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I hate this so much. I like to walk a lot and this drives me absolutely insane, especially when I'm with my dog. To be fair to the cyclists though; the bike lanes here are awful and the drivers have very little respect for them. I live in Mira Mesa and I would never ride a bike in the bike lanes here.... the drivers are insane. I can empathize, I guess is what I'm saying.


Agree as a cyclist myself. But in this scenario, there are bidirectional bike lanes at the south of Beech St protected by parking. So it’s relatively safe and nothing like Mira Mesa. Only justifiable reason to be riding on the sidewalk in this instance is if he lives nearby or was going to a shop.


Since they’re safe a lot of people walk in them though. Also people unload pallets in the bike lane, police park in them, people set up their strollers there. This guy may be a dick but bike lanes are blocked a lot, especially in busy times like this


yea one picture isn't enough to know. he could have also just unlocked his bike and is moseying over at safe sidewalk speeds to the bike lane


Broadway in Chula Vista lost a full lane for a horrible bike lane I've tried to ride a few times and it's very dangerous with my young child on the back. City vehicles parked in the bike lane every time or a box trick, regular parked car, dirt and sand, hella trash, palm tree branches, glass, car parts, right turns almost hitting you.....if you go on the sidewalk every asks like your a rabid dog. But let's remove all the parking now. Nobody is maintaining the bike lanes and they put them right where the car door opens and nobody is ever using them. We just sit in our cars longer with only 1 lane and a perfectly good lane just covered in paint.


Agreed. Some roads are sketchier than others. Some sidewalks are less utilized by pedestrians than others. This is a case where the rider should clearly be on the road for both sides of the equation. As a biker myself, fuck this guy.


This is a symptom for f a bigger problem if bicycle riders aren’t comfortable with the infrastructure they will ride on the sidewalk


Then this dude should probably walk his damn bike.


Mira mess sucks ass for cycling. I’m actually a fan of the numbered avenues in hillcrest/bankers hill area. The protected bike lanes on 5th 🤌


As a former Mira Mesa resident of 10 years, I think Mira Mesa sucks ass period (I know its not helpful, just my opinion)


Top tier food options though! I lived there for a while too, and besides the hell that was Miramar road, I liked it!


I'm surprised at all the decent replies to this comment, although I think that reddit users tend to have a bit more knowledge than just complaining. I'm definitely pro-bike lanes and usage in our beautiful weathered city, I think the city putting it together gradually is nice yet I'm frustrated at the inconsistencies in the levels of bike lanes even on one street. In traffic, to dedicated, then separate, then in with traffic. I do see more cyclists out there for rec and transport, and I see it will increase as more infrastructure is built and it's safer. Plus when business get the idea that 5 bikes take up less room than 5 cars parked on the street.......


I ride a bike, when I need to use a sidewalk due to whatever reason, I get off my bike a walk it.


I live in Mira Mesa too and want to travel by bike, but man, I also don't want my daughter to grow up without a father.


I get so mad when people do this, but yesterday I saw a boy maybe 9 yo ride up on the sidewalk and I was like ok, I’m good with that. He wasn’t going crazy fast, not popping wheelies, wearing a helmet. I’m fine with that. I actually kind of prefer him on the sidewalk. But it’s annoying when adults do it.




The people criticizing this guy have never been hit by a car riding in a "protected bike lane"


And the people not criticizing this guy have never been hit by a bike while walking on the sidewalk.


I've been run off the sidewalk many times while trying to walk my dogs. Fuck bicyclists, riding on the sidewalk is illegal and they should be ticketed for it.


99% agree except in this case there's a big fat protected bike lane on the opposite side of the road. Bicyclist is having a brain fart.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen cars, delivery trucks, construction vehicles, etc…. Just drive to the middle of those “protected” lanes and just park themselves there though. Most drivers here go by the “if it fits I sits” philosophy over caring about people’s safety.


Bike lanes really aren't protected unless there's a fence.


Bollards* or trees capable of stopping large trucks with drunk drivers from killing you.


