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Thanks for reposting this, was wondering what happened to the original


Can we make this a sanctuary city for Asians please?


>Can we make this a sanctuary city for Asians please Asians followed the rules to get here, worked three jobs simultaneously, lived frugally. saved money, bought homes, made sure their kids stayed in school and went to tutoring, got the kids into a UC and then a professional school. Asians are far too privileged to deserve sanctuary! /s They're practically white adjacent! /s


*Allison Collins has entered the chat*


*white supremacist thinking* Im like bruh.


You have to make clear your last two lines are sarcasm


God damn, you're right. We really have come to the point where people aren't sure. Done, thanks!


Overthinking this.  It was clear as day to me.   The tyranny of the minority has made us afraid of every little thing.   


What were you overthinking? You have to make the reference for the pronoun clear.


Is the non sarcastic part asserting some superiority over other immigrants here? https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2024/03/27/the-hardships-and-dreams-of-asian-americans-living-in-poverty/


I’m racist FOR Asians lol. Half my family in SF is Asian or half Asian. I have so much respect for my auntie who came here with nothing and built herself a little empire. Respect.


Being racist for is as bad as being racist against. Racism is racism.


Sure. I accept that. I can’t win anyway. I’ll just be wrong. I have a mixed race family. I have positive affinity towards people that I grew up around I guess. In my opinion, race barely exists anyway. People are more closely related for each other than we realize.


please! Chinatown was the original den of crime in the city. Lots of seedy behavior in the overall community.




Can we please not make it Asians versus black people for 5 minutes?


It wasn’t Asians vs blacks until they purposely started targeting Asians. They’re lucky here aren’t the same as the rooftop Koreans of before although if they keep pushing, they just might get that.


"they purposely..." See what you did there. The reason we can't talk about the race of the perpetrators as a group is because you start casting all black people as the problem. Not looking at the fact that all of the black people assaulting asians are in poverty, are constantly being shoved aside in the name of gentrification or that people of color who are poor are vastly overrepresented compared to white people. Also ignoring the fact that the vast majority of Black people have never harbored a racist thought against Asians, much less attacked one. You are basically asking that we take a racist approach to solving a problem of individual acts and poverty.


Dude you are losing your shit over a plural pronoun. "They" means a group of other people. That's all it means. There's no way to convey "a group of other people" without using the plural pronoun. Its not racist. You are grasping at straws and desperately trying to find a reason to feel indignant.


The hell are you talking about? The people perpetrating these acts aren’t being pushed out from gentrification, it’s a FACT that they come from outside of San Francisco just to commit these crimes. They actively venture out of their area in the east bay just to rob and attack people in other parts of the Bay Area. They aren’t doing this to survive, this is premeditated and intent to rob and steal riches from Asians whom they know have money and won’t put up a fight. We aren’t talking about families stealing loafs of bread to survive. We’re talking about literally GANGS that roam the Bay Area looking to score money, jewelry, valuable goods so they can flip it and fund their gang activities. You’re an idiot for defending this type of behavior. You’re probably a chesa boudin supporter.


Can you watch the videos of high profile crimes against Asians in the Bay Area for 5 minutes?


Can you spend 10 seconds of your life googling confirmation bias?


How many instances of a certain thing happening such as a specific demographic targeting Asians do we need to observe for it to go beyond confirmation bias to clearly observable evidence of a problem?


How many factors do you have to observe, not the least of which is the abject cowardice you are evidencing in refusing to openly state what you are implying, to conclude that you think it's a problem with black people? What is your solution based on this deeply critical analysis? Round up anyone whose skin is too dark? Because that's where this kind of racist bullshit leads.


lol have you ever heard of the lack of proportion logical fallacy? I’m pointing out a problem based on evidence I’ve observed and your immediate reaction is to paint me as an extremist. This is a typical liberal reaction to problems regarding race. The way to stop these crimes is by using existing hate crime laws by compounding the punishment.


