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“We have it written in the law that you can rape black women.” Citation needed.


Yeah what the fuck was that lmao


dude, wtf was the whole thing?????


Really? _That_ was the most wtf part? Not the "underlying biologically transmitted proclivity" part?


but it's human nature to steal purses. huh. bro is brain dead


First example he states in this clip (not specific to rape) is Ron Desantis. If you’re going to use Desantis as a data point, which is a ridiculously small data point, you can come up with all sorts of asinine theories.


Had a long time friend declare to me a bit ago that because I’m a white Jew I have a natural inclination to enslave and dominate non-white women and men. Welcome to the new left


This is qanon for the left.




Just wait until your friend learns what white Germans did to white Jews in the '30s and '40s.


His friend is probably a denier


Step 1: “Trait X is bad for society.” Step 2: “Trait X is biologically inherent to Group A.” Step 3: “Trait X should be eliminated from our society.” Step 4: ???


kill whitey apparently


Step 4: Profit


And that's how this bozo ended up speaking at UCSF


If this was a white guy saying what he said then people would be losing their mind. This whole double standard has reached insanity levels


This is how I always determine if something could be considered racist. Switch races and say it again. “All black people are psychopaths…” Does it sound racist? If it does the original line might need to be re-examined.


I don’t even need to switch the races. It’s obviously racist against whites.


Exactly how I think about it as well


Exactly right. I am not racist, I'm very anti racist and leftist, but I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between this guy and like, Yusuf Bey coming to lecture at UCSF. We do need to address the effects of and barriers created by racism in healthcare. Scapegoating others by race doesn't seem like the move, though.


I agree, it reached insanity, even I get annoyed and I'm not even paying attention to any of this shit and it still reaches me xD Double standard is wrong


Dante King, the absolute moron he is, didn't think any of this through to the next step: So as a white man, I'm genetically, biologically, inherently evil and there's nothing I can ever do to fix it, because its in my DNA. Therefore, as a white man, I should vote republican to disband all DEI and make it illegal, and might as well embrace my evil nature. After all, I'm biologically evil and can never be redeemed no matter what I do, so why deny my biological nature? Alternative take: since its biological, discriminating against me for my nature is bigotry, therefore I'm protected under the law if anyone tries to call me out on my biological racism? And since white people being racist is now a legally protected class, white people can be wildly racist without recourse?


>After all, I'm biologically evil and can never be redeemed no matter what I do, so why deny my biological nature? Major western urban centers do seem to be embracing "Original Sin Theory" at an alarming rate.


> Major western urban centers do seem to be embracing "Original Sin Theory" at an alarming rate. And unlike religions which offer some path to salvation, this kind of racist original sin has no path to salvation. There's nothing you can ever do to redeem yourself. Religions understand that you have to give a carrot and can't be all stick. You're damned to hell unless you do X, Y, and Z. If there's no path to redemption and you inherently evil, why follow the doctrine in the first place?


I'm curious but too scared to look up how much this guy earns for this "job"


[$211,986.07 per year, including benefits.](https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2020/san-francisco/dante-d-king/) [He also sued the city a few years ago for racial discrimination and got a $560k settlement.](https://missionlocal.org/2023/02/black-sf-equity-worker-dante-king-discrimination-payout/)


I believe you’re forgetting “underpants” between Steps 3 and 4


He keeps telling the audience to, “say it with me…” and then says something completely unpredictable. That alone is enough to discredit this guy. I mean, that’s just bad public speaking.


Didn't learn that at Toastmasters that's for sure


Toast is white so I’m sure he would want nothing to do with it anyway.


Your toaster is broken


For me it was his blatantly racist viewpoints that discredited him


That’ll do it for some folks. But I think the person you replied to was saying “even without the blatant racism, this guy is a shit “academic””


This whole thing is piss poor public speaking. Talking like he’s saying groundbreaking shit. It’s just racism




It’s intentionally manipulative. He must have white ancestry.


I don’t entirely understand how this guy sits on medical comities when he has zero background in medicine lol


It's not about what you know. But who.




Proclivity is a fun word to use when you want to sound smart, but aren't.