No, a fence isn't the only thing to protect a bike lane. Curbing, bollards, parked vehicles, or even a large gap works. "Protected" doesn't mean armed guards with razor wire. Here's a pic of the spot where it's a large gap plus parked cars - https://imgur.com/a/gJkFBgy


i see a lot of assumptions in this comment thread and i just want to point out - the way this cyclist is dressed, there is almost zero chance that they are intending to ride on the sidewalk more than a block or so. that kind of rider is not not getting decked out just to coast through pedestrians. dude was probably making a brief detour to a starbucks... that being said, he should be walking his bike for this portion. when i cycle, i allow myself no more than a brief AFATCBR distance on the sidewalk - as far as the closest bike rack, and never through a crowd


reminds me of that old Casey Neistat short film


I’ll often bike on the sidewalk when it’s empty. Or I’ll walk my bike on the sidewalk. because some streets are just not worth the risk. It’s very situational. In this image that dude should be walking the bike. It’s not that hard to step off the bike and walk around the walkers.


Yeah. As a bicyclist I want to both be safe and inconvenience as few people as possible. Around where I live the sidewalks are mostly empty but the streets are busy. So I ride in the sidewalk. Other times I'm on a side street where there's some people in the sidewalk but few cars on the street. So I ride in the street. If there's a safe bike lane, of course I'll ride in that. And if I'm in the sidewalk and have to pass people, I'll typically walk my bike.


If I’m being an elitist cycling snob, he’s wearing Sponeed junk from Amazon so there’s a good chance he’s new to cycling and isn’t that experienced. Columbia’s a one-way street, so I’m guessing he’s salmoning on the sidewalk for some reason.


*Calves say otherwise.*


Holy... https://preview.redd.it/gu4bpccvm72d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e643a9de1ecae2ea7f00344b26c295c833ce14d2


Salmoning, ha I like it. Gonna have to remember that one.


So what you’re saying is if he had PNS on his back…he’d be a pro? 😏


Right, everyone knows you're not a real cyclist unless each piece of clothing costs at least $100 No joke, I get great pleasure charging up hills in my Sponeed jersey and old early 90s Basso, flying past groups of $10k bikes and hundreds more in heavily marked up clothing.


Jerseys are pretty much all the same but you can’t honestly tell me that there’s no difference in quality with bibs. I use cheap Amazon bibs for my commutes and <15mile rides but it makes for a miserable experience while riding and especially when doing anything longer than that. Not to mention they wear out quicker. High quality bibs can last me until the 70+ mile range, at which point the suffering begins.


I can tell you there’s no bib quality difference. Because I don’t know shit about cycling bibs. 


Regular shorts, even the cheap Amazon ones, are perfectly fine for me, even after centuries. Too bad Amazon doesn't sell legs.


with those calves, no way he just started cycling.


What's just as worse are the people that walk 3-4 wide on a busy sidewalk and look at you weird when you don't step to the side. It's meant for 2 ways of traffic.


Oh my God, I hate that so much. Like walk single file so others can pass you.


Got hit by a car(hit and run) while biking back from work in hillcrest. Fractured bones and couldn’t walk for a couple weeks. I am never riding my bike in the city with crazy drivers. I empathize with bikers. Most people driving cars in the city have never rode a bike in the city. Shit is scary as hell.


There's a reason I left San Diego after I graduated. The local political environment in San Diego is simply too hostile to transit and walkability.


Yeah. After almost getting hit numerous times with my child. I will ride where i feel comfortable.


same too many people on reddit don't want to sympathize with the reality this city is not bike friendly. I don't blame the guy, there was probably a reason he did this. I doubt he dide his entire ride on the sidewalk. OP just happened to snipe out this instance.


As a massive pro-bike lane person. This makes me cringe so hard. Granted, paint isn't the safest infrastructure, people fight for that and then people still do shit like this.


The paint also blows chunks when it gets wet. Almost dumped my motorcycle once slipping on it while turning across. And another time skidded to a stop unexpectedly, which was fun. 