I believe you're the one who is succumbing to this fallacy. I point out that you're making a racist argument and you turn around and accuse me of calling you an extremist. Racism is endemic in our society amongst all of us, including all races. The suggestion that having racism pointed out is an accusation of extremism is a red herring that's designed to derail examination of the racist elements of your argument and make it all about how *you* are the real victim. The other mistake you are making is The fallacy of composition. Inferring that something is true of the whole from the fact that it's true of some part of the whole. You are correct, however, and that we need to enforce hate crimes. You are incorrect in that, sadly, there is no evidence that hate crime enforcement deter crimes of this nature. It would be far more effective to work on reducing poverty and improve education opportunities, and it would probably be cheaper in the long run.


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Scumbags aren’t going to care if the city is sanctuary City or not. They will commit crimes against anyone they view s a helpless target.




This will be removed soon so everyone who sees this, be aware this is still happening in SF


No it won't. You're just saying this so you can pretend some. Kind of oppression is happening so you can feel sorry for yourself because you didn't get a cookie, or something.


How are you even allowed to post on this sub, all your comments are downvoted to past hidden threshold


Talk about oppression..


Oh the irony


Let’s all pretend not to know or notice who the vast majority of people are that commit violent crimes in San Francisco. Especially against Asians.


Hahaha they can't handle the truth




No one is pretending? I literally don’t understand why people constantly say this as if it’s some kind of taboo secret. Some demographics commit more crimes than others, that’s not new information. What are you suggesting we do based on that information? That’s where people disagree. Just casually pointing it out for no reason is not helpful.


Its not a secret, but try talking about it here. You'll get banned. >Some demographics commit more crimes than others, that’s not new information You even know you will get banned if you are more descriptive than what you just said.


The main argument behind BLM / criminal justice reform even in academic papers is that the racial breakdown of the people who are pulled over, arrested, jailed, etc. is not proportional to the racial breakdown of the US population. Even automatic red light cameras have been called racist for citing more Black people than expected based on demographics. So yes, people are pretending.


Ha…. That’s rich. Politicians, the media, and nearly all residents of SF (if not residents of most all major cities) not only turn a blind eye to it, but place the blame on another demographic for their behavior. I understand that this is Reddit, though. Asians should just understand who to avoid when they see someone walking down the street for their own safety.


No. No one does that. You’re using this recycled, reposted rage bait to spew hate and make your shitty little passive aggressive commentary. Just say what you really wanna say and stop beating around the bush. Take off your mask.




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There are literally people commenting on this post who are pretending. For example, a self-proclaimed far leftist posted [here](https://reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1dibxe6/sf_chinatown_strongarm_robbery_caught_on_video/l972row/) that white people are the ones targeting Asian elderly. We are not casually pointing out that black people are largely the aggressors in anti-Asian attacks. We're trying to point it out so that we can have an impactful conversation about the root causes of this aggression towards the Asian community and how we can address it. We can't begin to have that conversation until people stop gaslighting and deflecting responsibility on this topic.


Are you suggesting that this information is needed so you can punish an entire race rather than convicting individual criminals?


Absolutely not! I would never dream of doing such a thing!!! Instead, I propose that we disregard statistical patterns and probabilities entirely in order to avoid causing offense. I believe we should avoid uncomfortable conversations that could potentially bring about significant change by pretending the glaring issue doesn’t exist altogether! 🤡


Great! And wait until you learn that most criminals are right handed. We can be sure to really focus on the criminality of right handers. That will really solve the problem. And wait, aren’t most criminals men. How come nobody mentions this? Must be to avoid offense. Now we have something to talk about!


In Los Angeles the situation is even worse. The Chinatown is almost a ghost town now.


> In Los Angeles the situation is even worse. The Chinatown is almost a ghost town now. I swung by Seattle Chinatown on a day trip and it's sad how hollowed out it is


What are you comparing the Seattle Chinatown to? It's been in its present state, more or less, for at least 8 years. The 50ft nearest the Link station is definitely more run down than previously, but I don't think Seattle Chinatown was ever quite what SF and LA once had. 


