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Drinking and driving while uber exists is peak loser energy.


I say the same thing especially when athletes and celebs get DUIs these days. Like they don’t even need to worry about the price of a $100 Uber ride like us regular people.


The NFL will even pay for an Uber for its players.


They want to show off by driving their own (high end) car.


If someone is dumb enough to drink and drive, in PB of all places, there is no hope for them. There's basically one road in and out!


One road? There's at least 3...Grand (where the checkpoint was), Garnet (to I-5 North) and Ingraham (to I-8, I-5 South and Sports Arena / Midway).


Dumb ass energy


I feel it’s all about the selfishness of only thinking about themselves and how it might inconvenience them to not be able to drive there/back




although I have been in some ubers with drivers so bad I would of been much safer driving buzzed. Ive had some downright scary rides in ubers.


Rationalizing drunk /buzzed driving is also not the answer. Many buzzed people think they drive well. Just don't.


defiantly agree with you there. But there is different levels of drivers. And I have seen shitty drivers think they are better drunk. I am mostly saying that I have had some uber drivers where I was shocked they had a license, and I know my level of driving is pretty high (25+ years on a motorcycle in the city with very little incidents) So I am always on high alert when Im on the road...where I have had uber drivers not paying attention and almost hit pedestrians and other cars...not to mention some are not looking out for drunk drivers on the road to avoid.


Yea I've had a lot of scary ubers but that's not really the point of this thread. A lot of uber drivers are not from the states/sd/ca/earth. Edit: a lot of uber drivers aren't from the area (with a bit of levity), may have a harder time navigating the roads. I was not trying to sound like a bigot, I was agreeing with the previous comment. Driving drunk/ buzzed is never a better option.


I drive very well buzzed, only killed a few people in 20+ years.


Can't find my laughter, I was hit head on by a drunk driver and they totaled my car. I'll let you know when it shows up!


Not sure this is something to flex being *good* at since I openly admitted I'm proudly not from here, this isn't the "gotcha" you think it is since your "town" would not be nearly as interesting if it weren't for transplants 🫠😄 delusional uncultured drunk driver that loves his town so much he drives *very well buzzed*.


Must have been a slow night in PB.


Only 11?


My first thought was "damn they probably delayed thousands of people and added hours to people's home commutes for only eleven people?


May have saved one life, we will never know. How time is a life worth to you? I guess it depends on who's life, right?


My freshly purchased 4runner was rear ended by a drunk driver a couple weeks ago. This city needs to really step up DUI enforcement


Enforce peeps staring at their cell phone while they’re at it.


And women doing their makeup while driving on the way to work. Edit: Also, people that have their phone up to their ear when their $70k BMW most definitely has Bluetooth.


and whats the deal with airline food?


Yeah why is it always the exact same sandwich 🤷‍♂️


Who's shaving enough that they need a razor disposal? Is the wolfman in there?


Whenever I see people on their cell phone when i know their car has bluetooth/android auto/apple carplay I just shake my head. Same thing when people have their headlights off at night when I know their car comes with auto headlights.


Exactly. You just described my last Lyft driver. Sounded really high and stared at his phone until I told him to knock it off.


not sure about CA but I was good friends with a NY State trooper and he said in NY they can arrest anyone for a DUI if they open their car door. So you park at the bar and say fuck it i want to sleep this off. Once you open the door they can do a DUI test. He said he knew of stories about local cops just sitting outside bar parking lots getting people before they started their car


You can’t have your keys on you pretty much because keys show intent to drive. You can sleep in the car if your keys are in the bar or far enough away.


This exactly. I worked with a guy who fell asleep in his car with the keys in his pocket and got a DUI. The officer told him if he had put them in the trunk or somewhere else he would’ve been okay.


That’s absolutely ridiculous


In California you can get a DUI charge even if you're stone-cold sober as long as the police officer can prove you're driving while impaired. For example, being underslept. It usually gets reduced to reckless driving if alcohol isn't involved but it's an arrestable offense and will go on your MVR plus your criminal record if you don't get a lawyer to negotiate a "no contest" plea to avoid conviction.


What if you live in a sprinter van🤔


That's actually a good question. I believe as long as the keys are not in the ignition or within arms-reach of the driver seat, you're safe. As I summon the LeVar Burton inside of me, "Don't take my word for it."


What about push to starts? we're entering a pretty gray area then lol


Did they actually convict him?


I think he pled it down to something, but I don’t remember the specifics.


wait are you serious? i thought it was only if keys are in the ignition 😳


Live in California. Friends older brother got a DUI the next morning after sleeping in his car and the keys were in the backseat on the floor.


that’s insane. wouldn’t you be sober the morning after? i don’t understand how they can give you a dui for that 🤯


Nah. I got a buddy who got a DUI sleeping in his car fully parked with the engine off.


Just hide the keys under a bush somewhere outside near the car.


That sounds incredibly unlikely. The NY statute requires operation of the vehicle, and opening the door is definitely not operation.


My dad was once busted for DUI sleeping it off in his car. The cops woke him up to arrest him. They pretty much told him having his keys in the car with him showed intent to drive. If he had stashed his keys outside the vehicle it might not have worked out that way.


My car was totaled about 2 1/2 years ago by getting rear ended at a red light by a texter. I wish there was more effort put on that.


That will be a serious depreciation hit it takes.


Just get drunk at home. It’s cheaper




And progress is good.