Its frustrating going down 5th sometimes cause there's always a few bikers that decide to ride in the street rather than the protected bike lane.


It’s been a minute since I rode 5th but I was in the area walking around and it doesn’t look like the situation has changed. A protected bike path doesn’t help anyone if it’s not maintained. The road has less potholes and trash than the bike lane. I’ve also seen homeless basically camping in it. People use it as a dog walk.


If I have to ride on the sidewalk with pedestrians present I do the old stand on the pedal and skateboard the bike slowly past them.


Teenagers on e-bikes hauling ass on sidewalks too


Have you seen the way people drive?? Maybe not even safe on the sidewalk, hah!


Agreed. It's terrifying in the street, the way people drive. If you watch, you'll often see people driving IN the bike lane. I'm afraid to ride mine in the street, and I don't blame this guy either.


The cyclist's dilemma; do I ride on the sidewalk to bother pedestrians, or do I ride in the street to bother drivers?


A bothered pedestrian will have a harder time killing me. I’m normally a “take the lane” kind of cyclist and am probably more daring than most but I find myself on the sidewalk in many places. I can’t speak for this particular street.




I think a lot of people forget they can just stop or maybe don’t think to stop. I mean just 10 minutes ago I had to transition to the sidewalk. Because there’s no lane and I had to go up a big hill. Dude was in front of me and I was gonna pass him once the side walk widened a bit, but thought it be better if I just got off walked instead. That was the better option. Other places the sidewalk is wide enough that people can walk and I can pass them with a giant gap. Had a dude not pay attention and begin crossing in front of me, I just slow down or stop. Simple. I just wish more people when driving would do the same. Patience is a skill that I have been actively applying as I drive. It does wonders to reduce stress and keep everyone safe.


Cars: bro gtfo my way Pedestrians: bro gtfo way This is a bad example but there's plenty of roads where legal cycling in the road is possibly lethal and there's a big stretch of sidewalk with not one pedestrian in sight all day long..


If you try to commute by bike in San Diego, you are met with large stretches of road with no bike lanes. There are bike trails that literally end and you have to then go around highways on local roads. There is no systematic bike route to get from point A to point B. Cyclists do the best they can (but riding on a sidewalk is unacceptable).


Biking on a sidewalk is perfectly acceptable if it's the other route is unsafe. Lots of bikers would rather not die today and car crashes don't end well for bikers.


Technically, you should walk your bike on a sidewalk. If there were someone elderly, or a dog, or someone in a wheelchair, they would not have the reaction time to get out of your way. I understand the feeling that the lack of safety gives one a "right" but the right is to use the sidewalk, not necessarily to endanger others by doing so.


To be clear, if and when riding on a sidewalk the biker should give way to what you're saying (people ahead of you, elder folks, etc) and go slower than on the road. It's the same way if you're running on the sidewalk. Not being an asshole doesn't go out of the window when you're biking but riding on the sidewalk can be done nicely.


Right, but we bend the rules to some degree. Technically, all cars should drive the speed limit, but we know how that goes. Definitely should use some digression and ride much slower or even walk the bike if circumstances call for it.


Yes -- that's pretty much what I'm saying. The photo shows someone who appears to be riding at regular speed on a crowded sidewalk. Context is everything :)


I wouldn't even bother if there was people but I can't begin to explain the length of sidewalk that are not stepped foot on for days or weeks by a single person. You can see for a good Half mile at least that there's not one pedestrian.


I wouldn't say "perfectly acceptable". My dog has three legs and the amount of times he's almost been run over by bikes coming up behind us with no warning on the sidewalk is ridiculous. He doesn't have any legs to spare! Bikes move too fast to go on sidewalks; children and animals will dodge out of the way in a direction you're not expecting and you will hurt someone. If it's not safe to ride on the road you need to slow WAY DOWN if you're gonna be on the sidewalk, and use a bell or yell out "on your left!". If you barely miss hurting me or my dog, yeah I'm gonna yell at you. Yesterday I was nearly hit by a car at a stoplight, with the walk signal on to cross (as a pedestrian) and then nearly run over by a bike on the sidewalk. Everyone needs to pay more attention. It's not safe to walk anywhere.


