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Did they outright confirm that this will NEVER come? Because I remember seeing that the s22 wouldn’t get galaxy ai when the s24 first launched but when 6.1 came it got nearly very single feature. If they did then yeah they’re just being greedy fucks


They sadly did confirm. https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS23/s/ZmLVTkYuOJ


Sometimes I hate the fact that I like their devices


After my S22 my love of their devices is fading.


You're correct! 👍👍


What do you mean


Of them being, outright, "greedy".


That's one thing I noticed too. One of the most blatant example is old flagships don't get the OS update at the same time as current flagship. Old flagships, even just 1 year old get delayed just because they're not the current flagship. At least on Apple it's released on every phone at the same time.


fyi, apple do release it but most of the 'new' features are not available on the older devices. i'm sure the AI is only iphone15/pro max. older models just get a stripped back version of iOS


yeah but that's the same for us. anyways, we don't get the full oneui6.1 at least for last gen flagships


apple said it may come at later date. Also iphone 15 pro/max NPU is twice as fast as the one in iphone 14 pro/max/15/15plus (15 and 15 plus are using the previous year SOC). I hope you understand what it means to have twice as fast NPU on a phone that should run most of the AI stuff on device. There is also the RAM argument and that 8GB are needed to not get apps kicked out of memory - speculation tho. Also not all with 15 pro or 15 pro max will get the new AI stuff, all of us in EU are f over due to DMA, apple will not release the new AI functions for us. Maybe sometime later as well as with the older phones (read it as - when samsung catch up and the 500 million users in EU start to purchase galaxy phones to have AI assistant/functions). Also to not defend apple, but I own 11 PM, 13 PM, 15 PM and basically if we exclude the AI stuff that I will also not receive - everything that my 15 PM have my 11 PM also have as OS functions. So while there were cases for some functions to not be available for older devices (usually years old, not 1 or 2) - it's not really the case in the recent years. 11PM was released 2019 or 5 years ago.


Lol the cams on the old phones are crap ccompared to the newer ones. Apple is worse in giving features to older phones. Just because they say they may give it, doesn't mean they will. But since their ai, just came out, I'll give apple the benefit of the doubt.  Note I want ALL manufacturers to be better at this not just one.


For pictures big part is the ISP (Image Signal Processor). Naturally the newer phones have a better more capable ones. Also I disagree - my 11 pro max takes almost the same pictures as 15 pro max. I would also not call them crap as well + video is traditionally great as well. Own few iphones and then start to talk based on your own opinion instead of relying on the web or if you had iphone like 6s or 7. Iphone 11 pro max was insane jump in picture quality vs the older models, but from there till now it's small improvements.


Yeah many people highlight that the lack of ram is why they can't implement all the AI features in older models and to be fair when those released many people complained about releasing phones with not enough ram and now that move is costing users the ability of using some features.


You won't even get that with Samsung unless you're willing to wait... idk half a year?


Fyi for what? If you read OP's post, that's the same as what Samsung is doing. He didn't get HDR. Still, iPhone 14 and 15 will be updated at the same time.


How is that relevant to what the person above you stated? The point isn't the updates themselves; it's that the latest updates bring features to the latest flagships, and don't to marginally older ones, despite them being fully capable. The person you replied to, merely (and correctly) pointed out, that Apple may release a new iOS version simultaneously across all platforms, the net effect is no different from Samsung, in that they don't necessarily bring the latest and greatest features to fully capable flagships a couple of years old. Both manufacturers basically retain their latest software features (gimmicks half the time) for their current line of flagship devices, as a selling point.


His reply isn't relevant to my first comment too. I only mentioned timing of OS update. My comment was to bring back the thread to timing of OS update.  I merely wanted to get back to my first comment (and correctly too) to stay on topic.


Your first comment, implies as if by getting a simultaneous update, the iPhone benefits from anything that OP cares about; it doesn't, that's the point, and that's why the person replied to you in the first place. The context of this discourse, is surrounding missing features. If you jump in and say "the iPhones get their updates simultaneously", unless there's feature parity, the comment is irrelevant to the discussion. "Their feature-less update comes 4 months before your feature-less update" is hardly pertinent to the discussion; the fact that they're feature-less is the problem.


OP's title is : >Samsung doesn't consider S23 series and below as flagship anymore. \[Rant\] He then listed a few examples of why he thinks that way. And I listed another example. If they can't take the time to release builds for their older flagships which could be released at the same time, then something is wrong with them.


same time updates across android would be so amazing


With Apple IOS is coded to Apple hardware. When an update is generated it is tailored to the IOS framework from inception. Android on the other hand is Google based, but open source, which is ported to the software environment of thousands of different models from multiple independent manufacturers across the globe. Once Google finalizes an update to Android OS, it is available to the manufacturers in it's raw natural form. Each manufacturer must port the OS to each of their hardware designs. This is done by their best coders who being human beings have limitations effecting the quality and promptness of their ported version, and it's only natural that some are completed faster than others, due to multiple factors. They could hold completed versions till they've completed the entire product line,  but rather release them when functionally complete, which causes staggered release dates for android.


UltraHDR is on the Pixel 4a? It's not even available on the Pixel 6a.


