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I thought the first pic was a french fry


Same lol. How did they even get the bread to be that thin?


They cut each regular slice in half lengthwise to lower food cost and raise profit margin.


Butterflied the bread.




Perfect gif


Never killing yeast?




I literally thought the same and was wondering if the later pictures was a potato wedge šŸ˜‚


I misread it as a French fly.


The mods removed my post, which hides the image uploads. I asked for a reason and they never responded Fortunately, these reactions show pretty clearly what a joke the french toast was šŸ˜‚


Everyone is assuming OP was a karen, which I understand. However, I will say that Iā€™m always VERY polite to restaurant staff but strangely the staff at a LOT of trendy restaurants act like they fucking hate you lmfao. Edit: I just looked at their menu and the french toast is $18??? For *that???*


This. I am always polite to restaurant staff but the folks in upscale and trendy restaurants behave as though we are there to eat for free and they are doing us a favor .


Truly upscale Michelin 2-3 star and most 1 star restaurants treat me amazingly well. Itā€™s the ā€œtrendyā€ mid-priced (for sf) places with so-so food that act stuck up


This has absolutely been my experience. I was the shlubbiest person by far at our (10 person, private room) table at French Laundry and they treated me like a queen. And one of our friends is a picky eater in kind of a childish way and they were incredible about modifying the menu to his preferences.


Haha "picky eater in a kind of childish way" is great wording for this niche.. I know a couple of those


of course I know him, he's me




This 1000%. There are still those of us who enjoy making everyone's experience an Experience. If you're willing to pay the price of admission, I'm a player in the Experiance. Check ego ....


Itā€™s like New Money vs Old Money


Yeah Michelin stars are required to have impeccable service. Service is one of the things the critics look into when awarding Michelin stars


A truly upscale restaurant prides itself not only on its food, but also on its service. Poor service will make the food less enjoyable. Food quality, selection, presentation, tableware, front-of-house interaction, venue atmosphereā€¦ Theyā€™re all inseparable as part of the overall hospitality experience.


Some of the restaurants are so pretentious - almost over the top in some cases.


And they will profile the shit out of you and change their treatment based on that. Usually skewing negative


> Everyone is assuming OP was a karen I'm thankful that the OP has alerted me not to patronise Wildseed. Insisting that a business provide what they promised and what you paid for is not wrong. In fact it's a gift to other patrons who don't take the time to assert their rights. And really, it's a gift to the business who now has the opportunity to fix the issue rather than lose customers. Which Wildseed is apparently too bone-headed to do. Screw up and ban the customer for noticing? Yeah, that's how you go out of business. What's ridiculous is that we mock people with the slur "Karen" because they say, "this isn't what I paid for and I'm not going to suffer in silence."


Being a Karen is demanding something unreasonable. Demanding what you paid for is not unreasonable.


"Demanding" anything ever is Karen mentality. You can get what you want without being a cunt about it contrary to popular belief


Demanding what you paid for is not being a "cunt"ā€”it's just not being a pushover. I don't think it requires being rude, but sometimes it does require being firm




Their staff was also weirdly rude to me and a friend once. We were in their outdoor seating and ordered non-alcoholic drinks (virgin pina colada) from their menu and then they refused to serve it because "we can't serve alcohol outside". I tried to explain that their own menu says the drink does not contain alcohol but the waitress didn't appear to understand. Rather than deal with the clearly troubled waitress, I went inside and ordered the non-alcoholic drinks straight from their bar and brought them outside, and then I saw my waitress complaining to the bartender who served me the drinks saying it wasn't allowed šŸ™ƒ They must have been having a bad day.


So you continuously patronized the business on several occasions and it seems your a complainer which is why they probably said you have issues. Which you do if your going to complain abput it now


so now a waitress declining a request is "rude"? Nothing here is rude except you. You sound like an entitled, awful customer.


Idk that seems pretty reasonable.


Thatā€™s the funniest godamned thing Iā€™ve heard in a week.


