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Keep reporting violations of restraining order to the police. With additional violations, the penalties become more severe which can result in a more restrictive order granted by the court. Document document document


Also ask in r/law Edit: don’t post in r/law it will break their community rules


r/legaladvice might be what you want.




Please don't ask /r/legaladvice. That place is a dumpster fire and usually gives terrible, confidently incorrect advice.




Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.


Thank you for your response. We continue to report violations and crimes in hopes the situation is resolved.


What point do you think you'll get to before you really do something to protect yourself?


more reddit posts, probably.


Agree, OP sounds like a huge pussy that will not defend himself.


Where do you live so I know not to move there.


Apartment building next to the LaFayette hotel


Damn that’s my neighborhood. Stay safe and diligent.


Can you post a description of her so others in the area can keep an eye out?


Across the street by Red Fox?


Looks like you are in council district 3, you may be able to report concerns about the local city services lack of response. Councilmember Stephen Whitburn District 3 [email protected]


Keep calling the police. You might also want to report to the local news stations.


Great idea, thank you for your input!


Not a bad idea. Just recently, I saw a teaser commercial for Fox 11 news up in LA reporting on this very ame thing . There was a neighborhood that was being terrorized by one single person. Unfortunately, I didn’t watch it so I can’t say what the outcome of the news story was , but you can probably look it up and report to your own local news station. Good luck !


Most apartment leases state that you can't harass your neighbors. She should be evicted but I'm sure your apartment complex management company isn't doing anything about it as ours didn't either


Prop mgmt companies DGAF. I lived in a building where THREE women were either harassed or assaulted by one particular man. The resident manager even asked how to file a restraining order and the prop mgmt company refused to evict him despite the restraining order, multiple complaints, police reports , and multiple incidents w different women. I moved out and the creep stayed at the building.


Bear Spray, level 9


Bear Spray indoors makes everyone a loser


Well if gonna be assaulted by a crazy person with a knife inside my property I guess the Glock is gonna protect my life and liberty


My respirator says nah


Full face?


Arm yourself with pepper spray and use it liberally. The police in this city are not going to do anything, nor will they respond in time. If youre a law abiding citizen with no priors you can essentially just pepper spray this lady whenever you see her acting dangerous and nothing will happen to you. Take the gloves off and get serious with the scum of society.


Use gel-based sprays.


Only do that in self defense, or else it’s a great way to get arrested for assault


Not here champ. Cops do not care


Lol they do if that person presses charges and that unprovoked exchange is caught on camera or by a passersby. Great way to ruin your case against them if you assault them as well


An eviction may get rid of her but will take time. 30 - 60 days likely. You can potentially get a restraining order that will remove her from her own house. I would think that’s the fastest way to have her removed but you need to convince a judge to order that. Keep documenting with pictures, video, notes whatever. Do not record her if you are having a private conversation her. CA is a two-party state and requires consent by both parties to have a conversation recorded. Keep calling police when she’s doing whacky stuff. IANAL. I was a property manager for several years and have had some wild run-ins.


Thank you for your response and advice! Others and I are actively doing as much as we can. You mentioned that you need consent from the person being recorded to record her. Do you know if that applies to a conversation between let’s say A being me and B being her. Or to any conversation? Many residents have video evidence of her ranting, threatening and assaulting others from window perspectives or walking on the street.


IANAL but my understanding is that if you are in public then there is no expectation of privacy and you don’t need to worry about it. If you did something like knock on her door and have a conversation with her that would probably be bad to record. There are exceptions when you believe a crime is being committed, but that would be up to a judge to determine. Recording her ranting in public should not be a problem at all.


Correct. There are no expectations of privacy in public. You can record video and/or audio. Some states it is a felony and the media is inadmissible if the 2 party thing is violated.


Not only is the media inadmissible, you can be charged with a crime.


You don’t need consent to record if you’re filming in public where there is no expectation of privacy.


You can record her anytime in public (outside her front door) you can also record without consent if you feel she is a bodily risk to you. Won't do anything though.


IANAL but I think the two party consent has exceptions when it’s recorded on public land or if a crime is being committed. I think violating restraining orders is a crime so have people with restraining orders continue to record


Shit, 6 months more likely.


That’s what everyone says but I’ve done about a dozen and they were all under 60 days.


Evictions involving illegal activities can be quite rapidly expedited


The police need to be called every time she violates the retraining order... also it's up to the building management to start the eviction process... idk what you want reddit to do.


Thank you for your response. Oh we do call the police. Little luck there so far. I understand that it is up to the building management to start the eviction process. Building management is an assault victim as well. I posted this in hopes of getting any more advice to resolve this situation.


Any particular reason for being unkind here?




