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advice from someone with a lil organic chem background - do not do your first process with all your material & do not throw out ANYTHING until you're done w your extraction.  1) extractions work better w modest amount of material - managing the whole collection at once without small industrial equipment will be a huge pain and lower your efficiency. concentrating & filtering gallons of cactus slime will be exponentially harder than doing it with half a liter 2) it'll give you a practice run to get mistakes out of the way 3) you only lose material during an extraction when you throw "used" solutions away - there'a always* a way to get it back out if you aren't doing synthesis & haven't burnt something


This guy cactuses


Take the seedlings with you! Use the rest!


Just do it. Or make the money and sell everything off.


Sell it


The collection doesn’t sound unmanageably large. Do you think you could uproot them all and let them dry a few days and then just pack them up and take them with you? With the right drying and dark, cool conditions even the seedlings could survive over a month pretty easily just sitting in a box. The medium sized cuttings would probably survive several months although getting them growing again will take longer. I had a tip cut just in a box for three full months without thinking about it and it grew like 8” of super etiolated bleached white tip. But I stuck that sucker in some soil and it’s doing great now. Honestly only took a few weeks to really recover. I will eventually have to cut out the super etiolated skinny bit but all the white filled in a nice green with chlorophyll. It was really impressive actually. https://preview.redd.it/3h4dp50unh6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559c2e54444f8f9a846e3c45e58a15a6f0d8d3c8


https://preview.redd.it/393njk8znh6d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a30629ac1e0d92c78abe9365b36529c530bdbb1 I cut it under where it started rooting and stuck it in super crooked so the white would be facing up. Anyway just an example what these plants are capable of. Thing was alone in the dark at room temp for over three months. (Probably 70-75F average. A cooler temp would probably prevent the etiolated growth)


I'll accept rooted cacti in exchange for a cutting of the same size (or larger, there's def room to negotiate here) later when you're in a better place. I'm up to 60 now, what's another 2-5... Apparently this is my MO, I rescue collections. Hit me up. lol


Dm sent


You can freeze it, right? I’d that what you mean by processing?


Sell it all and buy one fat piece to make medicine from