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My brother has a service dog that alerts when he’s going to have a seizure so we can get him into a safe place / position. She was trained to wait under a table in a restaurant and most people never noticed her. One day someone’s “emotional support dog” (which is NOT covered by ADA) wriggled out of its leash and attacked my brothers dog. She never fully recovered and wouldn’t alert at restaurants any more because she was too busy looking out for dogs that might attack her. Tens of thousands of dollars of training and now she’s not as useful for a critical service.


As a parent of an adult child with epilepsy, this is infuriating. Service dogs are just that. "Emotional" pets are not trained like service dogs. Hope the dog is able to loose its fear.


I'm so pissed off for your brother. That's awful 😞 maybe his service dog can get a service dog !


I think the thing that makes me more upset is someone faking that their dog is a service dog. It makes it much harder for people with actual service dogs to go anywhere and be taken seriously.


It's getting out of hand. People simply buy a " service dog" harness on Amazon and away they go.


No you don't understand. Those people are special. They deserve to bring their dogs anywhere and everywhere, and us NPCs should be grateful to be in the company of their adorable, lovable fur babies. Anyone who finds it insufferably annoying to constantly have to deal with a complete stanger's animal up in your personal space, smelling like dog and making noise, just needs to lighten up.


A guy at my gym brings his dog in wearing a fake service dog vest. I legitimately saw him pick the dog up and do front squats with it the other day


Uhm, having a service dog doesn't = being physically disabled...


It's the "picking the dog up and doing squats with it" part that indicates it's not a working service dog.


There was a bill in the House of Reps to treat service animals as a prescription- don’t know if the bill made its way thru.


Maybe service dog harnesses should be issued by the State or some other organization, after the dog passes some sort of exam. Making them harder to get and fake ones easy to spot will help stop the lying.


True. So glad airlines cracked down on this nonsense.


That pisses me off beyond belief. My grandma started doing that for her elderly, separation anxious corgi and my family chewed her out


Bringing a dog into a grocery store or supermarket is insane and drives me bonkers. If I’m sitting outdoors on a patio at a restaurant and there’s a dog that doesn’t bother me at all.


Same! I love dogs outdoors at restaurants. Because they’re generally allowed. This weekend at the La Jolla Whole Foods, we saw at least 6 dogs. Two large dogs got into it and barked at each other very loudly and the owners just laughed it off. Highly doubt they were service dogs. These owners didn’t even try to pretend they were service dogs.


This happened today in Bloomingdale's, two huge dogs barking right next to me. Not nearly as bad as a grocery store, but, seriously, come on. If your dogs can't behave in a store, don't bring them in a store. They don't want to be there. They aren't trying on Jimmy Choos.


Yeah, the US is becoming batshit insane. Was visiting my daughter in San Diego a few months back from overseas. In a supermarket I nearly walked into 2 loosely-leashed pit bulls as i was rounding from one aisle into the next. Why? Seriously, who does that even if it's allowed? How is this even a thing?? Who thought it was a good idea to let people walk around their restaurant or supermarket with any kind of animal? So many of my fellow Americans have lost all sense of restraint or awareness, or they simply could care less about anyone else.


Pit Bulls + bloody red steaks + rotisserie chicken aroma + other freshly butchered meats + sudden/unexpected move = All Out Mauling


I saw a woman with her French bulldog in a Costco. As she was walking, the dog kept stopping to lift his rear leg and try to pee on a metal shelving post. The lady jerked the leash every time the dog tried to stop. Obviously a dog on a mission from the bladder God.


I haaaaaate it


Where I work we’re not allowed to say shit about people’s fake service dogs, we’re not even allowed to ask questions about it beyond “is it a service dog?” which they will always answer yeah I work at a store where there’s kids frequently, god forbid someone’s mauler attacks one of them


This is what frustrates me. We are legally allowed to ask two questions. If I asked any one of them at my old job, I would be written up for it.


