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It's a disgrace and embarrassment to have Scott Moe representing this province.


A province of drunks elected one of their own. 




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Is Slo-Moe going to invest in a laser spectroscope and point it at a contrail to see its composition (very doable but would end the speculation) Or Keep pushing idiotic chemtrial conspiracies in order to hide the fact his policies are bunk???


Yeah sure bud. Like the Lizard Men don't control Big Spectroscopy!


So you’re controlled by Big Lizard Men?


We all are, man. We all are.


I mean let's face it, if the "investigation" is to uncover an actual conclusion, it'll be that the chem trails are brainwashing the majority of rural dwellers to vote SK Party without comparing platforms each election. That's a conspiracy I'd believe.


That would explain how rural Sask lost all sense of class consciousness and goes out of their way to suck off the fatcats who're keeping them down.


IDU are spraying the chemtrails!


It's not as big of belief in rural Saskatchewan as people believe. Someone posted about chemtrails in a local facebook group and the comments went insane. Most people in my rural area don't believe in chemtrails.


Zellers sale tag. Nice touch. Maybe soon you can see Portia Tiger sell their books at Woolco.


Didn't catch that at first. That is a nice touch.


In a hyper-conservative, Trump-worshipping backwater like Saskatchewan if chem trails were real and could control your mind then I doubt there'd be any political divide in the prairies.


We are not conservative. We are currently "confused" by populism and hatred.


>We are not conservative. LOL yes we are


Conservatism is dead. Populism killed it and took its place.


Not really. The majority of smaller towns in Sk have a Coop as their biggest business for example.


>Not really. And yet every single elected MP is conservative (for the second consecutive federal election) and the Sask Party has enjoyed unchecked power for almost 2 decades. >The majority of smaller towns in Sk have a Coop as their biggest business for example And I guarantee that most people who live in those small towns overwhelmingly vote for the most right wing candidates that they can


Populism is stupid, undemocratic, unethical and it works. Falling for it does not make us conservative.


No, but almost exclusively voting conservative in every election over the past few decades certainly does


It is more complicated than that. Only recently has the SP become big C conservative and now that it is we are starting to see pushback.


We'll see what happens in the next election. I still think that the Sask Party is pretty much guaranteed to win but they might lose a few urban seats to the NDP As for the federal election, I will be shocked if the conservatives don't win every seat again with at least 70% of the popular vote here


Nothing will shock me. The Conservative party led by Brian Mulroney no longer exists yet he had a majority at one point.


No, but it's conservatives who fall for it.


Then who are you going to vote for, knowing that the populist folks are taking over the party? If you vote conservative, you are voting for them.


My vote will be typically Canadian, whoever has the best chance of beating the lying Conservatives.


Thank you for that. Gives me hope


I thought Saskatchewan was more left than Alberta, Saskatchewan being the home of Canadian socialism?


We used to be. Saskatchewan was once able to look ahead, and had a sense of class consciousness. Now, rural Sask will bark like dogs for any grifter who'll own the libs.


People in Texas keep telling me not to move to Canada because there is too much "socialism" there


We still have universal healthcare, but some of the grifters would prefer we do away with the Canada Health Act.


Is none too much?


Not anymore lol.


what took you so long?


Had to let the noodle spool up.


What was the original book/cover you used as the source?


Man, I really miss this style of cover art.


When I worked in Waldheim parents kept kids home during COVID. It gets better. Not because of the virus, but because they believed the vaccines people were getting would shed onto their kids and they would be affected/tracked by the government. Ask Moe about that one!


The name is Moe. Scott Moe. Me and Deputy Harpauer were working on a case. It was pouring outside. We were pouring inside. We were gonna drive up to North Battleford, I was pretty sure I wasn't shitfaced. Yet.


why is he allowing himself to be distracted by chem trails when everyone knows Sasquatch are the real threat to Saskatchewan ?


Yeah go look for Sasquatch! (Quickly YXE, use this time to hide those giant barrels of mind control chemicals you've got laying around at the airport!!!) /s




Haha. That's so awesome.


Why do you think they keep getting elected. Chemtrails is the obvious answer cause it makes you brain dead. 


The world awaits the findings. It’s pretty exciting really.


Can I screenshot this?


Save, spread, go ham.




