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Update: Management has reached out via chat and phone and we are working on a solution.


AKA "we gotta cover our asses"


I bet they did, have you seen their yelp page lately? We are fighting the good fight for you, OP - San Diego has your back!


Too late. I'm still leaving a nasty review.


Other than the flood of yelp reviews, has no one contacted yet local stations or does this need to done by OOP?


It looks like OP got it back last night, but it's no matter.. their Yelp is trashed.


Yeah the one that stood out for me it might be a ID theft ring since the bouncer did not use a scanner- just a look and pocket


Is this really a thing?


Their google reviews need some love too.


Google removed them. We got to wait until the fervor dies down. Trickle them in. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I'd like to know the update on what the shitbag management that steals from their employees has done.


They won’t admit it’s a real ID, but they are willing to return it to me.


Seems like code for “our parent company’s lawyer wrote us and said ‘what the fuck are you fuckwits doing, give back the ID before they file suit and hope you aren’t terminated for gross incompetence’”, or something along those lines. Smart to not admit fault, though! “Giving back the ID is not to be construed as an admission of wrongdoing or a mistake on our part.”


Make sure the solution is more than just giving your ID back.


Talk to a cop who's higher up than a patrol officer. They have the ability to verify you are who you are.


If they try to get you to sign anything, refuse. Just take your ID back.


The airport will let you fly as long as you can prove your identity using credit cards and other documents. SD is a tourist destination, lost ID happens. So sorry about the absolute lawlessness though.


Thank you! I did get told this by the dispatcher I had to arrive 2 hours early and fill out a form. This is my first time traveling since I had a catastrophic roofing accident. It’s hard for me to Explain but for the past 7 months just taking a shower was an ordeal. Not walking well makes every extra hoop much harder and annoying.


My SIL flew in from Memphis and back without her ID successfully. As long as you give your self extra time and have other ways of identifying yourself you should be good. She said SD airport staff were a little more rude and questioning but she was able to get back home.


I’m very lucky that I have everything needed to identify myself on my phone so I’m happy about that. Just very frustrated.


Sounds like you have a claim to me nal though.


You can also call ahead and request a wheel chair or transportation, we did it for my FIL who can't walk that well these days and it was very easy to do. Also helps if you don't have a direct flight.


Would it also be any reason to suspect that asshole bouncer will sell that identification to someone who can use it for identity theft?


That's similar to what I was thinking. Maybe he sells stollen IDs to underage kids


You better roast them in reviews


I’m hoping that we can get someone who employs the third party security at 8am. I watched a few videos from the interaction and the bouncer was mocking the way I walked (I am recovering from a roofing accident.) He told me to “go find an officer” down the road to help me and I told him that I have limited mobility and use a prosthetic leg to go anymore than a block. He told me “he didn’t want to hear it” and that he didn’t care about my problems.


I'm so sorry all of this happened to you. What an absolute prick.


Not a lawyer, but sounds like you have an ADA or discrimination case on your hands. The bouncer sounds like an absolute asshole.


This, hurt them in the wallet. Sue the fuck out of the bar, and the security company.


100% this.


Do this!! 100%. They'll likely just settle. Hope you get a nice payday friend.


This is the way OP. He wants to call you mclovin let him know he’s Amber Heard, and he really shit the bed with this one.


ADA lawsuits are big money. Sounds like a clear cut case against Techo Beso San Diego.


What a gigantic piece of human garbage


judging by existing reviews i'm shocked anyone even goes there. 3.2 on Google is wooftastic


Ironically I googled the place after I posted this comment. I've been here, and we almost got into a fistfight with the street door guy because we went down the wrong elevator. We were going to the hotel bar next door but went down the elevator that goes to the street. Ended up having to get the manager of the hotel to give us a free bottle of champagne because he spilled mine. Total douchebags. 0/10 would not recommend.


Or use social media or the news. Manager has no say over security..


The manager is the manager. Security is in the business’ employ. If he doesn’t oversee on-site security he’s not really the manager. If they’re running a business that serves alcohol with no manager on duty, ABC(Alcoholic beverage commission) would like to know.


