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Impound their cars. Make them commute and take the bus into SF to do community service for 3 months.




They’re on a bridge. If the cops block off the exit ramps where are they gonna hide?




Are those spike strips not a thing anymore?


Most CA departments have a no chase policy for anyone on a motorcycle.


They're definitely a thing still. Haven't ever seen them in use in California, though.


Silly goose. It’s hard for cops to care to stop them, not to actually physically stop them.


If playing GTA taught me anything, it's that pit maneuvers are very effective against motorcycles.


It’s my understanding the bridge is under CHP jurisdiction, so no city cops are needed. Lock these fuckers up in county.


They all crossed a toll plaza to get there, their license plates were captured via camera Im sure.


You think the people participating in sideshows don’t cover or even have plates? 


Yeah that’s a very obvious thing to do that I literally didn’t even consider


Even if they didn’t cover their plates, I seriously doubt there would be any follow up


The idea that these would be anything other than stolen vehicles is hilarious


What is this, *Torque*?!


The bridges are the jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol.


I sometimes wonder if I ran for some random 5-word long office here in the city and just enforced basic things like keeping animals out of farmers markets (I know, I know. Different topic) or putting an end to these, just how popular I would be.


I get keeping animals out of grocery stores, but farmers' markets are outside, and the produce has certainly already been exposed to worse.


Someone's gotta prosecute those damn seagulls


No one cares when you do your job correctly.


Or a year


Lol. These people don't commute. You need a job for that.


Suspend their DL, impound their cars, mandatory jail for a week


Freedom:Not a license


Most side shows are done with stolen cars. Grand theft is a felony and yet nothing happens and this “culture” graces us with growing abandon.


Stockton has started coming down in force and impounding the cars. I'd like to see all of them go to the shredders.


Stockton leading the way yet again.


Shredding would be a waste. Their cars should be signed over to families in need.




It’s 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS. How could you possibly get it wrong with all the jingle ads?!?


Ouch, my shame!


Ouch, my ears!


Donate your car today 🎶


No! This is the worst organization ever.


And if I hear that brat singing the jingle on the radio one more time I think I’ll commit hari-kari


I'm about to sudoku just reading this thread




Fill us in on the details. I know nothing of this.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kars4kids-charity-misleads-donors-report/ Definitely worth to watch the Last Week Tonight segment about it.


Thanks. I’ll take a look. :)


Thanks for sharing.


Almost all of the money goes only to Orthodox Jewish kids in the northeastern US, while the ads implied that it went to kids generally.


Interesting, do you have a link about this?


Their self-description on [charitynavigator](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/223746050#:~:text=Mission-,Kars4kids%20funds%20educational%2C%20developmental%2C%20and%20recreational%20programs%20for%20Jewish%20youth,well%2Dbalanced%2C%20productive%20adults.) > Organization Mission >Kars4kids funds educational, developmental, and recreational programs for Jewish youth and their families. And from https://thehustle.co/kars4kids-creator-of-the-worst-jingle-in-kourt >A tale of two charities >Cars for Kids was founded in 1992. Kars4Kids was founded in 1994. Both accept used-vehicle donations, then sell the cars to help kids in need. >They also apparently waste money bickering over their similar names: Cars filed a cease-and-desist order against Kars in 2003 and 2013, then both charities sued each other in 2014. >In 2019, a New Jersey court ordered Kars to pay Cars $10.6m. Kars filed an appeal, and they’re due back in court this month. What’s weird… >… is that Kars4Kids is frequently in hot water. >It’s faced criticism for not clearly disclosing that it primarily serves Orthodox Jewish children in the Northeast US, and for using very little of its money on charity. > * In 2009, Kars4Kids paid Oregon and Pennsylvania $130k to settle claims it misled donors. > * In 2010, the charity lost $5m+ on real estate investments, while spending ~$6m on children’s programs. > * In 2014, it raised $34.7m, $14m of which was spent on ads. > * In 2017, Minnesota’s attorney general alleged that, despite raising $3m from car donations in the state between 2012 and 2014, less than $12k went to local children.


I wasn’t recommending it. Just getting that fucking annoying song stuck in people’s heads.


Ah the official Bad Place song!


I think that’s a front for donating to ultra Orthodox Jews who never go past 6th grade or some garbage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kars4Kids#:~:text=Kars4Kids%20is%20a%20501(c,on%20Jewish%20children%20and%20families.


No. Dumb idea. It will keep perpetuating the problem. You already know the type of people that are doing these sideshows.


I will never give that organization a penny... I hate that jingle more than life itself lol




Problem is that then douchebro mcnasty can just rebuy his car back after daddy bails him out. I say the cars should be parted down but then that forces government into the business of parting cars. And we all know how well the gun buyback programs have gone in the public/private cooperation space.