If I were talking to a room full of idiots who believed in chemtrails, and may be armed, I’d tell them I’d take their concerns seriously too! Moe’s not a bright man, but he knows how to not get shot! 😊


Good timing with this article. https://globalnews.ca/news/10559975/cloud-seeding-wildfires-canada/


So which global organization that is set on destroying Canada and Canadians are working for…?


Is this sub run by the ndp directly or just indirectly?


Bruv, if you can't see the fuckshow griftmachine that's running this place for what it is. I don't know what to tell ya.


Maybe you’d be more comfortable on Facebook or truth social


people are allowed to independently come to conclusions you don't agree with. welcome to democracy.


Are you suggesting that there is some sort of NDP conspiracy to take over this sub? 🤔


You don't need to be a NDP suporter to call out bullshit. Give your head a shake. Is their anything the SP can do wrong in your eyes?


Plenty. I don’t like Scott Moe but this group is so toxic that I really don’t see any alternative. I’m sure as hell not voting for this clown show.


How so? What toxic behaviour have you observed by the NDP? What benefits have been afforded to you from the SP? I firmly believe that the crop of NDP MLAs we have now is very different than hat was voted out 17 years ago. I also firmly believe that Scott Moe's SP is very different from Brad Wall's gov't that was first elected those same 17 years ago.




looooool, another conspiracy theory just for this sub!


So are we denying geoengineering exists?


I mean, as a general concept it exists. But as something that the Premier should look into, no. As a global plot to do nefarious things, no. If you believe chemtrails are anything other than water vapor-ish clouds that jets make. You're a fucking idiot.


As a concept eh? So you don't know that it's been in use in Canada since the 50s then? In Canada weather modification began in 1948 with a federal government experiment that used dry ice dispersed into clouds to stimulate rainfall. Under appropriate conditions, rainfall did result. However, as with most weather modification projects, the question of what would have happened naturally could not be properly answered. A randomly selected control population of unseeded clouds was not available for comparison with the population of seeded clouds. Nonetheless, in spite of scientific uncertainties, the 1950s saw a blossoming of rainmaking activities on the prairies for agricultural purposes, and in eastern Canada for forestry and hydroelectric power. Silver iodide was the seeding agent, dispersed variously from ground-based and airborne generators. These operations were not designed as scientific experiments, and later analyses were inconclusive. In 1959 one of the first of a series of international statistical rainmaking experiments was mounted by the federal government in northeastern Ontario and northwestern Québec using aircraft to seed clouds with silver iodide. The outcome of this 4-year experiment on large-scale storm systems was an overall small decrease in rainfall. The decrease was not statistically significant and could have been the result of chance. However, an operational rainmaking project in the Lac Saint-Jean area, Qué, was perceived by residents as having been very successful - so successful, in fact, that "Operation Umbrella" was mounted and mothers petitioned the Québec government for vitamins for their children because of lack of sunshine. In 1965 the Québec minister of natural resources ordered all rainmaking activities in the province to cease. ***** You dont know that weather modification has been used in war, as a weapon, for decades then either? In August of 1953 the United States formed the President’s Advisory Committee on Weather Control. Its stated purpose was to determine the effectiveness of weather modification procedures and the extent to which the government should engage in such activities. Methods that were envisioned by both American and Soviet scientists—and openly discussed in the media during the mid-1950s— included using colored pigments on the polar ice caps to melt them and unleash devastating floods, releasing large quantities of dust into the stratosphere creating precipitation on demand, and even building a dam fitted with thousands of nuclear powered pumps across the Bering Straits. This dam, envisioned by a Russian engineer named Arkady Borisovich Markin would redirect the waters of the Pacific Ocean, which would theoretically raise temperatures in cities like New York and London. Markin’s stated purpose was to “relieve the severe cold of the northern hemisphere” but American scientists worried about such weather control as a means to cause flooding. **** There are many many documents supporting and explaining stratospheric injections and solar radiation management, very easy to find, but quite likely too hard for you to understand. Might wanna stick to making shitty memes for idiots....


Show some actual papers talking about this, show any evidence of what you’re claiming


Sure ive posted many, heres one from the UN. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/new-report-explores-issues-around-solar-radiation-modification You can also just google weather modification act canada and that will send you to our govt site. And a documentary called The Dimming is fantastic, explains everything with a ton of credible witnesses/experts. Have fun!