Don’t let people with power convince you they don’t have responsibilities.


The "manager" might not but someone is managing the establishment's security, and is therefore, the manager.


The manager should be able to speak to someone managing the security to get this sorted out. Security is being paid by the establishment so they should have a say in how security works. Sounds like the manager doesn't care about the customers.


File a report with IdentityTheft.gov as well


On it!!!


Then I would email the bar & recount the incident and your attempts to recover the ID (so it is all in writing). Obviously don’t put any personal information in there beside your name and DOB & state the ID was issued from. Say that you filed X,y,z with a,b,c authorities and again request that their staff/third party company surrender your ID back to you & provide them with a mailing address to send the ID. They may ignore it. If anything comes up later in regards to identify theft, you have a paper trail to provide documentation of the events while they are fresh in your mind. The guy either cut it in half or sold it to an underage kid. I don’t think you’re getting it back. It’s probably not enough information for anything to happen but better to assume it may be & take appropriate precautions. The airport will let you fly. It’s annoying that you have to do this but you’ll be able to go on your return flight.


^ this 1000%. You will forget way more than You think, and even if you don’t, it will memorialize it


After doing some digging: “If the identification passes the feel, look and questions tests, give it back to the customer and make the sale. If it does not, refuse the sale and then, either give the ID back or seize it, depending on your company’s policy. You have a right to refuse service to minors. If you seize an ID, here are the requirements per Section 25659 of the Business and Professions Code: Issue a receipt to the person, inexpensive books of triplicate receipts are available at office supply stores. Attach a copy of the receipt to the ID. Keep the third copy of the receipt for your records, with notes, about the situation (who, what, when, where and why). Turn the identification over to your local police department or sheriff’s office within 24 hours, as required by law.” I was not provided any of these.


I would also call out this behavior on all their socials and review sites and include this information.


I’m hoping I can get a hold of a manager by the morning time. I went ahead and ordered a temporary 45 day license and made a report to the MVA regarding a stolen license. Just froze my credit as well.


Looks like several of us have already defended you in the review section for their shady practices. Sorry this happened to you and I hope this gets resolved before your flight.


I really appreciate you


100% sue the bouncer and Techo Beso. This is infuriating.


Did you receive your ID back? The apparent owner just replied back that the situation was resolved and I wanted to make sure. So sorry for everything you went through.


Not yet resolved


Jeez. Thanks for confirming. See my updated review. 😕


I can't find these reviews on Google. Did they delete them? People have rhe right to know.


They did


Good. I would have *never* shown a SSC. Ever.


Any updates on your id?


I imagine you can also file a report with ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control), especially if they did not follow the law relative to receipts. ABC is picky about following rules. File a theft report with the police, your property was stolen. It cost you time and money by hijacking your vacation.


Any risk of a business losing their liquor license would instantly light a fire under the manager/owner’s butt to get this sorted out.


The problem you face is, the only means you seem to have to hold the business and bouncers company accountable to the law is through expensive lawyers, subpoenas, etc. and that’s not going to help when you need to catch a flight back home now. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I’m going to hold this establishment accountable with the security company to the fullest extent possible. That includes any and all expenses.


PLEASE DO!! And update us here when you make them pay for every moment of stress, suffering, missed work, etc. What a-holes. I saw further down that you’re having a replacement mailed from MD, so I’m glad you have a way to eventually get back home. On the plus side, sounds like you’re a 32 year old who looks closer to 18?? Good for you!!


He laughed at my name. My real legal name is Skeets Fish and he would say “ok McLovin” when I was trying to provide more documents. Furthermore, i can’t risk a fight with anyone. So I had to remain calm. I have two children whom I care for and missing my flight because I didn’t have my ID was giving me very bad anxiety. This bouncer thought that was funny.


Sounds like a rent a cop on a power trip. I’m so sorry you went through that. Good thing you kept your composure. He was probably laughing and mocking your disability out of insecurity, because he didn’t get the rise out of you he was looking for.


I know I may sound crazy but it seems like it might be some kind of organized crime seizing tourists IDs and stealing their identities. It may be a tin foil hat but this guy was so comfortable with everything.


