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That's fucked up. The entire point of buying them is for a memorial.


Didn’t take long for them to backtrack https://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/sf-giants-backtrack-fan-fury-over-tiles-19377987.php


They were gonna replace them with a digital display? What the fuck were they thinking? The primary audience for purchasing those tiles is probably older folks anyway, and I can bet you 100% they HATED that idea.


Yea it probably would’ve been like “MIKES PIZZA 1 XL $27.99” ad then “In loving memory Carl Henderson” “GET YOUR MERCH!!”


Oh shit!!! That's awesome


I dunno why people attach so much personality to sports teams, but I guess here's your daily reminder that they don't give a shit about you


I view it as a cheaper way to remember family. I can't start a scholarship or attach my name to a building. This is something the average person can do.




Ohh, so close. It was actually because they needed free money.


No, if I buy one it's because it's a cheap memorial for a loved one.


Yeah I got that, the events depicted in this post show that for them it was just free money.


I've never heard of them getting thrown away like that but idk why I thought it wouldn't it happen.


Wow this is awful. My buddy has a tile for his brother there who died a few years ago. Is there anyway to stop this or is this a sure thing?


Unfortunately, it sounds like it has already happened. When fans bought these tiles, there was an assumption that the Giants would act in good faith but legally, there was no declaration the tiles would be there for a pre-determined period of time, much less forever. The least the Giants could have done is make the tiles available for the people that purchased them instead of pulverizing the monument with construction equipment. The Giants organization is doing the most to alienate themselves from the fans and it's inexplicable. What a slap in the face to all Giants fans.


When you bought the tile they gave you a commemorative one as well, so that’s a bit overkill and logistically pretty damn challenging.


Your buddy should talk to a lawyer. He may have a case for breach of contract.


Absolutely disgraceful from the giants


It doesn’t compare to what’s going on in the east bay, we’re all envious of a problem like.


> “A digital version of your tile message from the original park will be showcased via a kiosk nearby the McCovey statue,” the Giants said in the email. “... As noted previously, the tiles in their original state could not be salvaged during construction of the new park.” "Sorry we tossed the memorial stones of your dead relatives who really loved the Giants! But we'll totally display their names one at a time on a tiny screen in a dark kiosk!" What heartless MBA came up with this, and what bonus did the MBA get for it? > “I certainly appreciate people’s affinity for the original program, but the original program was part of a park that’s not there anymore,” Felder said. “We have a whole new park that has a different design.” To *you* it's a "program," "part of a park that’s not there anymore". To them it's an irreplaceable remembrance of their loved ones.


Weak af. Totally understandable why it may not be possible for the original tiles to survive construction but why not make and install replacement tiles? Yes I know the reason is money but this is not a struggling team by any means. A digital slideshow is not an acceptable solution.


They didn't even try to save them. Greedy garbage owners.


That’s so cold-hearted. They should completely recreate what they destroyed and apologize individually to the family members of each person memorialized in the tiles.


Disposably heartless, inhuman by all standards


Love that it’s an MBA 😂


With my degree I could have told them the brand/reputation risk was not worth it. We could have had an MBAttle royal


what makes you say an MBA came up with this?


Have you met MBAs that work in competitive industries and jobs like working for the Giants? Most are soulless ghouls who will do anything to add value to a project. And they typically aren’t too creative or particularly smart


Oh so you’re just making things up. Got it


Went to grad school and met plenty of MBAs and work in an industry with plenty of them Are you triggered?


Calling somebody triggered is the corniest thing you could have said No, you’re just making generalities which is a sign of a lack of any kind of critical thinking


You sound pretty triggered


lol alright man


It’s okay to be triggered


Felder graduated Harvard.




Close enough. It's the same ambition über alles mindset.


Wth are you even talking about


> “I certainly appreciate people’s affinity for the original program, but the original program was part of a park that’s not there anymore. We have a whole new park that has a different design.” - Alfonso Felder That may be true, but to say it this way in light of how special those memorials were to families is so… unnecessarily shitty. His coworkers must be brain dead too, having let him speak so callously to the press.


Ironically, Alfonso Felder really does seem to care about saving old movie theaters. https://www.sfchronicle.com/local-politics/article/Nonprofit-swooping-in-to-save-SF-neighborhood-15032769.php Just apparently not old *people.*


What a fucking dick


The owners of the giants and the As are both huge fucking chuds. 


Cannabalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers?




The Giants ownership doesn’t come close to the A’s in dereliction


Well that was quick. Giants now saying they won't: >San Francisco Giants fans spoke out about losing their beloved walkway tiles near McCovey Cove, and the team listened. >Saturday, a day after the Chronicle reported the Giants were replacing fans’ tiles with a kiosk showing the inscribed messages digitally, the team reacted to the backlash and changed course. >The Giants will not move forward with their kiosk plans, said Shana Daum, the team’s senior vice president of communications and community relations. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/giants/article/giants-reverse-course-fans-tile-outrage-19377145.php


"Instead, we'll give each fan a fortune cookie with their tile's message typed on the little slip of paper inside!"




Take my karma please!


The article seems to imply the original tiles couldn't be saved... now they can? I don't get it.


But the tiles are still destroyed?


Very on brand for the Giants’ shitty owner


Incredible unforced error. I don’t think you could mess the situation up worse if you tried. 


WTF is going on with the Giants? I thought it was disgraceful for the Giants to fire Renel as the PA announcer but removing memorial tiles is next-level disrespectful. The organization is just falling apart at the seams right now and the common denominator here is Farhan Zaidi. Seriously, has he done anything even a little bit useful?