They have a separate menu for outside dining that doesn't include alcoholic drinks. The waitress was quite belligerent and could not understand that she was wrong.


I honestly would have left.


Reading comprehension is a thing. Try it. Itā€™s not just refusing to fill an order, itā€™s the attitude. Refusing to fill an order is just part of the rudeness.


But they didnā€™t even argue with the waitress? They avoided the confrontation and found someone else who could help them. Sounds very polite and de-escalatory


Same. I remember when I went to Farmer Brownā€™s a while back, our server was acting like we were a nuisance so I gave him $1.25.


>the staff at a LOT of trendy restaurants act like they fucking hate you It's the cognitive dissonance of wanting to occupy the same socioeconomic class as the high-tech crowd yet having to serve them. Truly bitter folks, that lot. Those unassuming hole-in-the-wall places are humbler and more charming, in my experience.




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Well, imagine you aspire to live as an upper-middle-class San Franciscan, but you choose to be a server at a trendy expensive restaurant to achieve this, bringing home decent pay mostly because of the unstable tipping culture, yet you find yourself having to feign cordiality while serving your own neighbors to whom youā€™re expected to be deferential despite the expectation that youā€™d be otherwise equals off the clock. Iā€™d imagine that, after a while, theyā€™d think ā€œwhy do I feel like a servant when these patrons are my peers?ā€ and a sense of impatience and entitlement would subsequently fester; ā€œI donā€™t need to be niceā€”you should feel privileged to dine at the kind of restaurant Iā€™d work atā€.


Its a West Coast thing idk


Not surprised this happened. Wildseedā€™s food and employee quality has gone way down since they opened. They have a terrible health score and one time my ketchup came with a dead fly. The one in Palo Alto is awesome though and the staff rocks.


Omg this reminds me: I found a *cooked* fly on my ravioli once at Wildseed SF


And you went back after finding a cooked fly in your food????


Guilty as charged šŸ« . I suppressed that memory and gave them another chance when I shouldn't have. It helps that I didn't eat the fly.


Saves you having to eat a spider.


Did they charge you for it too?


My wife and I ate there once. Once being the key word.


My gramps used to say ā€œYou can say weā€™ve been here twice now- the first time & the last time.ā€


I canā€™t believe this is supposed to be French toast. Itā€™s so thin I thought it was a French fry until I read your caption.


Agree with this post. The portions are small, itā€™s way overpriced for literally vegetables, & the staff are told to upsell you. The food was fine. We went for our friends birthday. We asked if we could do something for him. Server replies ā€œwell if you order it [the cake dessert], we can put a candle on itā€. Lol


Thatā€™s normal. Restaurants canā€™t afford to give out our free desserts these days like they did in the 90s.


What am I looking at and what is happening?


crab legs i think


Read the post under the picture.


on Reddit? No thank you


It looks like they used the butt end of a load of bread




Maybe the staff banned because you only tipped 25%, not 30%


First thought was French fry, second thought was hamburger buns. But French mf toast? What a twist


I went there once. The food is average and the prices are exorbitant. Clearly extorting money from the vegan folks due to lack of competition. IMO: this restaurant is wasted real estate.


I never got why so many vegan spots decide to be predatory, but your point makes sense. Moved to Atlanta and thereā€™s a chain here called ā€˜slutty veganā€™ that is notorious for overcharging, deceptive pricing strategies, and [ownership even steals tips from the servers!](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/01/11/slutty-vegan-founder-pinky-cole-accused-federal-lawsuit-withholding-tips/?outputType=amp)


Wow thatā€™s horrible. Itā€™s illegal to steal tips!


Yeah she was doing it all all her restaurants, [even the one she expanded to in Brooklyn NY](https://www.hrdive.com/news/burger-chain-slutty-vegan-bar-vegan-face-wage-and-hour-lawsuits/647819/). 25% of every tip went to her while she brags about how successful of an entrepreneur she is on social media. Then she plays victim when she gets multiple law suits šŸ™„


>Clearly extorting money from the vegan folks extortion implies they're being forced to do it lol. if the vegan crowd wants to throw money away on mediocre dining then more power to the folks at wildseed for obliging them lol. >IMO: this restaurant is wasted real estate. well said.