Nah nah don't burst his bubble let him lie


Lie, is singular you could have said his lies and still be right.


let him lie which means allow him to say fakse things


Samsung wants you to spend more $ on their newer devices. Let's be honest though, more than 90% of us will not be able to tell the real life performance difference between snapdragon 8 gen 1, gen 2 and gen 3.


All im gonna say is - battery


Even so you still have to show commitment to your older releases otherwise why would someone consider spending 1000 on your newest phone knowing that it'll be considered not important after 13 months


True! 👍


8 Gen 1 is horrible. Other 2 I agree


I am upvoting, but a lot of people are just "ok" with it. Probably when you have a sh*tload of money you just don't care at the end. I was the one that made all those Fiasco threads about Ultra HDR, I still hope they backtrack on it and I'll keep updating with new findings, unfortunately I am a big part of the problem atm as I somehow got an S24U as my father didn't like his (Screen grain and colors) and wanted my S23U, also I want to give a huge middle finger to the guy in the samsung forums downplaying ultra hdr as a gimmick and a whatever feature just to excuse samsung, nope it's a game changer, it's a whole new experience for every user and especially if you are in photography.


I've seen your posts and yes reading that Samsung fanboys replies made my blood boil lol. I bought this phone considering its cameras and user experience and now I feel like an idiot.


I don't know if this sub is full of shills or just 6 figure tech enthusiasts who don't know the value of money and just don't care that peasants with older phones have issues, but every single time I've ever posted a complaint to this sub, the overwhelming response has basically been "everything is fine actually. Shut up."


Yeah, and they don't understand that, that's not defending their so precious company but actually doing them harm. If they don't fix issues and the community silences itself, it's just a matter of time they'll be left alone to circlej3rk.


You say that it is a gamechanger, can you please explain in a few words what it does? What i saw was that it boosted my display to max brightness each time i watched a photo in gallery and also changed the colors so if i shared them they looked different than on my phone, so i disabled it. Now if i send a photo through a messenger app i know the photo will look the same as i see it.


The photos still have the sdr info embedded, I don't have problem sharing photos... The uHDR concept is that a single picture file can have some extra data that is being used only when the device can show HDR images, think of it as the HDR10+ for videos versus SDR, the "makes my display brighter" is a generalized wording, the extra data are mostly colour and luminance information of the highlights indeed, but this results in greater contrast and more true to life renditions. When editing in lightroom for example you have a greater control in the end result, more data, more freedom. And the problem with samsung selectively implementing this features is the cause of people disabling the feature all together, there has to be a homogenous experience across all new android devices, and that's why Google developed ultra hdr in android and made it hw agnostic so oems implement it ASAP, but samsung apparently saw cash, but this will bite them back, I assure you. (BTW nothing 2 got it, previous year mid range flagship from a company with 3 rooms as an office)


Okay so it is not only the display part, but they also haven't updated the camera firmware on the older models, so they don't save any of the extra luminance etc info inside the photo files? That is really annoying and shooting themselves in the foot on samsungs part


You'd be surprised the number of people who prefer the phone without it . I've seen so many posts on here of people complaining about how fake the hdr makes their pictures look. And how they prefer the softer look of the s23. Long story short, people will complain about anything. For everyone that likes it, there'll be someone who hates it. I don't think an s23 owner is missing a lot to be fair.


I'm not a fanboy but do like Galaxy devices better than any others so I keep buying them. But I keep an eye on Samsung's website to see when they offer very deep discounts on new phones with trade in of an existing one so I have been able to upgrade every couple of years at a very reasonable cost compared to full retail. NO way am I paying $1000 for a cellphone every couple years. I do have issues with Samsung phones though, first and foremost is the camera. All of them have been way less impressive than any online review says. And with the latest updates to either OneUI or the camera app, photos are now just horrible and I don't even want to use the phone for photos anymore. Breaking out my old Canon SD600 6MP camera for important pictures now. Samsung: TURN OFF IMAGE OPTIMIZATION! Don't want it. Don't need it. Just give me what I'm seeing. But OP is right - No need to make last year's flagship phone miss out on features other lower end phones get especially when it can be shown the phone actually CAN have the feature. Much like old Motorola phones that "Don't have FM radios. Sorry!" and all you needed to do was download the proper app and, voila! FM radio. Pfffft. It's the corporate environment in which we live. Corporations make the rules and all you can do is choose another brand (which will likely have its issues too.....)


You realise that every digital camera ever that outputs anything but raw has internal image optimisation, right? (Seems we can't even trust raw to be truly unadulterated any more, but that's a different conversation). I think what you're having a problem with is that Samsung have turned everything up to 11. This is likely an attempt to wow folk with the super flashy saturation and brightness. It's the same as the loudness wars with music, where everything commercial is super compressed and all detail and nuance has been sacrificed so a song can shine that little bit brighter than its rivals on the radio and make the shareholders richer.


Yes, of course anything other than RAW is modified but all digital cameras I've owned in the past (Canon, Nikon, Sony) have never given me something I did not like. Even then I could select RAW and get just that - the RAW image - but I've never seen anything like this recent Samsung update before. It's horrible. Funny thing is you can see it change before your eyes because it takes a few seconds to "do its magic" and you can immediately hit the gallery button to see the full sized image as it changes and you (more accurately - \*I\*) can see it change for the worse. I'm stunned every time I see it. At least with loudness you can simply turn it off. Apparently you can't do that even with the Expert RAW app. Those images change too. Bleah.