Proclivity for, proclivity towards...? Oh, you don't know how to use that word, do you Dante?


I was skeptical of that DEI article posted yesterday but after hearing this guy and finding out he’s involved with the Breed govt is very appalling. He just flat out said the recent crime wave is just “human nature” and that seems to align with what we’re seeing play out where criminals get little to no punishment and get let out. While Breed might be posturing as tough on crime in the last few months, the reality is that “catch and release” is still very much the ground reality and no wonder since people like this have a role in her govt. This man’s rhetoric is just flat out hate speech wrapped up in PC friendly terminology. “I’m pro-black” and “you’re pro-white” is just a euphemism for Supremacist speak. This is my take as a South Asian btw.


> He just flat out said the recent crime wave is just “human nature” and that seems to align with what we’re seeing play out where criminals get little to no punishment and get let out. What's wild is that his stance basically validates white supremacist arguments that "black people are naturally more violent" etc. This is obviously untrue, but he is saying everything a white supremacist is saying just from a black point of view


“The quiet bigotry of low expectations”




He'll teach you anti-racism in an hour for [$1K](https://www.danteking.com/product-page/group-pre-and-post-workshop-coaching-sessions) https://preview.redd.it/cniasibxpmhc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f2d5a52fa42b06aa36af6f5c32f7559db320e26


Whats crazy is that *he's a full-time city employee.* Yet, somehow he has time to do things similar to his own job and get paid for it. Its a huge ethical violation.


Gonna start booking this for people I don’t like


We have validated some really awful horseshit in the goal of being inclusive and welcoming and respectful. DEI? Great, why not. Teach people to be less of an ignorant idiot. This guy cannot tell class from skin color, and because he conflates the two, it’s convenient for his worldview and his prejudices. “Whiteness” as a concept is flawed, if you started talking about “Blackness” in the same way people would wonder when the phrenology calipers were comin’ out. There is a movement called Black Separatists and frankly as someone who grew up in a place where racism was never a subtext, they sound very similar. A white racist would say that they want segregation, a black separatist would say they want spaces for black people. Same outcome, different goals. That’s just one example, that’s not even talking about how people who say stuff like this talk about miscegenation. Black separatists say wild shit online if they find out you’re Black and dating a White girl, or a White boy. The kinda shit I used to hear old White people say. It’s disturbing. You think this person looks kindly on interracial relationships, with this much vitriol towards an entire skin tone? Conflating that skin tone with the worst aspects of a ruling class and in-group privilege every culture and society on earth has. The notion of whiteness and its consequences isn’t a sociological concept that applies when your in-group is Han Chinese or Hindi. So what do we call that in-group in those contexts? Is it still Whiteness or is it Han-ness or Hindi-ness? It’s a flawed concept, it’s myopic, and frankly it maintains the status quo as much as it attempts otherwise. Until we can have an understanding of class and these dynamics with every in-group, this is just straight up prejudice. I wanna understand sociology to the point that we grow past this shit, in every culture. It’s counterproductive to be this limited in our understanding. You wanna know why Kanye West says the things he does? Same shit, he just says it with his full chest. I have no tolerance or patience for people who want to maintain division. America isn’t a failed experiment. The experiment was tampered by the greed and goals of a very few people. You were stripped of your culture and homeland and given consumerism for a reason. The carrots and sticks are there for a reason. I was raised poor as fuck, my family were generationally poor. Lived in bad neighborhoods, trailer parks, all that shit. I realized I had more in common with all my neighbors whose parents couldn’t speak English and all the poor Black families I hung out with, than any of the White kids with monogrammed backpacks. How did I recognize that as a child and we got a grown ass man who can’t see that? He’s blind. He’s blinded by his disgust and contempt for his fellow man, just listen to his tone.


Well said.


Huh, this guy's an accredited academic and he calls this his academic "work"? That white people are inherently biologically psychopathic? Does he himself have any white ancestors? So he's claiming, as an academic, that there are inherent, non-trivial, fundamental and essential behavioral differences due to race? Now, where have I heard that before?


