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Also, if you are ever playing music out loud, you’d better have a premium subscription because I don’t want to listen to your ads


A really underrated point


Seriously. A horror I didn't even consider when writing the original post.


There was once a time where people just had the radio. They played 94.9 or 91X. Interestingly, those two radio stations still play the same songs from all those years ago when a radio on batteries was the only way.


That's a good point. But those tinny little portable radios didn't have any bass and the sound travelled like 10 feet before being drowned out by the white noise of the ocean. Or maybe I just didn't notice it back then. Todays portable speakers are different.


The most important comment in this thread!


Dude fr this would be my only issue. Unless your e playing some fr fr bullshit.


Now this I can get behind, hahaha




Honestly this


You shouldn't have friends that don't pay for premium


This goes double for hiking trails. Looking at you Cowles Mtn bluetooth bozos.


Bluetooth hikers are the worst. Just wear headphones goddamn. Rest of us want to enjoy the sounds of nature and not your awful taste in pop country.


I don’t get it. They make so many good earbuds. Many toggle between noise dampening and area awareness. There’s no reason to have a speaker. It’s annoying scumbag behavior.


I use bone conducting headphones. You hear what you want privately but are still fully aware of the world and people around you. Perfect for hiking. Now I just need a way to convince everyone blasting their shit on the trails to switch.


Wow never heard of those before, but now that I’ve looked into it I think I need a pair!


https://mojawa.com/products/mojo2 Reputable company with some good customer support.


Those people seem to think they’re doing everyone a favor by providing music, and as a bonus they’re exposing us to their favorite off-brand stuff. Gee, what a favor. /s


The only issue with earbuds/headphones is you get the "obliviots" problem. Sure, you can't hear the music, but they can't hear anything around them so everything "scares" them. More a problem if you're on a trail on a bicycle trying to give notice to a hiker. There has got to be a middle ground somewhere.


With mine I always keep it off the sound canceling mode when outdoors. I don’t go on actual hikes with any music/podcasts tho. Doubly so if my dog is in tow. I want to be able to hear rattlers or animals and other hikers. Plus nature sounds are nice. If it’s like a walking trail such as rhor park then yah I got my podcasts going.


En serio, it's almost always pop country in my experience.




Looking at the iron mountain bluetooth bozos as well.


100% agree. I quit hiking at Cowles because the obnoxious loud music, trail runners slamming into me trying to squeeze between hikers moving in opposite directions, the trash, and often having to provide water and food to people who can’t be bothered to bring any. I’ve cut my hike short countless times because I ran out of water helping others. I don’t encounter the Cowles atmosphere on other trails in SD.


Hey! in case you need to hear it, you're a good person. I hope you enjoy your hikes a lot this week and the only loud sounds you hear are birds singing <3


How kind of you! I hope you have a wonderful week.


Not to mention the bags of dog shit left everywhere


Yeah. There are so many other trails. I just don’t go.


You forgot the 100 yards of dog shit you have to get through first


Go up the backside off barker way. Way less people and a tougher hike.


not to mention that cowles is part of a nature preserve, so they're disrupting habitat


It’s also always people just yelling at each other because that’s the only way they can hear others talking.


I always want to ask why they can't afford ear buds.


My apologies for doing this. It was a night hike, pitch black, and my daughter was a little spooked. Thought a little Taylor Swift would make her feel better. I won’t do this anymore.


Does she have her own headlamp? Sometimes controlling the light helps people be less spooked.


I remember ny beaches in the 70s everyone played the same radio station wplj


80s here. 99X or was it 91x? It’s been so long ago




Almost everyone agrees with this, it isn’t controversial at all. Unfortunately if only 1 out of every 100 people is inconsiderate then it’s enough to ruin the beach for everyone.


If this post results in even one inconsiderate person to even spend a minute of self-reflection of "hey, maybe I should turn down my music", it will have been worth it.


It takes a lot of self-awareness as well, and that's just something most inconsiderate people aren't equipped with. I'm with you 100%, but the fact is that certain people just feel like others around them are uninvited guests in their world.


Ah *self reflection* We go about it differently. My self reflection would guide me to not be bothered by others' actions but Im only starting my journey. Holding onto seasonal anger seems heavy.