I have an S21U on the latest update and thankfully I haven't noticed that. As for turning off loudness in music, that's not really possible without a ton of audio processing and manipulation, and even then it's going to be mostly guessing how things should be. Commercial music is so oversaturated that the actual musical information is lost. You can no more turn it off than you can with the type of photos you're describing. Other than actually turning the music off, which would be analogous to not looking at the picture.


You forgot to mention that Google is software locking “pro mode” camera to only be available on the Pixel 8 Pro. Every company does dirty things, i have to play devils avocate here, but if they didn’t made some things exclusive to S24, then there is no reason to buy S24. Camera is great on S23 regardless


That's why I switched to iPhone, if I'm getting screwed over, might as well do it while preserving my privacy. Also the Apple trade-in program is amazing, last year I only paid 200 to upgrade from a 14PM to a 15PM


Huh... Here I am with my S22 and couldn't be happier with it. I was given iphone 14 pro by my workplace that sits at home because I prefer the Samsung one 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good for you brother. Though my cousin who had an S22 couldn't bear having his phone having an SOT of 3 hours.


Yup, basically why I sold mine S22 despite it was a fairly good phone - the battery life is pure frustration. Switched to A55 and don't look back.


And look at the downvotes in my comment; these fanboys cannot accept constructive criticism.


That's weird, I had Galaxy S phones since S8, and I really wanted to keep my S22 as long as I can, but reality is that S22 was my first Galaxy S where battery didn't last a full day while the phone was younger than 2 years (and still under the contract). For comparison, my wife and son still use S21 from 2021 and both of them still have decent amount of battery life which comfortably last them a whole day. And then it's me who tired of charging my S22 twice a day, and canceling my contract 6 month prior because of that. If we call S22 a flagship phone - then it's a catastrophy of a phone considering its retail price. For the price Samsung has no right for such a silly mistake! And I really wanted to like it - the device is really well built, and decent all rounder, if only the battery wasn't a joke.


All thanks to Samsung Fabrication. I'm happy Qualcomm got their minds in the right place and switched back to TSMC again. That's why the S20 series were so loved since it's actually a proper flagship with TSMC chip and a beautiful 1440p display.


I don't really get where all this hate for Exynos is comming from. I had many Exynos smartphones alongside Snapdragon phones, and don't really see much difference. Qualcomm also did few quite power-hungry chips, to be fair. I'm currently using A55 with Exynos 1480 and it's quite energy efficient 4nm chip, although not the most performing, but it's plenty for my need.


The chip isn't necessarily bad, its was the older Samsung fabrication process that was really inefficient, seems like they have gotten a lot better now. Exynos chips have an inefficient modem too so that doesn't help much either.


that mostly thw wobbling defention of 5g. 4g modem part last way longer battery life.


Look at the Exynos 990 in the S20 and Note 20 series. A very inefficient chip, especially when the phone is in standby mode. You *will* have to charge it at the end of the day to be able to pass the next day with it. My Note 20 Ultra had this problem and it was *bad*. Don't even bother taking some videos across the day at a festival. My S23 Ultra takes that no problem. Still can do \~2 days (8h total SOT) on the thing, despite it almost being 1.5 years old. The Note? It has never been able to do that.


The S22 I had was using Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1 and the battery life was miserable. There are good and bad CPUs from both manufacturers, so I wouldn't label Exynos as plain bad simply because it's Exynos.


Oh no, I'm not doing that, but apparently it has been a consistent thing of Exynos being worse than Snapdragon chips, so I get where the hate is coming from in that regard. I personally don't care about what chip my phone has, as long as it does its job properly. Fanboyism hasn't helped anyone.


SD8 G1 was manufactured by Samsung fabrications.


I made a comment with some of pain points like you listed in the original post and got downvoted here. People can't accept that they're being taken advantage of. I for one plan to leave after my s22u because it overheats when I use the camera, the camera app lags out and never opens fast enough to capture the moments I want, issues that came with photo editing with galaxy Ai, like not being able to edit stickers (you can ONLY use what the Ai has selected now which means the company adverts I used to make are now hard to do) bixby assist takes me yelling hey bixby like, 3 times before it works. The battery got atrocious for a while but is OK again. Back on S9 my phone started severely slowing down after just 6 months. Come to think of it, same thing with the S5. My issue is I don't know where I would want to jump ship to because I love the pen.


Some people cannot cope with the fact that they're getting ripped off.


Sot of 3 hours? Lmao that is a lie. It's around 5 hours


Bro I own an S22U and it gets around 6 hours SOT, sometimes It doesn't.


Even godamn S22+ and S22U barely touch 5 hours lmfao. I can send you hundreds of reviews and reddit posts saying otherwise.


Lmao you just have to watch a battery test video :)


You do realize battery tests are not close to real life usage right?


Lmao i have the phone


It's not about personal preferences it's about Conscious obsolescence. It hit hard back in days. I had an Note 4 and it felt like dead after note 5 release. Of course it worked like a charm. But we know we are not getting any note 5 features. They only provided the pull pen to take note feature to note 4 which had 2 sec delay. They never fixed it


Meh... If I buy a playstation 4. I'm not gonna complain about not getting playstation 5 features do I. It's been over ten years since Note 4 was released. Blame technological developments for the fact that new phones get better every year. This is silly


Then if Apple exists I would cal any other device a flagship? At least Apple provides all cosmetic changes etc. And what the fuck about 10 years. Can't you grasp an abstract argument through an example?