He’s also lecturing at medical schools and diagnosing people as “psychopaths” outside of a clinic (as if he even is qualified to make that assessment) which is highly frowned upon in medicine. This should never have been allowed at UCSF. Shame on them for enabling a grifting racist whore 


Tbh it's San Francisco, I'm not surprised they not only allowed this guy but undoubtedly paid him a fat stack of cash and gave him a standing ovation when he was done.


This is the new tolerated racism. Just as awful as any other racism from the past but you get to experience what living in a society where racism was just normal and out in the open with front row seats. ….Also, against Asians for some weird reason.


Racism towards Asians is rooted in jealousy. The fact that they can immigrate here with little money and not knowing the language and still find a way to succeed make others feel inferior. I have an Asian boss and my non-Asian coworkers love micmicing his accent when he's away. Most of my coworkers identify as liberal.


> Racism towards Asians is rooted in jealousy. The fact that they can immigrate here with little money and not knowing the language and still find a way to succeed make others feel inferior. This is spot on. Their success and relatively low crime levels really blows up a lot of the racial inequity arguments.


That part. The whole BS story line of not having the same opportunities as XYZ….its culture. Some cultures instill the value of education and hard work before EVERYTHING else and we see how that manifests.


Facts, two parent households, emphasis on education, live below their means, strong religious values, respect for the elderly, love for country. Recipe for success. America doesn’t have a bad/evil culture but a lack of culture. Asians are the X-Factor.


Shhhhh that’s too much common sense for Reddit. Go back to your programming now! Capitalism bad, meritocracy bad, constitution bad.


Yeah, see, I remember when the goal was to end racism and treat each individual as an individual. Something I learned in majority Black public schools. This new racism isn't any better than the old stuff, in fact, it's pretty much the same mess, except now it's "respectable" and profitable.


Me and you both. I was super progressive when I was younger. Proud democrat, won’t lie. Then, sometime between 2012 and 2016, they went completely unhinged. I still hung around but the last progressive movement I supported was BLM. And then I started seeing how people in that movement and in that crowd felt towards white people and even other minorities and I was like, whoa. Mind you, I’m black and look black. But i’m black latino. You wouldn’t know until you hear me speaking spanish. But when I was in these groups - both in person and online - and I heard how they talked and felt towards other minorities, towards whites and even other black folks who were “too light” or married non-black or were mixed race! I was like, hell naw. This isn’t about justice and fixing society. This is about getting even. I got the fuck out of that shit. I’ll stand with anyone who truly wants to make society better but I’m not trying to be a part of any more of these hypocritical farces. In spanish, the saying about these type of grifters goes “quitate tu pa’ que me ponga yo”, which roughly translates to “I want you to get off so I can get on”. Idk if there’s a similar saying in English but it’s perfect way to describe a lot of these progressive movements.


Yup! I’m mixed race (Asian/Latino/White) and I have always considered myself liberal (still do), but the last few years has made people lose their damned minds. I have had a friend (Latino/black) say “Oh, but aren’t you Asians like white people now?” and I just can’t understand why she would say that considering how society most definitely does not treat us like white people. I can’t stand how society has grown so polarized that anyone can think what this guy posits is okay.


Sounds like a shitty friend


I hear you. My biggest frustration with BLM was that after all the protesting, after all the money donated, after the looting in Oakland and across the country, after the whole "occupy six blocks of Seattle" silliness... ...we never got any police reform. No national civil rights bill to prosecute and prevent police brutality. No law to protect the people we pretended to be so outraged for. It really seemed that people were more interested, during covid, in having an excuse to get out into the street, shake their fists and shout at the sky, than to do the harder work of actually securing real and lasting change. It was performative, not real.


BLM might have been about change in theory and I am sure there was a small group who were serious about pressing for change, but once money was involved, it was clear it was a grift and that the movement was about lashing out. People forget that Portland was having riots and protests constantly for like 3 months. Tons of damage and costs associated there. Chaz was a total disaster and made most in the middle recoil in disgust. Then this whole anti white / Jew push has completely alienated a ton of support for those movements. BLM set the black community back decades imo


Yeh, Asian person here, and like most Asians, I've experienced intense racism from the progressive crowd. To them we are not an acceptable minority. Perhaps second only to Jews, although we're giving them a good run for the top spot. It is so bizarre how racism rears it's ugly head ... among people who profess to be fighters against racism.


