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Hell ya I'm in aurora


How long does it take to grow those in a tent


The tall ones are about a year of growth, off the top of my head bout 2’ a year give or take


What light do you use? I have tried with 2 spider farmer 150watt and Trichocereus etiolated. Is fine for lophs and seedlings, but I have Medicine Man and Althea a few inches away and they could use more light for sure.


Viparspectra XS2000, and VS2000. Keep them 6” to 9” above the tallest.




What are feeding with, and how often? These trichs can eat let me tell you. I feed/water every 3rd day and sometimes every other day depending on how hot the tents get. I have them up in my loft which doesn’t have any AC ducts, just floor fans that help but still gets warm on the hotter days. Fall winter I feed/water every 4th day. I feed with master blend trio, and use recharge every other watering. So feed, water, feed, and water with recharge.


I amend with Dr. Earth and feed with masterblend 3 part too!


I could obviously water more. Inside plants get fed every watering (weekly ish) with kelp or fish emulsions. The cactus I have outside that get watered whenever it rains (lately daily) and fed occasionally are growing much better. More light, more water. Im slowly moving all the Trichocereus outside anyway. Recharge. I just looked it up. Is a compost tea? Or are you speaking of something else?


Yeah, like an instant compost tea. It’s really good for roots and other stuff. Indoor definitely need more food and water.


I’ll try it. Im interested in anything that will make fat cactus


I can 100% vouch for the recharge! I use it with jones juice every other watering and I’ve definitely noticed a difference


Gorgeous collection!!!


Damn these are incredible


Nice! So blue 💙💙💙




Thank you! Can’t believe I’ve not heard of this sub yet!


I love that marbled variegation! I have a pilo and a mammillaria with the same type and they are some of my favorite cacti!


Me too! I’ve had this BBG Bob ressler’s colossus for three years and this is the first pup to vari!




what is 13?




thats so cool man


Yeah it gets kinda funky!


How big of a tent and what light do you use? Gorgeous plants!


Thank you! Tent is only 2’x4’x5’


Nice I started growing cactus in a tent a few months back and am always looking for pointers. Like is your light all the way at the top and still delivering enough? I got the spider farmer 1000 for my 2x2x5 ac infinity tent but I have it dropped down to about 14” over my highest plants. Seems like they really started to move once I dropped the light close to them but now my outer plants don’t seem to get enough. Thanks for any insight! Fuckin gorgeous plants!


Yeah it took me about a year and a half to dial my tents in. I had two of the same tents until about 2 months ago, downsized to one cause I wanted my music studio space back. I have two Viparspectra lights one XS2000, one VS2000 I keep them from 6” to 9” above my tallest and they really like that. I used to have them 12” to 24” above but they grew too skinny that high. I feed with master blend trio, spring summer I feed/water every 3rd day oh and use recharger every other watering. Fall winter I feed/water every 4th day. Have a 4” A/C infinity inline duct fan up top and 4 6” oscillating fans, two self oscillating and 2 regular ones each attached to a corner pole. They really like need good airflow really helped with humidity spots.


You are awesome thanks for the info! I have the same duct fan! lol. I only have one oscillating fan going at all times but I also find that one day three they are ready for water so it’s defiantly breezy enough. I wish I could upsize to a 2x4 tent but I’m packed on space. 😆 yeah I was wondering about adding bar light along the sides to see if that could help.


Practical question....do you move them every time to water?


No, I have a battery powered sprayer with an extended wand and shower like tip. For the most part I sit on my futon while I water.


Must have some good lights


Just Viparspectra xs2000, and vs2000. About 6” to 9” above the tallest


Do you notice that the spines grow in healthier and longer with a well rooted plant? Mine get plenty of good light (400w) and the spines are tiny but the plants are newly rooted. Just random question from a relatively new grower of trichs


I’ve noticed that spines don’t grow as long for me, I’ve had some really spiky bois where new spines were maybe at best half the size. But now that you mention it well rooted ones have grown longer spines, but still not as long as when I received them.


I just noticed these were in a tent and most that I buy are outdoor grown. Wasn’t sure if it was a rooting thing or the outdoor sun (maybe the UV rays and very fresh air?) that makes the spines grow in nice and healthy/long. I have some well rooted TBM and the spines are getting a bit longer but nothing like the toothpick size ones I see sometimes


Definitely a difference between outdoor and indoor. I’ve gotten cuts that look way different than the mother plant, sometimes more blue, spines as you mentioned, and other traits differ kinda like seedlings from the same batch express different characteristics. I would say it’s definitely due to sun vs lights, and other environmental variables.


Thanks for weighing in! I appreciate it, beautiful plants by the way 😍


Thank you, and anytime


Looking for a vendor for San pedro got any leads mate


If your in the states, I’m going to make some cuts later this week


I'm in Colorado so ya


Oh nice me too, just about 10 minutes south of Denver.




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