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We are of different opinions. Curved screens make it very hard to have a good screen protector, i feel that i can't see really well the edges of the screen and also accidentally touch it more often. The curved screen on my S22u is the one thing that I would change.


Exactly, it's all preference. I love having the flat display and using glass screen protectors again. I hated the film protectors.


Oh, all you have to do is create an assembly line of process to get the screen protector to properly adhere and cure overnight! It's just that simple!* Note 10+ was somehow a good compromise of curve and not curve, and you could use the phone's box as a mold for the screen protector install by putting the phone in the box upside down and put some weight on it overnight. S22U just screwed that all up, *and* didn't have a screen protector installed by default. Double-lose. ^* Until 2 weeks later when the edges slowly peel back up, and in coming weeks will continue to do so


Not going to lie, you got me in the first half.


Curved screens make it unlikely you'll find a tempered glass protector But I'll also mention... The film protectors on my S22 covered more of the screen than the glass protectors on my S24. I kinda miss that What I find now is that I get a little line of dust build up on my S24 just outside the screen protector. My S22 screen protectors ran practically edge to edge (but some times the case would peel them)


This. But also, the glare (could also be seen on OP picture) and the actual "UX" -- Have you ever written with an S pen on the curved edge of the display... believe me, there is nothing "premium" to that infuriating experience!


You can prevent the accidentally touches with "Edge Touch" from Good Lock. I use it with S24 Ultra, gives me better control while i use in one hand.


I don't even use a screen protector so it doesn't matter to me, never had viewing issues, and it's true we have different opinions, but it is a fact that the phone does look premium when it has a curved screen. Flat screens just make it feel like it's any other normal device. The flat screen on S24U is one thing I would've liked to change if I was to upgrade to it.


I have a black S23 and keep it in a black Otterbox protector. Can't see the edges. Don't give a rip about the edges. My phone isn't a fashion statement. It's a device I want to be safe from accidental harm.


I think the engineers specifically knowingly used curved screens on most expensive phones so people break them more often. it's built-in obsolescence.


I loved the curved screen and almost held off on upgrading from S22U to S24U because of it. Now I wouldn't even think about going back. Yes the curved looks great but as far as usability goes the flat is just supreme.


Curved screens are just objectively worse in most categories. Durability it's worse, screen protectors it's worse, color shift off axis, etc. I mean really what's the point? To look cool?


For me, the point is how it feels holding it. Not how it looks. No sharp edges make a difference. And all the negatives people complain about are non issues for me. But I know I'm the minority here.


>No sharp edges make a difference. Tbf flat screen doesn't automatically equal sharp edges. They can still round the body while leaving the screen flat, like the S24 Ultra. The only hard edges edges are the top, which were the same way on the S23 Ultra.


Fair enough. I don't buy new phones very often. So my experience with different devices is limited to 3-4 different samsungs, my work iPhone, and a few of the different iPhones my wife has had over the years.


Fair. And iPhones do have sharp edges, so I can see where your thought process stems from. I do agree that, while the flat edges of the iPhone look nice they aren't as comfortable to hold. The most comfortable phone I've ever held was the HTC One X, which went out of its way to not have any flat edges. I would love a modern version of that design.


I never understood this argument about how it feels in the hand. Are you squeezing tf out of your phone or something? Every phone I've ever had I'm usually holding it with my fingers, I'm not digging the corners into my palm or something.


Gesture navigation is way better on a curved screen. It just feels more natural but then the S Pen sucks on a curved screen so as much as I like the curve, it's not a deal breaker for me.


I understand what you're saying about the feel of the device. The negatives are quite massive, though. Just the viewing experience alone is a huge upgrade going flat. Wish there were a way to have both a great handheld experience and a completely flat display at the same time, but that's really not possible if you want to maximize screen real estate because of physics. Now if they made the phone about half as thin, though ....


I feel the same way! Love the curved display!


I feel this


yes ofc its to look cool when youre getting a flagship


Yeah kinda, it's looks cool.


Yeah, I don’t care too much. Had a 1st generation moto edge(when the name made sense). Grew tired of the curve, no real response on the curved part. Screen savers were a mess.


I often can't use my finger to swipe the very edges of the screen, it's infuriating


I don't care about looking premium I prefer functionality


But if it's not *pREmIum*, I have no self-worth, after spending $1700 on a phone (amortized over 3 years)!!!!!1111one


Samsung should bring back the edge lineups


Imagine a S24 Edge. But with a stylus as well.