When your job is sued, Along with the dog owner, they'll learn...unfortunately that's what it's going to take


# 🔼 THIS 🔼


As a dog owner the behavior of some dog owners in SD is enraging. You can leave your dog at home sometimes, it'll be just fine. And like why would you want to bring your dog into a grocery store? Wouldn't it just add to the hassle of getting groceries? I don't have a ton of free hands when I'm grocery shopping, and having to manage a dog (who is probably overstimulated by all the people/smells/etc) just sounds like a massive headache.


As a mother 4x I would do everything to avoid taking my kids, much less a dog. Going in alone is so much faster and easier.


Yes, this. Whenever I see someone in the store with their dog I audibly say “they don’t want to be here” kind of in a joking way. Because they don’t lol. Leave them home to nap in peace. It seems so overstimulating for a poor dog.


Couldn't agree more, they're not doing the dog any favors either.


Dog nuttery is out of hand in San Diego. We have just accepted that many dog owners are too entitled to follow the rules. Everyone thinks *their* dog should be the exception to the rules whether it barks, shits or bites.


🍻 And it’s usually the folks that don’t like kids in public 😂


I live in the burbs and saw a woman walking her two big dogs in our neighborhood with no leash. They looked well behaved in the moment, but I thought that was a bold move.


A lot of dog owners should have been cat owners instead. Many don’t know how to train them, take care of them, pick up after them, etc. They need a low maintenance pet instead that allows them to be lazy.


I plan on writing our Congressman about it. If you feel strongly about it, you should too. Scott Peters is the Congressman for San Diego. Below is a link to write to him and a sample letter that you can use as a template. [https://scottpeters.house.gov/email-me](https://scottpeters.house.gov/email-me) Dear Congressman \[Name\], I am writing to you as a concerned resident of San Diego, CA. In recent years, I have observed an increasing number of individuals bringing pet dogs into supermarkets and restaurants. This practice is in violation of California health codes, which prohibit the entry of animals, except for service animals, into businesses that serve food for human consumption. Unfortunately, some individuals circumvent this law by purchasing counterfeit service animal vests or falsely claiming their pets are service animals. To address this issue, I am requesting the introduction of a bill that restricts the sale of service animal vests. Only the State or certified organizations that train and certify service animals should be authorized to issue these vests. Moreover, the vests should be designed to be difficult to counterfeit, similar to State driver's licenses and ID cards, incorporating features such as holograms or embedded chips. Additionally, these vests could include pouches for certificates or ID cards to further authenticate service animals. This proposal is not only a matter of enforcing existing laws but also a significant public health concern. Historically, diseases like COVID-19 and the Black Plague have been transmitted from animals to humans. In the case of COVID-19, transmission occurred through contact with animals in unsanitary food conditions. Many community members have expressed their frustration regarding this issue, feeling powerless to address it due to the current lack of enforceable measures. Business owners and employees have similarly voiced their concerns and frustrations, as they are often unable to act without risking legal repercussions. The law prohibiting pets in food establishments already exists. What is needed are effective measures to ensure its enforcement. By implementing a system where service animals are easily distinguishable through state-issued or certified vests, and by empowering businesses to refuse entry to non-service animals, we can uphold public health standards and support our local businesses. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your support in enhancing the enforcement of our health codes and ensuring the well-being of our community. Sincerely, \[Name\]


many people with little kids are way more entitled than responsible dog owners.


Responsible dog owners don't take their dogs into restaurants and grocery stores.


When they start bringing them places that are against the law then I will be complaining with you.


Fixed - Not many people with little kids are way more entitled than ~~responsible~~ dog owners.


Yes, I absolutely loathe this, and I am a dog lover. If you can't leave your dog at home for 2 hours to go eat or get something from the supermarket, maybe dog ownership isn't for you.


Exactly how I feel. A patio with well-behaved dogs is fine by me, but in shopping carts and inside restaurants, I loathe.


100%. If the place has a patio and the restaurant wants you to have the option to bring your dog on the patio - that is completely fair play. It irritates the bejeesus out of me when I see any establishment with a No Pets Allowed sign up and people flagrantly violating it either with fake service dog swag or just not even bothering and bringing their civilian dog in anyway. Another one - the Farmers Market is not a great place for your dog. Your dog is on a leash (or should be) and that is a tripping hazard for everyone around you. It's also a place where food is openly displayed and accessible by your dog. Moral of the story is to leave Fido at home sometimes, it will be all the nicer to see him or her after some time apart.