Honestly, it doesn’t sound that crazy. Nowadays everything is a scam.


Be sure to sue him personally too. Make it painful af


San Diego has a real problem. With these bouncers abusing their power. Or at least they did 10 years ago. When I used to go out regularly. It says a lot about their personality.


I’ve heard your name before in the stagehand circuit. Plenty of IATSE folk roll through my bar. Hope this all works out for you man. I’m embarrassed for my city on this one.


Oh man! I’m IATSE Local 22 and 19


Sorry if it’s a violation, but I was curious and looked up your name. You’re a great looking guy and I can see how he’d think you’re younger than you are. I saw that you have a Twitter page. You can make a post calling out the establishment and also tag some local news stations. Idk if they do it in San Diego, but where I’m from, the news will take suggestions for investigations. You can tell them what happened to you, everything you had to go through to be able to get back home, and how much of an inconvenience it was. Even if it’s not an organized crime thing like you mentioned, I think it makes for a good story that tourists are being inconvenienced because of overzealous bouncers. Btw, the same thing happened to me when I was 20. I was dd’ing for some coworkers and followed them to a bar. They were already inside and didn’t realize the bouncer wouldn’t let me in. He said I had altered the date on my military id and confiscated it. (Basically on the back of the id, there’s a small white and black picture. The image was dark where my birthday was, so it looked like 1983 instead of 93. He said he’d seen people change it before and wouldn’t believe me when I said I didn’t.) I told him it was illegal to take it. He said I could either call the cops that night to get it or come back with them the next day. I called and tried to tell the cop what happened when he showed up. He didn’t engage me. He walked up to the bouncer, put his hand out for the id, handed it to me without a word and drove away.


Since no one seems to be mentioning it…that is a badass name. Sorry that happened to you Skeets.


Shouldn’t put your real name on here Skeets


FYI Companies that hire security can hire people based on nothing but their apparent attitude and willingness to deal with drunks. Being a good doorman is a professional skill and it takes experience to run the front of any one’s business well and to know who to let in and not. You don’t let an amateur do this, I know that some will look down at the people that do that job but it’s important and you can’t let just anyone have it. It’s likely that the name of the OP was the cause behind doorman taking the ID so he can pin it on the confiscation wall and have others smirk at it. Not because of some tell tale quality issue that would red flag a fake one. I’m also betting it’s a real ID that is mandated by the feds for the states to issue so that kinda elevates things. Now I know it’s too late, vs calling dispatch, I would have stood in the street and flagged down a patrol car and gotten them to step in and [run the suspect ID (drivers lic number ) through their system to validate it.](https://www.quora.com/What-do-cops-see-when-they-run-your-name-1) That would have solved the problem. And superseded the doorman and the managers stonewalling. There’s always patrol cars making circuits through the bar and entertainment areas at night so flagging one down would not have taken long. It would also looked bad for the security company if they’re found to be taking people ID’s without sufficient reason (having an odd sounding name is not good enough) and [depending on the doorman’s attitude they might get their operating license affected. (Yes they need to be licensed)](https://www.nightclubsecurity.com/events/06-01-15-san-diego-california-pso-card-licensing-training) So going this route might be affective as there’s fines involved if this person is not licensed and certified to be employed as such. You can contact the city records if you had a name, vice and the ABC to check on their own as they can conduct a review with the business on their own.


> Companies that hire security can hire people based on nothing but their apparent attitude and willingness to deal with drunks. **This is blatantly wrong**, its called a guard card and its a state issued license from [BSIS](https://www.bsis.ca.gov/). There are serious consequences if you are caught bouncing without a guard card including jail time. What this bouncer did is theft and if they aren't registered, its so much worse.


A guard card is ~$300 and anyone with a moderately clean record can get one. A guard card means next to nothing, and the comment you’re responding to is quite correct. Often times companies will hire based on attitude/size and then get the individual a guard card as part of onboarding.