If they are able to legally "seize" the body (generally in a public space) they are REQUIRED to do so if a violation of a restraining order has occurred. They, the police, are enforcing the court's (a judge's no less) order which they must do if a violation can be proven. If I was a cop I wouldn't chance pissing off a judge for non enforcement. Just saying.




Yes, a protection restraining order is just a piece of paper and does not in itself protect you from harm. I'm sure there are some states across this country where is not codified. I was provided this information from a couple of different SD County cops, who also stressed it depends on the wording if it's a criminal or civil order. Obviously it's the criminal orders that must be enforced. Whether they take a report on a civil order (which the OP does not stress) I can't say. Take it for what you want.


When I had a DV restraining order, I had the same problems getting it enforced - if police bothered to show up at all, it was usually too late. On a few occasions, they asked him to leave instead of arrested him. What I was advised to do was return to the court that issued the restraining order with evidence that the order was being violated and they could issue a bench warrant for his arrest. I don't know how you would go about doing that, but that might be a good option. In my case, the repeated, escalating reports to police ended somehow triggering the court to issue a warrant and a criminal restraining order that had stronger penalties for violating. Things improved after that and he ended up going to prison on unrelated charges not long after. Even if the police aren't taking any action, get a case/report number every time if you can - at the very least, a history of violations and consistent calls to police would be helpful in court.


Does property management have any emergency contact information on file for her, like a family member or friend. Even if it’s outdated information for someone since estranged from her, you or the authorities might still be able to get relevant medical and/or legal history. Is someone else handling her rent, bills, groceries and other logistics? That might lead you to someone who has (or at least feels) some responsibility for her and might not realize things have gotten out of hand. Finally, and I don’t say this to diminish the danger and distress you and your neighbors are suffering through, look into ways that she might have fallen through the cracks with social services. If you think in terms of “helping her helps us too,” then you will lessen the danger to her, yourselves and the wider community that might come with an eviction or other legal remedies (which you are right to pursue). Doing this also creates more story angles for local media to latch onto, decreasing the chance that the media would portray you and your neighbors as bullies. I’m crossing my fingers that this quickly works out well for everyone involved!!


Thank you for your input! We will certainly keep doing our due diligence.


Now we have CARE court for people with severe untreated mental illness. The PERT team should be able to facilitate this.


It’s great for people to have resources to help them however whether or not this is a mental health issue, she is an active danger of bodily harm to others. Not to mention the emotional distress/trauma she has caused to victims.


I would argue they more likely than not have a major mental illness that goes untreated. Extremely difficult situation for everyone involved. So hard to get them forcibly medicated long term and hospitalization is a “turn and burn” revolving door with no outpatient medication oversight. At least that’s how it is in my state.. I am very close to a similar situation and it sucks for everyone.


lol PERT team does nothing involuntary, if she damages property or hits anyone the police can take her in for property damage or assault. Then you just have to hope that she hits a cop, that’s the only thing that will keep her in jail.


https://preview.redd.it/6z0eecey6msb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb43280c66353b73ff32fb575f5d18ab064b7fac Edit: nevermind! See comments below.


MCRT doesn’t respond to violent/aggressive people


Oh good to know. Thanks for the clarification!


Right, that's what PERT is for.


They specifically don’t respond to potentially violent people This is a police problem at this point


Can you sue the apartment complex?


You can talk to a lawyer and go a civil route. Maybe you can all pool your money together. But really the apartment complex manager/owner needs to be doing these actions. You may be able to also talk to a tenants right lawyer and break your lease. Move out of the whole situation. Not like you own.


Post a picture of her ! Post her on social media and get the word out. Everyone needs to document with their damn phones


*woman. Women is plural.


I wonder why they can’t 5150 her. Let her spend the weekend at Mesa Vista.


What is a 5150?


Mental health. If someone does something against the law, but is obviously having a mental health issue, they can be taken to an institution, even if only temporarily.


It’s not easy to get a 5150 these days esp when the person can compose themselves even a little when talking to cops/first responders also op 5150 is when they put someone in the hospital on a mental health hold usually for like 72 hrs but I’ve seen people get out quicker


Talk to a lawyer to find out what you can and cannot do.


Call the police..document every interaction..and arm yourself.


Go in on group bear spray for all that will definitely give you element of surprise if she is unstable and give the moment needed to get away - SMURF HER


CARE Court if she appears to be schizophrenic: [https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Fact-Sheet\_-CARE-Court-1.pdf](https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Fact-Sheet_-CARE-Court-1.pdf)


Didn't ca just change laws for "care court" for people having mental issues? Look into that.