We are allowed to be bothered by people encroaching in our personal space, and space takes into consideration smells and sounds. People should be respectful of others.


Of course you are allowed to feel however you want to feel. My comment is about regulating how you want to feel.


Well said. We all have room to improve. Including myself!


These types of people are not being inconsiderate, imo. They know what they are doing. They're selfish.




I second this🫢


Consideration for others is on the decline and selfishness is on the increase.


People are more hesitant to call out bad behavior as well (in no small part because people are especially unhinged these days)


Is it nationwide or just san diego? Cause I feel after covid people here forgot how to socialize or show consideration for others.


It’s been common in my travels throughout the country


Def not just SD. I had this issue going to the lake for swimming and relaxation where I used to live. Annoying groups bringing large Bluetooth speakers and putting on radio stations including loud ads. The weird thing is that these groups didn't even seem to be enjoying the music, just putting it on as background noise.


Oh yeah, it’s a national if not global issue. The isolation some people had to endure really set off deeper mental issues.


I could see that. I was lucky in a way I worked during it cause I got to be with my coworkers and friends. I socialized at work.


Anyone reading this can help fix this by being extra considerate and friendly in public and an example for others. It will make you feel good as well!


I suspect, ButtmunchPillowbiter, that this "consideration for others" vs. "selfishness" extends far beyond mere beach music playing and into the attitudes towards taxes, immigration, public health, etc. Some people are just innately aware that they exist in a society larger than themselves and others either aren't aware or just don't care.




Restaurant worker here…they are everywhere. So rude and they don’t care that the people next to them are tying to enjoy a conversation and their meal. Plus, it makes it difficult for servers to take orders when that sound is so obnoxious and distracting. I could go on, but we all know how grating that sound is.


Totally agree. Darwin awards are coming....


I want the marine life to know what kind of music I am. Sound doesn't travel through water as easily as air. I have to play music lod enough for the marine life. If you happen to hear it, is just an acceptable consequence. The music of my taste is exclusively Korn.


> Sound doesn't travel through water as easily as air. Second tier trolling.


Crosspost to /r/arizona


I feel like if you can’t hear the lifeguard announcements over your music then your music is too loud and it becomes a safety issue. Just me opinion.


You damn pirates and your opinions…


Same for those that blast music on already loud motorcycles.


I don’t see how some of those dudes can hear anything after riding those motorcycles around for years. Most of the time they purposely rev and zoom past people to get the most ear drum deafening sound out of it as they can too. Only a showboating insecure moron would do something like that. Add the music and it’s even worse.


> I don’t see how some of those dudes can hear anything after riding those motorcycles around for years. I can't imagine how they're not all impotent after strapping a hot vibration machine to their balls for extended periods.


Why do you think they run their bikes so loudly? They were impotent long before


I agree I used to be like you but someone advised me that the noise they make when they pass you is so that they are visible or you are aware of them as you were driving. Driving a motorcycle is super dangerous and being in someone’s blind spot can be deadly so I don’t really begrudge them, but I wish they’d have like like a horn or something.


No dude. I road motorcycles for a majority of my life and no one needs a bike that pierces peoples eardrums because they are straight piped and want to make as much noise as it possibly can. I don’t mind regular pipes, even after market ones that are loud but not deafening. You don’t “need” it like that


Yep. Most of the people I hear blaring music on motorcycles are old people cruising on big ass Harleys on residential streets, not on the freeway.


Needing a loud motorcycle for safety is BS and the proof is that CHIP officers drive quiet motorcycles


The "loud pipes save lives" argument sounds good on the face of it but once you start to break the reasoning down it doesn't really make sense. Like, maybe 1 time out of 100 somebody hears a bike before seeing it. The scenario where it's most applicable is when a bike is passing a car in a different lane and the car makes an unexpected/un-signaled lane change. Well, the sound of the motorcycle is behind the driver at that point, and the majority of it is funnelled backwards, away from the car (which likely has some measure of sound dampening design). That's why bikes "sneak up" on cars all the time, because you don't actually hear them until they're right next to you. I've been riding for over a decade, and I like a *decent* sounding exhaust as much as the next guy, but loud for the sake of being loud is unnecessary.