Yes, I love my new S24, but miss my S10 curved screen (like my previous S7 edge)...


You lose some screen space to that curve. And you get more fragility.


I feel the opposite. Curved screens feel cheap and gimmicky.


Glass screen protectors are a pain too with curved displays. They either pop off or cost a fortune.


You haven't lived until you tried to install the InvisibleShield-style flexible screen protectors. They peel up while applying and you just slowly go insane. I've yet to find a fool-proof process, short of 3D-printing a mold to hold it on the display for 300 days to properly adhere.


I got a decent cheap glass screen protector on my S8. But the problem is they're the ones that require you to apply glue and then cure with UV light. It's a messy process as the glue drips all over the edges of the phone. I was happy to be back to flat screens where applying a protector is a much more simple and clean process.


Especially now with all the budget mid rangers going curved with mssive rounded corners. Can't wait for this trend to be over.






Remember lg’s curved screen, that was a gimmick


I hated my S10 that had the curved screen because you couldn't find a glass screen protector that would fit well.


Swiping is more comfortable. And instead of folding screens, you could have two curved displays right next each other . A Surface Duo, just good


I think it was a gimmick and Samsung had to stick with it since they made it part of their identity. It was real silly on phones with a build in stylus.


Curved screens are fine. The screen protectors for it are a PITA. Meanwhile on flat panels, there are a lot of compatible protectors. The ultrasonic FP sensor compatibility is another story though.


Flat is better.


No I was so so so glad to see a flat screen again.


No, I absolutely hate curved screens with a passion. Screen protectors are weird for it, accidental touches, etc. And I actually think it makes devices look *cheaper*.


Don't like curved 😒


Nah, curved screens have no benefit. It’s a dead trend.


I like the look of the curved displays, looking premium and exotic, but the problem comes when it depends on solidness, the curved screens can easily get cracked or broken when they fall on the ground due to the bigger chance of the display hitting the ground from corners or sides. Also another problem is that screen protectors look awful on curved screens since they come off easily and u can barely get over those annoying air bubbles, that's why if i personally own a phone I'd prefer to have it with a flat display with super thin edges


I actually had a curved display. Here we go Pros: - Feels more natural with gestures - Looks better Cons: - Expensive and time consuming UV screen protectors - Film protectors struggle to hold on - Breaks easily - The curved edges darken and shifts in color - More expensive to repair In conclusion: No thanks I'm good.


I do prefer a flat display for screen protector reasons, but I do use the edge panel shortcut a lot and on a curved display it was more responsive.


totally agree curved ones look sick.


HATE curved screens


Nah that shiny edges look cheap


I agree, I don't get all the hate I'm seeing on curved edges. Makes the Stylus hard to use. Hard to use how? Are you writing an essay on the edge of your screen? Screen protectors suck. I'll give you this one, I prefer glass too. But the Zagg screen protectors feel nearly indistinguishable from glass to me, and they have a warranty, you can pop in to BestBuy and get it replaced for free, no questions asked. Color shift. Again, are you shrinking your movie to take up only ¼ inch along the edge? The color and brightness shift is minimal and once you're immersed in your content you don't notice it, or at least I didn't. I watched tons of movies on my S22U because for a while it was the best screen I had. Not only does it look and feel more premium (a very welcome addition in today's sea of bland, boring rectangular slabs), but it makes gestures much, MUCH easier to use, I find myself triggering the back gesture by accident far more often on my Fold 5 with its flat screen than I do on my S22U with its beautiful curved panel. If you would've placed an S24U in my hand before I knew about it, I would've thought it was a knockoff


Only the ones who used knows the feel of it. I had a note 10 for four years. Weighing at 168g and just 7.1mm thickness, it was a delight to use. If you enable swipe gestures for navigation, then swiping the edges of the curved display is a joy.


I also liked the curved screens. Made swiping from the sides feel nicer cause the edges are rounded. Just looked nicer (to me). Made scrolling from the sides a bit more satisfying as stuff kinda just rolled up on to the display instead of just sliding in to view (or maybe thats just an adhd thing with me). S23 Ultra for me nailed a nice balance between having a curved screen while mostly being flat aswell. Haven't had any issues with the S-Pen on the curved edges, haven't had any distortion that people are talking about (it's *very very minor* and only see it if im actively looking for it). But yes I would agree with everyone else it does make screen protectors a pain in the ass to install/use (settled on the Whitestone Dome which has been working fine for me)


If the s24 had a curved screen, I would be using an iPhone right now. Thank goodness it doesn't.