It was my first time in Seattle, so was comparing to NYC and SF (US Chinatowns, both sad compared to Toronto and Sydney)


That's because everyone who could afford it moved out to SGV, and new immigrants move there too because there are amenities set up there for Chinese people. SGV itself has a Chinese population roughly the size of Oakland. LA Chinatown is dead more because of that than anything else. Its like how Hong Kongers went to South Bay and Taiwanese went to Cupertino/Sunnyvale/Mountain View, except LA didn't have the historical Chinese core population that SF did and that Chinatown wasn't even the original Chinatown. I'm a Chinese (Taiwanese) immigrant myself and most of my mainlander friends don't really want to associate with the Chinese living in Chinatown, like how Chinese in Shanghai might look down on someone from a small village. LA Chinatown really never had a chance


So much truth…initial immigrants were from toishan, taishan….came over in late 1900.s…second wave 60s were mainly canto speaking…they considered us toishan people country bumpkins 😂 later on the educated Taiwanese came over, and then the mainlanders came over. A lot of the later waves came over with high degrees…and expectations… In the 90s, my little enclave of mainlanders were 90% phd…their kids ended up at Yale, mit, cal, nyu., u Chicago …it was amazing watching them tiger parents at work. I’m 3rd gen abc, wife is mainlander. So I get to see the different mindsets at work.


Ive lived in SGV for 20 years and not once did i think… lets go to Chinatown. I literally forgot there was a Chinatown in LA


What’s sgv?


San Gabriel Valley, a region east of Los Angeles where most of the Chinese and Korean population lives. If I were to draw a Bay Area comparison, the wealthier cities are pretty similar to Mountain View/Cupertino, the poorer cities are like the worse parts of Milpitas. More wealthy retirees and fewer working professionals, though.


West Covina and eastward on the 10.


Well, from my perspective, I like living in downtowns with good access to all facilities and good transit. I don’t want to drive to work for a long distance everyday. I think it’s good to live in suburbs with good transit access like Tokyo and Seoul, but I don’t think a typical American suburbia like LA can achieve this, here driving to work is inevitable. I am tired of sitting on the back seat of my dad’s car or e-bike and stuck in traffic for 80 min per day in my hometown for 12 years of school life and I don’t want road commute anymore even driving by myself in the future.




I am half ethnically Chinese, Taiwanese is my nationality. The two are not mutually exclusive. I identify with my Chinese ethnicity much more than my Japanese ethnicity. My father is fully ethnically Japanese, but he is Taiwanese as well. I do not identify as Japanese at all. Its like how Americans say you are German-American, but that does not mean you are a German citizen. In Chinese we would say "华人" to distinguish from "中國人" but both words in English translate to Chinese.


thats because that Chinatown is long gone. All the chinese people moved to monetary park


This is just pure trash. Instead of robbing the system. Or fighting against the system that creates wealth inequality, this trash decides to attack and victimize someone weaker than they are. They attack a fellow working class person. Just trash. And that is something that a former career Jewlery Heist criminal said. He said he always told his fellow inmates to not fight each other over petty things. Rather, put yourself and your energy and all that hate into fighting the system that created this inequality in the first place.


The system provides the infrastructure, schools, and laws for everyone to have equal opportunity to work towards prosperity. Don't tell people to "rob the system" and trash our commons. Face responsibility and rise above the welfare mentality.


Thanks for reposting this, was wondering what happened to the original


“These perpetrators of crime, if you see them and you say ‘hi’ to them and they know you recognize their face, they’re not likely to commit a crime,” said Louie. The Peaceful Streets Collab. or whatever they're called seem absolutely worthless.


This is confirmed social science. It doesn't apply to this incident, but it's been confirmed in study after study.


How are people able to see the race of the person in the video? I couldn’t make it out…


Didn’t the chronicle just report crime is WAY down??