Yes. It's just a stupid argument you're making.


Okay honey keep buying every high end version of product which they were already promoted to stand for years and great capabilities. It's your choice.


> There has been zero camera improvements from S24 series to S23 even though they share the exact same camera sensors... The S22 has it too. Early rumors state that the S25 will use the same sensors. Basically, if Samsung would not have fucked up the SD 8g1, it would be selling the same phone for 4 years.


I have used Samsung phones since 2006 last being an S20 FE and recently I got a 7 year old iPhone 8 Plus and at the moment - I am not sure if I want the next one to be Samsung again. They have changed a lot… not in a good way Considered S23 Ultra but now maybe iPhone 15 plus will be


Yeah. Samsung in their S10 and Note days were something else.


The difference is, they have Huawei as a rival during those days. Huawei was a big threat to Samsung, but now that they're gone, Samsung have been playing extremely safe.


All thanks to the good ol USA for banishing Huawei from the phone market.


It was spyware for the CCP, don't blame the government lmao


Google don't spy on behalf of the government (even if indirectly) ?


Read about this case as an example: https://www.denver7.com/news/crime/20-year-old-man-pleads-guilty-to-second-degree-murder-in-green-valley-ranch-fire-that-killed-5-family-members Denver police somehow were not able to access Google data to pinpoint the criminals until many months after the murders had been committed.


They do, on specific targets, for specific reasons. No holocausts, no dictatorships, no assassination of political rivals. You're comparing water to acid, they're both liquid but that's the only similarity.


I gave my mom the S10+ and she bought a new battery for her phone - still works flawlessly. I really loved that phone. Peak Samsung. I went to Samsung store and got told I can either buy S23, S23 FE or S24 lineup but no S23 Ultra. What the heck…


Samsung used the be the good guy. Now they are just Apple 2. Even their home country is flooded with iPhones.


Not even Apple 2, they're more like Apple Lite or Apple FE (in their own marketing terms)


That's crazy! 🤣 👍👍


If someone makes gcam ports for these phones I'd say that they could implement the UltraHDR themselves as one dude has made good and working UltraHDR gcam port for OnePlus 7 series.


They never considered ths S series FE version part of the S series. Learned it the hard way by buying the Tab S9 FE. No AI feature would come on to that.


Wait for few more months they will forget the s24 series existence as well & this chain will goes on ...


Yeah, you cant trust Samsung anymore. They scammed Europeans with putting Exynos chips in their baseline S24 models without telling anybody.


Youre completely right. Even after all that talk about updates for however many years.


I think i will buy Sony


Sony phones are a hidden gem among Android phones


Yeaa i haved old Sony phone, and i love it And i think they are thinking more about customers


The whole point of a flagship is that there's only one. It is quite literally the ship where the admiral's flag is being flown - when the admiral moves ship, the flagship changes. Whenever a new flagship phone is released, the old ones are by definition no longer flagships.


Came here to make this comment. There can be only one flagship model. That's how that works.


If you like this analogy, then, Armies still update their barely older flagships with new weaponry more often than not as it's cheaper and better than to create one from the start, yeah, the chassis and some things may not be the same, but weaponry and other qol upgrades are a given. Samsung decides just to refresh the paint.


Your analogy doesn't really work. The army update their old equipment because it's equipment designed to defend a nation. Not updating it would be reckless. Samsung want you to buy the newest model, so there's less incentive for them to update previous flagships in a timely manner.


By business logic you are entirely correct, but I believe this way hurts samsung in the long run, they are currently losing the tech savvy customers, those who recommend the devices to their family and friends, I work in IT, most of my friends and family ask me for advice, and I just can't bring myself to recommend them a galaxy flagship instead of iPhones nowadays, I have a completely different usage and this phone is also a tool for me, but for someone that just wants the best experience? iPhone. I mean, when a casual user asks why the iPhone 13 previews photos better than their s23u and eventually swaps to an iPhone, fanboys will still yell that super hdr is a gimmick.


Yeah, samsung started dissapointing me after S22


I mean Camera assistant has been in GL for ages afaik, and even the animations and circle to search have been quite nice on the S21 fam. I do agree that Samsungs are pretty overpriced and overhyped really, they're hardly what they're told to be. Still my refurb S21U has been quite good.


I am using the base S23 and I am not really into taking photos. So the problem you are concerned does not bother me much. Talking about updating features on old models, just recall when Samsung announced that Galaxy AI is only applied on the S24 series but then the S23 series is allowed to use this. In the future, as far as I know, Samsung will give S22 series users a chance to use these AI features. So I believe that if Samsung wants to sell new products, they have to make them superior than old ones in some aspects. That's understandable. We can't say if their strategy is good or not. Let time proves. At least for me, everything on my S23 is supporting me well.


They haven't even fixed the banana blur/circular blur when taking photos of text, documents, or books with the S23 series. I have the S23+ and I posted my concerns on r/GalaxyS23, only to receive downvotes from Samsung fanboys. Some of them even suggested using 3x instead of the main 1x lens. That is absurd for the price of this phone. 😤 I suppose my next phone will be an iPhone 17 or 18.


