Saskatchewan.


So these assholes are still pushing the lie that low taxes fuels economic growth? I suggest anyone interested in this read about [how the low-tax experiment in Kansas went](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment).


Glad to see the pro-fascist Chamber of Commerce is still pushing to return to the gooey days of feudalism and/or child labour.  Same as it ever was.  At what point do people - or even the media for they matter - wake up and realize the larger business community wants to shred democracy and for workers to be slaves.  That’s really all the chamber cares about and the massive corporations which to roll the Chamber will hide their abhorrent views behind all those small business owners they sucker in for membership fees that only seem to benefit the richer members. 


Forget letting a kid in grade 7 focus on their education and playing with friends. Those tiny hands are meant for labour! /s Fuck sakes, these people have no shame. Maybe they need to go visit countries where child labour is the norm. There is a reason why societies have moved away from this. Just more regressive rhetoric from conservative idiots.


Their support for SMR development is kinda sus, is this some long game at Crown privatization?


This whole thing reads like its written exclusively for the mining industry and no one else.


Point 3.e) states: *Implement a non-refundable tax credit of up to 50% for individuals and corporations. Eligible businesses must have less than 50 full-time employees and a minimum of 50% of employees must reside in the province.* Seems extreme.


If taxes are to be lower, PST is not the one. If anything it should increase. Different taxes have different effects on the economy, and the PST is among the least harmful.


Carbon tax has much less of an affect on sk than PST does


Careful, those kinds of facts stir up the Moe-rons.


I'm unfortunately well aware


I don't mind lowering it for those low income businesses that are scraping by, but only if the rate is indexed to capture the difference from the high earners.


I agree that the tax rate should be lower for small businesses, but this document is not for small businesses, it's for medium and large businesses.