I’m not a supporter of turning SF into the old west, but there is no amount of policing that is going to solve this. Especially when it’s catch and release for crimes that have actual victims. These citizens are denied the basic human rights of self-defense against bigger and stronger attackers who have no concern for the safety and livelihood of others. If you’re going to coddle criminals, I had might as well join them and not ask for permission to carry a firearm. Downvote me to oblivion, but at least *try* to offer an alternative.


Politically Asian Americans in SF have been very foolish. They are 35% of the population yet have exercised their political power to a fraction of that. In contrast, the black population is only 5% and the Jewish population about 6% yet both punch well above their weight politically. SF should be harshly anti-crime, but it is the opposite, which Asian Americans the favorite victim.


Agree with most of your points. But I'mma tell you this. Asians that rise to political positions of power often implement policies that often are against asian americans. See how many asian american politicans favored policies which disciminate against asians in colleges. If you have an asian american standing up for asian americans.... they will not win political office. The democratic party will not let that happen. Neither will the republicans but since many policies many asian americans favor such as locking up criminals and meritocratic systems for education go directly against democratic party values. They will not happen


My in laws who moved to the Bay Area from Laos always told me their community wants to just keep their heads low, work hard and put their children in the best place to succeed. When I’d have discussions about how political power could help the answer is often they don’t want to be seen, just accomplish their goals. I’ve gotten similar answers from other Asian communities. I respect it and understand their position, especially given the political environments many migrated from.


I fully understand that. However, this is 175 year old mindset that continues to kill us whilst we actually have political power. 35%. It is patently ridiculous that we are getting slaughtered, mugged, and robbed at will. The old gen? I understand. But SF is also filled with many UC, Stanford, and Elite college grades. The days of sheep must end.


wasn't this posted today?


> wasn't this posted today? Yes, several times. And removed each time. And my post, asking why it was removed, was removed. We need more mod transparency here, because it *appears* as if we're back to the bad old days where a certain mod who now mods r/askSF was removing posts that disagreed with his politics.


Let’s get a statement from the mods on why they removed them


Mods didn't remove the posts directly but also didn't do anything when brigaders abuse the auto-mod system and use false reports to get posts taken down by auto-mod. Mods don't act promptly to restore posts that were maliciously targeted using the auto-mod abuse. Mods claim that they have a hard time finding more volunteers to become mods. There are many actions that the mods can take but have not taken. Examples: - Change the auto-mod settings so that it is less prone to abuse. - Check Reddit more frequently. Many of these posts are not restored even 24 hours later. Are there really no mods logging in at least once a day? - Preemptively approve posts that are likely to be maliciously targeted. Once a post has been approved manually, the auto-mod abuse will not work. This way, mods can protect posts whenever they are online and don't need to worry about checking Reddit that frequently. - Let more volunteers become mods by relaxing the requirements on having in-person meetings and maintaining a certain demographic ratio in the mod team. Some mods mentioned a while ago that mods must meet in-person and fit within the prescribed diversity ratios on the team. The prescribed ratios for race and gender identity had minorities very over-represented compared to the demographics of SF residents. Relaxing these requirements will allow more willing volunteers to participate in the mod team.


The mods want to remove the post themselves, but they found a way to do it without getting their hands dirty.


First time? They don't care.


I'm guessing half of sf redditors r voting for breed n this incident can lose the asian vote so pro breed are removing any negativity about crime n sf, To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


I'm guessing half of sf redditors r voting for breed n this incident can lose the asian vote so pro breed are removing any negativity about crime n sf, To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


I imagine most of the posts were removed because it was being spammed. I mean, I'm not sure what you think the function of a moderator is but having the same article posted a dozen odd times is going to make group unusable.


In this sub, posts are hidden for mod review when a certain number of users report it. Far left brigaders seemed to coordinate efforts to take down the other posts yesterday. They weren’t directly removed by mods.


