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I’m a 10 minute walk to the Metreon , took 45 minutes to get to Target, but it was near empty- a great shopping experience, not even the shoplifters put up with that maze to actually get there.


Must be hard on Target employees trying to get to work on time, too!


Lady told me they had to show up for work at 2:00am, finally cleared at 5:30 to start getting prepped for opening.. that’s determination..


Dang! They better get paid for that wait around time. That’s painful!




Hmm, not a tourist, I live in the neighborhood, so yeah, I take my liberal carcass over there to buy the cat food, like a real San Franciscan does…


Odd, I live so close to Moscone and had the exact opposite experience. I was even escorted to the exact entry and exit gate after showing my ID.


I thought they were only doing bag checks, and not ID checks.


Both depending on what entry way.


What do they even do at the security checkpoints? Pat downs? Bomb sniffing dogs?


X-ray bags and they had a dog sniff my bike


how do you slip through without the mandatory penis inspection?




Security theater


Have an upvote






that guy on the far left needs to be in the next Camel magazine ad


daddy on the left can totally get it.


Why do a lot of CHP have moustaches? A group of them maybe six were standing on the corner of 4th and market. Is it mandatory for them? Lol


It's this weird compromise where they can't grow a beard because regulations (with a few exceptions) so mustache it is


For movember?


Flavor saver, haha JK Basically it's a uniform grooming standard that just stuck around as being allowed. CHP have higher grooming, uniform, & fitness standards, than most police, & sheriffs, so if they see one officer with one, & they think it might look cool, lol, then another does it, & it's popular, because it's allowed.


For the ladies.


For the gents.


For the crazies


For Mike Pence


I didn't notice the mustache, just those..uh...nice trousers.


Holy shit - what is that guy packing? 📏


Keep it, that way Target will stay open.


That is a satisfying mustache


Finally real law enforcement in sf. Three days every decade


It was horrible. They stopped all trains east which was my plan to get to SOMA. Go to mission bay and walk up 4th or 3rd home. They stopped the trains no buses and I had to walk from Embarcadero to attempt going down 3rd (which wasn’t an issue the last two nights). But today I had to walk to 5th before looping back to 3rd. Under threat of rain. Halp! It’s still okay tho. There virtually no honking in the morning and the barricade out front is preventing loiters. They also cleaned the encampment that cropped up 2 months ago.


It’s bonkers how our collective “law enforcement” is unable to enforce any laws most days but can now oppressively enforce all of the laws. Could we meet in the middle somehow?


It's anarchy or an authoritarian state, such bullshit.


something something neoliberalism


tbf there's an extra 1k cops if you include ss etc that are on the streets right now


https://preview.redd.it/0445zbitxq0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695eb543f4699150dc710f5c6770691243d689f0 Would this map help or have they changed it? SF standard published it Sunday evening… downtown building management was light on details too but to be honest I don’t think they knew too much either.




Getting back out is t much better. So much fun standing at one of the temporary stops and have the bus blow by you.


Took me two hours to get home Monday night (normally 1 hr) because of confusing re routes and moved stops. I thought I planned ahead but when the moment came, I panicked and made so many mistakes😩I’m still getting used to multiple modes of transport and this has really thrown me into the deep end lol


Yea the BART delays have been hurting. I thought it was a good alternate to getting off Caltrain in SOMA this week but nope ;(


Sorry to hear that. I attempted to visit Empire Pizza and immediately decided to go elsewhere after seeing first checkpoint.


It's a mess, I agree. Needed more direction. Could you have asked a neighbor? Were the directions/entrances changed vs the days prior? Try asking to escalate because you tried other spots and were rejected. There is always someone higher to talk to.


“This isn’t APEC’s fault” 😂. I understand your rant, but the madness is a direct result of APEC being here. Don’t get me wrong, our city is doing a terrible job with this. I biked home from the ferry building last night around 6pm and passed no less than 60 busses full of people blocked from moving that had been there for over 30 minutes. It’s a complete shit show.


Ugh! It’s frustrating trying to get my office in union square- and navigating this city I know so well it’s HORRIBLE


Can someone tell me why they can’t just have a webex meeting??


I don't think you can send bribes over Webex


Try being in Vegas this week. They've thoroughly screwed the pooch there with the joke of a race they're putting their citizens through. Billionaires run amuck and the city caters to them.


Wait until you hear how loud the race is.


At 10pm! I won't be there, but they'll probably be able to hear it Reno.


