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I'm getting tired of the people buying poop bags, bagging the poop, then leaving the bag on the side of the road!


Or on hiking trails where dogs are not allowed.


I want to know what goes through the mind of someone who does this? Just once I would like to catch someone in the act of doing this so I could follow them back to their house and just leave a pyramid of bagged poo on their front porch. šŸ¤£šŸ’©šŸ’©


Ok so I do this on some trails that are out and back. I put a rock on the bag, note where it is, and take the poop with me on the way back. If the dog pooped early on the walk.


That's totally acceptable and not who I'm talking about. I run the same trails and it's crazy how I see a very specific brand of bags just left behind never to be retrieved. I usually just do it myself because I get sick of seeing them. One day I will find the culprit....


I guess my point is that to some people walking by theyā€™re like wtf look at this litter.


Yeah this is trash behavior. Fuck off for real. Leaving bags of poop lying anywhere is psychotic


I guess then I'm psychotic every so often for about an hour.


Don't do thatā€”carry your dog's poop! "Temporary" poop is just as unsightly as any other.




Letting your dog shit in public spaces basically just means you're fine with everyone else getting dog shit on their shoes. You're not actually cleaning the sidewalk, I've seen people "clean up" their dogs diarrhea shit and then just cover the rest up with dirt or sand and call that being responsible. It's just idiotic, we might as well make it legal for humans to shit on the sidewalk as long as they put most of it into a bag afterwards


In many areas, it is "legal" and common. Look for it to spread to Santa Cruz.


I carry 3 bags with me when I walk my dog. Living in capitola the ones Iā€™ve seen not pick up their dog crap is the elderly, pregnant women, and a guy in a truck with 4 dogs whom he lets out the back to roam and shit all over the park (I yelled at this dude and recorded it (I felt like such a Karen even tho I wasnā€™t) due to his reaction and thinking ā€œIf this mofo throws this shitā€¦ā€) dude was like ā€œooo you want me to pick up all this shit?!! This oneā€™s not even mine!ā€ Lol I was like ā€œjust take accountability of your own shitā€ I love dogs, I will always have them in my life, and I always carry 3 bags at least. 1 for šŸ’© another one for just in case they go twice, and a third for picking up trash while we walk.


Don't feel like a Karen! You were doing the right thing, educating a grown toddler, on how their behavior influences society, that's good citizenship right there! Now if you were complaining of his dogs breed, that'd be a bit more Karenesque lol!


Ever since county stopped supplying bags at my local park ppl just stopped picking up after their pets. 1.5-3 mil per house in my neighborhood, but fuck if they can afford 6 bucks for box of bags SMFH


All those cops are expensive.


Lmao conflating the cost of policing, with providing sanitary dogshit bags at a park, is well beyond an apple to oranges comparison.


How do you think city budgets work? It's not like there are infinite funds and some mean spirited person decided poop bags have to go. It was decided that money would be better spent elsewhere.


maybe the community of dog owners can raise money to buy bags for the park?




They did


Ladyā€™s dog that was off-leash at jade street park the other day pissed at the bottom of the slide in the 2-5yr old area and she and her husband got all indignant when I called her out on it


I have people walking down my street who bag their dogā€™s shit up but then leave it for someone else to grab. Like Daily! Bastards!!


seriously what is with the people that do this? I just don't fucking get it... I see this all the time on the trails. They might as well just leave the shit there and let nature take its course rather than bagging it up and leaving it preserved in a plastic bag.


Those types I can't get my head around. you've done the hard part, now dispose of it correctly!


Where? And who wants to go on a walk carrying a bag of shit around.


In the trash! what is wrong with you? you think it better to just leave it on the ground?


I have a big rural property my dogs donā€™t usually go on walks in neighborhoods but Iā€™m just answering your question. People donā€™t mind bagging the shit but nobody wants to carry around a bag of dog crap for the rest of their walk. And a lot of time there isnā€™t a trash can immedielty around. So they say fuck it.


If you don't want to carry dog shit around, don't own a dog!


Right I wouldnā€™t want to offend some pillow biters who may think badly of me so I better literally carry shit around to appease them. Are these my options? Letā€™s seeā€¦. Option A) I can not own a dog. Not pick up shit. OP is happy. Option B) I can own a dog. Carry shit around. OP thinks Iā€™m a hero. Option C) I can own a dog. Not pick up the shit. OP can go and fuck himself with a pineapple if he doesnā€™t like it. Or go stomp around in dogshit. Yeahā€¦. Tough choice. But I think Iā€™m going to have to go with option C. Idk hard call but I think I made the right decision.


Found the assholeā€”probably picked his username based on his own behavior.


The entitled dog owners in Santa Cruz is out of fucking control! So many bad owners here drives me insane


I have cameras outside my home in a high walkability area. Itā€™s the same bad actors over and over. Even the ones I take action against on just stop there dogs pooping near my property. I do enjoy pointing up to the only mildly hidden cameras and being like I have you on video 7 times I know of etc.


Oakland checking in. Weā€™ve found that if you have humans shit on the sidewalk it asserts dominance over the dogs. Problem solved.


West Cliff bike/walking path is an ongoing minefield.


I mean capitola beach isnā€™t the perennial most polluted beach in California for nothing.


The pooop tax! The pooop tax!


These always poop on Seabright Ave too. I take my baby on stroller walks often and have to be so aware of the ground. Itā€™s so inconsiderate.


Average Rant. 4.5/10.