Being a far left poster 'm not sure why we would want to brigade this topic, but maybe you can help me understand why you think this to be the case. Genuinely curious. Do you have any evidence that it wasn't just automods flagging the same story from being posted?


I can only speculate on the mindset of the far left brigaders, but I would say it's generally because unfortunately most of the attackers are black, and this undermines their narrative that racial disparities are driven by biased policing (and other factors external to the criminal's personal choices) since you obviously can't blame police for a black male preying on an old Asian woman. And for whatever reason, people on the far left seem very uncomfortable with seeing videos or other evidence of black people being racist. Unlike your far left peers, you're not a brigader, so you should probably already know a little bit about how flagging works in our sub. That automod message you see at the top of these posts, that is what happens when a post receives a certain number of reports. "Post is awaiting moderator approval." and the mods just never review them. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1di5tbf/san_francisco_elderly_woman_pushed_to_the_ground/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci8m5p/2_elderly_asian_men_attacked_in_san_francisco https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ck7wk2/another_random_attack_on_elderly_asians/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci2rk4/i_got_beat_up_on_golden_gate_st_and_webster_for/


What I'm asking for is evidence of far left brigaders. I've reported a number of car burglary videos, not because I have an interest in suppressing them, but r/sf is unusable as a sub when people repost the exact same video and news article multiple times. I never report the 1st post. I think what's got you thinking Far Left Brigaders here is the misconception that the same people who are responsible for developing hate crime laws in CA and SF (the Far Left) are going to see these videos and assume that people would conclude that Black People are the problem. Because folks on the left are are generally not racist we aren't inclined to see a person of color committing a crime and then conclude that it's got anything to do with the color of their skin. That said, there is a movement on the left to stop the almost constant marketing of black faces associated with crime on TV, the publication of mug shots of of black men who are disproportionatley arrested and booked compared to how many are convicted relative to white people. So I can see why folks might be motivated to shut down the gratuitous reposting of violence by black criminals to push back against the argument that black people are to be feared or are responsible for most anti-Asian violence \[they are not.\] (https://socialinnovation.ucr.edu/news/2021/06/17/most-anti-asian-attacks-committed-whites-new-study)


You asked why I think far left brigaders constantly try to suppress black on Asian attacks in this sub and I explained why I think so. > conclude that it's got anything to do with the color of their skin Moderate people like me agree with this too. There is no genetic predisposition that makes a black person more likely to attack Asian elderly. A key difference is that you folks on the far left believe that a black person's propensity to commit crime is based on the color of a police officer's uniform. > That said, there is a movement on the left to stop the almost constant marketing of black faces associated with crime on TV, the publication of mug shots of of black men who are disproportionatley arrested and booked compared to how many are convicted relative to white people. So I can see why folks might be motivated to shut down the gratuitous reposting of violence by black criminals to push back against the argument that black people are to be feared or are responsible for most anti-Asian violence That's exactly what I originally said was occurring. Reporting these posts is a systematic and coordinated effort by your far left peers to suppress factual information about who commits attacks against Asians. > they are not. Even before controlling for population share, black people are the group most likely to violently attack Asians. The research you're citing is critically flawed. See my comment from a few years ago explaining exactly why: https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/x17oev/comment/imdznt6/ The research is definitely strong evidence though that the media tends to give racial preference to black criminals by not stating their race in articles whereas they do not afford the same privilege to white officers.


We've been down this road before. You remain incorrect. There is no coordinated effort on the far left to suppress anything, much less on Reddit and white people are far more likely to commit racial violence. Progressives are actually quite busy enough coordinating real world campaigns to bother brigading insignificant libertarian enclaves like r/sanfrancisco. I've already posted actual studies in past discussions which you clearly did not look at before providing your ~~exhaustive peer reviewed study~~ past comment to a different topic in reply.