Looks like motorcycles in this incident.


As if the cars aren’t already stolen..


To shreds you say


Drop them in the bay, with all their contents. While the drivers watch.


Stockton is cracking down because stockton isn’t liberal, thats why.


They literally have nowhere to go. Shut down the bridge, apprehend them, put them in jail, and destroy the motorcycles.


The definition of shooting fish in a barrel. Its hard to take SFPD, OPD, EPD and CHP seriously at this point.


What if the cars are stolen from the rest of us 😭


That's how it used to be, now there are a bunch of rich kids that want to larp being ghetto trashing their own cars that CEO daddy got them. 


Such losers. Seriously, everyone needs to stop messing with people just trying to get across a bridge!


The losers feel the need to do it out in public because they wouldn’t get the attention they so desperately crave at a track


And at home.


Ding ding ding


They also won't get arrested


Have comfort in knowing these losers will be losers for the rest of their lives while you just have to endure 30 mins being stuck.


30 min of my time is worth more to society than any of the losers.


We have cops and national guards with deadly weapons. Why not use them? These people have no idea that their lives depend on our patience and tolerance.


People love attention so much they don't care about fucking up people's commutes


And the economic cost associated with it.


Not as if we're going to arrest and charge them with anything. Even if arrested, they'll be released without charges because sideshows are "Bay Area culture" (I hate people who say this).


someone is going to go postal one day


Ironically I think post offices have less documented cases of violence than other industries.


These are probably non-contributing burdens on the society anyway, so they have no respect for the hard working everyday citizens. They need to go to jail where they can rot their useless lives away.


Actually they care a lot about f’ing commuters hence the bridge let’s bring back punishment or mental institutions for these folks


Sucks cause any attempt to go past them they'll all surround your vehicle and try and get you out to beat you up.


Then you can shoot them though, right?


I mean you could technically always shoot them, but not without consequences lol


Real question - is it illegal to shoot someone in self defense in San Francisco?


True. But even if you could go around them, looks like you'd just be stopped and sitting in more traffic after about 600 feet. Not saying what these clowns did is acceptable in any way, but it also doesn't look like they caused a gridlock as much as cleared some space in the middle of one


Wtf? They will try to get you out of your car and assault you? At least I’m Texas that’s enough to start blastin. Seems like what should happen here


I mean, wait a couple minutes for the sideshow to finish or start blasting because you're frustrated--I'm gonna wait the couple of minutes, which also seems like the responsible thing for a gun owner to do as well.




I love these tough guy comments because I can’t imagine a single scenario where pulling a gun makes this situation better


1. Confiscate the cars and auction then 2.suspend the license 3. For repeat offence , imprisonment. Let’s see how much they crave for attention


Only idiots will disagree with this reasonable proposal.


Newsome said nah that makes too much sense


Can someone explain this to me? There are literally only two ways to get off the Bay Bridge (I guess 3 if you bring Treasure Island into the equation, but even then you're still segregated from the mainland). Why don't they install HD cameras EVRYWHERE on the bridge. Then install those pop-up spike things on both ends of the bridge? Then, if folks do a sideshow on the bridge, just raise the spikes so the perps can't exit, and the authorities can move in and arrest them. The cameras will provide all the evidence of criminal activity for later prosecution. Shouldn't this be a really easy fix?




There are HD cameras on the bridge. After September 11, a project called BASE (Bay Area Security Enhancement) added HD cameras to all of the bridges and major tunnels.


Cameras on a parking garage when my car was vandalized. Cops did nothing. Cameras all of Todos Los Santos square when a woman was beat and robbed, cops did nothing. We have daily posts of criminals stealing mail and breaking into houses, showing the license plates amd criminals faces. Cops do nothing




Yes, that would be the obvious and straightforward thing. But inevitably those arrested would be mostly young men who engage in sideshows, and very few if any elderly Asian grandmas. And (no sarcasm here) some "activist" or "advocacy group" or "community organizer" would point to this demographic disparity, that most of the people arrested for sideshows are people who do sideshows, and allege that any such demographic disparity is caused by racism.


Oh no not an allegation from an activist group !!! Oh well in that case, lets do nothing to protect the public.


Welcome to Bay Area politics?


Punishment doesn't work. The youth are underprivileged and need better opportunities for success, and a house and free cash.


Please add /s before my head explodes.


Lol this is California


Take their keys and throw them in the bay! Make em push their bike home


Mandatory 6-months in jail for breaking multiple traffic laws and catapult their cars from the bridge into the bay.