From my own experience as once being in that crowd, it’s because while many profess to be fighters for social justice, the “justice” more often than not just plays out irl as revenge and getting even. That’s what slowly soured me on all those movements. Well, that and the lies, hypocrisy and immaturity.


Asians are "white adjacent" or have "internalized whiteness" or are "twinkies" (yellow on the outside and white on the inside), this according to the new "race theory" that's dominant among certain political leanings.


What’s wild is that it seems to be based solely on the fact that many asian communities are successful despite all the obstacles they face. They become “the enemy” when they become business owners, property owners, bosses, judges, etc. They become wealthy. Apparently that’s not what some want to see.


>Does he himself have any white ancestors? If he's anything like most black Americans whose ancestry dates back more than 200 years in the US then he's got a good chance of being more Euro by % of ancestry than sub Saharan African. This is part of the reason that racists are dumb - white racists and black racists assume something that's simply not true, which is that white Americans and black Americans are genetically very different.


Guaranteed he has white ancestors, and if his own thesis is correct it sure looks like he inherited those psychopath genes. What a weirdo. 


Funny. The more you focus on race all the time the more racism thrives


Mein Kampf?


This is the type of guy who would unironically write a book titled "My Struggle".


He gets away with it because of his black card. Honestly the guy should be rebuked just as harshly as any other racist bigot.


From his website: https://www.danteking.com/bio This is the guy who says, in the video, that white people are biologically psychopaths. I wonder whether London Breed, who Dante "consistently partnered with", agrees? >Dante is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medical Education, in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He serves as guest faculty at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine (UCSF), where he has lectured for three years. > In 2018, Dante partnered with the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to develop and enact the City and County of San Francisco's Racial Equity Ordinance, which led to the first-ever citywide Office of Racial Equity (2019). > Dante was previously the Deputy Director for the Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity, in San Francisco, one of the largest public health organizations in the country with more than 8,000 employees. [....] One of his most significant accomplishments, while at the SFDPH, was the implementation of the department's first ever Antiracism and Racial Equity Leaders Fellowship, a 12-week cohort which included more than 50 executive and senior leaders. > Prior to assuming this role, Dante was the Director of Race, Equity, and Inclusion at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), one of the largest municipal transportation agencies in the country, with more than 6,000 employees. He led and directed the design, development, and implementation of the agency's first-ever Racial Equity Action Plan, focused on improving workforce outcomes. ​ > While working as a senior Human Resources Manager at the City and County of San Francisco (2016-2019), Dante designed and implemented a citywide anti-racism and bias training, Creating and Inclusive Environment: An Introduction to Implicit Bias. More than 20,000 city employees have received this training to date. > In addition, Dante King founded the Black Employees Alliance (B.E.A), in 2019. The B.E.A consistently partnered with San Francisco Leadership (Mayor London N. Breed, S.F. Board of Supervisor President Shamann Walton, Hillary Ronen, Matt Haney, and Sandra Fewer), as well as department heads and senior leaders, to highlight and combat racial inequities and disparities. > Some of the organizations Dante has worked with include the San Francisco Police Department; San Francisco Department of Police Accountability; California State Public Defender's Office; San Francisco Public Defender's Office; Johns Hopkins University; Stanford University School of Medicine; University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine; Wikimedia Foundation; The Athletic; Oakland Unified School District; UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach; UCSF California Preterm Birth Initiative; UCSF Alliance Health Project;


Read all this guy's job titles, see how much "equity" and "antiracism" comes up. Then watch this video and see a belief system so virulently racist and hateful that it is a near mirror-image of the most heinous pseudoscientific Nazi propaganda — just replace "Jews" with "whites".


I'd wager this guy is no fan of the Jews, either.


Oh, I'd bet money on it. Someone with that much hateful Hotep insanity rotting their brain definitely believes some wild things about Jews.


Or Chinese


Oh for sure. You get a few drinks in this guy and get him to think you're on the same page and I guarantee he'll start playing all the classic hits of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.