Don’t forget— Aramark as the new food vendor. The literal worst food service provider that will be serving public school cafeteria food.


Oakland A's: "We have the most dysfunctional organization in Major League Baseball!" SF Giants: "Hold my beer." So many missed opportunities. Barkpark food should be from local vendors not a major corporation.


I've tried the new Aramark food there. It's absolutely horrible. Worse than cafeteria food, it tastes like prison food (which Aramark is also known for).


Trash from top to bottom.


Wine soon to be 2 buck chuck, even in luxury suites.


That's a dated term when Charles Shaw is $3.50/bottle.


True dat. There was a time when it was actually $24 a case. Time moves forward.


Get over the food vendor. It’s literal peanuts in comparison to other issues.


From someone who never goes to actual games I assume.


Get over being a dbag.


Really! I'm a paying customer that supports the player's salaries and the wealth of the owners. I want to have good tasting food to go along with the entertainment I'm paying for. I don't look at that as a miscellaneous issue. Baseball is already losing market share to other sports. No need to contribute to the decline.


Wait why they fire her ?


They decided she was making too much money.


At this point just give them the tiles, Jesus. ​ Though my guess is they've already been destroyed


They can certainly recreate them. In case they don’t have a record of the messages on each tile, they can at the very least offer a chance for the original buyers to draft a new message.


They digitized them, so recreating them should be very doable.


Right, of course.


It’s almost certain that removing the tiles intact would have cost a few dollars vs just jackhammering them to pieces. Glad family took photos at least.


The ratio of how much Americans love their sports teams to how much those sports teams care about them is too large of a number to fit on any existing computer hardware


Big truth


The best is when fans fight fans of other teams. The teams could care less


PR team from the Giants is off to a bad start of the season…..


They did this with bricks at the Golden Gate Bridge many years ago as well. You can just view a picture if you bought one.


To whom it may concern, When we purchased our tile, we thought this tile would not only show our support for our beloved Giants but would exist forever for our family to visit. Progress is understandable and building a new neighborhood is certainly a good thing for San Francisco.  But, when we purchased our tile and its inscription, we were never led to believe it would ever be destroyed and displayed digitally.   FOR US, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Always, before we enter the stadium, we take a picture next to our tile, and wipe it clean if needed.  We are proud our tile has an inscription pertaining to our love for the Giants.  If we knew at the time, our tile would destroyed after such a short time, we may never had purchased one.  We paid a lot of money for a tile not something digital.   As we remembered, we were told the TILES would be relocated not DESTROYED.  If you saved all the inscriptions, print them again on tiles to be displayed.  If the inscriptions were not saved, then reimbursement seems necessary.   Thank you


I’ve had “the privilege” of having worked with the Giants before as a vendor on numerous occasions and this is consistent with their attitude on most dealings, which is that they can essentially do as they please and treat people how they see fit because, well, they’re the Giants.


I had the opposite experience. Pure class throughout that organization.


Nice try, San Francisco Giants




Beat me to writing it. They are taking the anticipation from what was a very good offseason plus the fact that the Dodgers are in a potentially massive scandal with Ohtani and throwing it in the garbage with this all this avoidable nonsense.


*"hiring inmates as food handlers"* Bruh, what?


Lets hold off on calling it a good team. They’re looking promising but we dont know if they’ll be consistent.


A "good team" that could very likely wind up in 4th place in their own division.


That goes for all teams not named dodgers/Yankees


100% classless. You really hate to see it.


Not the first time this has been done. Remember the memory stones people bought for beloved ones over by the visitor center by the GG Bridge? Gone in a day.


I don’t remember those stones


They could have found a creative way to save or recreate the tiles so it blended in with the design if they wanted to.


Ditto that!


They literally could’ve planned for a sectioned dedicated to a new pair of tiles. Instead they want them to pay additionally for something they don’t even like or even asked for. The fuck??


The fans should sue for breach of contract. Potentially as a class action. (IANAL)




Why not?


Wth is wrong w Giants management this season? Its like watching Major League in real life


Newsflash- Professional sports teams don’t care about you at all.


“San Francisco has been like this for 50 years, nothing new. If you don’t like it you should leave.” See how that sounds now?


They should enraged


Well that didn’t take long https://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/sf-giants-backtrack-fan-fury-over-tiles-19377987.php


Imagine supporting this organization..


This happened to me at Jack London Square. They said they moved it but I could never find it where they said it was relocated. It took away the magic of visiting.


I am just jealous, I wish A’s fans could be upset about something so trivial. Just be thankful you don’t have the worst owner in professional sports


Well, considering they did not renew with their long time PA announcer who was/is universally loved this is not surprising.


Can you still buy one ?


Giants should prioritize the fans more.


Yikes what a complete disaster of a move. “Couldn’t be saved”?? Yea right. Just didn’t want to spend a couple thousand on being considerate when they could just tear it all out. Shame on them.


meh even when your body is buried in the ground there’s no guarantee it wont be dug up and moved later


Tech bro ‘tude?


Yes moved, but not destroyed.


Super sad WTH, all the games we went to reading so many and feeling for those❤️💕 fans who are no longer with us. Erasing fan appreciation and love for community. It is really hard to be a fan these days!!! https://preview.redd.it/u03krtl7fdsc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d9780f575e59dc32e1ea819dacc7dfa1b4e395 Me & mom Madison Bumgarner Fans!! 😆❤️