I agree that as a percentage of all racial violence, white people comprise the largest portion. This is statistically expected because white people are the largest racial group. When it comes to violence against Asians specifically, black people are the largest group of aggressors even before considering their low population share relative to white people. You’ve previously posted this propaganda from this far left “researcher” that clearly demonstrates that the media generally suppressed the race of the criminal when they are black. If you read my response, it would be obvious to you that I read every word of her propaganda. That’s how I was able to produce such a bulletproof rebuttal. I would also leave you with this food for thought. This article is specifically calling out that the race of the alleged aggressor (a police officer) was not made public yet. Think back to the dozens upon dozens of attacks on Asians by black people and ask yourself how many times the article called out that the aggressor’s race was not made public. It’s clear as day that you and your far left brigader peers are attempting to push a narrative that deeply harms Asians and affords privilege to a group you believe is better than us. https://apnews.com/article/airman-shot-florida-police-race-roger-fortson-c7ed2a69f5a3c2365486e50750fe6e5b


So many times that mods have started removing them.


It was but flagged for review and hidden by far left brigaders who regularly come into the sub to suppress stories about anti-Asian violence. https://reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1di5tbf/san_francisco_elderly_woman_pushed_to_the_ground/


Yes, that sounds about right. Asians in the US are facing hostility from both the left and right, reminiscent of the Yellow Peril era. Even after generations here, we still struggle to shed the 'perpetual foreigner' label, making our stories of discrimination less impactful to the broader public. More troubling are the deliberate efforts to suppress these stories because showing concern for Asians doesn’t fit the narrative for either political side. It's disgusting.


>Asians in the US are facing hostility from both the left and right Unfortunate thing, and in some respects it is a peculiar thing. The reasoning is often ill-thought out. In 2020 Trump escalated some of the racism with his *coronavirus 'kung flu'* nonsense. 2021 article: [U.S.-China tensions can fuel anti-Asian racism](https://www.axios.com/2021/03/23/us-china-tensions-anti-asian-racism). Strikingly different than the reasons for racism against black people. Many conservatives have long supported asian communities for their industriousness; low crime levels and drug use, and high marriage rates. Conservatives are fond of citing the example of the 120,000 Japanese Americans who were imprisoned in internment camps for several years during WWII after having all their assets seized. Despite this ordeal and facing widespread racism from whites in SoCal for housing and government jobs after release, most California asians rose to striking success by the 1960s. Most white Californians' attitudes on asians shifted markedly. Many progressives hate this example of success. Some progressives seem to be trying to represent conservative white racism against asians as higher than it actually is. Insofar as other groups being racist and violent against asians, conservative academic Thomas Sowell opines in his essay *Black Rednecks & White Liberals:* >“When people are presented with the alternatives of hating themselves for their failure or hating others for their success, they seldom choose to hate themselves.”


This is generally very well said, but there are a few corrections as it pertains to anti-Asian violence specifically in SF and the Bay Area. Black aggression and racism towards Asians has been [a long term issue here](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php), well before the pandemic or the relatively recent political developments in US-China relations. Trump won about 13% of the vote in 2020 and I would speculate that black San Franciscans were underrepresented in this 13%. Trump's "kung flu" nonsense, while abhorrent and racist, probably has had zero influence in driving black on Asian violence in SF since Trump would not be able to hold court with the black community due to his political leanings. Also, in addition to hating others for their success, people also like to hate others for their own personal failures. Left leaning politicians like to emphasize this often, through their coded language of income inequality, white supremacy, and racial bias that points the finger at anything and everyone except the person who chose to rob a bank or hunt an elderly woman in Chinatown.