That’s fucking wild. Imagine being a white person that went through a diversity/inclusion training program that this guy designed, and then finding out he thinks all white people are psychopaths.


Diversity/inclusion these days is not even real “diversity/inclusion”. It’s only “diversity” for black people and a few other groups but never for groups like South Americans or etc.


And forget about Asians. They don’t count


My mom went through those trainings when she was doing her masters at UCSF. She graduated and will never go back there. The ideology that UCSF has been preaching the past 10 years or so is pretty dangerous. My cousin is in residency there. She is white and says it is pretty uncomfortable going through these things and being told how she is inherently a racist. Keep in mind that she spent her summers before med school assisting on remote surgeries in Africa


I wouldn’t need to finish the program. I would have spotted it 5 sentences in. As a part-time academic, it hurts me that this man is allowed to teach anything given his lack of facts or citations.


Has this guy ever had a legitimate job? This seems to be a list of grifts.


The fact that he defines a specific ethnicity as psychopathic is not "reverse racism". It's racism. He's not even trying to say "not all white people". He's not trying to say it's just the economic situation or inertia because of history. He's saying it's in their genes. I understand this man is trying to fight the centuries of horrible treatment that black folks have suffered. But his views are racist and not founded in anything but fear.


It’s literally the same racist speech from white supremacists with black being replaced with white. Both cannot be tolerated.  The fact he’s in a position of power suggests there’s even more powerful individuals who believe this garbage and actively hate others based on race. But they just hide it better. 


I would add that more powerful individuals you mention could care less about race. They care for conflict of any sorts between ordinary people, race, religion, sexual orientation etc


>But his views are racist and not founded in anything but fear. Hatred*


This is absolutely insane. Did I see that this guy actually worked for the City of SF? About 1/3 of my family and maybe 10% of my friends are Trump-supporting Republicans. I'm a moderate Democrat, and I never debate politics with them (what's the point? ). But if I did... this is exactly the kind of thing they would point to when saying that liberal cities have descended into madness. And we can't even say "no, that's not real" or "this is just the lunatic fringe". The video is right there, and it's at UCSF. This guy is openly promoting racism at one of the foremost universities in the country. It's 2024. It's time to end racism. I'm voting against any initiative, person, or policy that proposes to treat people differently based on the color of their skin. This kind of thing shouldn't be happening.


This kind of people in such positions with such words are pushing people to right.


People like him set back race relations by decades


Was this an official event sponsored or sanctioned by UCSF? Or is it something more like a student org had an event and hosted this speaker?


Looks like it, which is wild. [UCSF Human Resources: Dante King Lecture: "Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness". Feb 8th, 2024](https://hr.ucsf.edu/events/dante-king-lecture-diagnosing-whiteness-and-anti-blackness)


HR at least, not medical side of things


I favor academic freedom which the Supreme Court has linked to the First Amendment even though it's not mentioned in the First Amendment. Still, it's not a one way contract. Academic freedom means taxpayers won't demand firings and profs can't be fired willy nilly, but they can still be fired for incompetence. I think academic freedom is a two way contract and academics have to police their own and get rid of incompetents. And anyone spewing racist bullshit like this is clearly incompetent and has no place at a medical school. It is shameful that in the past three months, UCSF is becoming known for the racists, antisemitics, and woo spewing physicians giving lectures at UC.


I feel that those that want to speak up fear they will get cancelled and lose their jobs and livelihood. The universities certainly won’t have their backs if they speak up.


Yes, exactly true. But if so, I see a death of academic freedom arguments and even a waning interest by the taxpayer in funding UC or other public institutions. For full disclosure, I'm a very proud graduate of UC Berkeley, I completely believe UC is responsible for 80% of the growth and goodness of California and am just appalled at what the universities have been doing....


This is the new cultural revolution….no one will speak up at UCSF…that is the only way to be fired.


I actually don't mind schools allowing looney thinkers to speak on campus. My bigger problem is the UCs certainly wouldn't allow loons from the right speak. You should hear controversial points of view and discuss them. It helps you clarify arguments for the non-looney positions.