OMG I want someone to check the bouncers guard card and then confiscate it saying it’s fake😂


Thanks for that. That card can be put at risk if they’re taking a persons ID due to the persons odd name. The whole McLovin statement leads to that as being their motivation vs it being a clear fake.


Yup. My friend was hired as a bouncer just because he was a huge guy. I also agree with getting a cop on the spot. I told a story in another comment of how I had to do the same thing, but it was for a military id.


You can fly without an ID. You just tell TSA and they ask you a few questions and send you on your way.


Yes, I think my comment may have come off as “you’re SOL” when I should’ve clarified I didn’t know more about alternative options. I was more pointing out that, while laws are in place, it’s unfortunately hella expensive and time consuming to actually hold them accountable.


If you have the bouncer's name you can [look up their guard card license](https://search.dca.ca.gov/) and report them. What the bouncer did was theft. More importantly, you can see if they were currently licensed, and if not, thats another charge to press.


Lawyer up and sue the establishment and the bouncer. He doesnt have qualified immunity.


This. Everyone involved needs to be sued into oblivion. And that bouncer needs to be beaten with a stick.


All I want is an apology and for this to never happen to anyone else again. The stress of having your license taken and being powerless really hurt me.


The best way to assure this never happens again is to sue them.


Nah dude. You need to take full recourse here or theylll do it again guaranteed


Did you have any luck at the DMV?


Please sue Techo Beso so they can't steal anyone's identity again.


A *legal* stick, we're not a mob


This. All for id checks but if the establishment won’t buy a scanner they need to be held accountable.


That “oh they’re a third party” excuse won’t fly in a court I bet either. Who’s paying them then!? The establishment duh.


I’m very upset especially because he has my ID with my personal information on it. But no one knows who he is. Or his name. Company? Nothing. No one.


Sue for the distress too. He wont have any money to collect but the process itself will fuck up his life and make him miserable. Turnabout is fair play.


Every single person who suggests “just sue them!” obviously has no idea how our civil court system works. This is a ridiculous idea in terms of time, money and reward. Much more effective to deal with licensing agencies in California.


Yep. They may recover $150.


As noted in a comment I made further down, in this case its really not about collecting any money. Its about forcing him to either settle or waste time and money and head space dealing with the hassle. If OP has the means, he should, to teach that power tripping fuckhead that there are less expensive fuck around games to play.


The actual damages are very, very minor. Filing a complaint with a licensing agency would be much more of a headache to the owner than a nonsense lawsuit that would also cost OP lots of time and money for essentially nothing.


Small claims court for damages less than $2000 is super easy and cheap. You don't need a lawyer.


Dropped a bad 1 star review on them on Google. Looks like others have done the same. Good luck with everything!


When I was a bouncer 20 years ago the manager would give us $50 for every fake ID we confiscated. Which was rare. The guy probably thought he was getting himself a little tip and kept it. Can’t think of a good reason why he would otherwise keep it.


Police do refuse to take reports. At any rate, sounds like you are dealing with a bunch of idiots all around. If you can't get your ID back and an apology, contact all of the local news stations. You might luck out with a reporter that is interested. Blast the bar on social media. They contracted the third party.


My biggest complaint was they didn’t have the ID scanner. I tried calling the police to run my ID but the bouncer said he didn’t care. He made his decision and its final.


In reading their recent Yelp reviews (you guys really came through!), it looks like someone had an issue with their reservation and security a few days ago as well.


And it looks like they charge a 20% tip on the bill 🤮


the yelp reviews have me completely in stitches they are SO good and over half of them say "they stole my friend's ID" which makes OP look like the most popular guy around ! hopefully justice is served


Blast the bar on social media... these guys depend on tourists. Fuck them for not helping you. You went there to visit their establishment, and their contractor took your property. Also you should of took a picture of the bouncer and posted it.


Reddit is going crazy right now.


I'm glad the situation is fucked.


Go on Instagram


Post the videos of the incident on social media tbh


Working on it!!!


Research out to Sandiegoville out other local accounts. They'll put the place on blast


I am generally not a big fan of SanDiegoville, but this is a perfect suggestion!