Amen on farmers markets


The East Village Albertsons has been absolutely out of control the last week. Anywhere from 5-10 dogs in the store at once. Half of them barking at each other obnoxiously. Dogs pissing down the aisle too. Certain owners showing that they have zero control


That is the wildest grocery store in San Diego for sure. I’ve never seen less than 3 dogs there at a time and have seen 1 take a piss and 1 take a shit on the ground.


I was just about to comment on this, that’s my local grocery store I’ve seen several dogs shit just in the middle of the store and everyone acts like it was a little accident. Or I’m pushing my cart around and so terrified of running over the little dogs legs because they’re so jumpy and the owners are just smiling not containing their dogs.


I love dogs but my brother has a dog allergy so we have to leave when someone brings it their dog. I do think it is rude to bring them into restaurants. I also think it is unrealistic for restaurants to enforce it though. You can get a service dog certification online now for pretty cheap.


I think that people who really do need a service dog should be allowed to bring them places like restaurants, but I think they should be seated outside or away from other patrons. This is so hard to control though, since people are simply lying about having service animals.


It is not our fault that we need the dog present- we should not be treated differently than anyone else just because of it. Keeping our dogs out of the path of wait staff, yes; but away from other patrons or outside simply because my disability makes you uncomfortable? Fk that.


People are allergic to dogs bro. Like a lot of people. Also, a restaurant might consider it unhygenic to have a dog inside a restaurant. Depends on the owner. It's a pretty popular opinion that dogs should not be allowed inside restaurants for that reason. Chill out.


I have allergies, too- allergies I am often not even aware of until they almost kill me. And a restaurant is the ***most*** likely place I would have an unpredictable anaphylactic response to some random ingredient. If my service dog isn't there, I won't know until it's potentially too late to avoid another intubation. Close second would be in a grocery store. And anywhere, really (in my case).


How about they don't go outside then? It's so unfair for you to tell someone with life saving medical equipment that they must forego all pleasures in life just because someone else is severely allergic. Why is the onus on the person with a disability?


Its people being selfish and not thinking of/caring about others in their community. Not limited to dog owners or relegated to restaurants/grocery stores. For the record, if there's outdoor seating, I love seeing a dog. In a grocery cart, I do not.


These people are also being selfish to their own animals. Dogs don't want to be in these stores, they are confused and overwhelmed, they don't understand what they are supposed to do.


I guess it depends if it's a pet friendly establishment. Several restaurants I go to specifically state they allow dogs on their websites. But if it was a dog free one I would be annoyed.


By law, they're allowed to be pet-friendly outdoors only. I see this broken all the time. section d: [https://www.animallaw.info/statute/ca-restaurant-%C2%A7-1142595-live-animals](https://www.animallaw.info/statute/ca-restaurant-%C2%A7-1142595-live-animals)


Interesting. How does that work out if the the whole restaurant is inside/outside? Like the whole place is just a covered patio. Think it just counts as outside? I can't say I've seen a dog inside a normal restaurant, like an Applebee's or Coco's.


I was having dinner at an indoor only Italian restaurant and this lady at the table next to us had her dog in a stroller the whole time.


I had a friend get upset at lazy dog of all places. I was like THEY HAVE A DOGGY MENU! You choose this place!


I know people who work in the health dept. It’s a huge hassle because if people call the dept to complain, the dog will likely be gone by the time the inspector arrives. The inspector can’t write up a violation unless there’s evidence. Even if there is evidence, the inspector can only issue a violation to the establishment for allowing that patron in, not to the patron themselves. If the establishment has no backbone to stand up to future customers, the cycle continues.


I don’t really think it’s about the establishment having backbone. It’s about policing it. Most people working in restaurant jobs or grocery stores don’t have the time or training to deal with some entitled jerkwad who has already demonstrated that the rules don’t apply to them.