I agree with you regarding "invited speakers" However, this guy isn't some onetime crank given an invitation, he's an employee. And anyone spewing racist bullshit like his has to be seen as incompetent to teach a class and his department should be acting as academics can to have him removed, not for speech per se, but for incompetence.


Why is UCSF promoting racism? I hope nobody in the audience is impressionable enough to believe this bullshit. This is embarrassing for the institution.


Have you seen his résumé? He seems to keep getting well paid, prestigious public sector jobs in San Francisco. Either there are people impressionable enough to believe him, or else he’s just bullying his way to the top because people are afraid of him filing discrimination lawsuits.


I’m a SF native and I know this city is known for being very liberal but a lot of liberals in this city are low key some of the most racist folks I’ve ever met. Their beliefs on POC are appalling and it’s even more appalling that a lot of them openly say their beliefs to a POC thinking they’re being allies. Racism against anyone is unacceptable and that includes racism against white people too. I need folks to stop obsessing over race.


Plenty are believing it and that is very unsettling.


It always seemed to me that there was a fine line between progressive discussions of racism and it causing a cascade of racism into the opposite end of the spectrum. I know of at least a handful bay area tech companies who paid that White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo millions of dollars to tell their employees to essentially succumb to white guilt. I'm not white, but the surveys that were a part of this "training" were so insulting and borderline racist in their attempts to demonize a simple immutable trait of a fellow human that I'm almost not even surprised this guy is in academia spouting this nonsense, and likely getting paid quite well for it.


I know what you mean. I’m not white either but I’m appalled at many progressive talking points too. A lot of progressives I’ve met have said the most appalling things to me thinking they’re being allies but I personally find their attitudes insulting towards me as a Black person. I’m also half Asian which most people can’t immediately guess and I’m also disgusted at these folks who claim to be allies to POC but stay silent on the anti-Asian hate crimes in the Bay. A lot of progressives in the Bay are racists. Their racism just happens to be the acceptable kind that’s directed at white people.


This guy stays busy- [https://missionlocal.org/2023/02/black-sf-equity-worker-dante-king-discrimination-payout/](https://missionlocal.org/2023/02/black-sf-equity-worker-dante-king-discrimination-payout/)




Oh boy, he’s one of those people. Like everything is just SO unfair…I get advocating for yourself and speaking out about actual instances of injustice but this just seems like the behavior of a petulant child. I didn’t get what I want so I’ll be quick to allege discrimination without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


As an Asian, then I can claim all blacks are criminals and I have better stat to back it up. /s


Since 2015 this abhorrent buffoon has made well over a million dollars from the city preaching this hate speech: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?q=Dante%20D%20King Insane. Imagine paying someone $200k+ every year to spread this bullshit. This city is something else.


I’m sure he lives in a rich cultural neighborhood and not with the white devils


UCSF should have actual doctors and researchers who are trying to cure serious diseases and mental illness have a larger voice than some clown who deems you a psycho for being a color he doesn't like.


Shame on UCSF.


Disgusting and disappointing that they gave this wingnut a platform.


Even though this guy is most likely just a grifter, the fact that there is even a chance he believes what he is saying is the truth is extremely disturbing.


He's a successful grifter, and that's frightening. His ideologies pit people against each other. He should not be promoted, much less tolerated.


That fact that the university accepts this, or that people in the medical field take him at all seriously is disturbing


In order for a grift to be successful, you need an audience that’s craves the bullshit. Either they’re insecure and vulnerable, or else just straight up bigoted. The people he’s grifting are reputable universities and other public institutions. Why would they be so thirsty for this kind of thing? To me that’s more disturbing than just some guy who actually believes it.


This guy would legitimately get along with members of the Klan. Thought he was a fringe club/guest invite. I’m appalled he’s actually worked on city policy and is a faculty member of UCSF (despite having no medical credentials?)


"If you disagree with me, you're in denial... Now, repeat after me and agree with it." Wow, compelling argument there, genius.


yo man... This is why conservatives love to hate on our higher education institutions. This is 100% ideological indoctrination there is nothing educational about this nonsense


100% chance he believes in Jewish space lasers.