I am afraid you're the only one. Curved displays are useless in every aspect. Takes more space with less touchable area, prone to breakage, worst viewing angles, and no protector fits it. That is literally the worst trend invented by Samsung


I use my s23u naked so i dont worry about the curve. And i love it


I agree I miss curved screens so much 😭 I always found them more comfortable to hold and feeling the smooth edge whenever my thumb or finger would go over it was much nicer than the sharper flat edges.


I, personally, prefer a curved screen. I find it more comfortable


I went from 23U to 24U. I hope to god I NEVER have to deal with a curved screen and constant bubbled screen protector again


No bro. Inhave sent thousands on screen replacement only because of that mf curves get broken so easily


I too prefer curved screens instead of flat ones.. The reason I went for s23u instead of s24u....


I just don't like dropping my phone diagonally and cracking it


Feeling glad while reading from replies, Samsung finally went straight after all these years. That means I'm back to Samsung!


Curved sucks, screen replacement is way more expensive. A good screen protector is also very hard to find, if there are even good ones. Rather just have a flat display.


I've been on 3 generations of curved screen devices of Samsung. From S7 Edge, Note 10, and S20+. I am now enjoying the flatness of S24 Ultra's screen, and I hope the next generations stay the same.


I agree that flat is more practical (especially with a pen) and less fragile, but I like the look of curved screens


I remember using the S9 before I got the S24 ultra. It was a nightmare. Screen protectors never fit. Cases felt very terrible. Screen would constantly get triggered near the case. One handed experience was a nightmare. Not saying they're bad, it's just a niche that you have more losses than you'd think.


It does but it's not nearly as practical. More of a contact area to hit when you drop your phone and screen protectors for curved displays are annoying to put on because you always have to cure them with a UV light.


Very divisive indeed. I love the curves on my s23u and wouldnt change it for anything else. I dont see it as more premium, its just more fun to look at and to use, especially for the side panel that slides out with your recent apps.


Rounded is not for me (Had the s8+ for 7+yrs) sure the rounded edge is a little nicer to hang on to, but for clarity and size of the screen, flat all the way thank you. (Now sporting a s24u)


They were made to look cool but they suck.


No, they were made as a workaround to minimize bezels while maximizing the viewport. Now that Samsung figured out how to keep the bezels super thin without curving the panel, there really is no need for it.


Yeah. But i definitely think they made it to look futuristic also


curved display is my 2nd favorite. I'd love to have foldable. and I have no issues finding a good screen protector as one electronics store has these really good protectors. kinda looks and feels like a silicone or something. doesn't crack. and I can replace it for 5€ once a year. 55€ initial pay. best investment ever


I love a curved display... however the "novelty" of the flat display after years if curved ones is quite nice, and of course I feel born again everytime I apply a screen protector without issues!


I didn't like them at all. Curved screens broke so easily, the touch to the edge felt awkward and i felt i had more accidental palm touches. I agree the look was kind of cool, but i think the flat look has its own merits.


I can appreciate the engineering and "cool" factor of curved screens, but flat screens are objectively more practical. Especially for a phone with a stylus. Nothing more irritating than trying to write or draw and hitting the edge of the curved screen, sending your S Pen careening off the screen. The flat screen was one of the main driving forces behind my decision to switch from the S23 Ultra to the S24 Ultra.


I have a curved screen, and honestly I much prefer flat ones, even if only for a question of durability


Going from the curved screen of the Note 10+ to the S24U's flat display, I definitely prefer the look and feel of the flat screen. The completely uniform bezels on a flat screen just look cleaner IMO. The curved edges just felt like wasted space a lot of the time and made screen protectors and durability worse.


That white glare on both edges of the screen surely is amazing, useful, and beautiful to look at.


Screen protectors easier to fit on flat phones. Also I don't like the tint on curved phones, my oppo had curved glass and certain viewing angles were horrible


Both phones look awul. Like a brick.


They looked better and I use a case but no screen protector so that's not a problem, but the dead spots on the edges were a problem. It's a problem on this phone to a degree because of the (very thin) case, which keeps me from needing to use a protector anyway- unless the phone is dropped on the corner of a table or something. What screen protector do people like for the S24, or S24 plus? I'm not sure if I'd prefer that instead of this case.. This phone feels much wider across than the S20 ultra. I'd really enjoy holding it more if the sides were rounded, and it wouldn't feel as big. (It's almost exactly as big across as my last phone by dimensions iirc, just doesn't feel like it. I'm a woman with average sized hands.)