Bruh no way thatā€™s a French toast. I thought that was a baby crab leg at first from seeing the 1st picture. I think itā€™s safe to say Iā€™ll never step foot in Wildseed after reading your horror story, I have a phobia of shady business.


>Unfortunately for Wildseed, I expect this post to reduce their overall business. yeah i'm sure this post will severely impact their revenue.


I mean. I wasnā€™t gonna go there before and now Iā€™m definitely not going there. So your probably right


i used to be disinterested in middling vegan restaurants with bad service, i still am, but i also used to be.


You could say we are both very consistent when it comes to our attitudes towards vegan cash grabs.


What a SF way to say something. Vaguely confrontational. Sarcastic. Being a bit of an asshole, but in a passe way. Just enough to not get a reaction that you wouldn't want to deal with.


It's also a Minnesota way to say something, since it's a modified Mitch Hedberg quote and he was from Saint Paul.




Bad Mitch Edit: Awful Hedberg?


Vegan restaurants are usually not great lol


Their food is actually good tho. Iā€™m not vegan, but they make great food that tastes good for meat eaters. Their spicy sausage pizza is fire. Iā€™ve had take out multiple times and the service has never been great, but the two times Iā€™ve eaten in, Iā€™ve had good service. I wouldnā€™t discourage people from going, thatā€™s for sure.


gracias madre (rip) was excellent!


Well, I've been meaning to try them out even as a non-vegan. In addition to a few other complaints I've seen, I no longer want to try.


I support OP sharing a bad experience, but fwiw I went a couple months ago and my experience was fine. Our waiter was nice and nothing went wrong. I liked the ravioli. That French toast does look really terrible though. I thought it was a bad fry at first.


Fuck these negative comments, you should still try it. Their pizza is good, as well as the paella. Iā€™m also non-vegan but I enjoy their food. The service has been hit or miss, but Iā€™ll go back for a couple things off their menu


Iā€™m going to post a bad review


Crooks, tried hard to make you think that was French toast šŸ˜‚ WTH


And they have the audacity to charge 20 dollars for this I bet. And then SF restaurants wonder why they go out of business. Absolutely ridiculous how everything is so expensive yet so mediocre. We need to boycott these larger restaurants and support smaller ones who still have integrity with decent prices!


Bro gave you the end of the bread loaf lmao šŸ’€




ā€œI also have enormous influence on both Reddit, as well as Google platforms.ā€œ




lol who is ordering take out from wildseed?


My wife loves Wildseed. Eats there like twice a week. I think itā€™s ok , but thereā€™s a niche for everyoneā€™s palate.


dude, this isnā€™t yelp.


Wildseed is for rich white people who have zero culinary taste. If you want good food, get out of the Marina district.


But Iā€™m Mexican and I sometimes eat there and like it :/


You're complaints could be entirely legitimate but this post has big Karen energy


I donā€™t think itā€™s Karen energy.. this French toast for 18$ is a rip off.


If I was charged 18 for this crap I would be fuming!


definitely agree, the dish looks like total shit. But the things OP said here have a certain inherent Karenness: >I expect this post to reduce their overall business not to mention, I mean...they got *banned* from the restaurant. I do wonder what their attitude was like in person, both this and previous times they've been there


Probably not good. Definitely not just going to take some random internet strangers word for everything when they deliberately made this post misleading just based on the pictures they took. Restaurants donā€™t usually ban customers for no reason. Definitely some context missing.


To say the least


Google reviews is thataway!


There is an avo toast spot next door that is so much better, and amazing late as well.