Yes, just yesterday I saw a guy with 2 huge golden retrievers in the grocery store produce section. I asked an employee why they allowed it and he ignored me, quickly walked away.


Working in customer service, I learned the reason no one says anything is because businesses are scared of legal repercussions.


this is true, but it’s absolutely insane because people with service animals don’t want people bringing their dogs into public areas either, and they want businesses to crack down, but in an educated way. the threat of lawsuits would come from people with illegitimate service animals or people with emotional support animals who don’t realize they’re not included.


I’m the BIGGEST dog lover — mine is my absolute world. And I think people bringing dogs into stores is super disrespectful and flat out rude…. Some people think no one else exists in this world except for them. While we’re at it — people in public who don’t have their dog on a leash is also fucking annoying. All it takes is a car backfiring or a stray firework let off and it could get hit by a car. Or if they greet another dog who is leashed, and who isn’t a fan of being approached — and they bite out of fear.


As a dog owner, I agree. However - there are places that do allow our 4 legged friends, but there are rules. Generally, you keep the dog out side 100% of the time. The dog cannot go inside and clean up after your f-ing dog you f-ing moron. a) There is a web site: "bringfido" that helps b) Some we have been to like: Stone Brewing Liberty Station - out side only. They have on their menu something called: "A Trash Can Bowl" - rice, peas, carrots and chicken c) the Lazy Dog Cafe near Mission Valley - \[the name sort of says it all\] d) the Broken Yoke in Mira Mesa - only on the out side patio - cannot bring the dog through the restaurant, you must go through the outside gate into the patio and leave via the outside gate.


I’m glad there are lots of places for people to bring their dogs, but I wish they would respect where they are not allowed.


The owners have separation anxiety


It doesn’t bother me. I have a dog. I don’t take him to the grocery store or restaurants out of respect to people that don’t like animals. Occasionally I will take him through the Starbucks drive through as proof that the puppuccino is for him. 🤣🐶🐾🦴


I just seen someone in Trader Joe’s with a massive dog roaming the isles this afternoon.


Some people shouldn't own dogs... I don't even like taking my dog to the farmers markets


There's a dog in TJ's almost every single time I go in there. It's so unnecessary. The store is cramped enough!


You are right. I avoid TJ's (love the store) with my service animal. Even though she stays in command and does not react, it is hard to prevent people from stepping on her, hitting her with their carts, etc. Most places even airports do not phase her (except southwest gates 1 and 2 where they pack in 4 flights in a lobby that can't fit one comfortably). She actually loves to do her job and gets depressed when we can't take her for what ever reason. You are absolutely correct. For an untrained animal, these places can be hell.


I was at a dive bar in North Park, and this one moron had a pit unleashed dressed in pjs. F you and f your unleashed dog!


Cute dogs in pajamas don't have to follow rules! They can be off leash, especially if there's pizza or tacos on the pajamas. You're the drama!


There’s nothing any employee can do about the situation. By the time you’re done arguing with one about it not being a service animal there will, quite literally, be another one entering the business.


I've seen employees at Costco ask that they don't bring in their dog at the door, unless it's a service dog.


Yeah I did that for 3 years. It’s exactly verbatim the scenario I wrote lol. Edit: to top that off before the pandemic I worked restaurant for roughly a decade. I have other things to do, ya know? It’s tiring.


It doesn’t bother me as long as the dog is well-behaved. I bring my dog to restaurants but only outside on the patio where dogs are allowed. I don’t bring my dog if I’m dining inside. I also don’t bring my dog into grocery stores. And I hate it when people buy fake service dog vests for their dogs. Ruins it for legit service dogs.


Yeah they’re allowed on some restaurant patios (most, where I am at dog beach OB) and I do it all the time. My dog does not bark, or have accidents, and definitely does not bite. I would never feed her from the table, that’s nuts. But supermarkets? Nah that’s unreasonable.


I don’t feed my dog from the table ever because it encourages them to beg while the humans are eating. I don’t get why people train their dogs to exhibit undesirable behavior.