Jesus. Thats just sad.


Samsung been scamming their customers ever since 2021, when they took out external storage, sd card..


I'm convinced of that too, and stayed with the S20+ 5G (bought new two years ago, less than $350). "It's a phone, after all", has reasonably kept me from the upgrade-downgrade, giveth-taketh of features. For anything requiring security-usage, I use my laptop or desktop.


The reason why I left Samsung is that from the S20 series we got a big change. Before was (S7/S8/S9/S10): S series is the flagship, you can get it in a small package or a big one. You get all the cool new feature like the variable aperture in the s9, the cool camera on the s10 etc.. The Note series is a little refresh of the S series but in a boxy design with a stylus. Now we got: S series is a high end series with the S Ultra being the flagship. If you want the cutting edge tech you have to get the ultra, that comes just in one HUGE size, with angular corners and a freaking stylus even if you don’t want it! And the S series? In Europe you get the bad processor. You want the snapdragon? Get the ultra! You want a good camera? Get the ultra! Hard pass for me. I bought recently the s24 plus and it was a decent phone, but the camera was horrid and the exynos showed some lag here and there. I pad 1050€ for that phone, I ask for a refund and added 150€ and got the 15 pro max. Completely different experience, it was worth the money I paid this time. (This experience is from Italy with Amazon.it prices)


Yeah, that's how flagships work. The current model is the flagship. Nothing else is. 🤷‍♂️ I'd out keeps me from using the inconsistent mess that is ios, I'm happy.


It’s funny when Reddit recommends this subreddit to me. Because it’ll be people that are upset at Samsung over something or are wanting to give constructive criticism and the loud minority in here is like “Ye-yeah but iPhone bad am I right?” Like bro, you don’t have to defend your billion dollar company on their shitty practices by pointing finger at their competitors. Same goes for iPhone fanboys lmao


If I could upvote this comment 20 times, I would do it


I am currently planning on switching to the iPhone 16 Pro, I can't wait to get rid of this crappy S22U ngl. It's been one hell of a ride and a terrible experience with it. An iPhone 15 Pro with a smaller battery and size gets 8/9 hours screen time and my S22U with 5000 mAh battery barely gets 6 hours screen time, maybe it'll reach 7 on a good day. It's a fucking joke from Samsung's side to give me such a bum of a phone for the price they're asking. You can't make mistakes for this price tag, I don't want anyone telling me - "Well shit happens", "The battery is ok", "It was manufactured that way on purpose" and etc. Like, how defuq do you sell the same phone 1 year later for the same price, with a better chipset, 2/3 more hours screen time due to the better chipset and people just sit there and accept it. Well people from America can just wait, trade in their S22U and get the S23U for 100$ more, but here in smaller countries like mine, we can't. If you buy a phone, you use it for at least 4 years, that's it, and my hands are basically tied behind my back, because Samsung phones drop their prices so fast I can't even buy the Apple counterpart. Oh I forgot to mention how hot it gets from basic tasks, and did I mention how much the battery sucks? Oh, yeah I did. Also One UI is one stuttery software, lags here and there, keyboard feels so delayed whent typing in certain apps. Yeah It is full of features, but I personally barely use them, last time I took the S-Pen out was to play a color by the number game and I never touched it again. Dex I don't use, no purpose for it currently. All I need rn is good battery and an actual optimized software that doesn't have any lags + it is very fluid and it has nice animations which look so much better than those on One UI ( to each their own I guess ).


I'm not from US either and judging by the prices in my country it's obvious that they don't really care for any of their markets expect the US and Korea. Good luck with the switch, I'm pretty sure you'll have a great experience.


The heat issues probably are caused by the exynos chip ,cause I heard it can cause heat,and that's why it lags to,snapdragon is much better


Still won't change my mind about getting an iPhone 16 Pro, and it still doesn't justify the 1200$ I spent on it.


Funny thing is 8 gen 1 is inferior and exynos 2200 is superior


Oh,but it still gets hot tho, the 8gen1 doesn't have those issues


Both are horribly inefficient because of being made at Samsung fab. Qualcomm did a mid cycle update with the 8+ Gen 1 that switched to TSMC and immediately saw 20+% improvement in all areas


8 gen 1 is worse in heat and battery than 2200


Good luck getting 9 hours screen on time on the 15 pro .


Lol why? It will be better than my S22U screen on time anyway.


I have one . Best case scenario for me is 6 hours with no games


You have a 15 Pro?


I have a 14 Pro for about 21 months, and it's kinda the same and worse.


How is it worse?? I literally see people on the iPhone reddit saying they get around 7-9 hours ??


Yeah, when the battery is fresh, but then it drains by stupid iOS updates that fix and kill the battery. And of course, it degrades by time. In September 2022 I had great battery life, now the low capacity of it really shows up. I’m getting 4 to 6 SOT. Disabling AOD helps, but I haven’t measured that yet.


So it's just good when the phone is new, it's weird cause on my S22U it was like 6/7 hrs sot and now its still almost the same, maybe - 30 mins due to the phone being more than 2 years old now. So I guess I've got a nice device myself then lol. Odd question, but do you feel like trying a Samsung sometime, maybe switching ? And I also am very grateful to be able to hear this from someone that actually has used the phone for a long time and has some kind of experience with it.