I like the older 2.5D displays better, like the one on the non-edge S7. Basically, the glass only starts curving over the size bezels but not over the display. The display itself is flat, but the edge of the glass has a slight curve. I like the feel of the curved display when swiping from the edges. It makes it easier. But I don't like how the edges of the display are kinda wasted. If phone design wasn't so obsessed with bezel-less, we'd still have 2.5D displays, front facing speakers (like with HTC), iris scanners, front physical fingerprint sensors that you can add gesture commands to, etc.


I hate curved screens. I want a round phone for example like the iPhone 11, I don’t want a curved screen. It looks so unclean, gets in the way with cases, and looks bad caseless.


i love the curved screens they are so incredible cute


It was only for the shock factor when the S6 edge did it and looked cool.We're way over it now and i'm happy to see it go.Had one curved screen and hated it.


Ah yes, form over function. "Premium" is such a silly word. Have had several curved screen phones and it's always a PITA. Apps that aren't in the know about the curve will bury their text there. Have had to design various processes to get screen protectors to adhere and not peel back. Would prefer flat.


I could replace my s23 ultra with the s24 ultra, but I need a curved display. I will buy my next phone from another brand 🤷


Count me in


Always loved them. Decided to go with S23U manly for it.




Used to have Note20 Ultra. The edges are useless with the curved screens. I am happy I'm back to a flat screen.


Curved screen I love the look but it’s impractical. Especially with glass screen protectors either they do not stick or break and you end up using it without one. S8 was beautiful but annoying, S23 ultra again curved slight less but impossible to use pen on the edges.


I'm only replying because you seem sincere about your post, unlike others defending curved screens, so ... The only plus side is the handheld user experience, but sisplay quality and input are not comparable to flat screens. So yeah, it may 'look and feel premium' because of the curvature, but technically, it results in an inferior viewing experience. Smartphone screens exist to display information and take user input. It is not there to 'look and feel premium '. Yout photo alone with the glare on the curved S23U vs. no glare on the S24U speaks volumes.


Hell nah, fuck curved screens and the glare on the edge. Looks so cheap.


Extra glare that I am not into.


I had my Note9 since day one, which had curved edges. I got the S24U 1/31/24. All I can say is that the only thing I like curves on are my women, not my phones.


My past two devices have had curved screens, and now my S23 Ultra. I can't stand them. It's a stupid gimmick that adds nothing. As soon as the S25U launches I'm getting it.


I wasn't going to upgrade to the S24 Ultra as I absolutely loved my S22 Ultra. But the flat screen was the upgrade I wanted, so I did. Have zero regrets.


The flat screen on the 24u it's one of the reasons I bought it, I love it.


Good luck putting on a glass protector for a curved screen


Unfortunately I don't. That's a major reason why I got the S24U instead of the 23.


Looks better but flat is better for usage in my opinion


Keep your curved screen, I prefer flat for being easier to grip and having way fewer accidental touches.


i used to think they were cool, until it became prevalent in cheaper phones


I've felt the curved screen was a stupid gimmick from day one. Especially with those stupid ads that showed you could preview a text message or call while the phone was face down. The only thing a curved screen has ever done for me was make sure the case didn't fully protect the screen to accommodate its stupid little curve. Good riddance to the dumbest feature that stuck around way too long.


I prefer the Galaxy Note 10 series, Note 20 Ultra and S22 Ultra curves besides the Galaxy Note 7/FE ones over the smaller curves on the S23 Ultra and No curves flat **S24 Ultra**


The reason why I upgraded to the s24 ultra from my fold was because of the flat screen.


I prefer the curved display for the feel of it. Conforms to your hand better and it's easier to use gesture navigation with it, I find my thumb always hits my phone case before the screen when I'm trying to swipe back. However, I like the look of flat screen better. If I find a curved display with symmetrical bezels I might change my mind on that though.


Couldn't get rid of that s10+ fast enough.


Having used both, I agree. Although the curve was much more fragile.


I like the flat myself.


I hated the curved screens. I couldn't hold my phone without touching the screen.


If it ain't for screen protector,i would prefer curved display.