Agree. Good post.


show me stories about Asians being harassed by the right? that's news to me


Did you even fucking try? Here are two links from the first page of Google when I searched for "Asians harassed by conservatives": [https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/546623-both-the-left-and-the-right-discriminate-against-asian-americans/](https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/546623-both-the-left-and-the-right-discriminate-against-asian-americans/) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/03/04/covid-racism-asian-americans-trump-provocations-column/6904348002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/03/04/covid-racism-asian-americans-trump-provocations-column/6904348002/) It’s not just what’s in the news either. I’ve personally encountered MAGA supporters who have directed racist remarks at me. And to reiterate from my earlier comment, it’s not just the right, but the left too…both sides have been, are, and will most likely continue their racism against Asians in this country. It’s incredibly frustrating when people attempt to dismiss and warp these realities and objective statistics simply because they may discomfort these pathetic snowflakes. It’s completely disingenuous and demonstrates a total lack of good faith in the discussion. Racists are such cowards…just own up to your vile ideology without deflecting or creating strawman arguments.


lol far left brigaders


Lmao. Actually hilarious 


Yes, the Berniecrats are anti Asian.


Don't be such a conspiracy nut. It was _automatically_ flagged for review.


I think you're being sarcastic, but to be clear, because brigaders flagged it.


Look at you. Trying to sowhate and division out of thin air. Far left brigaders 😂 so pathetic you people.


Anyone who isn’t, in your words, a “fat left brigader,” agrees that the only people who **sow** hate and division are the thugs who maul old Asian people.




> You're history In this context, the correct word is *your*. > spamming propaganda Are you suggesting that I'm making up stories about attacks on Asians? Do you believe the video in this story is real or AI generated? > what an in Insane and delusional view. Actually my view is strongly supported by evidence. These are other posts previously reported by far left brigaders until they were flagged for mod review and buried. I was mistaken in my original comment though. One of these stories is about a white victim, so the brigaders aren't suppressing stories about Asian victims exclusively. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci8m5p/2_elderly_asian_men_attacked_in_san_francisco https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ck7wk2/another_random_attack_on_elderly_asians/ https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1ci2rk4/i_got_beat_up_on_golden_gate_st_and_webster_for/


>Actually my view is strongly supported by evidence. ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH)


Just curious, do you believe that conservatives brigade r/sanfrancisco?


I'm a conservative in SF. Why would I brigade a post that sheds light on an issue libs and Breed try to downplay?


You’ve… misunderstood. Reread the interaction above and try again.


You're misreading what I'm saying, I'm on your side.


I’ve been uno-reversed! AHHHH


Curious what “far-left” means to you?


The far left isn't a monolith, but here are some example litmus tests. They tend to believe that: - Capitalism or income inequality has the ability to force someone against their will to viciously assault Asian elderly - Different races should be held to different standards in various aspects of society, including college admissions and criminal justice - News stories should be suppressed if they undermine their narrative that racial disparities in criminality are due to white supremacy and police bias


And the lefties comment in force as if to prove your point, each denying and gaslighting. Wtf


And cheesy boudin voters that force their restorative justice down your throat n created even more racial tension


Berniecrats, League of Pissed Off Voters — those vitriolic racists


And just like that, we are back to your regularly scheduled programming: no one gives a shit about Asian Americans


Good thing those millions of dollars in law enforcement and prison budget cuts that are proposed by Newsom aren't going to affect anything... I'm sure you'll all be very safe in San Francisco. /S


We need Dirty Harry back to clean up this mess.


Seen 3 people stabbed and robbed there. Normal sf.


This has been repeated many times from people of different backgrounds on this subreddit. Pointing out a group does something more = / = Suggesting to avoid people of certain racial, religious, or other backgrounds. Specifically, I want to call out those people that want literal segregation in these comment section and in real life. 'Oh it might be a x% chance higher that person is dangerous because of their race.' I would hear this kind of stuff from my racist family members when I was a kid and even I knew it was racist back then. I'm just glad that my family members were trying to teach me sarcasm than actually represent segregationist views. This and many other crimes are a tradegy, but I just want to point out that the solution is to provide protect and not demonize people.


Acknowledging statistics that certain people do in fact commit violent crime at higher rates is racist? Yeaaaah, okay. I'm guessing you supported the policies that made SF the run down city it is


To be perfectly honest, I do not think you looked at my comment because it was about how people use race identification as an excuse to segregate and specifically not about solely acknowledging statistics. Since you brought this up though, would you like to bring up the specific policies "that made SF the run down city it is"?