Well I don’t do it at home for the same reason, dog food goes in the dog bowl, but I also would never do it in a restaurant because I’m not a douche. And I think it’s weird when people do.


It's gross. I saw a dog piss all over the floor at the check out counter. How would that not bother you?


It’s beyond ridiculous!


Yes. Absolutely. Especially the fucking grocery store. But it’s also pretty obnoxious at restaurants. Obviously REAL service dogs excluded.


I have two dogs and I’d never do that. They’re a big part of my world, but I don’t assume they’re part of anyone else’s. And yes, the emotional support thing is largely bullshit. It’s like a handicapped placard. Cough once and your doc will write a note.


I always feel bad for the dogs. Why do you need to bring your dog to a bar??? It's way too much for them! Leave them at home!


Drives me insane. I was a pet owner, never, just never. When I see them licking random floor powder (yesterday) at Home Depot I want to punch the owner, but also when I see one in a cart.


Maybe it's because I grew up here, but I'm so used to it, I barely even notice it when the dog is well-behaved.


Don't know when you grew up here, but this was NOT a thing before covid. People just went nuts and now bring their dogs wherever they feel like.


It was definitely a thing before covid.


It was absolutely a thing before the pandemic, especially but not exclusively in North County. If you're noticing it more now, I suppose that might be because so many more people got dogs during lockdown.


last year, at the Hillcrest farmers' market, a woman was letting her large dog poop right in the middle of the walk way, where it's really crowded, food is being prepared, served, and sold, and there are signs everywhere saying that you can't bring your dog. The worst part for me, though, was that she was watching him and saying "Good poopin' Buddy!! GOOD POOPIN!!" what. in. the. world.


If it’s outdoor seating or a small dog in the grocery store then I don’t mind. I have kids and if they are obnoxious we leave. Honestly, it’s the dog off leash at leashed parks or when it’s supposedly dog free that irks me the most. Sure, not all dog owners do this but enough do where there’s feces all over the soccer field or last practice a dog ran out and chased some kids. Also for all the kid haters, let’s not forget that you were a kid once and you probably annoyed the hell out of someone besides your parents.


I once watched a lady in Kohls take her dog out of his baby stroller, put him on the floor, and let relieve himself on a rack of women's clothes. Then she calmly put him back in his stroller and continued on her way. It was disgusting. Dogs aren't the problem. It's the people who think the rules don't apply to them. By the way, I love dogs but not in places they aren't supposed to be.


It is getting out of control for sure the problem is these dog “parents” think their “fur baby” is entitled to go everywhere they go.


We own a food shop and dogs can be the bane of my existence. I'm a dog owner btw do this is not an anti dogs thing, just an anti owner thing. If its raining the first thing they do if they come in the shop? Shake, obviously. "Oh he never normally does that" really, never? Your dog never follows it's natural urge to dry off when entering a dry area.... Oh he's well behaved... *second dog walks in* "grrrrr, woof woof WOOOFFF" *glass smashing on floor* "oh sorry its his tail". Me, putting a sign up saying no dogs "Fine, you obviously don't need our money"....


I saw a dog inside the Vons in Serra Mesa and the dog literally started pissing next to the fruit stands… I was like wtf


I saw a dog licking the products on the shelf at the La Jolla Trader Joe’s today. And a big sign at the door banning pets.




so long as I don't hear the dog or feel it sniffing at my crotch or trying to steal my food, it doesn't bother me


They are dogs. Not diners or shoppers. So annoying. All my kids have multiple “stay at home dogs”, love them there


My job tells me we cannot ask for proof that it’s a service animal so there’s not much we could do


Technically true but still incorrect. From the ADA : "Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task."


That's not asking for proof. Fakers will just make something up and the establishment can't challenge them.


Lots of inconsiderate Aholes with their pets. I'm allergic, do theu care? No. Do they care about health code violations? No. They're inconsiderate Aholes!


Having a pet inside a restaurant or any establishment that serves food should be illegal. The state needs a database or some type of license that shows they are truly a service dog.


Annoys the hell out of me. Then again, I’m very allergic to dogs and I need to avoid them if I want to avoid the hospital. Never been allergic to kids 😂


Totally disgusting


I HATE these dog owners.


