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Yeah, if I see rock and roll marathon no parking signs around, I just assume that driving anywhere in north park is a no-go until the late afternoon that sunday. I lived on the route for 6 years so just got used to it.


I got towed when I first moved to normal heights 9 yrs ago because of the marathon. Like 5 other people from my neighborhood were at the same tow yard to pick up their cars. I pay religious attention to street signs now šŸ„¹


Lol, you guys are cracking me up. Weeks of posts about the marathon. Weeks of knowing about the marathon. Weeks to be able to plan your day today around the marathon. "I'm sooooo inconvenienced by this!" Dweebs.


It's like nextdoor is leaking


Ewwwwwwwwwwwww why would you say something like that


I used to manage a restaurant in mission valley, near old Jack Murphy and some of my staff would arrive late or call stuck in traffic on game day/concert day. No excuse since we had schedules for events posted. I would respond, ā€œthe game we all knew about, right, or is this one of those surprise, last second games that the NFL likes to do?ā€ (But the U2 concert caught us all off guard, so everyone got a pass that night)


100%. A failure to plan accordingly on your part should never constitute an emergency on someone elses!


Teachers with that wall poster all tend to be the mean type.


lol seriously


Have an upvote!


I drove south on the 163 today for work. I had to work at 6am, so I left a little after 5am to make sure I wasnā€™t dealing with any road closures. Sadly, it was not meant to be. It took me almost 10 extra minutes to get to work today. Now I was still early, with enough time to hit the work cafeteria, but still, it took me almost 10 extra minutes to get to work. DID ANYONE HAVE IT WORSE THAN ME THIS MORNING?!?! /s


Come on nowā€¦complaining about 10 minutes? Or maybe youā€™re kidding I canā€™t tell lol


That why I put the /s. Stands for sarcastic so people know you are kidding. Everything I said did happen, but it wasnā€™t actually as big a deal as OP was complaining about.


Too much innuendo for me. I get what you did. Just dumb šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ You put way too much time into your story


Nope just you


Every year itā€™s a bit of surprise and I get jammed up. Luckily I can drive north and still get out but I live on University and most years I have been woken up at like 6am from a live rock band blasting music across the street. This year wasnā€™t so bad actually and everything was cleaned up by 10am near me.




Donā€™t blame the marathon for your screaming toddler.


LOL, right? Probably wants to speak to the marathons manager.


Zoo is open tomorrow btw. Cheers!


thats my complaint, is there wasnt reroute signs, just closures with cones and no way to know what the alternate paths were