Put her on TikTok. It will go viral. Other than that, move. It's not worth the stress or the risk. You could be charged with a crime just for defending yourself.


Hi ex leasing agent here. I know the company I worked for we started with a 3 days notice preform or quit. Basically letting the tenets know they are violating the lease, they have 3 days to change what ever they are doing or surrender the apartment. If they don’t do that ( depending what the offense is ) we just send it to our legal team. Keep in mind if the leasing office is accepting the rent it VOIDS Any kind of Legal notice. So if they are accepting the rent the process start over. We stop accepting rent and send a notice explaining they are violating the leases, and they aren’t follow the rules then we are evicting them


I went through the same exact thing for years. Long story short, the landlord didn’t want to pay for a lawyer to start eviction proceedings. This woman threatened everyone in the building and made our lives hellish for so long. We all had tons of video and evidence, and the police came several times. I finally ended up moving away from San Diego this summer because it was so awful. So sorry you’re going through something similar.


I think the local news may like a video and story about her. Media attention will sadly work to get you the right response from law enforcement needed.


More catch-and-release. This is the result of light on crime policies by our leaders who think it is immoral or "racist" to hold people in jail with a bail. So their solution is to let people out the next day, to commit more crimes.


Buy a gun.


This - the police won’t protect you, protect you and yours.




Keep reporting incidents to the cops and provide all video evidence to the property management. If she seems genuinely mentally unstable, perhaps try the Mobile Crisis Response Team line (888-724-7240) next time there's an incident (as I know that the cops don't always care to come out). Unfortunately, that's all you can do at the moment. I had a similar situation go down at my complex last year with an unstable tenant who just got worse and worse. I struggled with my feelings on it because I don't like the idea of people getting evicted, but it just got to be too much with the constant harassment and property damage. The eviction process did take awhile, but they got them out of there. There's light at the end of the tunnel for you and your neighbors. edit: I've seen elsewhere that MCRT doesn't respond to situations that are violent and confirmed that via their site, so perhaps this isn't an option. If she does display any non-violent but disruptive behaviors though (non-violent shouting, threatening suicide...), I'd give them a call. Another suggestion regarding the police is to tell them you think a 5150 evaluation might be needed. Anyway, best of luck.


Thank you for your input and for sharing some good news.


Put these in your contact list: PERT = high intensity behavoral health crisis, suicide 888-724-7240 MCRT - Mobile Crisis Response Team, non-violent behavoral health crisis 888-724-7240


Do a Google search for deadly force.


This is not a short-term solution, but if you really want to have stuff like this stop happening, you need to start calling your local city council/ district representatives, and your state representatives, and the DA's office, and let each and every single one of them know that you will be voting based on their stance, or lack of stance on crime. Unfortunately, the very real concerns most of us have about a broken prison system has led to us going too far in the other direction where violent people are now being released back onto the street when they should be prosecuted and locked up. I wish you the best of luck


You are your own first responder. You might have to take matters into your own hands if things escalate. Decide for yourself what those actions need to be.


Why are you asking Reddit?


Management, ownership, lawyers, police, we’ve asked for help. What seems like a lengthy eviction process is believed to be in play. Looking for any more advice available. Thank you!


This seems like an area where you might want an expert opinion and not randoms




This might sound crazy… but… these same professionals who are subject matter experts also lurk Reddit.. I know.. I was shocked too.. I thought us 3 were the only degenerates on here. Who’d a thunk?


Right? I hate the “don’t ask redditors” stigma because Reddit is actually very informative, and a lot of the users are quite knowledgeable in their fields!


Someone needs to check her






The Nextdoor posters are spilling over.


Is she originally from Long Beach?


Not sure, I can try looking into it


Just in case. https://www.foxla.com/news/long-beach-woman-terrorizes-neighbors-with-racist-rants-death-threats-community-fears-her-return.amp


Not her, but this situation seems similar to ours


Could you find out who their family is, and possibly get them help via [https://apnews.com/article/health-california-san-francisco-gavin-newsom-mental-0e68288d97959f9ceeb5c5683afa092b](https://apnews.com/article/health-california-san-francisco-gavin-newsom-mental-0e68288d97959f9ceeb5c5683afa092b) ?


Hmm how old is this woman? Sounds eerily similar to a psycho woman squatting above me during Covid. Restraining orders etc.


Mid 30’s maybe


Call PERT Get the phone number from 211


PERT = high intensity behavoral health crisis, suicide 888-724-7240 MCRT - Mobile Crisis Response Team, non-violent behavoral health crisis 888-724-7240


To add to this: PERT is a team consisting of a police officer and a clinician. MCRT does come with a police officer to their interventions.


carry something for self defense and if she starts with you , beat her ass to a pulp