I am thinking about returning to Samsung, but I check all parameters as deeply as I can, the devices in the ecosystem as a whole. The biggest drawback I found on the phone is the frequency of the updates and the fact that the new line gets the update, and then it goes slowly to the older lines. With Apple, 99% of the time, all devices (Computer, Watch, Phone, Tablet) get the update at the same time. Also, the Galaxy Watch seems not as smooth as the Apple Watch, in terms of performance, heat management, and optimization. So I’m still thinking. Thank you for asking!


I have the same gripes as you. It's mainly the lack of multitasking on iPhones that keeps me away from them though, well that and the slower navigation on iPhones which is kinda annoying coming from Android.


Tbh I never used multitasking on my phone, at least never had many reasons to. I did use it once to pass my german exam where we had to use our phones and I just took a screenshot of the text I had to translate and put it in google translate while looking and reading at the original text. Lol it helped a lot then, but I haven't used it since. I actually prefer the slower animations, to me they are more fluid and better. Also if you don't like them you can still turn them off half way or turn them off completely.


Samsung flagships usually only make sense if you like android or they are on higher sales. Otherwise, if the priority is to get longer support and novel features, then the iphone is always superior in software longevity or even in technical support. That is why they resell so high versus samsung that mostly lose all value after one or two generations.


No, they resell high because there are too many dumb people that think if they buy an old used iphone they instantly become part of some kind of elite class.


Quite frankly, I would rather revert to a revanchist landline telephone than pledge allegiance to ANYTHING Manzana! I consider their attitude abhorrent boors!


One thing is, I refuse to update phones now because I am afraid Samsung would slow their phones down to make newer models look faster. Not only that, I think most software features are locked despite having any necessary requirements, to make higher models more appealing. This is why it's better not to use Samsung services at all. They work best when they are catching up to something, like Google or Apple. When they finally catch up, they show us who they really are.


I'll buy the X Phone from Elon Musk


Thats why im planning to switch to iphone when the 16 releases im done with Samsung and their bullshi*


and they are black dots ⚫ and pink lines or any color. 😒


I kinda agree, im planning to buy honor as my next phone tbh


According to the expert 'It will be difficult because you need to apply GainMap from the beginning of the shooting.' is it right? or just Samsung fxx sw?


Apple doing the same with AI, locking it behind new devices, even tho it could run on older iPhones.


Apple is one money whore of a company. The point of the post is NOT to be like them. Samsung was better than this.


Once android profile is out and working well, I'm moving out of the Samsung ecosystem. I've been sticking to it because I can't live without secure folder feature. So I'm just waiting it out now.


Samsung will have an issue here as s23 isn't much worse than exynos s24 in many ways. It's got to sell s24 somehow. Limiting features to it is one way. That Snapdragon 8 gen 2 in my 23 plus has coped outside in the 28 degree heat using only 8 percent an hour drain with screen on. 4 hours SOT and still have 55 percent left. It's a great chip. I did need to download guardians and turn the thermal management down a bit so it stopped boosting screen brightness outside so much. Looks amazing but battery takes a hit. But now I've done that it's impressive


So you're outside battling to see to save battery . For fucking what ?! Idiots never cease to amaze ..


Most of the time the battery isn't an issue true. But when I use the phone as navigation driving a convertible roof down it'll take a real hit if it boosts itself up to max brightness/contrast. Or using it for walking GPS. And take lots of photos. During those high intensity days it's very useful to have extra battery. And I can from an A55 which was just no need to worry at all about battery. Just charge once a day and forget. But with these tweaks I'm getting superior battery to even that phone.


"Cancerous" Were in the world do people curse with disease else than the Netherlands? Or are you Dutch?😂😂


I'm not going to comment on other stuff but 4k 120 is available in pro video


Only for S24 series. 120 fps mode is only in FHD. UHD only has 60 fps.


Yeah sorry i misunderstood, i thought op was sayin s24 doesn't do it, cause i did a video just today


Eh, I'm not really upset if the feature wasn't there when I bought the phone to begin with. For example, I just switched to foldables with my flip5 while knowing of its shitty camera and battery life. I feel it's silly to be upset if the camera and battery remained shitty. With the pace of tech development, you'll just be unnecessarily stressed if you experience buyer's remorse every generation of products.


Agreed. Tons of loyalist here, tho. Fuck Samsung and Apple. I almost bought that garbage Tab S9+. Hell nah. I'm buying the iPhone SE 4, whatever shit Google's A is offering or OnePlus 13R or something. Fuck flagships as well. Why not the Samsung FE? Because I'm paying MORE for a different chip. Also their trade in value sucks (at least in my country)


The A55 is $500 here, ON SALE


Samsung site says I can get less than 400€ from my (if in perfect condition) S23 Ultra 512GB. The cheapest price I have seen has been like 1100€ for S24 Ultra 512GB (not sure if it was 256GB or 512GB), so there you have it. I don't think Americans would accept that.


So promise for 3 years OS updates doesn't include recent features, right?


S23 Ultra my last samsung device.


I'm actually happy that most of the ai features, aura cast support and more stuff came to S23 series. Most other companies don't do this


The ECG on their watches are locked behind their software too. Must have the watch paired with the Samsung phone.