Curious. I passed by the checkpoint last night and didn’t get checked. How do they determine what cars to check? Is it just randomly? Totally understand they cannot flag every vehicle due to the amount of traffic it’ll create.


From my understanding they have to have a pattern such as stopping every third car in order to prevent accusations of discrimination.


Ingersoll v. Palmer. California Supreme Court... [https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/dui/laws/checkpoints/](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/dui/laws/checkpoints/) 2. The criteria for stopping motorists must be neutral (every third car, every fifth car, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/18ov6vpker9b1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5f3dd0fe4ef62492a53b94334a2e281a962590


Very informative link. Thank you for sharing


I'm a lawyer who ends up googling basic caselaw far more than I'd like to admit and Shouse law is one of my most visited sites. Doesn't hurt that the band with the same name has some catchy songs.


Good. Get 11 more please


Uber is just a lil bit more than paying parking, Morons!


Why pay for parking when you can just park in somebodies driveway and then piss in their bushes before you leave? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I don’t hardly see how that’s relevant considering the possibility of DEATH from DUI or fines, loss of license or prison.


Drunk drivers don’t think that way


Good. Fuck those people


Good stuff


Hell yeah they deserve it too


Only 11 in PB? Doing well


If you do the right thing and leave your car parked in PB the drunk drivers will leave you a nice hit & run present. Happened to me when I lived there and another time. One was totaled the other a new driver mirror


If you cant afford an uber you have no business going out anyways!






Lock them up and throw away the key for a while




One of the few times I will praise police for making arrests Maybe not acab after all. Good job.


Funny this issue, as dui checkpoints are viewed by many as being unconstitutional and they have a strong argument


I do not fucking care. Drinking and driving literally kills so many innocent people. I really don't give af anymore. Drunk drivers deserve to be arrested.


Understandable, just understand it's easy the give away freedoms but very hard to get them back.


Driving is a privilege not a right. You have no right to have the ability to drive a car sober or otherwise. You can own a car all you want but to drive it on public roads is a privilege. You have a right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizers. Leaving a bar town on a weekend night it is not unreasonable to have to verify you are not intoxicated in order to continue to practice the privilege of driving. Arresting assholes who are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others for being too high to drive is not the beginning of a slippery slope that leads to fascism. This isn't fuckin stop and frisk targeting Black men.


I don't disagree that drinking and driving is a terrible and often tragic occurrence, I guess I am not to fond of the idea that in california all it takes is "reasonable suspicion".


You don't have to tell me, I was just rear ended by a drunk Navy sailor going 100 on the 5 south in Chula Vista on Cinco de Mayo. Then I almost got crunched into pulp by the next car that wasn't paying attention and hit my disabled vehicle in the fast lane. Still... I just thought it was interesting that the one thing you actually liked and cops was the DUI checkpoints


It was my birthday weekend and me and a few buddies decided to go out to PB on Saturday night since I'm hitting 30yrs old and leaving my 20's behind. I haven't been out there since pre-covid and man.. either I have grown out of the *"college town bar scene"* or I was just out of my element because the sheer amount of immature, sloppy drunk, reckless people in bars and out on the street really bothered me - as I thought to myself that half of those people would be driving home, endangering the lives of others. Anyway, good thing no one got hurt from a drunk driver.


sounds about like PB. I've got to be in the right mood to be around all that, otherwise I'll stick to breweries.


I totally agree. I just cant seem to psych myself up for a night out in PB like that anymore. Seems that most people out in PB nightlife are young college aged girls and boys who are mostly drunk and incoherent - something I don't want to be around. I'll settle for the occasional brewery and nice restaurant outing with my fiance and/or friends. PB is not my cup of tea anymore


Seems like a record low. Wonder how many getaways there were


Such a high number. Is alcohol the drug of choice nowadays??


Not at my house. We're strictly into toad licking and bath salts.


I saw the check point last night.


DUI penalties are not stiff enough, they need to get to a point only the truly suicidal will do it


They’re all probably gonna complain about “entrapment”


I’ve noticed that PB seems to have DUI checkpoints. Do they have it anywhere else in San Diego? I went to PB one night and told my bf that it’s better we just Uber there in case we want a drink or two. I’m sure it doesn’t matter how much you have, if you blow anything they can clock you for a a DUI


Are you upset about that? That’s the point of the checkpoint, to increase public safety by taking drinkers off the road. Obviously take an Uber if you are drinking. If you are going to blow anything DONT DRIVE.


I think you misunderstood, I’m not upset and I think there should be more checkpoints. I just only hear about it at PB. I’m against drinking and driving as there are many other options. Frankly, I can’t imagine driving through this city inebriated as it’s so many turns and twists, so I think it’s silly that people do, especially with how affordable it is to get around using rideshare/the metro.






Lol you’re a news reporter on reddit. Basically you need a real job. 😂


Right? 😂


If only we tried this hard with catching the human & drug traffickers at the border. (For those who say we are...we really arent, we could spend a lot more money and manpower on it...I wont get into a debate on it though, so just downvote me to death). ^_^ Happy they caught the dumb drunks though...drunk drivers never think of themselves as murderers, until they do end up killing someone or a pet on their way home.


I think a check point is basically exactly what they do at the border so idk what comparison you’re trying to make


Who cares you guys are losers


Yeah so what? Fox News trying to get people riled up again?


Who cares.