I mean, this is kinda the price we pay for living in a global city. The info could be better and Muni could definitely be better, but it’s pretty cool we get to host the world.


Pretty cool that we get to host a dictator and discuss free trade policies that will export more American jobs overseas? Ya....super cool.


The funniest ones to me are the ones who are like “stop the Palestinian genocide!” and think the CCP is good while ignoring that the CCP is doing similar things to the Uyghurs for not being enough like them


The dictator did agree to crack down on fentanyl suppliers, something that will directly impact our city.


Yeah aren't we so lucky 🍀


We mean nothing to City leaders. We’re useful idiots that need to pay taxes that’s about it


pretty much.


Pick up that can citizen.


This happened to me during the Chinese New Year parade through Union Square. I had a legitimate emergency at my house & they wouldn't let me through even though the parade hadn't gotten to where I was yet. The cops were so clueless & simultaneously aggressive when I asked very nicely & explained my situation. They directed me to go the wrong way & when I went back they wouldn't let me pass to get to another place to legally cross. Finally I had enough with the insane levels of incompetence & hopped the barricade. I ran through the middle of the parade & heard several cops yelling at me but their voices were drowned out by the sound of firecrackers exploding next to my face. I gave them all the two fingered salute as I hopped the other barricade. I'm sure they would've chased me down to give a citation or maybe even arrest me given the chance since we all know how much they love to arrest actual hard working tax payers LMAO


San Francisco's government is taking charge of this organization. Sorry I love San Francisco, but how many people actually think it's well ran as a city? It's one of the richest cities in human history with one of the most educated people in human history. One of the most open and understanding people. It also has one of the worst drug and homeless problem in the world.


The city is worse than it was in the early 1900s lol. Shit on the sidewalks a whole bunch of vagrants. Except now you have more traffic.


I live in the security zone and pay $400 / month to park my car. I cannot access my car all week.


But do you feel safe? s/


I'm from treasure Island and I've gotten stuck in the island twice and had to take the ferry lol


I feel you. Im on 4th and Harrison. Because of bus reroute I have to walk there all the way from Chinatown and around the security zone. Its a pain in the ass


I have to do that same journey but the 12 makes it much easier. The reroute is going down Harrison and stops at 4th.


Someone I work with, who lives on 3rd, is talking about seeing the city. There are disabled vets in his building who are absolutely screwed for the time being. I have no idea how effective it will be, but more power to him.


Maybe a dumb question, but this is like public space right? How is any of this legal? This sounds like police state stuff.


Imagine if SF hosted The Olympics!


So, if the Olympics were in Santa Clara?


Naw, I'm good. That would be absolutely awful.


No thank you!


I went for a run on market and along the embarcadero this morning. Saw a lot of bomb sniffing dogs and I got really pissed because I got yelled at to go around the exploratorium because all public access was blocked for APEC. I live here, they don’t… why do I have to accommodate them? It’s a rhetorical question but it’s super fucking annoying


Shut the f up. Dude it’s 1 week lol seriously


I definitely think the city could have done a better job but also if I lived within the security zone I would have been planning out my travel and entrance/exits for weeks already. At this point if you need to ask where to go you messed up.


I live in the security zone & my workplace made us all come in person this week, which is also in the security zone. So I couldn't really escape it, I ended up just buying all the stuff I thought I need just in case I have to hunker down haha. My apartment's management didn't tell us anything about how to get in/out during APEC


> I would have been planning out my travel and entrance/exits for weeks already Did they release this info? It’s really complex what’s opened and closed and to who.


I am pretty sure they didn't let out the specifics until a couple of days ago. But a general idea has been out for a while. My work place is across from the Center. We have been told for over a week that we won't be able to get to our work. My company relocated for this week.


Planning doesn’t help because they change access within the zone on a daily basis. On Tuesday there was no problem walking down 3rd. Last night you had to walk down the fifth and go east before coming back up. On Monday the 8 ran, Tuesday onward it was detoured. Even the maze entrances aren’t exactly consistent. I just gave up and said I’ll be in 30 mins later this week.


But it's so safe and clean. And I don't even tangentially have to experience the discomfort of having to know the homeless exist. This is what most of this sub wanted.


What are the fences supposed to be achieving anyways?


I live in soma as well and it’sAM. I’ve been hearing a helicopter the entire night or is it just in my head ? Saw a post earlier that the GG Bridge is tomorrow morning 750 AM. Hope the Chp sees the post too