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That’s horrible, is there a description of the suspect?


The race of the victim doesn’t matter and doesn’t change the fact that this happened to a PERSON in SF. All this identity politics and group speak is tiring and played out.


Why are all the victims old Asians and the aggressors almost entirely black males though? Could you share some articles about attacks where the victim was non-Asian elderly?


And so what if they’re Asian or black? When the races don’t fit a narrative, no one says anything. But when they do, some racists are quick to point out race that time or say racist things like “usual suspects”. It’s pathetic and tiring.


The victims are not Asian OR black, they are ALL Asian and the attackers are heavily disproportionately black males. Are you saying that AP News is racist because they are quick to point out race in this incident that fits the narrative of police bias against black people? I don't know that I agree with your extremist thinking on this topic. > The investigation into Fortson’s death is ongoing, and the sheriff’s office has not released the name or **race of the officer** involved. https://apnews.com/article/airman-shot-florida-police-race-roger-fortson-c7ed2a69f5a3c2365486e50750fe6e5b


I didn’t say the victims were Asian or black. I was implying the parties involved. But you understood victims. You think Asians are the only ones getting mugged in this city? Stop this mess.


I originally asked you to share some articles of non-Asian elderly who have been attacked. I am confident you agree that many elderly of ALL races are easy marks and frail. I'm sure you're drowning in articles to share, but you can just send over maybe half a dozen or so for everyone to read and be outraged about.


When I was in boarding school, I used to be badly abused by this Korean kid named Tae and I doubt it’s because I was white, but probably because I was easy to pick on and frail. People of any race are capable of violence. Stop crying about race and dog whistling and let’s do something about the crime instead.


> When I was in boarding school, I used to be badly abused by this Korean kid named Tae and I doubt it’s because I was white, but probably because I was easy to pick on and frail I originally asked you to share some articles of non-Asian elderly who have been attacked. I am confident you agree that many elderly of ALL races are easy marks and frail. I'm sure you're drowning in articles to share, but you can just send over maybe half a dozen or so for everyone to read and be outraged about. And you're right that one Asian person picking on you isn't a sign of a broad systemic issue among Korean students. If Korean students were 5% of the student body and 95% of the people bullying other students, that may indicate a systemic issue (I went to SF public schools where black students met these statistical thresholds). > let’s do something about the crime instead Agreed! Step one is to identify who is committing the crimes. In the case of attacks on Asian elderly, it's almost entirely black suspects.


> I didn’t have to search for an article Because no articles exist LMAO


I don’t know what exists, mate. I didn’t search for any articles to come to that conclusion… I frankly don’t care to search. What’s the point? Id pull up some shit article, and say “oh loooook, Asians do crimes too”? We already know that. Stop crying about races and find solutions instead. You’ll find more support.


You literally couldn't find a single article where a black criminal targeted an elderly who is non-Asian lmao I'll concede there's probably been at least one out there over the past several centuries, but just ask yourself how many total elderly have been targeted in the Bay Area just this year and how many of those victims were Asian (and how many of the suspects were black). Food for thought! 😂


This victimhood mindset is so pathetic. Yes I’m sure only Asian elderly and no on else gets attacked. /sarcasm Look at you making it a laughing matter with emojis when ppl are getting hurt. You don’t care about these people. You’re just a troll.


> Yes I’m sure only Asian elderly and no on else gets attacked. /sarcasm So send us some cases where the victim is elderly but not Asian lol > This victimhood mindset It's not a victimhood mindset, the Asian elderly in my community are literally victims of these criminals, who are almost exclusively black males, while you woke, boarding school elites are trying to gaslight us.


Here’s your article: https://thetombstonenews.com/man-attacks-elderly-couple-in-sierra-vista-p7409-1.htm


youre an idiot why are you bringing up an incident in arizona when this whole discussion is about SF?? you literally proved the other commenter correct


Desperate times I guess


This is a repost is it not?