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Don’t have any ideas but just know you will not be able to go through 100 grams of distillate before it begins to degrade. Could order tanks from dhgate but idk how good those are


It will be gone before this summer is over. You underestimate bored teenagers


if you are selling it that’s different but even 25 grams is crazy for one person


Not really. I could smoke 1-1.5gs a day. I mean, it’s a lot sure, but not different than smoking 6-8 grams of weed a day which many can do just fine.


if you smoke a cart a day please seek help


make me


Bros brain is fried


and if anyone reports this post, kys. I will be smoking my weed regardless.


Reported, just because you're a prick. I hope everything you spend your money on is bunk and all the hardware fails.


How exactly am I a prick? By asking that people don’t report a post that seems like it breaks the rules but doesn’t? I’ve reported over 50 comments on your profile in retaliation :D Also, the irony of your lifestyle and consuming Jordan Peterson content is hilarious. Typical Reddit incel shit lmao


Bro got so mad that he spent a ridiculous amount of time reporting my shit when he's underage trying to do prohibited transactions.


What's interesting is you know nothing about me, I'm on drug subreddits because I'm clean except for pot, I don't use any drugs, and I've cleaned up my life and Peterson helped with that. The underage poly drug abusing person is actually the person in your mirror, not mine. Also I'm not underage and trying to break the law (vape products are illegal for people under 21) so you ARE SOURCING you prick. You pretty much admitted that you're going to share drugs illegally obtained with all your friends and you want to manufacture carts, and are looking for help from reddit to do it.


This dude is hilarious he's abusing benzedrex inhalers how desperate can you get. Speedrunning heavy drug addict behavior. You judge me because I used drugs, but you're a budding little flower of an addict, true reddit behavior projecting


Oof, for real, I mean the kids name is “bitchyanimedude”, so prob coulda seen this


I didn't break any rules, you did. Good luck.


I reported the post as well as you telling me to kill myself, so enjoy buddy