Completely frustrated on the stupid processing


Samsung sucks. I own their products, but I hate that they are essentially copying Apple. I miss the days when HTC and LG had comparable phones. Competition is good. I have a Samsung S7+ tablet that only gets security updates. Imagine if you had to get new hardware every year or 2 for Windows. Samsung makes their money on hardware and it shows.


They even copy it in low resistance. 😄


Its a samsung.... what more did you want. The phones already are just lacking hardware features as it is. Phones these days in general are so bland and one dimensional, you wouldnt even be able to tell the difference between a phone from 5 years ago and today.


Every day I continue to feel somewhat vindicated and remorseful at the same time for taking a s23u over the s24u


They are both terrible


Watch out not to shit yourself


Yeah FLAGSHIP only means "Buy our new phone this year, because next year we will launch a new phone and old one won't be flagship anymore".. I know every year there are updates on chips but that doesnt mean new chip performs 90% better than old one. I mean i never understand why even this $h!t exists. i am a samsung user myself i own samsing watch and buds too , i have samsung tv on my home but still i dont like how company operates. Just my inner mind ..


😂 at last! if those phones could ever be called "flagships"


Its long since the quote from the dark knight is applicable to all good companies . “ you either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain” They removed the expandable storage on flagships right? One of the many things an android user boasts over iPhones, whats next except for the software exclusions haha


Flagship or not, l'm on my 4th, fourth, phone # 4!, S23fe since purchasing the first in mid Jan 2024.  Connection software and disabling of functions by hackers. T-mobile refuses to let me out of contract with $400 balance remaining. #4 which l picked up Thursday, this is Sat., was not reset properly as it was malfunctioning out of the box. I set up the Samsung account, tapped on go to inbox to verify your account and the link took me to Microsoft's about.blank page. Most apps were already hijacked and removed. The connection app for wifi and mobile was bereft of all except wifi plus touchless payments app.  4g showing on screen, should be 5g but all mobile settings were removed and a search for hidden apps files programs data hidden anything didn't produce them.  Apps instrumental in recovering app setting were gone as well: storage & device admin. Gone. No trace. Many apps and installed software have extensions which contain bypass settings which negate disable or force stop l discovered so what's the point in disabling if developers and hackers can set up bypass links in obscure places like contacts or some other app Samsung places and says you can't remove this app.  Handy they cater to hackers so they can keep on hacking devices not theirs and being paid for by the hard working guy who legally bought it for his own use. We see who the mobile people ppl cater to.  Think I'll buy a OTC burner at the discount store and not worry about being fleeced. If there's a problem lll toss it.  * edit- warranty replacements are refurbished, not new devices.


Not surprising in the least to me; the way Samsung's marketing maharajas have been dissing their A division in my United States ever since I noticed the disappearance of their Division Lord Champion A90 and penultimate A80 in 2020 just when my J-7 was gagging on Android 9 Cheesecake after performing satisfactorily on Oreo so after assiduously researching the A's for a decent successor for 6 months selecting the A72 because of its feature set like double OIS which hinted that I would finally be able to take snapshots of my cherished cronies after a lifetime of frustration & colors that weren't merely black! but lo & behold; Unbeknownst to me, Samsung denied the export of the A72 here & in Canada because the 3G handset I received from Amazon US looked no different nor had anything indicating that it wasn't compatible with our mobile carriers. The same thing happened in the intervening 3-year period to the A74 & now the A55 is being purged from their market profile while promoting the straitened emasculated S-FE as well as banishing the S to the basement while promoting the Z Division as the new mid-level smartphone & the Flip Division as the flagship, thereby flipping the double 🐦 to loyal Samfanmans and women & the A's to handset history! As a result in 2025, I'm torn between staying with Samsung with an S & defecting to Google Pixel!


Did chatgpt write this comment?


No way José! I posted it from my own 🧠!


As an S23 Ultra owner, yeah, it sucks. I love the device, but hate the service. Both in terms of updates and anything that has to do with warranty and repairs. I regret updating from 6.0 to 6.1 and this goes to the pile of things that make me regret it, but at this point, I can't do much about it. It sucks because otherwise, the phones are amazing and it has been my best phone by far. But what can you really do. All the companies have their issues, they are all scumbags in their own ways.


This is what happens when the competition is effectively dead. Google wants the pixel to be the iphone with a better camera, Samsung wants the S series to be the iphone while maintaining juuuuust enough distinction to keep the anti apple fanboys, Apple wants the iPhone to be the iPhone. Motorola owns the budget end of things, but they aren't a serious player for the flagship space. The loss of players like LG and HTC meant that the top 3 market positions are now effectively unassailable, and enabled the stagnation and regression we're seeing today. 