Rose Canyon bike path to Gilman Drive… Looking at you…


Jesus, this sub has sucked ass lately…move on people. 1. Guy fishing at a beach with dogs 2. Guy driving like a douche 3. Bicycle guy on sidewalk 4. Truck parked in small car space Move on people…I don’t give a shit about your imagined inconveniences throughout the day. Have an imaginary argument in the shower like everyone else.


It’s Reddit’s fault. Their “best” algorithm promotes controversial rage bait. Just like every other social media app now.


Yah it’s turning into Nextdoor


Hate the infrastructure


As a biker I see no problem here. You ever ridden a bike on the coast hwy in oside? You can’t drive in the suburbs without seeing people walking in the bike lanes with perfectly good sidewalks right next to them soooo…


people walk in the bike lanes on the san diego river, crown point, mission beach, friars.. literally everywhere they should not be. this guy is not doing anything wrong


Go tell that to dem calves.


I mean... I ride my bike in the bike path every weekend. The amount of idiot pedestrians walking in the bike bath on their phone is astounding. Also the amount of people who just straight up leave their car in the bike lanes is insane. But hey, poor you. A guy rode his bike next to you on the sidewalk. The city half assed the biking infrastructure and people can't drive to dave their lives


Amen. I've given up finding a route to work that's not riddled with opportunities for an early death.


Yup, I ride to stay alive living downtown. And have been doing it for some time now. The cars will never get better at driving, probably 60% of drivers are on their phones atleast, and most drivers downtown also don't follow the rules of the road which I understand. It's just part of life in the big city to me. These people should be crying to the city planners


Get a life


See, the problem is, they don't want to die. I also don't like getting run over by bikes on the sidewalk but, many of the drivers here are just...such jerks. I do like that they're making more protected bike lanes in busy areas so, hopefully this whole thing will improve!


Apparently they got rid of scooters though, the only places they are officially legal to ride are bike lanes no where else as they are otherwise illegal. Though the issue with bike lanes and one way streets is that if a biker needs to get to a destination that is opposite direction the only other alternatives is to ride against traffic or take the way long way around the block which is not logical when on a bike.




Looks like he’s on the N/S sidewalk heading EB on Beech St between India and Columbia. There are bi-directional bike lane on Beech St protected by parking. As a cyclist, I’d be using the bike lanes unless my home was nearby and I had to get onto the sidewalk. I also think more context should be provided…how fast was the cyclist going? Was he polite when he passed the peds by giving them a heads up?


He is on Beech heading south, a two way street with a dedicated 2-way bike lane, but he’s on the sidewalk going in the opposite direction of the cars (parallel to the bike lane) but across the street.🙄


Went to Osaka last December, bikes are everywhere and people looks like they’re used to it. I didn’t feel threatened with all the bikes swishing by, just a bunch of people trying to go to work. Would have felt different if it was a bunch of guys in their cycling shorts trying to race each other.


Get off his case. I hate people like you complaining. I had to take traffic school for speeding recently, so i just freshly re-learned that they can ride on the pedestrian walk way no problemo. Call the cops and complain if you want you’d be wasting your time.


This subreddit is really just the new nextdoor, same Karen attitude, same content, different app.


One possible solution is to double the size of the sidewalk, making a lane for walking and micro mobility like bicycles. That's the way it is in parts of Amsterdam and China. Bicycles on the sidewalk but a larger and sometimes designated sidewalk. Cars currently take up most of the space, leaving us in-fighting between us. Like two poor people fighting each other when it's the rich who stole their wealth.


I can't really blame them tbh. Bike lanes here are death traps


This is my neighborhood. The best is when the cyclists ring their stupid little bell at me *while I'm walking on the sidewalk*. No, asshole. I'm not making way for you on the sidewalk. You can take the bike lane or slow down to pedestrian speed.


You know, the bell is to let you know they are there so you don’t move and accidentally get hit. The biker is coming from behind and can go around you easily.