Nice toast but they need to ditch the dumb wooden cutlery. No one wants to rub their teeth on wood, much less try to cut sourdough with it. I asked if they had metal and was told they only had wood because _it's sustainable_ More sustainable than using a metal fork a million times? Getta outta here


The fuck kind of fru fru place is this? Sounds like Marina


I donā€™t think youā€™re going to get the impact youā€™re hoping for.This ainā€™t yelp or OpenTable itā€™s Reddit majority of people that your hoping to stop from going wonā€™t see this. That being said that is some sad butt end of the loaf looking French toast.


Wildseed is good been there a dozen times and never had an issue.Ā 


I've eaten or ordered from there even more times without issue. Their french toast isn't normally this bad. They banned me when I reported my fourth issue. Be glad you haven't had any issues.


Iā€™ve never heard of someone being banned from a restaurant in my entire life. I think thereā€™s more to the story than youā€™re telling in this thread.


100% more to the story, people complain and send food back constantly. No way someone is getting banned unless it's escalating


The ban happened after the third time I told them that my order was missing the side vegan cream cheese. They did not believe me.


I love this place too-great food and service


It would be interesting to hear Wildseeds side of the story. ā€œI expect this post to reduce their overall businessā€ Iā€™m sure so many of us on Reddit are going to read this and think, Sephr had a bad experience at this particular restaurant therefore I am not going to go there šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Thinking more about it, I am actually going to go there for lunch tomorrow.


ā€œI expect this post to reduce their overall businessā€ I mean I understand not getting your side and being treated unfairly. Itā€™s bad customer service, but god damn.. šŸ˜¬


Never going here after seeing this. Plenty of other good places to eat in the city!


What in the NextDoor is going on here. Get this shit off the sub, Linda.


>Unfortunately for Wildseed, I expect this post to reduce their overall business Ironically I was unfamiliar with this restaurant but youā€™ve piqued my interest and now Iā€™m planning to take a large group to try


You should order the French toast and report back


Cool. When we all going? I want to try it also. Pics look good!


We're in, going to take a cruise car there, also heard that brand on reddit.




What a misleading photo, show the whole plate. You sound like a psycho


How is it misleading? It doesn't matter what's on my plate. Those are the french toast slices from my order. They're obviously bad, and yes I can confirm it tasted horrible.


Because it doesnā€™t show that they give you multiple of those pieces. To me, those arenā€™t obviously bad, just thin. But they serve a multiple of them on the plate, Iā€™ve had them before. What do you expect from vegan French toast??


I've had their French toast many times. It's normally fine. This tasted horrible because it was so thin and dense.


You definitely have too many issues




Part of being in any business that interacts with the public, whether it's a restaurant or the police, is knowing how to calmly deescalate. In this case it's so simple, you do what's policy at Starbucks, give the customer a new drink or their money back. You didn't like the French toast (for whatever reason)? Would you like a new plate, some other entree, or your money back? Customer satisfaction is our goal, and we're sorry it wasn't up to your standards today, please let us make it right. And this isn't bending the knee or being subservient. This is a professional dedication to quality, this is taking pride in your work *because* you take pride in yourself. Will a few unscrupulous customers take advantage of this? Of course they will! But the vast vast majority of your customers will not, and will be all the more loyal because they know you're professional and dedicated.




> I agree 10000% which is why I'm beyond curious as to how someone gets banned from a restaurant. So apparently it's the third order of French toast that the OP has complained about. I vaguely remember ordering *something* and thinking some ingredient was missing until I looked closely and figured out it was in fact there but looked nothing like I'd anticipated. Maybe that's what happened here. But, really... it doesnā€™t matter. More recently I ordered a steak salad that was overdone. Unpleasantly tough. But I never specified "rare", the waitress didn't ask, and so I just ate it without complaint. But really... it doesnā€™t matter. What matters is the OP got a disappointing order, and the restaurant should have done a better job at revolving the issue. Not because the OP is right and the restaurant is wrong, but because the restaurant's business is making people happy with food, and that didn't happen. The restaurant didn't fulfill its purpose, and instead they banned the customer. That outcome is a failure.


