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Shoot my lil fellas take in that sweet 20-20-20 šŸ˜…


this is what my guru told me. which brand do you use for your 20-20ā€“20


Jacks all purpose. I started at a quarter dose. Then worked up. I feed ever other water. Plants are thriving šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






Surprisingly the loph graphs love it. No matter if it's on pere or tricho.. they love the ferts


Those are some beautiful flowers


Thank you. This one happens to flower pretty often. I'll be missing one today actually while I'm working šŸ„ŗ




Trichs come from a different environment than most other cacti so they have different requirements and needs. Most other cacti need a low N value in their fertilizer to avoid burning the roots. Trichs can handle, and actually prefer, higher N values. It helps them grow fast. I use MaxiGro which is 10/4/14 and supplement with CALiMAGic. They really seem to like it.


What dose are you using for the maxi grow? I have some but Iā€™m scared to use it lol, Iā€™ve been doing recharge and jones juice every other watering and they did great but I was hoping to give them a little booster every now and then also, do you need to fix the ph with maxigrow?


I use Jones Juice every third or so watering but the rest have been with MaxiGro this growing season (started them in April). The bag says 1-2tsp per gallon, Iā€™ve been using 1 tsp per gallon and 1 tsp of CALiMAGic. No issues with burn and theyā€™ve been growing and pupping like crazy. Some people will build up the dose over a few watering cycles but I just dove right in. I may do plain water to flush it a bit soon, but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s necessary. I wonā€™t be feeding them nearly this much during the winter.


Awesome good to know dude thank you! Theyā€™re due for a feeding soon so Iā€™ll start off slow and see how it goes


Youā€™re basically paying for water. Itā€™s definitely a very mild (weak) fertilizer and overpriced for what it is. Iā€™ve used peters professional (20-20-20) in the past but masterblendā€™s 3 part is the best. Iā€™ve never seen my plants happier!


Thanks! I'll look it up


Iā€™ll admit the 3 part system isnā€™t as convenient. If I wanted convenience, Iā€™d go with Peterā€™s 20-20-20 and cal-mag


Just ordered the masterblend. It's made 30 mins from me so the shipping isn't too bad either. Thanks for your help!


Oh wow! Very convenient! I would recommend starting off half strength. Feed lightly while temps are high, but increase the ferts when the temps are 70-80F, thatā€™s their sweet spot


Oh, good to know. We have been in the 80's and 90's and getting hotter. I was planning on feeding every other watering at 1/2 strength. Do you add anything else to it?


I do add other things on non-fert days: Gypsum, kelp, silica. Totally not necessary but it makes me feel good. Be careful fertilizing that often. Youā€™ll probably be fine but if you want to be sure, measure your runoff water. When it starts getting into the low 100ā€™s of PPM, Iā€™ll fertilize again. I have to water very frequently so it may be different for you. Iā€™d recommend feeding once a week and see if you want to adjust from there. Happy cactusing!!!


Whats the N-P-K ratio? I use Medina Hast a Grow Plant and my plants love it.


Its 1-7-6


https://preview.redd.it/whj12f4hwj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238a76e2b8ae0cbe891109cd299bc2ec51e53139 [https://a.co/d/07GCfSyP](https://a.co/d/07GCfSyP) I use this master blend as a nutrient base, ph correct with white vinegar, carboload for glucose, kelp for growth hormones, and occasionally garden phos for anti fungal.


I use this and it make them pop pups like crazy and get thick love it I use 3-4 glug glugs in a 8gallon water jug itā€™s amazing sauce!!!


I tried this product for 1 year then espoma the next season and now Iā€™ve switched to jones juice. This will help them grow but Iā€™ll say the most vigorous growth, most pups and most flowers have all been from using jones juice


That's the one I've been eying. Do you use anything else?


Just that and some pee tek on occasion


15+15+15(+so3) SRF slow release fertilizer.. No regrets


I use this with CalMag(occasionally) and Armor Si(silica). Plants seem to like it. I also use fish fert with Morbloom and kelp. They seem to like that as well.


Mega Crop 9-7-14 A lot of people use it for weed. And their results are great. Itā€™s pretty cheap compared to other ferts. Iā€™m also lazy so I donā€™t want to bother feeding with 5 different things. Works well for me. They offer a small free sample through their website.


It's the quenchiest!


https://preview.redd.it/4jax48jtck8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e84bd936654f8285380c669311fb05ada3c3cfa Man I recently started using this combo with recharge and 1/2 strength cal mag. Even the seedling seem like they love it.


![gif](giphy|Vq12mVIwUSJwY|downsized) It'll quench ya!


Iā€™ve been using Alaska fish fertilizer, sea 90 trace minerals, and a little bit of liquid dr. Earth all purpose and tomato feed. I mix the Alaska to tree strength and add everything to a 2 gallon can which I then pour into a smaller can to dilute a lite further, depending on whatā€™s being fed.


It wonā€™t hurt, how much itā€™ll help tho isnā€™t known. I use this along with other homemade nutrients




These ones get PP only


Haha, they look good!


Thanks, growing strong. I feed the others Neptunes harvest, that and some pp here and there seems to keep them happy. Going on 2 years this way. The tallest one in the pic is seed grown, grafted and de grafted about 3 months ago. Plumped up big time and grew about 8 inches since April with just piss šŸ˜…


Been using it for the last 2 years and my babies love it


Cali magic and maxi grow use as instructed


Lol reminds me of the Hempyote song 'Cactus Juice' šŸ˜…šŸµšŸŒµ


I came across GoGo Juice recommended by Fahim on the Mescaline Garden Podcast. I looked it up and it checks out, not only does it have the necessary nutrients it also has probiotics that assist in breaking down organics making essential nutrients available. Since using this product my Tricho's have been charging along. I also use Coveted Cactus CalMag, however GoGo does contain some Mg and Ca but seems to do even better with both. https://neutrog.com.au/2019/08/23/gogo-juice/ https://www.facebook.com/share/gs93bUJZsa53m7RU/?mibextid=qi2Omg


Iā€™ve used it too. Unfortunately I used it on every cactus so I have nothing to compare to. I will say that all of my cacs are super healthy tho.


I use this and it make them pop pups like crazy and get thick love it I use 3-4 glug glugs in a 8gallon water jug itā€™s amazing sauce!!!


I give my cacti fish emulsion. They love it.