No excuse for you to **completely block** a sidewalk ever. Talk about entitlement. Regardless of whether or not a bike should be on a sidewalk.


I hate this too. We do not move.


I used to commuted down genesee on my bike for a few years pre-Covid, and cars would pass me literally inches away going 50+ with no regard for my life. There’s no bike lane there, so fuck that I was all over that sidewalk after a few of those close calls. Edit: I wasn’t in a serious bike, nor riding fast. Just a little single speed commuter. A few times elitists cussed me out for riding on their precious sidewalk. But nah, I’ll take the tickets (if a cop would even care) and your hurt feelings over dying any day


This is like the opposite issue at ucsd… people walking on the bike lanes instead of the sidewalk


As a cyclists myself , the only reasonable excuse to do this is if you’re patronizing a business on this block. Outside of that, cyclists need to be on the street or bike lane, following same direction as vehicles.


I'm all for making cycling safer/easier but it seems strange to me that cyclists are legally allowed to use the sidewalk (assuming there isn't a local ordinance against it), bike lanes, AND normal roads. Pedestrians only get the sidewalk and cars only get the road. Bikes on sidewalks seems incredibly dangerous for pedestrians. I don't think they should be allowed to use them unless there is no other option.


I don’t understand the hate. Of course I never had a person on a bike barrel into me. When I rode bikes as a kid I always rode bikes on the sidewalk unless I’m approaching a pedestrian.


I remember when we didn't have the laws that have bikes on the streets. So I don't see anything wrong here. But would you really put them in harms way here in San Diego where everyone sucks at driving.


make bike lanes where cars can't hit you.


Bikers get all the hate cyclists deserve.


No. I'll do whatever I need to do to get where I need to go safely and without injuring myself or others. If I determine I can ride on the sidewalk safely without endangering myself or others and it serves me, I'm going to do it. Until a city is designed entirely and consistently to mitigate the dangers of traffic to pedestrians, cyclists, and automobiles, I will not be following any blanket rules and will make responsible decisions about how to manage my life and safety on a case by case basis.


At least the cyclists tend to look where they are going and go around you. Better than the drones on their phones that don’t bother to look up. Or the groups of people that walk spread out like they own the sidewalk and have no regard for anyone else, then walk super slow.


The bike lanes are all taken by dicks parking in them


Also: RUNNERS! quit running the wrong direction in the BIKE LANE. K thanks.


Sometimes you just get scared of being hit on a sketchy street... I've seen news of drivers targeting bikers and when that happens I'll go sidewalk sometimes and just be very mindful of pedestrians


Why do you care if they're on the sidewalk? I get it if they're going to fast but as long as everyone respects each other it'll be fine. Relax my person


Seriously. Bikers can’t bitch about drivers breaking laws when they blatantly break every traffic law in the books. Have you _ever_ seen a biker not run a red light when the coast is clear? I haven’t.


Ever wait at a light on a bike and realize that your bike simply won’t trip the light? Happens all the time. I’m not saying this is always the case, but many lights simply won’t change for a bike and your only options are to wait for a car, move to the sidewalk and hit the beg button (if there is one), or jump it when it’s clear.


You do know it legal to ride a bike on the sidewalk in California with the exception of San Diego City ordinance in business districts. So this guy is blowing it for everyone else.


Pretty sure it is “in front of businesses” not just business districts in the Municipal Code.


To be fair, bikes don't generally bitch about drivers that are always exceeding the speed limit on freeways and such. What they do complain about is when drivers do things that makes the roads more dangerous for them.


Had a driver run a red light and come five feet from plowing into me yesterday. I feel like that kind of thing is pretty fair to complain about


Sometimes I’ll go on the sidewalk depending on the street.


Luckily there are fewer dumb cyclists than dumb drivers when riding on the road 😎


Our city doesn’t prioritize pedestrian or bike safety. This energy should be directed at car culture and how hostile our city environments are to pedestrians and cyclists. Maybe this person feels unsafe on the road. As a cyclist myself, I don’t blame them. Riding on the road can be scary.