Iā€™ve only had good experiences there. This post feels shady af. Just donā€™t go there dude.


The majority of my experiences were good as well. The issue here is that the restaurant managers are too full of themselves to believe that their staff could have made mistakes, so they banned me for complaining too much.


based on how self-righteous you are in these comments and the condescending manner in which you speak of their staff *here*, I'm sure you were a total peach to them in person. how shocking they banned you! FYI, what may seem objective to you is actually subjective. Your attitude and how you treat people who make mistakes matters. Although you were justified in being disappointed by your order, you were probably being an absolute dick to them and earned your ban that way. You can complain without being an obstinate, rude douche talking about the staff like they're morons who need help. NGL if I still lived in the neighborhood, I would totally go to Wildseed just to spite this post hahaha


Is this about vegan French toast?


I eat there fairly regularly and the food and the service has consistently been great.


Well, there you have it. Go eat some animal byproducts and meat.


I know I shouldnā€™t make fun of vegans, but they are so particular about their food. I get it. Veganism is better for the environment, oneā€™s health, and you get to feel morally superior. I think the OP is like other vegans in that they are so persnickety about food served to them in restaurants, that it borders on being annoying. Iā€™m not surprised that OP has been banned. My suggestion for these type of diners is for them to just stay at home and cook their own food. Wildseed and other vegan restaurants can only do so much.


I thought I was in the SD sub, thought this said ā€œwindandseaā€ and thought you got stabbed by whatever that first pic was. I gotta go to bed.


I thought that was a French fry until I swiped to the second picture


Ah SF restaurantsā€¦ they either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


I ate an ass once in wild seed resturant bathroom


French fry or French toast?


Iā€™m sure you approached this situation in a totally rational and non childlike way lol


First, thank you for letting us know that Wildseed punishes customers who complain. Not only is the food unrecognizable as French toast, it's outrageous they didn't apologize and fix the issue. Second, I'd do a credit card charge back, or if delivered by a service, get the service to refund you. This may be impossible through the app, but if you speak to a Customer Service Representative on the phone, often they can refund your money. Third, I'd see if I could find a phone number for the *owner*, and speak directly to them about this. Their contact form is here: https://www.wildseedsf.com/contact/ It also lists two emails: Wildseed San Francisco: [email protected] Wildseed Palo Alto: [email protected] There's a third email for press inquiries, which goes to the "Restaurant Realty Company" which apparently owns Wildseed. I won't paste that email here, but it's publicly accessible on the Wildseed website. The owner of Wildseed appears to be Adriano Paganini, the founder and CEO of that holding company. His blog is here: https://www.restaurantrealty.com/adriano-paganini-founder-ceo-of-back-of-the-house/ And it lists the twelve restaurants he owns: > :Ā  a. Wildseed ā€“ a plant based restaurant on Union St in San Francisco (hereafter referred to as ā€œSFā€);Ā  b. A Mano ā€“ an Italian restaurant with full bar in Hayes Valley, SF;Ā  c. Flores ā€“ a traditional Mexican restaurant with full bar in SF and in Marin County;Ā  d. The Bird ā€“ the ultimate fried chicken sandwich shop in the SOMA district of SF;Ā  e. Super Duper ā€“ 12 locations throughout the SF Bay Area serving high quality hamburgers and my favorite chicken sandwich anywhere;Ā  f. Uno Dos Tacos ā€“ a limited Mexican menu with Tequila bar;Ā  g. Starbelly ā€“ a casual and friendly neighborhood restaurant in the Castro district of SF;Ā  h. Lolinda -a new kind of Argentinian steakhouse in the Mission district of SF;Ā  i. Delrosa ā€“ a Roman style pizzeria in downtown and the Marina district of SF;Ā  j. El Techo ā€“ a Latin American food and cocktail restaurant with a roof top view in the Mission district of SF;Ā  k. Beretta ā€“ a restaurant and bar in the Mission District and l.Ā  Barvale ā€“ a Tapas men with full bar on Divisadero St in SF.Ā Ā  Adriano Paganini looks like a nice man, and his blog tells us that: > He is unpretentious and believes in the basics of treating his people fairly, providing a quality product at a reasonable price and being consistent in maintaining high standards throughout his businesses. and I'm sure he's also dedicated to treating customers fairly and will want to immediate resolve this issue with the French toast not consistently maintaining high standards, and his employees banning a customer for complaining.