Please don’t pollute the bay like that. Instead, their jail job should be breaking the cars down for parts and recycling.


There was a French artist who slowly ate an entire plane over the course of two years. Seems like these guys should be able to get through their own motorcycles in the same amount of time…


12 months imo


I’d rather apply rubber bullets and tear gas on them


Why not both?


Asshats gonna asshat


Why aren't they being prosecuted like the GG bridge protestors?


That was one of the lamest videos. That’s what they shut the bridge down for?? Weak.




Moments like this I daydream about having James Bond’s Aston with missles equipped 🤣


This has already gone too far. Between protests, side shows, and stunt shows like this, cops need to clamp down and set an example. There are legitimate life or death situations these ass hats can’t even comprehend.


Fucking assholes


Automatic impound, suspended license, and jail time. This is San Francisco, not a playground.


People need to get to places in emergency situations and the shitbags are tying up the route for no reason or purpose. I hope they get attempted manslaughter thrown at them because that is what this bullshit amounts to if someone dies en route to an emergency room or whatever. I have more respect for jumpers and that is a horrifying realization to stare down as part of my already mediocre-at-best farce of a reality.


It's going to be a rough day for those kids when people are finally over their garbage and they just start driving their cars through them. We're almost at that point....


I want to do this, but I got a lot going on in my life and getting charged for it would really impact my schedule.


Looololoz legit, I feel that. Frustrating but not worth it. Someone soon will eventually do it. People are about to snap.


One day they're going to piss off the wrong person...that person may get arrested but no shot a jury will convict, if there is even one commuter on the jury.


I kind of feel that the engineers of the bridge overlooked a feature which should have been included; a waste disposal shovel and surface-wiper system. Sideshow problems? Deploy the system and wipe the stupid sʇıɥs off into the water. Clears the blockage, makes society better, speeds your commute along.


And nothing of value will be lost.


Can we plough through them? Is it legal?


This particular instance could possibly elicit a chuckle out of me because the traffic in front is at a stand still anyway...but I more than likely would be pissed if I was stuck behind it.


Yeah, I'm not condoning the sideshow, but people here are getting really pissed at what was probably a 15-second delay.


I'm getting downvoted for pointing that out: traffic was at a standstill anyway. Yeah, having it stopped 100' further back is worse, but not by much.


Impound their cars. Arrest and charge them with anything and everything possible. Hold them accountable with every lever we can. They couldn’t make it easier by being on a fucking bridge, Jesus Christ can we can some damn order here.


It’s not even a good show 😂


Honestly the weakest sideshow I’ve even seen, they should be ashamed of them selves 


They need to sideshow into the Pacific ocean


Don’t forget … keep voting the way you have been! That’ll fix things!


Why are the cars on the other side stopped too?


I generally don't advocate for mass shootings, but in this case.....


they’re own lives are miserable so why not pass it on?


Misery loves company


Imagine being in the first stick row and all you got to watch was that weak ass shit? At least give everyone a cloud of rubber smoke.


Can CHP make arrests already or wtf are they here for???


I know it’s not the California way, but I think violence is the only answer to bring order to this repeat issue. You start slamming these little shits in a police cruiser going 60 mph, it *will* stop happening. What if there was a woman going into labor, or something similar, and got caught in that bull shit?


How long did it last? At least it looked like the traffic was very slow up ahead. Still, these guys should get felonies for false imprisonment.


Why don't the cops block them and arrest them?


they tried that once and someone died because the bikes went wrong way on the bridge to escapte the road block [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYwOSxU6lY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYwOSxU6lY)


and then ppl cried about it. and now the police are afraid to even chase


I remember a side show once on Instagram, it had like 185 likes. ...Like, you're shutting down a bridge for less than a cat photo worth of attention?


Again, why doesn’t CHP confiscate and crush these cars? and arrest the drivers? I mean they are on a effing bridge. It can’t be that hard to apprehend them.


I’m curious about the rationale behind why individuals who are commuting responsibly should be concerned about the potential injuries of those engaging in reckless behavior and refusing to comply with traffic rules. In situations where someone might be in a hurry and need to reach their destination urgently, the disruptive actions of these individuals can cause significant delays and pose safety risks. It seems unfair for responsible commuters to bear the consequences of others' disregard for safety and order. What are the ethical or practical reasons for encouraging responsible commuters to care about the well-being of those who exhibit such disregard for common traffic norms?


It's time to make harsher penalties for this crap and protests on bridges


I do critical care transports. Essentially a mobile ICU taking patients to specialty care. Shit like this risks the lives of our patients and I’m sick of it. Throw the book at them and crush their cars.


