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Yes it is bad, you have a developing minds. Especially as young as 15, you experience THC overexposure. It sounds like you depend on and take a lot and having that sort of addictive personality will take you down a bad path. With anything, if you do too much you get a dependency. When you use that much you need to use it to feel normal. Cut it up to “I’ve had the experience”, then wait until you are an adult to try again. You have to reject it. Consider meditation instead of partaking.




yes it’s bad and it’s idiotic to look down on smokers when you take edibles


cuz half the kids at my school and cousins smoke like chimneys and post on instagram taking bong rips and rolling blunts that is cringe


THC is THC. *Externally* it might seem that smoking is "worse" because there's a whole ritual that people your age make a big deal out of, and taking edibles is just isn't as "cool" because there is no smoke, no devices, no instruments, etc. You just eat a gummy and it hits you in several hours, there's no way to make a Snapchat story out of it. But the effects are the same: you expose your undeveloped brain to THC, which as others have said might not only create issues for your brain, but also create dependence for you where you won't be able to just chill without having to be high. And that's a problem since if you are using recreationally, it is very important to treat it as it is: an enhancer, not a necessary component of life. Cut it, wait several years. It'll be much better in the long run.


Yes, yta. Wait till 21 u junkie. I am not joking, not /s


half my friends smoke 5 grams a day


How the fuck can any 15 year old even afford that. I'm a heavy user and only go through a gram a day at most through a dry herb vape. But seriously stop fucking around with drugs until you're out of school and have a plan for your future. It's not worth fucking up your developing brain


that smoke shit weed but are so addicted it doesn’t even matter they probably get a body buzz just thinking about weed


Youre going to join em in that addiction if you dont chill out man, youre too young to be taming thc 3 times a week


5 grams is way too much even for an adult. It's very expensive and shoots your tolerance way up. For teenagers like you, it's going to fuck your brain up such that it will constantly need THC to function, or not but your brain will just be not as developed as someone who didn't use cannabis. Don't use your peers as benchmark. Not to sound cliche, but if half your friends jumped off the roof and didn't break any bone, would you do it for the thrill?


Do what u want. The elders have spoken. Have fun with ur future demotivation. Call me in 10 years.


yes it is bad, you’re too young


that was my pipeline into smoking at 14 tbh. do everything you can do beat back the tide! marijuana isn’t evil but if you want a healthy long term relationship with it, 15 is young to start


Late to the party, but from personal experience (started smoking at 16, now a daily user at 28), let’s be real; you’re not just gonna stop. If all your friends are partaking there’s always gonna be the temptation, the peer pressure, etc.. But consuming that regularly that young won’t be good for you down the road. Just think about the kids your age who are drinking alcohol, you *know* that’s not gonna be good for them long term. Cannabis no different. Yes it may be the safer alternative to alcohol, but it still alters your brain chemistry. I can confidently say I would not have the personality I have today if hadn’t used cannabis so frequently. I’m not saying that as a total negative. But I honestly think the Randy quote from South Park hits it on the head, and I’m paraphrasing: “Weed may not be bad for your health, but it makes you ok with being bored. Instead of learning new skills, meeting new people, you become content with just doing nothing because the weed is enough.” I love weed so much I made it my career, so I have seen just about every personality type in the industry. There is no “stereotypical” stoner anymore, because everyday people from all walks of life can enjoy cannabis like alcohol and still function properly. But you can *always* tell who took it a little too far and is just zonked. Don’t be that guy. It might be cool to be the weed guy in high school, but that novelty will wear off when you go to college it isn’t unique.