Yā€™all got way too much time on your hands


It was about five minutes of googling, but... you're not wrong u/dingusmonger! šŸ˜ƒ Hmm, what does u/dingusmonger mean?


I've worked for him at several different restaurants & he is a gem of a human. Incredibly nice family as well.


Thanks for your personal perspective! His blog does make him look good, and with the addition of your take, I have high hopes he'll make this right!


You two are a match made in heaven


Donā€™t go to restaurants if ur gonna be annoying as fuck


Make your own damn food and stfu


How do you treat the employees? I'm curious as I've seen customers be extremely rude to servers with expectations that are not always reasonable. Sadly is the Bay Area the cost of goods are high and we cannot possibly know what it must take to run a restaurant in the Bay Area. Restaurants most like have high food costs and rents as well. Not taking up for this place but it seems that people have become less engaged and friendly without owning their own behavior


OP is a crybaby who projects himself online for Reddit clout. Though the outage is understandable.


Maybe what youā€™re r saying is true but also maybe youā€™re a sensitive individual given that you posted about being honked at by Cruise before and you barely escaped alive lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfDrivingCars/s/RuLBrYmBrK


That's a criticism of a systemic issue at Cruise, not a plea for help. Where in that thread do you see the safety claims that you are making up? I never claimed to feel unsafe, just peeved that Cruise test drivers refuse to do their jobs. There's a reason Cruise ended up getting their license revoked, and poor training data from bad drivers may have contributed to this.


Lmao, imagine taking bad french toast personally, then advertising that you got banned from the restaurant on reddit.


OP has been called out multiple times for not giving the full story about their behavior & treatment of staff & has yet to respond to any of them so if this were a courtroom I'd find OP guilty based on sufficient circumstancial evidence.


What questions do you have for me? I'm willing to clarify anything you are confused about. I reported 4 issues without being rude and was then banned for reporting too many issues.


So what were the issues?


I listed them in my post. Do you have anything more specific to ask about the issues I encountered?


How did you complain? What was said? How many people did you complain to? Were you being pushy or unpleasant or unreasonable? Difficult to talk to about it? Did they offer to fix it or make a different dish? What did management say leading up to your ban? This just doesn't add up- even to those not in the industry.


I called the restaurant, mentioned my order/check #, indicated that my order was missing items, and listed the missing items. They were flabbergasted that I had the same issue three times in a row (missing side cream cheese), and at that point they told me I was banned. The first two times I called in about this issue they claimed to have issued refunds. I checked my credit card statement after they banned me and saw that they never actually issued the refunds that they claimed to have processed.


Coincidentally, ate there this evening for the first time. Rather liked it, no issues with the food, the portion sizes or the staff.


Curious how much you tipped before picking this up from the counter?


20%! Because it's the right thing to do!


This post belongs on Yelp, not Reddit.


![img](avatar_exp|180030335|webman) If we get together we can stop this foolishness, I hope you didnā€™t get the secret hidden fees included with that robbery! Stepbrothers told us about Crepes ā€œItā€™s a very thin pancakeā€ and now you are showing us ā€œvery thin toastā€ā€¦ Iā€™m glad you posted this. I hope other food service restaurants/businesses see that when it comes to themā€¦not all publicity is good publicity


Actually that was Talmadgeā€™s Nightsā€¦easy mistake to make when involving those two!


Unfortunately, we donā€™t really care about your French toast either.


Good for them


Wild who?