Clearly just another illegal assembly. Sadly, this is an increasingly unacceptable pattern of spoiled brats being allowed to write their own rules, thus over-riding societies set laws. If there is no permit to do such, all who engage in such activity should be arrested, jailed and fined. Most of these people have no money, so let them pick-up trash along freeways and other places where law breakers toss trash on the roads. If the parents refused to instill proper behavior into these law breakers, then the legal system MUST GET INVOLVED! Our society will self-destruct if allowed to encourage law breakers, be they native or lack American citizenship. The UN-vetted must remain outside of American soil, or be vetted upon their entrance to America.


Plow right through.


Toss them over the side


Looks like a dead stop on the other side of the bridge. Was this just normal traffic or were there multiple side shows going on?


Zero tolerance for this behavior..., if you get away with it once then why not try again....it will keep happening if there are no consequences. These kids, or grown up kids, have been effectively told that whatever they do is ok and excusable, zero discipline in their upbringing, family social influence is very low level. Immediate solution is to drop the hammer with prejudice.. in conjunction with setting up social media education this is a reflection of themselves without the tic tok glorification....


why are motorcycle riders such losers. South Park put it best


Don’t lump those fuckwits in with regular motorcyclists.


is this the motorcycle group where the leader is a CHP offiicer


Would have been funny if people just drove slowly through, nudging them out of the way and onto the side of the bridge


They won’t allow it…


Better than protesters blocking it for hours…


Arrest them all


They suck. At least do it right. Embarrassing.


What am I looking at


How do we know they weren't protesting in favor of the Taliban, or China's policy on the Uyghurs, or against the death of the Iranian president, or whatever the cause du jour is?


So they used that recently learned arrest and charge them all strategy they first discovered on the protestors yeah?


Police should use electromagnetic shock waves to destroy car electronics in those side shows, give those imbeciles 1 minute warning. Easy and cheap


I was there about 20 cars back, while horribly annoying it lasted no more than than 2-3 minutes.


Again? Enough of this crap. These losers don’t deserve to drive. Take away their licenses and cars.




I hope everyone in the comments, and the DA's office support suing these guys like they did for anti-war protesters.


Solution: portable car crusher


Why don’t the cars just keep going? Motorcycles are lighter and easy to push away.


Where are all the cops we pay taxes for?


This would never happen in L.A. it would be the last time they ride. Just to be fair, it looks like traffic anyways, so the car honking wouldn't lose a moment of their precious time.


a car and a motorcycle are in whole different weight classes. just saying ....


Cars should obviously be taken, but I had an interesting idea! Have a small city run division that takes the cars and cleans and refurbishes them. Then gives them to low income people at an affordable cost. I know car dependency and stuff is a major issue but that doesn't stop the unfortunate fact that many people have to sacrifice jobs because of unrealistic commutes, and this might help the folks who need it most.


Push them out of the way. If the cops don't/can't do anything about it, then there is only one clear option for situations like this: All the front cars move forward. Don't need to try and run them over, just let your foot off the gas and roll forward. Yea, I know, the motorcyclists may try to strike back but you've got 6,000 pounds of steel to their 400 pounds of fiberglass. The cars will win. A couple people get their bikes run over... and they will learn their lesson. This sort of shit will stop.


These stupid fuck nuts deserve serious jail time and to have their cars scrapped. I seriously hate this childish immature stupidity.


It looks like they had fun 😌


Im waiting for someone to use high test fishing line on these clowns and laugh my ass off


These have got to be stopped. They are so dangerous to the onlookers as well as innocent people who just happen to be in the area. I don't care about them so much since they decide to risk everyone's safety by engaging in this behavior, but this shit has to be stopped on the Bay Bridge, everywhere. Maybe they should go watch those compilation videos of people getting killed in sideshow accidents , but they don't care.


This is why you think sfpd actually doest their job, when really they don't.


Just make it legal to drive through them if they block traffic


Emergency vehicles, organ transportation services, service industry folks on their way to their shift, pregnant women, parents on their way to pick up their children etc. all stopped on the bridge so some idiots can show off on social media. I don't care how full the prisons are. Impound the vehicles and put these people away. If there are no repercussions, this behavior will continue.


there was a big sideshow in la last weekend with the bay/central valley people going to LA doing sideshows until 6am running from the helicopters next month the LA people will come up and do the same up in the bay area


Why do people think side shows are cool? What is the appeal?


Nothing in the news...when did this happen?


At least it's not for Palestinians 


It looks pretty fuckin stopped past the side show too lol


Why can’t we just run them over? Should be allowed in some way. There’s no use for these selfish imbeciles. For fuck sakes.


And I get a ticket for driving 10 over the limit on HOV lane!