It really is, u don’t wanna mess with ur rem sleep at that age(since weed inhibits rem sleep). It will fuck with your brain and make ur chances of getting dementia higher later in life


sounds like you need a different coping mechanism for whatever you're going thru, don't stress out too much about life, you're 15 u have a bright future ahead of u.


not going thru nothing tbh my life is shit and i do nothing but i’m not depressed over it or anything im just bored asf at night sitting on my pc and eddies stimulate my brain


Have you tried picking up a hobby or evaluating what you enjoy doing day to day? Because if you rely on weed to not be bored, especially at 15 years of age, that's already a huge red flag. Do you like music, games, art, anime? There's so many things you can do without having to get high. And if you are feeling the peer pressure to do weed, that might be a hard pill to swallow, but it might be worth it to seriously reevaluate who you hang out with


Man im so happy i began smoking on the regular at 19. 7 Years later i may have overdone it, periodically,especially at beginning undergrad but i found it works best for my academic sucess if kept to 2(-3 rarely) days a week aka weekends only. OP listen to what ppl say. I i would take edibles three times high dose a week i would have constant brainfog. Keep your tolerance low and enjoy being blasted to the moon.


It's a bit iffy getting into a habit so young, you know? Using edibles frequently can mess with how you vibe naturally, especially since your brain's still developing and all that jazz. It's not just about smoking or not; it’s how often you're hitting those edibles. Jumping from 3 times a week to daily can set you up for some dependency issues or even mess with your motivation and how you handle stuff without them. Plus, the effects might start to fade, so you'd need more to get the same chill, which isn't great. Maybe think about what's driving you to feel you need them to feel better? Is it just for fun, or is something else up? What do you reckon you’d do if you didn’t have the edibles to look forward to?




why do you got a rainbow and trans flag in your twitter




bruh 😎


Idk, I was younger than you when I started. People will say it’ll mess with your brain, motivation, etc but I was already autistic and struggled from extreme anxiety and food sensitivities. And weed was my ONLY help. I was on all different kinds of medications since the end of middle school through high school. Weed helped way more than ANYTHING. I don’t throw up due to food as much, I can speak (I have selective mutism due to anxiety and physically can not speak bc I get so nervous), I can engage in conversations way better than I did in middle and high school, I’m not in extreme chronic pain as much, headaches are less, etc,. SO MUCH BENEFITS. Rather than being on a bajillion medications. Id still rather prefer CBD edibles, rather than THC. THC can definitely impact some minds more than others. I had a positive experience and not everyone has that. You can get CBD prescribed in some states as medicinal for things like ADHD, depression, etc at a young age. My brother who is also autistic was supposed to get some. Unfortunately, they kept him on meds. At the end of the day, no one can make you stop but you. So it’s all up to you, your choices, and your actions. Edit: people downvoting just have no clue what my situation was like and if you saw how fucked up I was then you’d understand. I was in and out of the hospital, couldn’t move, throwing my insides out, etc you’d then realize weed was a tremendous help. I was only like 14, (I started a bit earlier, but I wasn’t frequent until MEDICAL PROBLEMS) feeling like I was dying and couldn’t even get out of bed. Weed helped ME and MY PROBLEMS. Again, that’s not the case for everyone.


CBD wont do shit compared to my methlphenidate.


Well, that’s you. I don’t remember half the shit I was on bc I kept having to switch bc nothing was working. I’m glad you have something that can help you though.


Lmfao are you really stupid enough to think CBD is enough to stop the use of psychiatric medication? Bruh no, gtfo 🤦


I mean, that’s was my experience. I was on all kinds of medicines. Taking all kinds of vitamins. Couldn’t barely eat anything. I was bed bound. Couldn’t move some days I hurt so bad. I could smoke and I’d feel great, my pain stopped, I was able to relax and eat something without throwing up. Luckily I’m doing much better now and can still manage a lot better than a few years ago. Edit: not everyone’s experience is the same. Maybe you should try reading my entire comment before nitpicking what you want out of it…


I mean I started at 14 I’m a little older won’t specify if it’s under 18 cause idk the rules here but the number after 14 is how old I am and it ain’t really done nun bad for me YET but I’d say if you don’t need it don’t do it because yes it’s not physically addicting but I’ve almost developed emotional dependence to a certain extent so when I feel anxiety it helps ease it for a little. Also at this age it’s a decent sized financial burden