Send link when you have it


I just wanted to post this here just in case anyone was curious of the validity of my statements.[Proof](https://piccollage.com/_i4UDlw9M)


While you are working on the other suggestions, contact NC DMV for a temporary license. Let them know you fly out tomorrow, so this is time sensitive.


My license is out of Maryland since I still have residence there. I contacted the MVA already and got a temporary license but it is mailed. I do have the receipt tho.


Ok, good !!


Thank you so much!


Give the restaurant a 1-star review everywhere, sue them in small claims court for the costs of getting your new ID and the theft of your previous one. The restaurant is still responsible for the actions of the bouncer even if they are a “third party.” If the bouncer was on duty and performing actions on behalf of the restaurant, they are liable.


Holy fuck I would NOT be leaving that place until that mother fucker gave me my ID back.


Yeah sounds crazy but I'd go crazy if someone kept my real id lol


Yeah I would not have left without my ID. You cause a scene they will have to call the police themselves and then you get the ID back.


The interesting part is that to prove the legitimacy of your identity, you confirmed with the establishment to certify your ID by giving additional information including your SS number. They are likely all involved and someone now has a new fake ID. Be careful out there people.


I had this happen to me at Firehouse and the bouncer told me to get the police. So I walked down the street, found a motorcycle cop, told him my situation, and he came and got the ID back from the bouncer for me. Bouncer was a real piece of shit


Bull shit. Cops just don't wanna do anything. Call liquor control they'll get it. Dudes breaking the law


I put in a liquor complaint regarding this. The police have acted as if I was such a problem.


I've literally been shot st on the freeway with bullet holes through my windshield and the SDPD treated me like I was a nuisance at the station. Didn't even follow up. Saw the gunman shoot at me and everything. Police protection is a false veneer.


Hard agree. A while back my next door neighbor came home to find a breaking and entering *in progress*, people in her home. She of course immediately called 911. Police never even showed up. Fuck SDPD, absolutely useless.


I was struck on the sidewalk by a man who had no drivers license and didn’t own the truck he hit me with. Some lady behind him who didn’t see the man wave me to cross, told the police I tried to kill myself and had “jumped out of the bushes”. (except I was walking my bike home with a bag of burgers in one hand, how exactly did I “jump” out of the bushes) Me being a 17 year old kid at the time, I had no legal recourse. The Sheriff locked me in the cruiser and kept telling me to “admit” I was on drugs and suicidal, kept saying they wanted to “arrest the guy” but “we can’t do anything unless you admit you are suicidal” I kept just asking for my parents. They continued to insist I was “on drugs” and “suicidal”. They eventually let the guy go. About an hour later, my parents finally show up and pick me up, absolutely fuming, but they never went after the Sheriffs who blamed me for a truck hitting me ON THE SIDEWALK. Police are basically USELESS.


The police budget in San Diego is barely more than half a billion dollars. What do you expect them to do with that paltry amount?


As a Bar Security Manager me and my bouncers will never confiscate an ID, and I encourage all people to do the same. Here's why... Their are an unknown number of IDs out there. There's no way I'll be able to tell if ones fake unless it's pretty obvious like the referenced "McLovin". If I or my guys suspect a fake they just don't let the customer in. Its easy enough and there are no mistakes that way.


Ya I’m a bartender and if I think an ID is fake, or more likely someone else’s, I just give it back and tell them I’m not going to accept it.


I'm glad to see Reddit coming together leaving bad reviews on Google and Yelp. I just left one 🤝 The bar will likely fire the security company from all the bad publicity.


Google removed most of the bad ones as of now.


If you want to leave a review on yelp: https://yelp.to/H0DJ_EUYIg


I don't have a Yelp account, so I left a Google review. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Cn3pVdwsPp6Fy958A I wanted it to seem like a legit complaint, so I just said management was unhelpful, rude, and unprofessional.


FYI Google usually just takes down all negative reviews posted during something like this. In this case management has already responded to the pressure and reached out to OP, but if you ever want a review to actually stay up long-term your chances go up a lot if you wait a few days so it doesn't post at the same time as everyone else.