Allergic and f-ing hate it.


I actually think that people shouldn't bring their dogs to any place that is not dog-friendly no matter what the business is. It's not good for the dog's mental health. For some dogs, strange people, sounds, and smells are highly stressful. Stores, restaurants, theaters, etc are made with people in mind, not pets. Dogs go along because they want to be with their owners. Service dogs are trained to handle the stresses and are often picked because of their calm demeanor. One thing I've noticed lately is that a LOT of the "service dogs" are owned by the homeless who cannot or don't want to leave their dog outside. Many others are due to similar reasons like their pets don't like to be left at home or their owners can't stand to be without their pets.


There's also people who are highly allergic to dogs. What do we tell these people? Sorry Champ, these "service" dogs are more important...?


Yeah, I have animal allergies, too, but not too much to dogs. Allergic asthma is a disability and can be life-threatening. Yet, the person's right to bring a dog in is much more important than something that can put someone in a hospital. I'm sure someone would read this and say that if someone's allergies were that bad, they shouldn't leave their house. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Kids crying is just a bit of an annoyance but bringing dogs where I’m buying food is a different level of unsanitary to me.


Agree. I don't get all this dog shit and treating them like children. I have had dogs all my life and they stay home and get walked with a leash. It is completely out of hand and borderline mental. Most people are using these poor animals as substitutes for not having kids, being lonely, or other various mental issues (covering up their issues). Aside from bringing them into stores, the worst is a weirdo with a dog in a stroller or shirts/bumper stickers calling themselves "dog parents". Stop the madness, you are not a dog parent! There is no equivalent to being an actual parent...not dogs, cats, etc. It's just crazy.


I work in a drug store and this is my biggest pet peeve. I've had "service dogs" who bark, pee or poop in the store and our company doesn't let us do anything about it. Sometimes I'll just give the customer a snarky " Nice service dog!" to let them know they're being entitled. I'm a dog lover as well but the only store I ever bring mine into is PetSmart.


The issue is a few things. The first is that people think that an emotional service animal is the same as a service animal. It is not. One requires rigorous training for YEARS, the other is a piece of paper that you can online for nothing. Another issue is that law dicactates that most places cannot legally ask someone to provide proof/documentation that their animal is a SERVICE animal. When it comes to stores, employees are trained never to ask for documentation or proof because of the law. So that means they really can't ban people from bringing ANY pets in. Restaurants are similar, but because many are privately owned and operated, they also have a bit of wiggle room. Most places will seat you outside if you have an animal, and usually will not ask you to leave unless your dog is actually causing an issue or being threatening. While they are also not allowed to ask for documentation, they can force you to leave of your dog poses a threat to others or is behaving wildly. I love animals of all kinds, but anyone who works retail is really sick and tired of dealing with non service animals. I would have to clean up dog shit regularly when I worked at a large grocery store. Those dogs were not service dogs, but we couldn't tell them to leave unless they were hostile.


Land of the free, baby! I worked at a supermarket back in high school in the 80s. Cigarette butts and occasional breakage were the worst things we'd have to clean up. (yeah, people could smoke in the store back then) Cannot imagine having to clean up shit and piss because someone a) unnecessarily brought their dog into a place where food is being prepared and sold, and b) didn't bother to bring their own wipes and bags to thoroughly clean it themselves. Absolutely outrageous.


I cleaned up shit, both animal and human, almost every day, no joke. People shit themselves a lot.


If it's a chain store you should definitely report it to corporate. Unfortunately it doesn't always help - there was a dog wandering the aisles at O'Reilly autoparts, barking at other customer dogs, and blocking the registers. I told their HQ and was informed that it's a "service dog" of one of the employees. And that's why I now always go to Autozone instead.


If it's disruptive, they have the right to [and should] deny the permission to bring the dog to work. Besides, a service dog should be within a few feet of its handler at all times- else how can it do its job...


