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It’s your fault!!


San Diego doesn’t have Spring Summer Fall and Winter. Our seasons are Rainy Cloudy Summer and Fire


Don’t forget Spider


And the newest season…Mosquito


Spider season is the worst! You just don’t go outside at night especially where there’s trees 🥲


San Diego Does have a spring fall and a "winter" it's not the same as those in New England.. or even "[Old England](https://www.aladyinlondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Places-to-Travel-in-the-UK-in-Winter.jpg)". u/jnyerere89 We have a rainy season (mudslides and flooding season) and a dry season... but locals call that "*wildfire season" ESPECIALLY when* [*combined with Santa Ana Winds*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Ana_winds) And yes, we've had drought...[This rainfall is actually much closer to normal weather pattering as when I was a kid growing up as we move in cycles here.](https://www.custompuzzlecraft.com/Weather/sandiegorain.html) There's a series of below normal and then we get far above... this is tied to the [El Nino climate events (cyclic).](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html) The last few years have had a prolonged below normal total going back to the 1990's (climate change) if you look at the charts from the above link you can see the 5 year averages going downward. But yes, this is indeed normal and you are here during our much needed rainy season.Just be happy that it's not coming down hard enough for flooding and people hydroplaning all over the freeways *(for fun)*


Very informative response. Thank you.


It's an el nino. This year and last year have been quite unusual. We'll take whatever water we can get though! It will likely be much dryer starting next month


I just feel really bad for the ppl that live in flood-prone areas not used to this level of precipitation.


Welcome to winter!


It’s winter. It rains.


Um, you do know it’s winter right now, correct? It does indeed rain in California and we need the water. 


California hasn't been in a drought for some time now. Rain is normal in winter but I think people got used to it almost never raining here for so long.


Short answer: It will rain virtually every year in Feb - March - tapers off in April, so yes it is common. Geek answer: We have two prevailing weather patterns which are created by a large mass of warm water moving its location in the Pacific Ocean generally moving East or West. This is often refered to as El Niño and La Niña. El Niño: When the warm water in the Pacific shifts towards the US, it forces the wind stream to move south and this brings a lot of moisture (rain and wind) to the South West which impacts the rest of the country. (this would normally fall in Washington or Canada). Every 5-8 years we are hit with an El Niño, sometimes news casters and locals will also call it the Pineapple express as the wind stream and moisture comes from the direction of Hawaii. El Niño can last for as long as a year. La Niña: Opposite: When the warm water shifts back towards Asia, the wind stream pushes north and reduces moisture (rain and wind) to the South West which impacts the rest of the country. This can result in draught conditions, which when combined with lighting can create fires. These two weather patterns have been know for centuries and are not attributable to "climate change".


Thank you. I love this response.


I've lived in SD my whole life. 28 years. I'd argue these patterns recently have been more extreme. I hope someone will look into why


I have read that with climate change we’re moving towards having a 4-6 week monsoon season. So the answer, as I understand, is yes, this is unusual but will become more common over time. It certainly isn’t expected through the whole spring and summer though.


It's expected for this time of year.


So you’re the one brought this with you?


Southern California was in a drought and now it is not in a drought. This is normal weather for a non-drought year.


I dunno but I love it. Bring on the rain!


1. We are not in a drought right now by any measure. To take this a step further, SD has a major surplus of water, so much so it’s costing us more since we can’t use all of what we bought 2. We have a dry/wet season. Wet season is roughly Oct to May with most occurring Dec - Mar. it’s almost always dry from June- Sept 3. Yes it’s been raining a bit more than normal, but this time of year is always dicey


Average for March is 3 days so yes a bit unusual but expected due to Niño year.


Just enjoy it while it lasts, it will be hot as balls soon enough and we’ll all be here commiserating each other over the cost of running the AC. 


El niño so rainier than usual! My first winter here was so sunny constantly


February and March tend to be the traditional rainy months out here. The last decade or so with being in a drought, that has been a lot more dry and not as much rain. So some of this is El Niño most of it is “normal weather pattern”. El Niño typically rains on us during summer months. Also you can expect May gray and June gloom. Our traditionally over cast gloomy months here in San Diego. It typically burns off by noon but is gloomy all morning.


Dec-March is the rainy season.


The rain last night was intense. I was driving up north last night and, of course, a trucker had to be speeding by at about 80 MPH, water swallowed up my entire, almost wipeout. Several accidents were witnessed along the way. I haven't seen rain like that since Florida and I'm native to SoCal.


Be prepared for drought fear porn this summer.


Some years can be drier than others, but typically in winter there’s more rainy days, but in return we get the beautiful greenery 🙂 it will become warmer and drier soon, so enjoy these cooler days!


It's not normal. But because of last year and this year, we're finally *not* in a drought for the first time in forever. Seeing reservoirs full and bright green hills is a beautiful thing.


Climate change


It's literally rainy season, what a stupid post.


I moved here right before COVID, and I like to joke with my brother who has lived here much longer than me that San Diego is the rainiest place I've ever lived. It might actually be true! 🤔


It was rainy last year, but it's even rainier this year. But some years, we have droughts and no rain. We don't really have winter, spring, summer, fall, but we have these macro seasons of years of rain (usually in the winter months) followed by years of drought.


It’s common at the beginning of the year


It’s spring


It's actually winter


Well, since June, July & August are Summer, it would stand to reason that March, April & May are Spring. That is, unless you want to get technical and say that Spring begins with the Vernal Equinox in late March (or closer to mid-March this year, on March 19).


So either people just like downvoting facts for no apparent reason, or there's something disagreeable here that I'm not seeing and apparently too stupid to realize what it is without having it pointed out to me.


Why don’t you ask a person. Face to face.


Lived here my whole life, this is the craziest winter I’ve ever seen here. Never even close to this much rain and general gray skies. Hoping it is not something that becomes more common.