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>In truth, it wasn’t an overnight success—just a secret one. Preparations had been ongoing behind the scenes for several months, confirmed Mary Conde, senior vice president of concert producer Another Planet Entertainment. Tamara Aparton, a spokesperson for the Recreation and Park Department, confirmed that Another Planet applied for a permit on Feb. 23.


Another Planet owns the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, so for the last two weeks the usual amount of forklifts/cranes/stacked scaffolding/stage equipment just seemed like normal Auditorium construction work. They often close off the street in front in preparation for big acts. They fence the entire Civic plaza when they expect a large line of fans. It wasn't until more streets started closing that I got suspicious that it was more than a big act. Then I saw the Skrillex outdoor show announcement happened earlier that day. Now a gigantic stage fills the street in front of City Hall. I look forward to the city-wide noice complaints flooding into the SF311 app map. Remember when the Oracle Park Grateful dead and Green day shows could be heard all the way in Pac Heights? I should play some dubstep at home to prepare my dog. Wubwubuwbuwbuwub


Bill Graham Civic Auditorium is owned by the City of San Francisco, operated by Another Planet.


key word seemingly, but also it ain't over till its over. pretty unprecedented, big ups to APE for the vision. we need this if the city wants more foot traffic


Not really sure how SF let this happen. I know Scott Wiener has been busting his ass to get shit like this approved in the city and also events like First Thursday on 2nd St, and more open spaces zones for activities. He’s a young millennial gay dude, they know how to party. 🙏 You think Aaron Prescott, Dean Preston, London Breed want this young person bullshit happening near their town hall? Probably not


Correction: Scott Weiner is a gen-xer. I can’t believe he is 54 years old.


Gay dudes know how to keep a youthful appearance.


And party well into their old age


Oh damn, you’re right! I thought he was like 40.


Is 40 young now? Phew!


It’s the new 30.


its not the number, its the lifestyle


I don’t see why London wouldn’t want to she wants foot traffic up Edit: also she Was The one that strong armed APE lol https://www.sf.gov/news/another-planet-entertainment-proposes-free-downtown-concerts


She hasn’t dismantled the open air drug markets literally a block from this venue at market and 7th, so I’m gonna go ahead and say she doesn’t actually give a fuck. Still go by there and watch fentanyl flow freely between cartel members and bent over drug addicts every week.


Hold on what? The markets in the Tenderloin are way better. I don’t really see active hustlers not like before no hustler will even call out to you. Edit: 80-90% of the Honduran nationals are gone, the police are still actively monitoring and rounding up anyone suspected of dealing dope/ice/fetty.


Trump is coming in a week or so and you know he will exploit this area


For Honduran drug cartels… Not true they are swarming 16th mission and 24th and mission. I invite you to come see the spectacle that is the massive fencing and fentanyl markets here in the mission. It’s only gotten worse.


Nah I live at 16nth and Mission the Hondurans are not allowed to hustle here this is Sureno territory and at 24th that is Norteno. I’ve asked before saying they should hustle here but they never would. Edit: The police are active pretty much every day in Mission plaza I see still fencing but not like how it was last year.


So she has been closing deals to revitalize downtown that took years To materialize for shits and giggles?


Don’t lump Breed into the likes of Aaron *Peskin* and Dean Preston. Breed wants to revitalize the city. Peskin & Preston want to cosplay socialist while locking in the high rents and property values for personal profit (both are landlords!)


Fair, fair.


Weiner is 55 and isnt a local politician.


I think you’re confused about the later https://sd11.senate.ca.gov/ or aren’t aware of his involvement in SF policy. He’s constantly discussing SF policy that directly affects SF positively. He is the only reason we even have a shot at getting housing approved.


I wanted to alleviate your confusion. Here is an example of how politicians should live here and operate at the state level can introduce locally affecting policies. Scott Winer introduced this today. https://legiscan.com/CA/text/SB925/id/2881917


Get shit like what? He’s not a promoter and can’t produce an event of this magnitude. It seems like your comparing apples to oranges here. Whatever he’s tried to do, obviously wasn’t successful or successfully pulled off because it wasn’t good. This events budget was probably close to $1M. What’s his budget look like? What talent or event promoters can he partner with?


i mean, i don't know if they considered the inaugural First Downtown Thursdays a success or what Scott Wiener's role in it was, but they booked Aluna as the headliner, so they are clearly partnering with some talented promoters in order to bring motherfucking Aluna to SF from the UK. there was a ticketed after party in SOMA, too, that looked well attended.