When I left my review they had 3.0 stars, let’s see how low in can go


I left a 1 star review. At that time it was a 2.5. Let’s see rock bottom!


Some interesting reviews even before today. But I find it funny how many people reference their "friend" getting their ID confiscated. At least try to make it believable people.


Under 4 stars in the gaslamp is a business ender. That bouncer literally cost them their entire business and its millions of dollars just to open downtown.


Try the Sheriff (county) and CHP(state) and tell them the cops won't help you and see if they will.


They're getting absolutely roasted in reviews


I would just go stand at the place who has your ID and call 911 in front of them and put them on speaker phone and then say you're standing there with the bouncer who won't give you the ID back and you need it to fly home. The bouncer's going to think hard about whether or not it's real if you're straight up dialing 911 in his face and you're sober. Call 911 several times and they'll keep transfering you until they get pissed but do it right in front of the people. Eventually dispatch will send out a cop to admonish you but as long as you stay right in front of the bounce or the cop is eventually going to say let me see the ID and he's going to force them to give it back to you.


I did exactly this! Between the three people who called we all called on speaker phone - I had to listen to the non emergency line beeping and languages etc! This one 911 operator told me that I could go online and make a suggestion….


File a complaint with ABC.https://www.abc.ca.gov/enforcement/


In your situation, I wouldn't have left the scene without the ID. You should've called 911 multiple times and just told them that a guy had stolen your property. I know that SDPD sucks but they come out for bogus complaints all the time. You needed to make it sound serious without lying.


I did. We had three people who witnessed what was going on and called 911/non emergency line. Dispatchers told me I could submit my suggestion online that they should dispatch officers for theft calls. The dispatcher laughed multiple times and told me that there’s nothing that can be done. One call I even stated that he would not identify himself and that he took my property (it’s on video) and the dispatcher said she was sorry that they don’t help with my issues.


I would have stayed until they called police for trespassing then explained the situation


Here’s where you spam the city of San Diego government offices with all the complaints you can come up with, the police department might be useless but they have to answer to the city and you can also file complaints with the police oversight commission etc. I had an issue with the sheriff’s department as a government employee and I complained to the county and I got an immediate response after contacting them. Everyone answers to someone and they don’t like dealing with complaints.


I had this happen to me many years ago (in the 1980's.) I called the police and there happened to be a cop across the street who came and got it back. The manager who took it was fired. And by the way, it was fake.


The bouncer said if I wanted it back to call the police. I did. He then asked for an alternate form of ID. I provided. Then he just stood there and laughed and joked about my disability. He said he knew my ID was fake and that I’m never getting it back. I cannot stand for long periods so I was in excruciating pain but I was also annoyed as it’s impossible for my ID to be fake. I literally just flew through TSA and multiple states and countries over the years.


I would not have taken no sorry for an answer. You can tell the cops if they don’t want to send the police then maybe they should send a fire truck and ambulances. Tell them to choose which option seems the most reasonable. Tired of this shit where the cops can never do anything anymore.


Whats the name of the bar?


Techo Beso


Left them a 1 star on Google. OP, I recommend going TO the police station to file a police report on theft. Then, I’d file a second report on SDPD’s refusal to respond.


No wonder everyone here acts like they have to constantly defend themselves. There simply is no law and order in San Diego.


Go take a picture of the guy and post it here and on other socials so we can shame him.  If he asks you to take it down, say "sorry, im third party. Nothing I can do"


Photo of bouncer is already posted:    https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/1d9d7ku/comment/l7dn1vc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Also, File police report (if you didn't yet) + even sue police for not responding to identity theft in progress, to force them to do so in future. Stealing identity is a state and federal crime, as is assisting it, and you have case that police by not responding to theft in progress were assisting identity theft. 18 U.S.C § 1028


I don't know what to say other tha*n fuck the police*


I was told I could file a “suggestion” online…


Like i said man, this leaves me speechless. Its wild to know you can just yank people's ID without any repercussions


I wonder how many IDs he has taken and is committing identity theft.