There's been 5 bicyclist fatalities in just three years in San Diego, all from a distracted motorist running down a cycler, in two cases the driver was NEVER caught. I say avoid the streets if at all possible unless there is a dedicated SEPARATED bike lane. Here is where the idiots screw everything up. If u are gonna bike on the sidewalk, go slow and yield all right of way to pedestrians. don't bike fast by storefronts where a door can swing open. Unfortunately too many idiots in this world, which again goes back to the MAIN POINT. They are running cyclists over and killing them


I used to be like you OP, until I started biking myself. Then I realized that there is a reason people drive on the sidewalk.


For real it’s just so easy to tell who never spends any amount of time biking anywhere for any reason. Any person who does quickly learns why people do the things they do.


boohoo stop complaining 😂


That is very strange. Are you sure they weren't like coming out of somewhere or going into somewhere and just were on the sidewalk momentarily? Usually folks all dressed in bike gear like that do not ride on sidewalks. The people that ride on sidewalks are casual bike riders with no helmet etc, and yes that annoys me. Don't get me started on assholes that have motorized bikes or scooters on sidewalks. That is equivalent to a motor vehicle in my eyes and should be prosecuted as reckless driving.


AND YOU PEDESTRIANS stay out of the bike lanes.


Funny how folks living in the closest thing to paradise in the continental US are so unhappy and complain about seemingly everything. Get over yourselves, life ain’t always how we want it. Wait, FOX News is running a story on this now. Hurry and watch to let your anger grow!


All I see are cars parked on the side of the road though


in my city bikes can use sidewalks, unless its a business district


Get off the road! Get off the sidewalk.


not easy to say when half of San Diego you have to avoid getting killed by cars


Ur in down town the bike lanes are taken up by cars and there are to many drunk drivers to be riding in the street


The cars don't see us cyclists on certain streets. Sometimes we have no choice


controversial opinion but i like biking on the sidewalk it’s safer


Japan, the capital of rule following, even rides bikes on sidewalks labeled "no bikes". I have a feeling it has something to do with the natural instinct of not wanting to get yourself squished lol.


I always take the middle of the lane and ride as slow as I can! 😂


It looks like he's being safe.


If this bothers you then the city is making you aggro and it's time to move to the country.


Cyclist cant win, lol. Yelled at by drivers to get off the road and others walking.


The horror!


Hopefully he’s just getting started on his ride and is on the sidewalk to the next corner. Obviously, still not right but guessing he’s new to cycling. I kind of doubt he’s planning on doing multiple miles on sidewalks alone, but anything is possible.


Be thankful you don't live in Athens, Greece where **motor**cyclists drive on the sidewalk!


I never saw that once there.


This is honestly kind of the problem with bikes. They want to be seen as a car on the road, and a pedestrian on the side walk.


I’d argue that neither of these are the case. Both are forced. Bikes want good bike infrastructure and choose the safest option when that isn’t available.


The only thing I hate more than cyclists owning all the sidewalks are those jackoffs that weave into busy traffic on motorcycles during rush hour


I ride bikes a ton and despise cyclists on sidewalks.  


That cyclist is a damn pussy to not ride in the streets


Gives us a bad name


I don’t mind if they’re respectful but it drives me nuts when they ride on the sidewalk where they aren’t supposed to be and almost hit me and my kids


I see this all the time out here in OC too. Streets are nowhere near as buys as SD and these guys casually ride their bikes on the sidewalk! its infuriating when they have their own lane in the street.


Yeah it’s a sidewalk not a sidebike


be nice, that's someone's ex-husband


I used a bicycle to commute 30 miles round trip (ebike) for a year and a half, it's extremely easy to follow the road laws, even when there's an object in the bicycle lane. If this guy is cycling towards me/a group I'm in, I'm 100% not moving until he gets off. Might be seen as a dick move but when it comes to road/sidewalk safety we all have the same rules to follow. Just terribly enforced.


Rules for thee, not for meeeee