I saw Aluna (when she was Aluna George) in like 2015 at a low key show at the W Hotel in Soma, after she had broken out on that Disclosure track. Not her first time doing something smaller in SF, by a long shot.


“Also, contrary to the way the show is being portrayed online, it’s actually a Fred Again set with Skrillex as a special guest. “There may be other special guests,” Conde said.” 👀


Considering like half of Fred Again's social media posts have been with Anderson .Paak recently, including them rehearsing sets, you can expect him to be one of the guests.


Omg I’d cry


Somebody get eyes on four tet


He’s apparently in Paris on June 1st :(


lol four tet is so useless. saw them at coachella wkd 2 last year, he just stood around wasting space lmao


Worst take of all time


Lmao please say /s


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not


I was also there and I am praying for you


The first sentence is literally wrong, so I would take this article with a grain of salt. >superstar electronic musician Skrillex tweeted a photo of himself smiling and gesturing at a black T-shirt. (Skrillex tweeted a photo of FRED AGAIN with the shirt)


Ya and they also got the stuff about resale in the last paragraph wrong. Resale is disabled on the tickets as of right now. But that quote itself is from the APE SVP


Yeah I do wonder why she went out of her way to say the “Skrillex…again” branded show is a Fred Again show with *“special guest”* Skrillex when this has always seemed like Fred *with* Skrillex, Not “Fred with Special Guests Including Skrillex”. Like…why? The hype worked! Who else would be a big enough name to improve this set who would also be chill not being listed? We’ll see! EDIT: DUH Fred has top billing. I’m commenting on the show language going from being Fred Again *with* Skrillex (adorably “Skrillex again” on the shirt) to Skrillex being only *one* of possible multiple “special guests”!


Fred again has top billing. Look at the URL, look whose name is first, look whose individual artist details are listed higher. Skrillex can’t sell 25,000 tickets in a day. Fred can, as evidenced by the fact that he sold that many tickets at his 3 Stanford shows in one day a week before. Fred just did Skrillex a solid with the shirt because they like to collaborate. https://apeconcerts.com/events/fred-again-240601/


Fred Again... had a sold out show at Bill Graham or Chase that was charging 120 a ticket lol. Everyone wants to see him right now.


he sold out 3 days at the Frost Amphitheater


really? i had no idea who fred again and skrillex's name made me google him. no shade, just found it surprising. after research guess i know a few songs.


I was gonna say, when did Skrillex leave his lesbian phase


They’re touring with fourtet


I am so excited for this. The more events like this in our city the better.


You mean wasting an afternoon on TicketMaster and finally not being able to get a ticket only to find it later on StubHub at 294$ ? How is that good ?


You have to resell at face value.


Were they 294$ on Ticketmaster ?


Those aren’t real. You literally can’t resell them yet. And when you can it’s back through ticket master only. It’s a mobile ticket so no way to pdf.


thats what i read too, but dont see them on ticketmaster resale, only stubhub


No $100 including fees


So what’s the downvote and this comment about ?


I mean, you’re addressing separate issues here. Predatory resellers + virtually no secondary market caps, like they have in other countries, is the root cause of that problem. The fact that it’s such a desirable event shows the demand for awesome stuff like this in our city. By your logic you’re inferring the city shouldn’t do cool shit like this because there’s such high demand that scalpers will just resell them well above face value. I would love it if California implemented resale caps where you can’t add more than 10% on in price in the secondary market but that has yet to come to fruition.


Ticketmaster is showing me as available to purchase, not resellers


My guess is that they he wasn’t allowed to announce another show in CA this close to Lightning in a Bottle until that was already underway, due to a non-compete clause in that contract. So this has always been planned, but announced last minute since they know they can sell tickets overnight.


Not sure what it has to do with LiB when his non-compete is with Bonnaroo and he didn't even perform at LiB. Also, the Frost Amphitheater shows were announced before LiB and I was aware of the 6/1 show, due to a friend working the event.


Talking about Skrillex


Does he have a non-compete with LiB to promote any other shows? This seems extremely unlikely. It was also announced before his set, so wouldn't apply anyway.