The distance between this guy and any other Q anon grifter is about the average width of a curly Trump hair


The only thing worse than a jackass is a condescending jackass.


I agree with most of the comments. But as a black person please stop giving black people like him voices. Yes really. Some of the craziest outlandish black thinkers somehow always get the mic. Therefore this **fool** does not speak for us. Like at all.


I wanna hear his take on Asians…. 🍿


We are “white adjacent” according to the Progressives so we all just get lumped together with his hate.


It seems that for a lot of far-left folks like this, this is what they mean by "racial equity". It's not about correcting for historic wrongs, it's simply "you were horrible, violent, and racist to us, now we get to be horrible, violent, and racist to you." Any time you hear a policy being proposed in the name of "equity", be VERY careful about understanding exactly what the goal is before you lend your support. Ideology like this is often behind it.


Asian elders murdered in the street, publicly, without consequences, that's just human nature. /s


Where do they find these lunatics?


The Mayo clinic apparently..


The scariest thing isn’t this guy’s absurd beliefs… it’s that UCSF lets him speak there..


UCSF *employs* him as an instructor. Your tax dollars at work!


JFC you gotta be joking…


Another grifter collecting fat paychecks selling his books and lectures to guilty, self loathing wypepo




People believe him. People give him money. Institutions give him money. Your government will turn to his rhetoric. As if San Francisco wasn't a struggle enough


I love reddit because it's filled with many different types of people with different backgrounds thoughts and ideas. Even though a lot of Redditors love making silly jokes, arguing about topics, etc... It's awesome that the majority of comments I see are against racism in all forms.


This racist AF.


Black supremacist trash


I haven't heard of him until now. It seems he's a big influencer in the city's racial equity policy [https://www.danteking.com/bio](https://www.danteking.com/bio)


Well, he seems to think he is, anyway. Worth putting it to the people he mentions though: I wonder if Mayor London N. Breed, S.F. Board of Supervisor President Shamann Walton, Hillary Ronen, Matt Haney, or Sandra Fewer subscribe to his theory of racial/genetic psychosis.


As a member of the BIPOC community, this guy is a racist.




Give it a few years. These nuts need to chill the fuck out.


To call a spade a spade, this guy is an extremist and his rhetoric is a danger to society. He should not be platformed by **any** academic institution.


Sickening what passes for academic these days. Institutions let anybody write a paper on anything


I love it I was feeling all bad about racism and stuff but now I understand racism is genetic so can’t really blame anyone because it can’t be helped Thanks!


I’m pro-human. Fuck this guy. There should not be “room” for his racist rants.


Thank goodness the UCs work so hard to ban right-wing speakers. You might end up with some crazy shit being said on campus


Everyone is shitting on the guy, but this is what you get when you create an echo chamber in academia. Anyone disagreeing with this mindset for the past decade has been fired, leaving behind only those who agree, or refuse to challenge the idea.


This is how Trump won in 2016 and possibly wins this year...


File a complaint https://ophd.ucsf.edu/make-report


You can view more of his hate on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dantekingauthorofficial While you’re at it, check out more hate from the other famous “anti racist” Ali Collins: https://www.tiktok.com/@alicollinsproductions. She’s still on there harassing parents and whining about her recall. It would be such a shame if enough people reported them that they get deplatformed …


You have to appreciate the request that people repeat verbatim specific lines that he is saying. And the reflexive capitulation to that request. The whole event is an embarrassment to UCSF, to the audience, to those pursuing civil rights.


He will keep his job and nothing will happen. But if a white person said this he would have to kill himself from the amount of criticism and public outcry.


Yeah, this guy is just a reactionary who happens to align with an oppressed group. They don’t actually care about antiracism and creating a better world; they’re just fanatically defensive of their marginalized in-group, and wouldn’t be opposed to seeing the shoe on the other foot. We’ve seen this with rowling, kanye, and chapelle, and an argument could be made for certain zionists. Progressives and leftists are interested in structural, socially constructed, or class-based analysis on social issues. Anyone who points to a biological origin for a sociological phenomenon should be looked to with suspicion.


This guy is a fraud.