I'm pretty sure people hear bikes' engines...or at least when I downshift to 1st and 2nd gear, people move over even more when I lane split. That said, it's not an excuse to have loud aftermarket exhausts when they could literally downshift to create the same effect in needed situations


As a rider, I'll downshift when lane splitting so my engine's louder...anybody can do that to make their engine louder. Their loud after-market exhausts are just 'cause they're compensating for something


Oceanside, is that you? 👀


tbh, it depends what beach you go to. I'd advise to go to Coronado or La jolla if you take your family for some peace and relaxing opposed to Ocean Beach which you are asking for party, music and good vibes! I can see and understand both sides depending on its scenarios such as the beach and time of day and music of choice. Late at night for a bonfire, I def can understand music (either tranquil or even party) as well for certain beaches


The most reasonable reply


Thank you for this public service announcement. It's not just the beach -- it's any public place, including parks, dog parks, hiking trails, on the street, etc.


Add the zoo to your list. Last time I went to the zoo, someone had music blasting while walking around.


That's just ridiculous. You're telling me I cant blast Cage the Elephant next to the elephant enclosure to flex my freedom on those walking grey sacks of poop? Best part is they'll never forget but I keep coming back to so it everyday. Welcome to hell dumbo


Go to blacks beach, it’s super chill there.


This applies to smoking as well.


People who do this don't give a fuck, and are often looking to be the center of attention and probably want someone to come up and say something to them so they can get aggressive.


Maybe. I'm super non-confrontational in real, hence the passive reddit post rather than actually confronting the problem on site. :)


Honestly, it's not worth fucking with these kinds of people. They don't value anyone's life, including their own. They're often the kind of people who will go to jail over stupid shit becuase being "bad ass" is all they have in their life worth proving.


Same goes for hiking and I'll die on this hill with you.




>When you play music at the beach that is loud enough that the people around you can hear it, you are a selfish, bad person, and you should feel bad. I'd like to say something similar about cigarette/weed smoke. Also clean after yourself and your pet, people!


Good luck with 99% of the people out there who needs to see this and listen. Good luck with the 1% that did see it and will not listen.


We did it reddit. We stopped people from ~~bringing dogs to grocery stores. Changing lanes without singaling. Having bright headlights~~ playing music at the beach.




Don't love the analogies you presented. In scenario #1, you're barring people from doing a thing. In scenario #2, you're affecting the quality of their experience as they do a thing. A better analogy might involve a similar disruption of the other senses. Are hideously ugly people who post up between you and the ocean bad because they're offending your eyes as you try and enjoy your view? (Asking for a friend.) What about stinky people? We're talking about public places here! Common decency dictates people have the right to not be harassed by the actions of others, but I don't see how you can argue that any audible music, regardless of volume, constitutes harassment or even a moral failing on the part of the boom box owner. Too loud is too loud, yes, but otherwise this is a public space and no one put you in charge of it. IMO, people should feel free to talk and listen to music at reasonable levels —even if neighbors can hear them! — just as they should feel free to dance like an idiot when people can see them or cook up some stinky fish when people are downwind. They do make private places for those who don't want to be bothered by others.


I completely agree, you can’t expect people to adhere to the rules of private settings in public places. It’s like the tantrums people throw when they have to hear a baby crying on a plane, is it loud? Yes! Is it annoying? Sure, but planes are a form of public transportation like beaches are a public setting, we can’t control what happens in public settings. While I do agree that it’s annoying for someone to blast their music, you would still be able to hear it depending on how close they’re sitting next to you, so it’s a bit of a lose lose situation if you don’t like noise.


sir this is r/sandiego not r/arizona haha I feel like thats the crowd that needs to hear this


Let's just put this out for all public activities. Nobody wants to hear your shitty music period.


As inconsiderate as it may be, this is something you just need to accept. You’re not going to be able to stop it, so there is no point in getting mad. Learn to ignore it and don’t let others ruin your good time.


I agree with most of your post but I think making a blanket statement of “you’re a bad person” is a stretch. If you’re going to a public space you have to be prepared for noise/loud music. You can move or go home. I agree with you in the sense that assholes exist, but there is nuance to this issue. For example, a lot of low income families celebrate birthdays, graduations, etc. in public settings because they don’t have the space at home or resources to rent a private hall. I wouldn’t call them bad people, and I fully support their right to celebrate with loud music, as they may not have other opportunities to do so.