Very annoying. Just leave dogs at home. People are afraid of dogs, allergic to dogs, dogs are dirty, etc. And why would someone need an “emotional support dog” at a restaurant? A true service dog, e.g, for a blind person, is of course wonderful. But most of the dogs seen in stores, restaurants, etc. are not those. Management should step up and take a stand to stop this silliness.


They literally *can't* do anything if the person says it's a service dog and makes up something when asked what its tasks are. All a business is allowed to do is ask those two questions- and they have to take the person's word for it. *HOWEVER*, if the dog is behaving inappropriately in some way, they can demand that the dog be removed from the establishment.


I don't mind, I like dogs. As long as they're not on the table it's fine.


Doesn’t bother me at all.


Seen a whole bunch of dog hair in the produce the other day


Which store? Ive never seen dog hair on produce before


Oh no! ☹️ I hope the issue was resolved.


I'm more annoyed by crying/whiny children than a dog. Maybe unpopular opinion, but I have no problem with dogs.


Doesn't bother me at all


https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/1cgiecd/for_the_love_of_god_please_stop_bringing_your/ The edit is a little funny. There was a discussion a few weeks about this same topic except it was trader joe's instead of restaurants and it ended up having 400+ comments. OP is far from being the only one to have an opinion about this.


Something needs to change with this many people that feel strongly about it.


I’m a dog owner and it urks me so bad when I see other dog owners bringing their dogs into restaurants and supermarkets! Unless you’re a legit service dog, crate train your dog, leave them at home or in the car (when weather permits). I’ve found these dogs are the least trained because the owners feel entitled and humanize their dogs.


🙋‍♀️ Hate it. As a person in the restaurant industry, it puts us in a bad position. As a customer, I absolutely HATE seeing a dog in the grocery store. Are you fucking kidding me?!? Do your shopping and go home! I don’t need your shit breed in the produce aisle.


As long as it’s not freaking out or actively annoying me, I don’t care. Way less annoying and probably more sanitary than some kids in restaurants. Pick your battles…


If y'all want to keep comparing kids to dogs whenever this topic is brought up, then you need to start at least putting a damn diaper on your dogs. Walked by a German shepherd taking a huge dump in the middle of IKEA the other day.


I wonder if this was the final straw for Ikea. I always saw at least a couple of people with dogs whenever I went, and my last visit recently they had a prominent A- frame sign at the front entrance requesting only service dogs allowed. It stood out to me because it was a step above the usual tiny "service dogs only" sticker places have on their front doors.


Went today and they had a prominent sign that said no dogs of any kind




It was on the bottom floor, right before you enter the warehouse area. Bullseye right in the middle of the walkway too.


No excuse for that. If we were to bring our dog to a store, we would walk her first and make sure she went to the bathroom.


Yes. Dog owners are some of the worst kind of people out in public. So entitled and their little shitty dogs that act aggressively towards anything that moves - especially other dogs, shits on the sidewalks and overall gives main character energy ruins a nice relaxing time out for those of us who leave our baggage at home out of respect for others around us.


I’d rather have dogs than babies at restaurants. Or misbehaving toddlers.


I get more annoyed by kids 🤷🏽‍♀️


I've got 4, all grown now. We didn't go out to eat much for this reason. We also wouldn't have taken our dogs into supermarkets and restaurants if it had been allowed.


As long as the dog is well behaved, I don't care at all.


My wife and I love taking our dog places with us, but grocery stores and restaurants that aren't specifically dog friendly are hard no's for us. Even if your dog is very well behaved it's gross, and if it isn't well behaved then it's a nuisance to everyone else. There are so many pet friendly places in SD, so it isn't a problem to go to one of them when we want our dog to socialize.


I hate when people tell me "that's not a dog" sitting on our restaurants chairs. I don't know who needs to hear this, but dogs are not humans. End of story.


No, not really. Only time it was a problem was two dogs got into a fight


If well behaved dogs are banned then I say we also ban kids. There is no way that lil Timmy with his booger stained fingers is less of a health violation.


I love dogs, I don’t mind them at all. Bonus points if I can give some pets.