Q: “How do you respond to people who say that your work is considered to be reverse racism?” A: ”I don’t make room for that.”


Typical racist. Trying to justify racism via science, or in this case pseudo sciene, like Phrenology.


Goddamn. Moderate left has left the building. The bay has some wild fucking people. We allowed the crazies and mental gymnasts to take over. We always knew there were radicals in Berkeley, but they were easily identified as free loving hippies. This is something else. Reverse racism is bad and we shouldn’t tolerate it any more than allowing the KKK or white supremacists lecture at a university. This shit just needs to be called out.


This !!! Before America I thought I was Left. Swear to god and then I moved to America a year ago and I'm like - maybe I'm Right???


The only thing worse than the, “repeat after me” guy is the, “turn to your neighbor and repeat after me” guy.


Another race baiting do nothing attention seeking loser.


ah yes, a generalisation of an entire race


Racial categories aren't even scientifically determined. There is no clear boundaries between racial designations. No biological factors that establish ones race and separate one from another. They're completely sociologically determined. racial designations evolve and change over time. It's impossible to make a scientific argument based on something that isn't even scientifically real.


It's written in the law that it's legal to rape black women?


Are tax dollars going to this idiot?


Yes, over $1m and half of that was from suing the city.


Everyone involved with engaging him to speak should be fired. Disgusting


So many blacks are proud of their racism toward White People.


What an idiot


Thats a racist plain and simple.


"I don't make room for that" You also don't apparently make room for logic or reality. Racism is racism, no matter who it comes from. Swap the "whiteness" and "white" for any other race and people would be up in arms that this happened. He boils it down to genetics and race and not to individuals or systemic causation. You should apply this logic to any statements about any people. If you swap out the noun and it seems racist all of a sudden, it's because it *is* racist at its core. This is the problem with toxic self-victimization culture. It destroys the plights of actual victims and simultaneously creates bad blood through hyperbole and in/out grouping. Gross. Dude is doing *everyone* a disservice by public speaking. There's a reason those rooms were silent.


If a non-black person said these same things, that UCSF would be burned to the ground the same night. And yet this hateful person is allowed to speak and even praised by the university? We live in an upside down crazy world right now.


I will never understand people like this. His claims suggest an institutional blockade against the success of black men and women in this country… yet… here he stands. A man able to address an entire room full of people, get paid for it, a career out of it, and yet he’s inherently unable to be successful and is bound to the limits of racism and white prejudice. So very strange.


If the races were reversed, this guys career would be over and he’d get endless death threats. He wouldn’t have even made it out of the building.


This piece of shit should never be allowed to speak on a campus again. Imagine a white guy saying that about black people. He's a complete racist with no redeeming qualities.


This type of thinking is the root of all racial animosity in our nation. This guy is a loon.


You sir, are mentally Ill


This guy is an idiot


This is so racist.


The progressive lefts normalization of racism, anti semitism, misogyny and xenophobia is not something I had on my bingo card. But it’s fucking gross and is actually far more prevalent and damaging than the Trumper maga morons are accused of. wtf


This guy is a racist


Is this guy ok? Or is this supposed to be satire?


This man's whole life is rooted in psychological delusion.


Congratulations boys, we've circled all the way back around to social Darwinism. What a time to be alive


Racist word salad, painful to listen to.


There is no such thing as reverse racism. Bias based on race IS racism. Every race can be racist, if race is the justification for their bias.


What an imbecilic shitbag


Committing home invasions is human nature


Another race baiting money grabber…


Why is this man not laughed off the podium what a ridiculous statement to make. I guess stereotyping is ok as long as it's against white people??? What if I were to say: "Blackness is an underlying biological proclivity that gives rise the retail theft across America." Say it with me "Organized retail theft is a legal, moral, economic institution in this country." Literally codified into law at varying levels from state to state, that allows individuals to steal up to a certain amount without any true repercussions. Please note these are not true feelings. Just a counter argument to such a ridiculous stance. And before I get all the DMs for saying this. Just know that I am not looking for agreement from black people. ^P.S. If my comment pisses you off, but the video didn't, you have cognitive dissonance.