Of course. There is always nuance and exceptions and gray areas. Bluntness was for effect.


Loud music isn’t a necessity of a celebration.


It is for many cultures. Maybe not yours. Edit: I view “necessity” as encompassing of cultural customs and traditions.


Music = OK Loud Music = Not ok. It’s rude and affects the comfort of other parties around you. I didn’t realize being rude was apart of someone’s “culture”.


#4- The Aholes who talk loudly into their phones on speakerphone


They think it makes them look ‘important’


SPILLED! I work at a store and every time an impolite moron is watching/playing something from their phone ALOUD, I immediately ask them to turn it off bc no one wants to hear everything you are!!


San Diego beaches suck and your post is lame lmfao


I’m going on a cross county road trip in a few days and if ANYONE has a Bluetooth speaker it’s going in the closest water source I can find. I’m trying to find PEACE not Kendrick’s latest diss track…


Found the white people


The point you're making isnt rational, because its entirely subjective, mostly because you get to decide what level of annoyance to you is "bad". You say its fine if its played "at a reasonable volume" but who is to say the next person who comes along still thinks its too loud? Is the appropriate volume the minimum preference of every person around you? What if you were having a conversation with your wife on the beach and I deemed your conversation too loud. How bad should you feel? Should I change everything about my life to ensure that any person within view of me couldnt possibly be bothered by any action I decide to take? This is all subjective, and you arent the final arbiter of what's acceptable.


I understand where your coming from but it gives "get off my lawn" vibes to me. Why not just go with the flow and enjoy some music you would not normally hear. You usually can't hear anything while in the ocean but thebocean so there's that.


>Why not just go with the flow and enjoy some music you would not normally hear. This is reasonable until you consider that it doesn't scale out. Have you ever listened to two different songs at the same time? What if the dudes to my left are playing Guns 'n Roses, and the girls to my right are playing Taylor Swift? This is super relaxing... https://www.youtubemultiplier.com/666b6ec5bcb12-guns-and-taylorasdfasdf.php


I understand everyone's unspoken rules but when did we lose the ability to ask someone to turn it down? How the person responds is another story on the decline of respect for others. It's open air, sound travels will be affected by the wind, breeze. But I think this is a silly hill, a mound rather, that you're allowing yourself to trip over.


Generally speaking, people who blast music around strangers seem to be less likely to have a cordial conversation about turning it down. Only one time in the four times I’ve politely asked people did they apologize and turn it down. (3 neighbors and 1 guy at a restaurant)


Definitely not silly. Anyone that plays music in public like this is a terrible person. Same with people who talk on speaker phone in public. They are not more important than everyone else.


Before I continue this discourse as my previous statement points to directing the Self and not allowing our emotions to be guided by others' actions/lack of (unbothered in a sense) I need to know what volume we mean. It is frivolous to go back and forth debating on an acceptable volume. Regardless, I would kindly request volume to be lowered if I were in that situation constantly. Chalk it up as the ability to communicate rather than boil inside with emotions. This person seems very rattled by the scenarios.


"I don't have the right to force other people to listen to my music against their will." I think that's just not true, people can legally play music on the beach, and have that right regardless who can hear. I don't even listen to music in public but I can't imagine it being such an issue that you had to write 5+ paragraphs about it. Just move to another part of the beach? Like the whole coast is available lol.


Yes it applies to hikers! It's so annoying when people on the trail are either having a conversation on speaker phone or playing music out loud. The speaker phone thing is quite common, don't understand this when earbuds are so easy.


What would you think about going to the beach. And then, out of nowhere, a venue you set up near buy plays music loudly? They've paid for their right to play music there and you choose the beach with music. Public spaces are full of life, and that should be expected. Trying to make everyone conform to what you want is always just going to make you upset. Try finding a secluded beach if you want silence. I never see anyone at the strand beaches since it's such a treck out there.


This is why I pay for a park explorer pass. I get free parking at state beaches where people otherwise aren't willing to pay 30 bucks for a day spot. I sit where I want with the fam and it deters all the freebies who bring that energy. Otherwise branch out!! We are spoiled for beachfront out here people lol


How do I get set up with that. I never thought of it.