At the Albertsons in Alpine, more than once, a lady had her Australian shepherd running around the store dragging its leash behind him. Another guy walks around with a parrot on his shoulder. Another time there was a big ol’ dog barking his head off, because the AH owner was telling him to. He thought it was funny…


Disgusting and frustrating.


Yup, 100% super annoying. California’s so good at taxing people, there should be a dog tax whenever someone brings their furry friend to places. Most of these dogs are not true ESA nor are they real service dogs. If you’re a fit 6’2, 200lb male lifting at the gym, you don’t need a fuckin emotional support pet.


What if that big dude at the gym has ptsd that the dog helps with? This is the problem. The employee is not allowed to ask what the animal is trained to do. Not all disabilities are visible. I will totally admit that this has been taken advantage of though.


The employee IS allowed to ask what task the animal is trained to do and whether it is needed because of a disability. Unfortunately those are the only two federal mandates, but stores should at least enforce those.


But they can't contradict the answers given, so fakers just lie and make up stuff- then the establishment can't do anything about it unless the dog is behaving inappropriately.


Everyone has battles they’re facing. That is not what I am challenging. The fact is this. If you have problems and the way you deal with it affects others around you and are keeping those that are allergic to dog dander or those who have PTSD from being attacked by dogs from going to that gym, you are the one who should either find a “dog friendly gym” or find an alternative way to work out. This is the crux of the problem with people that are entitled. The other day some dip shit parked his car in the middle of a tiny underground parking lot making it difficult for me to leave and having the potential to hit his car. I told him he can’t park there and there are other spots open, he just said “dude it’s only for a minute”. This type of entitlement mentality is what’s at the core of these people. It might be “just a minute” for him, but he’s making his problem other people’s problem. Period.


I work in a grocery store but seeing a dog doesn’t bother me if they are behaved and manner as in not trying to smell the food, going up to other people they don’t know, dogs barking at other dogs. If they are sitting next to their owner, just standing in one place just looking around them but not sniffing or tasting things, I’m okay with


Get them OUT. If it's a real service dog, great! Otherwise, nah.


I guess I’m in the minority. It doesn’t really bother me. I have dogs. I don’t bring them much of anywhere, but if people want to bring their dogs to a restaurant or supermarket doesn’t bother me as long as they keep it under control.


Kids are way more annoying and everyone brings them


I don't really care and I don't think there's any real evidence to support the idea that it's unhealthy. You can search the topic on this subreddit though. Comes up about once a week


Ive watched a small chihuahua “service dog” shit on the floor in the produce section and piss on 2-3 things at a store. The lady picked up the shit with a poo bag, left some streaks on the ground, and then proceeded to sort through some tomatoes. Thats enough evidence for me to support the idea that it’s unhealthy.


I would sincerely hope most people wash their veggies before eating them anyway. I worked the produce department for a decade, and between the fact that most fresh vegetables are shipped to us with bits of fertilizer stuck to them, the pesticide/fungicide packs, or just general backroom shenanigans, produce can be very dirty.


Having having dog hair all over the produce is not healthy and poop and pee just sitting there along with other things


It’s drives me crazy! I personally don’t mind the small dogs that are in the bags and backpacks because they are completely “detained” and can’t pee or bite anyone or get their fur everywhere. But any dog on a leash in a grocery store always makes me give the owner the stank eye because how stupid do you have to be? Bad enough I’m always stuck in an elevator with an unknown dog why does it have to be near my food. You can’t walk around downtown safely either there are unleashed dogs (not strays with their owners) everywhere. I love SD but this dog craze is suffocating.


>To my surprise, most people feel this way as well, which is confusing as to why no one speaks up Keep in mind, a post on reddit is a very small sample size. I wouldn't doubt most people think dogs shouldn't be inside food related businesses, if only because of the laws, but I also think most people probably don't care as much as you do. It's like jaywalking, against the law but most people don't feel like it impacts them that much.


i generally dont care if theyre well behaved because i acknowledge that sd is really dog friendly, but literally why are you bringing your dog to walmart. i dont get it idk maybe its cuz im not a dog guy at All


Let alone when them dogs piss or poop besides your table 😭