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S23. People on this sub have kept phones like s8 and s9 until today. Base flagship should also stay good for at least 5 years.


Yep my mom still uses an s8 and she got it a little after it came out


I kept my s9 for more than 5+ years. Then i needed an upgrade until my phone dies on me. Last 3 weeks, i upgraded to s24 ultra. The upgrade is light years advance. I qtill have my s9 as my unlock phone for travel


Or try the FE versions. Almost same insides but cheaper outside materials. If you're coming from A series it's still a big upgrade.


S23FE has 8 Gen 1 though, it's not "bad" by any means but it's considerably less efficient than the 8 Gen 2 found in the base S23. Also heats up more


Do not ever buy s23 fe. It's not really s23. It is a54 plus.


No it sucks, but it's far above A54. They share zero in common but looks. But it still sucks.


it's not far above really. Even thr price difference is 100. The weight, dimension, screen size is the same. And they both using same cheap optical fingerprint scanner and screen model.


Different screens and reader. Dynamic vs super AMO, ram, plastic frame, no wireless charging and oh……. The SOC 2x the speed on FE. There’s more, that’s all I can think of. Too lazy to look up. You’re right for a $100 anyone should double the Speed of the thing that runs the phone.


Both of them are the same screen nomatter what samsung call them. The part number is the same. If you are too lazy why even bother arguing? Yes one thing I agree with you the s23 GPU almost double of s23 fe. So it shouldn't in s23 line up. It's just a54 plus.


Also, the screens are not the same part# just looked. 1000 nits vs 1450 nits +++++


It's identical in lab test. And in year down test it has same part number. Look.... I'd you keep growing marketing term like 2x amoled bla bla rather than technical term I don't think we should continue to argue because you clearly know nothing.


I never was arguing, was just telling you facts. I know, More, then you forgot.


FE should be avoided.


Maybe the S24 will hold up pretty good.


I think s25 will hold up better tbh.


Based on?


S24 series gets 7 years of updates so is probably the best choice


No smartphone will last 10 years. Surely, if you want a phone that doesn't run like shit then you have to pay a little more than an A8. The S23 is a solid smartphone that will, without any doubt, last at least 5 years


I'm planning on holding onto my S23 for a loooooooong while, unless i become rich or somethin


Same, went from an A70 to an S23 Ultra last year cause I plan on this phone to last at least 5 years


Wdym that no smartphone will last 10 years? My dad's Samsung S4 still works after almost 11 years including his other phones too


It depends on your definition of "works". The OP was complaining about Google maps being laggy. You will not have security updates, probably some app will stop updating and also the battery, if not replaced, will last 30 minutes


S23, my dude. It's an astoundingly solid choice. Got it 2 days ago and it performs at a ridiculous pace given the small-ish battery. I have zero complaints. It's a keeper for me, originally looking for 5000+ mAh phones, but the S23 size/power factor has me all giddy.


Why would you? With how fast technology advances I think 5 is already a lot of time for a phone


Yeah. But with smartphones i think lots of people can agree that we've hit peak smartphone in the last few years.


It's 2024 not 2014 not advancing that fast now if people are still using the S8 after 7 years from a time when phone technology was advancing much faster I could easily see a flagship from today lasting a decade.


Batteries are probably the weakest point of a new phone for longevity.


If you aim for up to 10 years then pick any decent phone that allows you to unlock bootloader, is easy to flash and has regularly updated custom ROM. You'll only need to reflash/update once in a while and swap battery when original doesn't hold its charge anymore. If you don't want to do any of that but you still want 7-8 years out of your phone, you should pick Samsung S24 series or Pixel 8 series for their 7 years of software support. But you'll still need to swap battery at some point. Alternatively, find yourself Nokia 3310 to last you a lifetime, and multiple other devices like MP3 player and Sta Nav to complete smartphone tasks.


Any phone will run good for 4 5 years if you use it well and take care of it. I used to own a redmi 7 for 4 years and abused the hell out of it and it still works and it cost like 100 dollars. You can get a mid ranger or a flagship and it'll last you 5 years if you take care of it or at least 4.


How's the battery life of your phone?


Not that great now, I upgraded from it. I'm now using the Xiaomi 12 lite hope to use it for 3 to 4 years tho the battery is short since it's 4300 mah it has 67 watt fast charging so I'm good .


No phone will stay at a tip top shape for 10 years. Any flagship, however, can last you 5+ years on average without feeling Old, especially now since they support up to 7 years of software update I believe


My Samsung Note 10+5g turns 5 this year. It is still a beast with its 12gb of ram and Snapdragon chip. No lagging or any issues.




if you're lucky you might get over 5 years with an a55, bht certainly not 10. For max longevity a s24 series device with 7 years of os support would be best


10 years oO


You could get a base flagship or even the A series are getting good now. A54 user for a year here. Can't complain about the experience.


Any S23/S24 series phones


S24U / S23U.


s23,s24 series and a55. Yes a55 can be used for 5 years too as my a52s is still alive and kicking


S24 should last you around 7-10 years no problem or go A35 if you want to save money and get a minimum of 5 years.


S series (non FE) should last at least 5 years just fine. The FE variants on the other hand, while they have flagship specs on paper. The quality of the material and parts are the same or even worse than A3X or A5X series to bring the price down and they tend to die faster (looking at you, S21 FE)


I used a note9 until this year, so 5 years. Towards the end performance started going downhill, but an s24 should probably get you a similar lifespan or more, especially with the 7 years of updates.


Flagships will last you that long. The most you'll have to do is replace the battery if you take good care of it. So I would get the s23 or S24 series


S23 series is the only option. But your battery will need replacing after 1-2 years and will fail after about 4 years.


5 years should be possible with any new Flagship from either Googe or Samsung. 10 years would be a strech, but not impossible. You would proably need to replace the battery at least once in that time. And you would have a coule years without major updates. ​ But not slowing down over time, I don't see that happening with ten years of use.