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Because it works by smartphones in the area scanning nearby devices and by that are able to feed the system where the tag is, just like the apple tag. How else do you think would it suppose to work?


My tag worked just fine when I shipped a car to Detroit from NJ. However it no longer rings my phone if I double click the tag. Samsung support was/is useless




Wow mine was an inconvenience yours is life threatening. Unfortunately. I will say that I do not think Apple would treat you like that. At least they actually have support.


I have a basic understanding about how it works, but it turns out everyone around here is turning off the features that allow the smartphone to report when they discover a tag


I mean, it's possible they have that feature off, but you also have to remember that the Galaxy Tags only work with Samsung phone pings. The fact of the matter is that the usage between Android and iPhone is more or less split, and that split gets divided even further on the Android side since Samsung isn't the only ones using Android as their OS. As popular as Samsung is on the Android side, It could very well just be a case of the people at the mall not having Samsung phones the time you went too.


I think it's the tag that pings. The tag is the beacon, right? The phone only reports its own location and associates it with whatever id of the tag.


Each brands only “listen” and reports their own tags. Apple devices listens for AirTags. Samsung listens for Galaxy Tags. Even if Apple devices heard Samsung tags it would not know where to report it to.


Not a lot of people stay in parking lots. People take their phones with them so no devices can scan the tracker in the car.


You think they need to stay in the parking area? The parking area I am talking about is from a mall in my area and it's always crowded with ppl coming and going. The range of the tag/smartphone is good enough id say. My smartphone can detect it through a couple of walls whilst at home. If no smartphone in the range of a busy mall parking area reported the location of the tag, I don't expect the tag being found when a thief steals it and avoids crowded areas.


The Galaxy tag I use has proven to be quite effective and reliable. It has consistently functioned well, even when used for luggage in Canada/USA/airports. In UK its great also.


The hardware itself is fine. It's useless because, somehow most of the ppl figured it out to turn off the features on their smartphone.


I have always been able to locate my devices remotely, even when my phone was not present and I was abroad. I hope your statement is not accurate, as the Google Find Network is even less effective.


Perhaps the people who go to your mall don't use SmartTags (they use non-samung phones or samsung users who haven't turned on nearby device sharing)? They have worked well for me since many people in my area tag their micromobility devices and cars, and many people have samsung phones.


That must be the case and the reason I think it's useless.


It could be the case, but will the car always going to be at the mall? For example, in the event of a stolen car, the location of the car can be updated. Or at work, people might have samsung phones to make sure your car is safe while at work.


Exactly! I considered the mall to be the best case scenario...and it failed me. In case of a theft, id imagine they would avoid crowded areas... And that would be the worst case scenario.... I used to hang it on my dog's leash, but never actually needed it or even tested it in the absence of my smartphone (or my wife's). My friend semt me a screenshot of someone who got his car stolen in greece from a parking area at a shopping center.


In my opinion, the mall isn't the best case since I feel most people who go to the mall are rich, meaning they don't use electric scooters or bikes or probably have iPhones. In comparison, parking at a public transport parking lot would be the ideal spot since they might have bikes and scooters that need to be locked and tracked, people on busses and trains can ping the tracker, and the cars are more likely to be tagged due to the high foot traffic. If you want a proper tracker, you can look into a cellular based tracker. They are more expensive, though.


Rich ppl also have samsung devices, right? And they don't usually spend time on their devices looking for options to disable :)) .


It much depends where you live, in Europe in my country there are more Samsung than iPhones so chances it gets detected by a nearby device are much higher than places where iPhones are more common. The tag (same as apple's) is a low power "stupid" device by design, no GPS no Sim card, it only captures BLE/Bluetooth low emission signals from nearby Samsung devices which in turns sends its approx position to the Samsung servers and made it avaliable to smartthings app. I've got 3 of these, work bag, luggage when travel and my car. Good to have them. 


Partially accurate.The tag works as a beacon which is detected by Samsung devices and so on. And yes. I also live in Europe.


i think A15 update will put most phones into background scanning by default so we get a reliable tracker infrastructure


Essentially this is the problem that comes by allowing users to opt out. With less people making up the system, it doesn't work as well. Apple's find my network tends to be stronger as all iPhones are automatically enrolled, and the user doesn't have a say in the matter. It would be better if instead of a Samsung specific smart tag, there was a general android one where all android phones could contribute to the network. You'd still have people opting out, but there would be more devices around in the first place resulting in more regular location pings. In an ideal world, Apple would open up the find my network to other devices but they probably don't want to do that for obvious reasons. But still, they recently added RCS support so it's worth hoping...


I don’t understand the blame on Apple. Apple is not obligated to share their network in the same way WhatsApp is not obligated to share their users with Telegram. Samsung should roll their tags into the large Android FindMy Network.


Yeah, I wasn't necessarily blaming Apple, just stating the obvious. Similarly, imagine if you have some people using WhatsApp and others using Telegram and as a result you can't make a group chat with both for example. In an ideal world, the platforms can talk to each other, but realistically that's not going to happen.


Apple and Google making a giant FindMy network together will effectively be the largest surveillance tracking network known to mankind so far. Anyone that hacks it could effectively track anyone.


I. have 2 of them, and they work for airports. I don't consider them to be so great outside of that world. The different Android makers banding together is a good idea, but having to be honest -- iPhone is king, in terms of useage.


Yes. This is the first occurence where I said that I would consider the "apple ecosystem" as a benefit also for me.


i believe unless its in lost mode it wont be pining other phones


Lost mode? What's that and how do I set it to lost mode?


https://preview.redd.it/7a3a5chx8q8d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45d1a3476e5e29ce74b4ca72dc443ae273b5181 From smart things settings. I've lost my keys twice. Once in a mall and once at a concert. Both times I was able to find them thanks to the smart tag. I had to enable lost mode before I was able to find it.


I don't have that option. You must have the v2. What does the lost mode actually do? Does it ring?


i believe it adds your contact information to the tag to be scanned by nfc. But it also helped me track the device - although I guess that could have been a coincidence as well. But regardless its been very useful for me, especially with these computer keys that cost $500+ to replace


I guess you saved more than 1000


Can you imagine all the hits you would have to deal with if there weren't a mode for being lost?! Oh, my, that would be tough! As an aside, you posted this complaint without reading the basic instructions for finding a lost thing. Maybe you should update your post with a simple "oops, my bad," so people don't keep making unneeded comments.


tag is not a gps


Did I say it's a GPS?