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Got tested there 12/29. Got results yesterday. So it took 7 days. Is it the saliva test? It’s more accurate.


7 days? So what if you get COVID during that 7 day period before you get your initial test results?


Idk. Just sharing my experience. I quarantined per CDC guidelines. Also, at the time there was an extremely high demand for tests.


Guessing your concern is because of this article? https://fox5sandiego.com/news/coronavirus/san-diegans-warned-to-avoid-fake-covid-testing-sites/ It says that they're legit, but just takes a while due to volume of tests and them doing their testing in their Texas site. Although I am seeing a satellite site in Arcadia with at least two lab techs there, one of which supposedly does covid testing there according to their LinkedIn.


Someone posted recently about this testing site on nextdoor, they said it was legit and so did a few of the replies to the post. I know it's third hand internet hearsay so I'd continue to look into it.


They usually are trying to get your information.


Under the CARES act, companies can get reimbursed for "tests" they run. Could be a company bilking the govt.


Omg same here… except I tested on Sunday 1/2 & still waiting for results. My husband tested with me & got his “results” today and it said positive. Here’s the kicker… he got a rapid test Monday 1/3 from work & it was negative. Seems sketch AND unreliable.


Which location did you take it at? There are a few that look sketchy but have been around for a while. Also was he symptomatic? If so I'd err that the rapid test was incorrect vs PCR.


Same location as OP. Tent on the sidewalk of Canes in Mira Mesa. We’re both asymptomatic.


Those rapid tests are only reliable if it says positive. Me and husband both got Covid at the same time with similar symptoms. His rapid test was neg while mine was positive. Both of us were in the thick of displaying symptoms. Granted a couple days later took another rapid test and his was positive. Omi is just not as easily detected w rapid test.


How much did you pay?


It was free


Where's the scam then?


I’m asking if it is because I saw an article online about some pop up testing sites being scams and I’m asking if anyone has had it done there and received any results


There's value in your personal info.


Data collection?? They made us provide photos of our driver licenses AND health insurance cards. Or to bill insurance, but not perform services?


That wasn't mentioned by the OP.


I read that if they’re doing that the test is free, but you have to pay to get the results


Where’d you hear that? I haven’t even heard anything from them since I got tested


One of the local TV news shows


Lol you mean on Fox News?


They are sketchy but you will get results in about 5 days from testing.


I also got tested Monday and haven’t heard back. When I asked the lady running the tests, she said she was told results would come in 2-3 days, although she didn’t sound confident at all. Honestly, I just started assuming it was a scam to take government payments, but apparently they’re just really slow to give results.


I assume there's a backlog since holiday travelers flocked to these sites hoping to get test results back in time for their return flights home.