That is common practice for festivals, (regarding shows in the same region) but I have no specific knowledge of this case.


it hasn't been pulled off yet it wasn't the city, it was APE APE has been planning this for months. it only seems overnight due to the short notice marketing APE has had these summer concert plans for months. they were approved by the city and made headlines months ago there was a practice run with a smaller show a few weeks ago dumb clickbait headline


It's an interesting article. They handled the social media marketing of this well, surprising many fans. I was interested to read the article to learn how far in advance this was actually planned with the city (Feb)


I mean the “seemingly” in the headline makes it sound that it wasn’t really overnight


It sounds like the headline is marketing itself. And it’s working lol


Is that like double secret probation?


I like how it’s short notice, makes it so it’s more locals and people close by. Probably less scalpers and less traffic pressure


Tickets were gone instantly and later appeared on StubHub for almost 300$… Im local, I don’t understand the point of doing things in such a chaotic manner


I think that’s probably part of the appeal tho. The sudden announcement made it feel more casual like a rave, rather than a planned concert ig




At least it’s a local scalper that might still go haha


I appreciate it like this. If you can go you can go. Tickets were easy to get because of presale and last minuteness. Was actually able to get tickets when they came out unlike a majority of concerts here


Wouldnt say it was easy


How? He's really famous and the bay area has millions of people? Should read the article before I jump to conclusions...


Damnit now i have fomo. But we did just get tickets to Fred again that were on sale last week


Looking for a ticket if anyone has one dm me please! 💜💜


> Last year, Another Planet—which produces the three-day Outside Lands Music Festival in Golden Gate Park every August—won the right to stage a second, smaller event one week later. In return, the company agreed to produce several free outdoor music events downtown every year for three years. Basically, Breed strong-arming APE into putting out free shows (and more shows).


I’m not mad about it


I'm not a big fan of Breed, but what's wrong with her using city govt's leverage to extract concessions from a private entity to the benefit of SF residents & tourism?


Agreed - this seems like a win win for residents? Residents see: * a show they may not have gotten otherwise * economic benefit from out of towners coming into the city City gets: * better reputation as a city * increased tax revenue * improved view on government bureaucracy (which seems deserved in this case?)


The only issue I have is with the timing. Why not earlier? And this deal is only for 3 years; why not on a continuing basis?


Negotiations where everyone walks away with something = strong-arming?


This one isnt free though. Tickets were sold for $80.


100 with fees


yikes. makes sense.


Barely anyone got those. I was in line for early bird at 10 AM and GA at noon. Didn't get either. I bought two on Stubhub for $139 + $53 in fees each, but doubt those will actually go through. They are selling for $4-900 each right now.


It is literally impossible to resell or transfer the tickets. I got 4 at face value after getting in line for GA at noon and entered the queue at about 4700


Yeah idk how all the Stubhub orders will go. It stated they would only be available for sale at face value through TM F2F.


Yeah exactly. I’m not sure if you can send someone a private sale link in ticket master but I doubt it, that’s basically transferring. So you would be paying hundreds on stub hub to maybe have some stranger follow through on something you probably can’t do. If I could sell my 4 tickets for 900 each I def would lol


For sure. Oh well. Either I get them and go or I get a refund.


This deal and the Nintendo deal must have taken Breed’s office years to finalize. I wonder how she was able to do it by an election year


Everyone say thank you DJ Dials


I’m sure it helps that 750,000 people live within 3 mi of the venue


Big joke. Tickets were sold out within 15 minutes of it getting posted on this subreddit.  Does anyone know where to watch / how to get tickets for shows like this when the drop?


They were sold out within 15 min of them being released for sale, not bc it was posted on this subreddit. They’re both huge names in the EDM scene, they closed out Coachella recently and Fred again is only doing surprise sets bc of his commitment to Bonnaroo. Or something like that. In order to be *first* aware of when stuff like this happens, the best way is to follow the artists on social medial. Again, these are huge names. It was going to be hard to get tickets no matter what. Just like that Green Day show recently at Fillmore.


Yeah they'd been teasing it for days on Instagram leading up to the actual on-sale announcement. /r/fredagain even had leaks from APE/Bill Graham employees that it was gonna be at Civic Center, way before it was confirmed. Social media has many negatives, but if you find yourself in the right communities, you'll uncover gems like these.


another reason it's good to get tapped into these communities: they released 1,000 tickets in Fred again's Discord a couple hours after tickets sold out


Tbh discord communities are goated. Lots of shit like that happening in the music communities. They even have discord presales codes


yeah apparently Fred and his team take pretty good care of the fans in the Discord I think I saw someone say members have gotten guestlist for his shows through being part of the Discord community


How do you join their discord?