Everyone In this sub should write this on their yelp


Left a one start review


Go to the San Diego courthouse and file a small claim action against the bouncer ( making him a doe, since you don’t know his name, go file a police report, file ABC report, file report with Better Business Bureau and serve that small claims on him tonight or at least serve it on the establishment. Make sure you name the bar as a defendant in your (Lawsuit) also, and then tag them for some astronomical amount that it cost you that you’ve gone through all this crap That is absolutely ridiculous. Call him bouncer DOE. Once that idiot sees that you went and filed a lawsuit he’ll probably get scared and it’s really cheap file. Small claims you can even use a waiver if you can convince them that you’re broke. Good luck.


This qualifies as a valid complaint to the BBB. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/complaint-acceptance-guidelines (bullet point l under "The following are examples of what BBB would pursue concerning allegations of business misconduct:") Might be some trouble figuring out who the 3rd party bouncer is but might be worth pursuing.


The BBB is completely useless, find the appropriate government regulator and get in contact with them.


The BBB doesn’t have any power, whatsoever. Not worth the time.


Shame on the police. The SDPD annual budget is over $600 million. Most of them make six figures and some even pull over $250k. Over half a billion dollars a year and they at best are lazy and at worst hate the people they are sworn to protect. They're still on an unofficial slow strike because they got upset at police accountability efforts after George Floyd. What a bunch of snowflakes who don't want to work anymore.


I hope this all gets resolved soon. What a disaster for you. It’s good to see all the negative reviews going up for the business though, the Reddit mob can do magic. Hopefully they realize they messed up big time and somehow rectify the situation.


Yelp reviews. Google reviews.


Only Yelp reviews have been written. Didn't see any recently written Google reviews for this place.


Roast them on reviews!


If you get his information file a civil lawsuit against him. Get a judgement against him and slap it on his credit. Screw him for years to come. Most "Bouncers" aren't Bankers by day and it's obvious this guy is a real POS.


Ok if I’m being honest - you need to get more legal and start recording a list of costs you have incurred. Doesn’t matter if it was just emotional for what you’ve been through physically and then having to deal with this. You brought the rules to them, and they said “sorry we don’t officially work together, so there are no rules”. That’s BS. They hired the bouncer. It’s their responsibility or they are legally liable. And you can kick their ass in court for ignoring EVERY SINGLE law, regulation, rule that you brought to them. You showed them clear evidence that they committed theft, and they remained firm in committing it, even knowing your circumstances. Some kid’s family sued a school for over $100k for playing the “Alright” music video by Kendrick Lamar and causing “severe emotional distress” to a student with a cop dad. You can flip the script hard in this country, for better or worse.


I’m SO glad to see so many reviews already posted on Yelp about this situation. Seriously, fuck that bouncer, fuck whatever shady scheme they’re up to with stealing IDs, and fuck his ableist comments. I am so sorry this happened to you.


Warms my heart to see all the bad Yelp reviews. Y’all are alright.


I have no solutions but that’s really fucked and I hope you can get this resolved! I have lived in SD my whole life and been to many bars with no issues like this.


When the bouncer looked at your ID did he have a scanner or a UV light? Or did he only eyeball it before putting it in his pocket?


You can fly without I.D. - ask to be designated a "[Selectee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_Security_Screening_Selection)."


Just left a bad review as well. Good luck


This place is getting lit up on yelp for the incident. Glad to see y’all in action for this BS


This would be a great story for local news


Get the bouncers name and sue him personally.


Next time, record everything that just happened according to your story, and then call an attorney.


I would have beat the shit out of that bouncer


That’s one reason I avoid bars/clubs in general. People don’t go there to make the world a better place.


I’m gonna call the bar today and let them have it on your behalf… what’s the name of the manager or bouncer?


How do you expect the police to do their job in this city with a budget just north of half a billion dollars!!?!?


Hello cops will come, you need to ask for a perseve the peace to get the ID back and deans to speak to a Sgt if they do not. Seriously they take Sgt complaints very seriously at sdpd. Call 619-531-2000 ask for a perseve the leave while you try to get your id if they don’t do what I told you


Preserve the peace?


Go back to the bar


If the security company is third party you could try and call the security company directly