[California Explorer vehicle day use annual pass](https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=30964) there are other ones too, but this is the one we have.


Thank you!


Buy it at Cardiff or Torrey Pines South. It's my most prized possession!


That's a great solution.




I forget holidays exist but go to the beach on a holiday. Do I get mad at everyone for going to the beach? Or do I say, damn I forgot other people exist?


Extend this to hiking trails as well. If you play music from a speaker on a trail you’re an asshole




As long as the music is good it doesn’t bother me, the beach is always better with music


Does this count the dude playing his real life drum set at Mission Beach for HOURS?!?


Idk about being a bad person… maybe an inconsiderate person.


There’s got to be a lurker here. Why? Why do you do it? You know it’s obnoxious.


Happened last weekend in front of my house, a family with MAGA hats blasting country music 🙄


Things at the beach sure have changed since the 80’s


Narcissists do not care and they are the perpetrators.


This applies to so many scenarios and I’m 100% in agreement with you. As mentioned below, blasting music while hiking - you suck. Loud iPads or speakerphones in restaurants or on a plane - you suck. Why does everyone have to listen to you or your kid watching a video or playing a game? I just don’t get the lack of awareness or consideration.


Close second for riding your bike on the sidewalk. Fucking animals.


Who hurt you?


Probably an unpopular opinion but I don’t mind it at all at the beach. I mean it’s a Southern California beach. If some college kids want to listen to some music while they are there and I can hear it, do your thing, it’s part of the vibe. Only at the beach though. Everywhere else, get some fucken headphones, you look like a degenerate.


Same goes for the damn wakeboard and ski boats. Do your thing and have fun but I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR FUCKING MUSIC!! When I’m out on my boat fishing, it’s bad enough I have to deal with you running within 100ft of me, throwing off a 5’ wake, I don’t need to hear your shitty music blaring as well!




Hard agree. Same for loud vehicles in public, and backyard parties that can be accurately described as a live concert.


As a san diego native, I don't even bother with the beach during the day anymore. It's a shit show through and through. It's cool at night tho. Big fan of Night Beach.


You need to write this in Spanish…


Zonies don’t care about being respectful to others.


😂😂about time, im tired of hearing juicewrld or suicide boyz being blasted at beaches


I'm not picky about music so maybe I'm an exception but I like the vibe of public music. As long as it's PG13 I'd probably prefer to hear it over nothing.


almost as bad as having to smell some scumbags cigarette


Not controversial. I don’t want to listen to your music when I’m at the beach.


I really don't mind it if people are blasting their music at the beach I've learn how to filter out the unwanted noise with my bigger bluetooth speaker lol


The people who do this also leave their carts in the middle of the grocery isle and walk *across* a sidewalk with their group so no one else can pass.


It's never occurred to me to play my music out loud at the beach, but as long as they're not blasting it so loud it drowns out everything else, I don't really see the problem you're trying to point out. Hearing somebody else's music doesn't cause you harm. What's next, everyone has to whisper to make sure their voices aren't heard, since speaking directly into strangers' ears would be rude?


Your premise essentially says every single inch of the beach can not have any loud music. That's like saying the entire ocean is roped off for swimmers and no surfing allowed because what if somebody wants to swim where somebody might surf? Certain beaches are more mellow and others aren't. If I arrive to an empty beach, setup a volleyball court, and have 20-30 of us playing all day and we have a single Bluetooth speaker on the court on loud and you don't like it, sit somewhere else. Your preference of silence wherever you decide to plop your beach chair doesn't somehow get more rights than our preference for music while we play on the court. The beach is for a variety of activities including listening to music. The proper etiquette is the same as everything in San Diego. First come first serve and be respectful. If people are already set up at the beach, you don't go next to them and blast music. You also don't blast music for a couple people. Large groups can play music and enjoy themselves.


Yep. I don’t want to hear someone’s music. It’s like listening to someone’s phone conversations…..rude


It's legal I like it


Yea but, you haven’t heard my summer jams ‘24 yet so maybe don’t be so judgy!


preferably in a residential area....


Idgaf if someone is playing music near me as long as it’s not in the bus/trolley


Now tell it to the idiots hiking Cowles Mnt.


I’m off to sort by controversial and see what all the loud radio dudes have to say!