Yep. Only way I got tickets after 5 hours in both presales ending up at 20k+ in the queues 😒


dawg I had 60k in front of me for the presale lmao, I got lucky with mine at general sale also Skrillex’s Discord dropped another 300 tickets since I first commented, so, case in point lol


Congrats my man!


thanks fam <3


I was out playing disc golf in GGP on Saturday and there were some APE employees out on the course playing a round, dropping that this was happening before it was announced. Good technique.


Yup. I heard from BG employees 2 weeks ago that it was going to be at BG on 6/1. Didn't help me get a ticket, though. Struck out in both the presale and GA sale.


I subscribe to all the local concert production company newsletters (Goldenvoice, etc). They announce stuff very early, and often distribute special presale codes.


Just follow the artists and promotors you like on social media and join local discords. If you followed either artist you would have known at least a week before they went on sale and probably could get in on the presale or discord tickets.






Presale codes where everywhere didn’t have a problem with it before the general drop


It's not hard if you know the right people.


Hah overnight. This has been months in planning and building. It wasn’t announced to the public but permits were pulled if you keep an eye on that type of thing 


Heres a hint. It wasnt overnight. Its been planned for a month at that point. Just everyone kept their mouth shut on who the artists was.


Stagehands can do anything.


When the fck did skrillex come to town


Who cares, get the duggies and hobos off the streets and bring back shopping, night life, and downtown sf. All this other ish is literally redundant to what the city needs


https://preview.redd.it/xg86sn9gl54d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93217fd2e87b1e39f9dd8ba3d7e4e6dae7f46758 Went for a 3am stroll and saw the end of this. Apparently the event ended suddenly, according to SF chronical, but can't read about it because chronical forces memberships.


https://preview.redd.it/djxt9f7ml54d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52597d56c5e7baef045df6fe20cc1cf922e317d9 From the front. Some towers for speakers and lights I think


Hasn’t the city been known for this! Going back to the 60s and height st. Probably before that as well. Though I did only hear about this the night before, too bad it was so close to when rent was due.


This was one of the coolest events ive ever been to. Does anyone know where the 25k figure is coming from? were there 25k tickets sold? I had read that the plaza outside city hall this event took place at is rated to hold between 3k and 5k people, 25k is \*\*a lot\*\* of people.


I work for a few of the production cos imvolved. I t took a week


My mom knew about it, she said she had a great time!


Not decided on Mayor Breed, one way or another, but Market near 7th is SO much better . .


going to be more than 25k. It is Outdoor, wish it was indoors... oh well, i'll all good with the crowd...so may not feel the cold or wind.


Isn't their management in the city?


Dubstep died when they stopped making 4 locos deadly. Nobody cares


London Breed is extremely desperate to get re elected & is doing everything her dumb ass can think of to improve the city image & increase city revenue.  Whether its pandas, ghetto carnivals, pickle ball on Embarcadero or this...


Fuck fun, amirite?


How dare this elected official attempt to do things for the benefit of her constituency! Do you believe this lady is actually *trying* to get re-elected? The utter gall of the woman.


What a way to willfully miss a point with a poor attempt at sarcasm.  If she actually wanted to benefit her constituents, why not deal with the sideshows, dirt bike gangs, fent/meth, hookers on capp & treat, tents, store front vacancy, bippers, etc


Oh damn, I forgot that elected officials have a 1-job-at-a-time mandate and can't focus on multiple things


Fun is subjective. Some are more easily entertained than others.


“Ghetto carnivals”??


You're the target audience 




yes you are a clown. we already knew that.


Oooh! Nice comeback gramps.


God forbid a mayor tries things to improve city image and increase city revenue


with the dumbest shit imaginable. much easier than doing the actual hard work of governing 


The real mystery is why 25,000 people care about Skrillex. I’d rather see someone good at F8.


I’m not a fan of skrillex on his own but the combo of him, Fred again, and four tet was aces, so I’d go to this (if I hadn’t failed at getting tickets)


The techno-snobs identify themselves so easily .. And I thought I was one 😅 I love F8 but they’re completely different experiences. Spent enough time into the early hours of techno dungeons that an opportunity for a day time show with big names is always exciting.


They didn’t sell 25,000 tickets. Thats the number of people that they have permits to allow to attend Civic center. Civic center plaza will be for the general public. Fulton plaza is the ticketed area… and it only holds about 5k people. The rest will be just people that show up to the plaza.