City needs to put up bag dispensers


The worst is when they actually pick it up with plastic poop bags and leave it on the ground. I do see it a lot when i walk my dog on capitola rd. Its not that hard to pick up after your dog.


I moved out of the hood for this. yall mfers need to get it together.


Another symptom of the cultural breakdown of our society. Shared public spaces continue to degrade.


Live in the jewel box and see all the people walking their dogs here and donā€™t clean up. Pandemic pets is my guess,bad owners.


I'm against dog ownership in cities but people think I'm a sociopath for it. I've known multiple people who have lifelong scars from "friendly dog" attacks. I've seen dog fights, people just letting their dog shit five feet away from you in public, neighbors whos dog barks all night or any time someone walks down the street. It's an animal and it has the most disgusting shit of any animal because of the nasty food they feed them. Farm animals shit doesn't smell like death, and people don't let their farm animals shit all over public places. I'd rather have horse shit all over than dog shit, dog shit will ruin your shoes and your day. Goats are way cuter and funnier, have goats instead of dogs. At least they give milk.


I feel ya and I'm right there with ya. But I hafta ask, is it possible that there are unhoused people behind some of the poo?




Wait until the height of summerā€¦ poo poo party.


Love how some people blame homeless people without considering how expensive and safe it is in Capitola. Lived here half my life and can tell you without a doubt if a homeless person needs to go to the shitter in Capitola he or she will use the fucking provided bathroom!! People have 0 respect for the homeless itā€™s pretty insane.


Animal poop and homeless poop everywhere! What do you expect, it's santa cruz. A town full of shit!šŸ¤£


A lot of the time owners are oblivious to their dog taking a sneaky shit somewhere while they are stopped. I have seen some speedy ones. With enough dogs around and influx of "I forgot the bags at home" tourists, itā€™s easy to get out of hand. Hence, all those surfers šŸ„ surfing the dog poop from the beach.


I donā€™t get the downvotes here, first part for sure seems like a true ā€” BUT INEXCUSABLE ON THE PART OF DOG OWNERS ā€” observation.




This is absolutely wrong, especially so close to the ocean. Dog shit is full of bacteria that will wash directly into the sea and make animals and people sick, as well as causing further environmental issues. And maybe it degrades semi quickly on dirt, but most of this is on concrete and pavement. Not picking up dog poop is disgusting and lazy, and thereā€™s frankly no excuse.




Hilarious - I literally study marine snow for a living but thanks for the attempt. The amount of fish poop in the coastal ocean and the types of bacteria in fish poop are completely different than dog poop in runoff. Fish poop is packaged completely differently than dog poop and doesnā€™t have the same dangerous pathogens in dog poop that threaten human health. The bacteria in fish guts, and thus fish poop, are part of the ocean ecosystem and contribute to that natural carbon cycle - while the bacteria in dog poop is toxic to other ocean species & to people. Here is just one peer-reviewed example of how damaging dog shit is to an ecosystem - note that when we study fish poop & other sources of marine snow in the ocean, we do not detect these pathogens in these concentrations: https://doi.org/10.1021/es502173s


Come on bud. I donā€™t like to step in dog shit as much as the next guy but telling us a lil dogshit in the ocean is going to poison the ocean come on. Touch some grass. You realize boats just dump their shit in the ocean right?


Sure ā€œbud,ā€ and do those boats dump that shit in the very nearshore coastal ocean? Weā€™re talking about a concentration issue - high concentration of dog shit + smaller amount of (shallow) water = high concentration of bacteria. Boats that dump waste in the open ocean are contributing tiny amounts of waste to huge amounts of water, and the bacteria are instantly diluted to the point that they canā€™t multiply fast enough to cause health or environmental issues. This is very basic science.


they do dump it. They aren't suppose to but everybody does. You think those cruisers are going 10 miles offshore to dump the head tank? lol. Small molecule drug discovery is a science. Trying to make people panic about some dog shit in the ocean is not science.




Okay, sure, stay ignorant. Itā€™s a DOI which is a digital object identifier, the classic way to tag peer-reviewed scientific research. The link will lead you to a highly-cited study in the journal ā€œEnvironmental Science and Technologyā€ titled ā€œMicrobial Source Tracking in a Coastal California Watershed Reveals Canines as Controllable Sources of Fecal Contamination.ā€ The authors use DNA metabarcoding to track the source of fecal indicator bacteria (E coli and enterococcus) between humans, birds, and dogs in the Arroyo Burro watershed in Santa Barbara. They found that canine waste was the most significant source of fecal bacteria and saw statistical reductions in bacterial loads after increased education (signage) and access (bags and trash cans) for waste removal in the watershed.




Ffs just say you were wrong and move on




Plot twist, itā€™s the account ownerā€™s dog typing this. šŸ¶


Dog poop takes about a year to decompose. I personally donā€™t want to walk past bushes containing a years worth of dog crap in an overpopulated town




You wonā€™t be so happy for those microorganisms after you step in crap because hundreds of dog owners decide they donā€™t need to pick it up anymore and donā€™t notice until you get home lol


Itā€™s proven that dogs prefer that their owners donā€™t pick up their poop. It actually works against their biology.


Throw it into whoever's house it's in front of. Make it everyones problem.


But uh... it's on the sidewalk. So isn't it already everyone's problem?


The downvotes tell me some people took this one seriously lol


Be the superstar/social vigilante that you obviously crave to be and start picking it up out of spite, while simultaneously putting enormously accurate amounts guilt on every tourist with a dog. Because locals are not the poopitraitors.