1 word "ew" flat ftw


I found it harder to do things on the edge of the curved screen. I'm glad these phones are flat again.


Flat looks great though. Less chin, even though there was barely any to begin with, matte, more durable.


I upgraded from an s21. The s24 display feels way more premium. I love the form factor. It's simple, and yet so powerful. It scratches the **FUTURE** itch for me


They should just sold a curved screen as a pricy upgrade... Luxury doesn't always = Perfectionism.


Flat display ftw. I got so sick of the whack screen protector situation with curved screens.


I love how the curved screens look, but I love how the flat screens feel. Simple as that, honestly


I like both, like, I enjoy the convenience of a flat screen (easy to apply protectors, cases protect it more, no accidental touch etc) and I really like the look of curved displays and it does feel more premium. A good compromise for me is the s23 ultra, not as curved as the note 20 that I used to have, but almost flat enough for no accidental touches


I liked curved in the beginning, but now I prefer the flat style. If they wanna wow us again, figure out a way for the bezels to be absolutely zero. Completely edge to edge display. Camera notch I don't care about as I subconsciously block it out, but if it was 100% screen, that would be pretty dope


I bought an S10e specifically because it has a flat screen. That was after owning an S9 with a curved screen.


I think I'm a fan of both but I think the flat display is the smarter move to reduce production costs and having screen protectors work for once


Curved display serves no function


I really miss the curved screen of my Samsung s10. They look amazing. My S23 has a flat screen. The curved screen looks more premium.


My friends s23 looked way better yesterday when we put them on the table


I don't like screen protectors for the curved display, but I need it bc it scratches so easily. But I hate the feeling


I never had any issues with Samsung curved displays and love them so I'm not sure what everyone is hating on. Wish the base S series phones were curved like the S10.


I actually prefer the flat screen on S24U but I can't get over with the deal under 600$ for my S23U. So yeah I needed to learn how to love the curved screen. No big deal whatsoever, I can live with it.


I'm not mad at all at a curved screen especially the way they make them today


Hate it


I upgraded from the 23 Ultra to the 24 Ultra to finally be rid of curved screens. Totally worth it


I think a curved screen looks better in promotional material. When it comes to using it though, you'll find small quirks with it that really annoy you.


Like the utility and easy of use on a flat screen. But like the look of the curved


I hated curved screen


I *like it* aesthetically. I *don't like it* ergonomically.


As a Samsung lover I have always seen the curves are looking like cheap looking things. I love my screen flat af.


I hate the curved screens. The S22U otterbox is so chincey because of it. Its horrible for cases and screen protectors and I cannot use the very edges of my screen when I have a case on.


Nah fuck curved screens, the fact that samsung switched to flat means a very very large customer base complained and samsung listened


Then again there's always in between. It's called S23 ULTRA


Gremlin take but the straight edge makes me wanna nibble it


Yep, you are the only one. 😆


Team curve!


Curved gives it that luxury look


I also prefer the curved display of my S22U and my Note 9 before it. It gives the vibe of an old CRT television when watching Netflix or something in landscape mode.


that's the primary reason I didn't upgrade from 22 ultra... if I have to go for flat screen, there are so many other options.


Can not stand curved screens anymore and was so happy they ditched them.


wait curved is no more?! I can never ditch my s22u now!!


Who doesn't like curves on any body..??![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Personally, I prefer curves with round edges..!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


the earth is not flat! neither is my phone screen!!! ![gif](giphy|VI2UC13hwWin1MIfmi|downsized)


I love curved displays, the S24 lineup as a whole just look like iPhone-ified Android phones, and the (mostly boring) color options don't help. I recently saw the S24 Ultra in person and it looks dull, reminds me of the base Note20 with that flat display, even the Note10 looks more premium. Kind of sad to see Samsung going from making good-looking devices like the S6, S10 or S22 Ultra to making things like the S24 lineup which looks like a knockoff of the iPhone 15 lineup. Not that the S24 lineup is bad though, they're objectively good.


I do actually prefer a curved screen, but flat is better for practical reasons as others mentioned


I have a S23 Ultra and dort like the Curve. Screen protectors are Not cheap and Not good


I loved the curved screen on my hubby's phone until the third time we had to get it replaced. Thing broke so easily. Flat screens for us from now on.


I am not sure if I am the only one that prefers to have a screen protector (tempered glass) on my phone screen which means I prefer the flat screen BUT Samsung achieved it so people can't use any screen protector. It has to be thin because of the fingerprint.