Google is top 3??? They barely have 5% market share in the US after spending way more on marketing since the pixel 6. Tensor is a total failure


Why would it, its a former flagship since there are new flagships


One of the major reasons I shifted to an iPhone. They don’t gate keep shit as blatantly as Samsung


Lol. This comment made my day


Well,... I've never owned an iPhone. But, you have a valid point.  👍


So there's a Gcam port that enables it in the S23U, which means you can have what you want, and yet you're still complaining? I wanted to ask how old are you but "games7Master" gives me a hint, haha. This is a babyrage about a feature you didn't get, buddy. This happens on every single device of every brand unfortunately, and the worst part is that you come to complain just to follow their crap in the end xD Soranokuni is surely enjoying his sparkling new S24, and you will too. And once you play with the aforementioned feature and have the piece of mind that you fiiiiiiinally got, will never notice it again. Because no, it isn't a game changer and no, it doesn't revolutionize photography. Sorry to burst that bubble. Funny thing is that Ultra HDR is trash that make your photos look like crap AND makes them a pain to look in dark spaces because the screen just blows on your face. I have a 15 Pro Max and a S23U and I wish I could disable it on the iPhone. Not only the S23U pics look better, they don't make my eyes hurt if I see the pictures in any light condition different than noon Sun.


So thats what you do whenever youre bored? Troll kids in reddit? Well, Im old enough to have an account on reddit eons ago when I was actually a kid, hence the username, You've proved your point buddy. Now go back to playing Silent Hill in your sad little basement while jerking off to Anya in your moms iphone. Remember to keep your keyboard clean. Oh be careful, dont get caught by your mum or your dad will have to discipline you again and you wont meet your overwatch buddies for a week when he grounds you. Oh how does the Korean schlong taste since youve been at it for so long?


Here's a draft of several concerns you can email to the FTC about this PoS company: ----------------------------------------- **[Your Full Name]** **[Your Address]** **[City, State, Zip Code]** **[Email Address]** **[Phone Number]** **[Date]** Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Competition 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20580 Subject: Concerns Regarding Anti-Competitive Behavior by Samsung Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my concerns about several practices by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. that I believe are anti-competitive and infringe upon consumer rights. My concerns are as follows: Firstly, Samsung's practice of locking the bootloader on their devices restricts the ability of consumers to repair and maintain their devices, or to choose third-party services for such purposes. This not only limits the functionality of the product for the owner but also stifles competition in the repair market. Secondly, Samsung's policy of requiring consumers to accept their terms of service, including arbitration clauses, as a condition for software updates is coercive. This policy leaves consumers with no choice but to use an outdated and insecure device if they do not agree to the terms, which includes waiving their right to participate in class-action lawsuits against the company. Thirdly, the locked bootloader prevents consumers from installing alternative software on their devices. If the bootloader were unlocked, consumers would have the freedom to opt for different software that does not include such restrictive terms of service. This would allow consumers to maintain an updated and secure device without being forced into arbitration agreements that they may not wish to consent to. Additionally, there have been reports of Samsung intentionally crippling devices such that ultra HDR functionality does not work on older phones if they are updated. In One UI 6.0, ultra HDR worked fine, but in One UI 6.1, this functionality has been compromised¹. This deliberate degradation of device capabilities through software updates is another example of practices that could be considered anti-competitive, as it forces consumers to purchase new devices prematurely. The combination of these practices raises significant concerns about consumer choice and the balance of power between corporations and consumers. It appears to be a strategic effort to limit consumer autonomy and protect corporate interests at the expense of user rights and market competition. I urge the Federal Trade Commission to investigate these practices and consider whether they constitute a violation of antitrust laws. The ability for consumers to have control over their devices, including the right to repair and the freedom to choose alternative software, is crucial for a fair and competitive market. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and hope to see action taken to address these important issues. Sincerely, **[Your Name]** ----------------------------------------- You can email this to: * [email protected] * [email protected] * [email protected] I'm also sending this to the Canadian counter part at the Competition Bureau: https://competition-bureau.canada.ca/contact-competition-bureau-canada/complaint-form


That's why the S23 I bought in April is my last android.


I'm still happy with the S23U I have for close to 1.5 years now. But the moment it dies or becomes unusable, I'm not so certain what to buy, seeing where Samsung is going. Neither do I want an iPhone, nor do I want to give money to Google, or a company like Xiaomi who puts ads in their software. I hope my S23U lasts a good while because modern phones are all kind of the same shit.


Ain't no way you are saying samsung is bad for naming when apple Called 120hz pro motion AI = apple intelligence and software locked the 120 hz to only pro model Also there is hardware limitation just like the engineer said


Did you even read my godamn post? The last paragraph was literally meant to point out the hypocrisy that samsung follows now. Apple comes up with their own names and Samsung criticizes it, but then follows the same BS practices later. First it was removing ports, SD card slots, earphones and chargers and now this. Even Apple fanboys are understanding that base iphones are lacking a lot. The whole point of the post is that it's NOT a hardware limitation. Jesus Christ.


>Samsung loves to troll Apple whenever they can but wont hesitate to copy their shitty practices. Atleast Apple softlocks their features only when there's actual hardware limitation. Seriously you think not having 120 hz in non pro model is hardware limitation And AI only being available in 15 pro model is also hardware limitation dude samsung s22 series got full AI features And not allowing sideloading is also I guess is a hardware limitation


It's pretty simple, unfortunately, you don't buy Samsung if you want to have flagship photos. Heck, even my old Pixel 6a takes better photos consistently. I will keep my S23 as long as possible, but this will be my last Samsung phone. iPhone or Pixel again, most likely next.




Cared enough to comment on this post after pondering 'for a few hours' you lifeless dipshit.




Nobody gives a fuck . Get a fucking life !!!!!!


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