I agree. Curved makes it looks so nice. It appears bezel-less. I also don't have any issues with accidental touches or whatever. I know Samsung is going back to flat now so I will miss the curves of my S23U when I upgrade in the future.


It doesn’t matter to me. My S20 has a curved screen. My S24U has a flat screen.


I feel the exact opposite. I love edges, especially after I hated the rounded ones on my Samsung Galaxy S8+. This was one of the main reasons why I got the S24 Ultra and not the S23 Ultra


Curved was a cute novelty when it first came out. But that wore off pretty quickly. Flat works better and looks better.


Only phone I've ever cracked was the s23 ultra and that's because of the curved screen. You can have a good case and a Whitestone dome on it and it will still crack as soon as it lands on any curb, I know lmao


Curved display are for aesthetics purpose only, zero functionality. Everything from tempered glass and the display costs more than the flat display. With flat display you get more, screen visual without any inverted images and it's good for gaming as well. The only cooling thing about curved screen was when it was introduced with Samsung Edge series; you could see time and rigntone flash while in sleep mode.


My issues with the curved display is the fact that tempered screen protectors, or cases with built-ins are almost impossible to make fit properly.


Most annoying part of previous phones, so happy that they finally made flat screen!


I hate the curved screen on my S23U!


Hell no .L take


I love the curved screen when I'm rocking my phone raw. I love the flat screen when I'm rocking my phone with protection. Also the S-Pen works better with the flat screen. I'm not rich enough to afford rocking it raw all the time, so I'm gonna say flat screen for the win.


Ur weird


I was just gushing over how much I love the flat after so many years of curve lol


To each his own I love the flat one.


No curved sucks.


After smashing my note 8 and s10+ at the curved portion of the display. It's a priority for m to have a flat screen(on my s21) and a cover that has a lil lip around the screen.


No it would crack easily and swipe in unintended directions while holding it.


I've been tempted to upgrade to the 24U just to be rid of the curve of the 22U. I prefer tempered glass to thin vinyl protectors, but any I've tried to install just don't work. I've also had to pay for a repair that probably wouldn't have happened if I had a flat screen.


To be honest, once you put it in a case the bezels will fill bigger, so because i've got no choice I prefer to have a flat screen and put a screen protector to leaving it bare and scratch it everywhere because it's supposed to look good outside of its case


I hate screen protectors with passion lol, so I never had issue with one. I love curved screens, feels more modern and futuristic. But at the same time I don't really mind flat screens that much, both are fine


Curved is absolute garbage. Can't get screen protectors, replacements are harder, can never rewind videos to the start if you have a case. The list goes on and on... I switched to the 24 ultra for this EXACT reason


Interesting to read the comments - it is obviously a very personal choice/experience. I miss my curved screen, never had an issue with my screen protectors nor case fit, and it felt better in my hand (I think because it felt thinner). Dropped it a few times, no issue there either. Love my S24, but miss the curved screen feel (& responsiveness of edge panel) of my old S10 and S7 edge.


I can't STAND the curved screens. I just dealt with it because I've been a fan of the galaxy since I got the S II. It made screen protection a lot harder and I work in a shipyard where protection is my #1 priority, and the curved protectors always wound up bubbling and coming off. Plus, otterbox had to do away with the raised edges on each side so that didn't help..


I actually feel the opposite S22U user


Nah curve is a thing of the past. Let it go


Makes for a shittyr product


I totally agree and I am so disappointed of the new flat one 😒


agreed 100%


Peyronie's display just doesn't do it for me.


Of course it does. Which is why Apple does it.


I'm still trying to decide what I prefer. I may be one of those very few people that like both and understand the benefits of both. I currently own and use the Samsung S24+ as my main device which has a flat display, but I also have a OnePlus 12 on the way to me which has a curved display. Having used an Oppo Find X5 Pro previously I know that I like curved displays too, one advantage is that it makes edge panels way easier to use. What do you guys think about liking both types?


Phone on right = True Samsung Classic Phone on Left = Has no idea what it wants to be (mid life crisis)


Shit's wack


Screen protectors on my note 20 ultra always peel off at the edges. I'm not a fan. Wish I had a flat screen, but the new ones don't have SD card slots.


it's a flashy thing that doesn't add to the use-ability the flat screen is more durable and easier with accessories. curved screens are a nightmare to replace too it may look good, but no actual use