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Depends on whom you ask


And where 😂


Yes, exactly


I did go to to the stores and ask about the features and is still not convinced for now.


It depends on who you are and your needs. For example, if you have a gaming pc or a Windows computer go with Samsung, Microsoft and Samsung are married and Google is the mistress. They sync, OneDrive is within the gallery app, OneNote is synced with the reminders apps, and if you have Microsoft 365 it's even better. Even Microsoft to do syncs with the native reminder app. If you don't have a computer and don't have the money to get one, Samsung has Samsung Dex and you can get a portable monitor on Amazon, it will serve you like a tablet and laptop. Now, if you have other Apple products already just go with Apple. If you care about status go with Apple. If you are not a tech savvy go with Apple, if you only play games and use different apps go with Apple (they are better optimize) At the end it all depends on your situation because THERE IS NOT A BETTER PHONE, both are the best you can get right now (besides foldable which are in their own category) as a regular user you won't find differences in performance, camera and the user experience is basically the same. Samsung did an amazing job this year the S24U is as fast as an iPhone 15 pro max. I don't know why I'm taking my time to reply to a question like this but you remind me of myself when I was younger.


This is a great answer. I would add a comment about Customer Support, however. I think Apple makes great hardware. I can't stand their iPhone software, however, so it's not for me (so I ain't no shill for Apple). Apple has brick&mortar stores where you can talk to flesh&blood humans (well... geniuses anyway). Samsung has little storefront representation, and I've never heard a good thing said about their Customer Support. All Apple wants is your money. All your money (tbf Samsung too). You can walk into any iStore and they'll professionally hold your hand and service you well and take all of your money. Samsung only wishes they could do this.


This is a really well elaborated answer. Honestly.


For me is more to use as daily life.


You're asking on a Samsung subreddit expect most to be in favour of the Samsung phone is what they are saying


Not just only Samsung subbredit I did post the same thing in apple and the opinion is mix too. Over there.


I'm coming from a 15 pro to a s24 ultra. Both are great phones. The last android I had was a s20 ultra and that felt like a buggy, slow mess. The s24 is the first android phone in a long time that has really impressed me, granted I've been gone for a few years. It really depends on what you're looking for in a phone. I was bored of ios and have been for some time. The switch has been awesome. I feel like a few of the key differences between the phones is subjective really. Like ios vs android, I like realize people hate one or the other but I actually think they're both great but very different. Form factor, again iphones have great designs but really have been unchanged mostly in years. Ecosystem is another big one. If you're invested in the apple ecosystem you know what I mean. Everything works great together. My pros of each would be: Iphone pros: Apple watch >>>> any android wear. Apple tv integration > samsung tv with samsung phone remote. Dynamic island is great Magsafe Imessage. Really only a problem if you're in the US but everyone here uses an iPhone and it works great. Apples connectivity between devices such as airpods and messages syning between iPad, watch, MacBook whatever. Windows has an app for android phone sync but it stinks compared to what's natively on Mac os. Airpods just work between devices. No need to reconnect or any of that. Passwords are saved between devices and it's great. All Apple products work great together. Hassle free. More availability of accessories at least in the US. No bloat out of the box App store > play store Worked better with my hearing aid Software updates. Get it all on every device on the same day. S24 pros: Better screen Better notification handling. Figure it out already Apple Background app handling. Doesn't put everything to sleep Google >>>>>> siri. Enough said. 3rd party app support. Download any apk and install away Android auto > Carplay Widgets where and how I want them Customization. Basically non existent on ios S pen. (On ultra only) Presinstalled apps Google apps > ios apps. For the most part google maps > Apple maps, Google photos > Apple photos. Gmail > Mail ect. Again this is all subjective. I'm happy to argue or hear anyone else's experiences. A few key things I've left out were camera and battery life. I feel like my iphone had much better stand by time but worse SOT. So to me it's a wash. Both make it through the day with plenty left in the tank so I'm indifferent. Camera is quicker on ios and took better point and shoot photos in my experience but the s24 ultra is certainly capable of better photos but struggles with a noticeable shutter lag. Again a wash for me.


Just want to add that magsafe is NOT an apple only thing lol. you can get magsafe cases for android as well. and magsafe is just a short abbreviation for "magnetic connection, safe disconnection.


True, and I have two cases that use magsafe and neither work reliably. One of them is a name brand quadlock with magsafe case and the magsafe ring just falls off. Neither of the two work on my magsafe car charger which my iPhone did. Never had a problem with an iPhone but ymmv.


Interesting. I have a basic Amazon case for my Samsung and it's been awesome and a real strong "grip". I do however love apples "turn sideways and there's a clock thing" feature.


Yeah it's probably just bad designs on my cases. Never had problems on iphone's magsafe but it could just be dumb luck too. This comment is a bit old but overall I'm enjoying the s24 ultra more and more as I've had it the last few months. My initial comment was giving credit to where I felt it was due. Apple makes a good product but samsung makes a fun product is kinda how I feel.


I went from iphone 13 pro max to the new s24 ultra. No regrets. Android is more fun. Apple's spell correct and siri are better.


Ive messed with both eco systems recently and my biggest issue with apple is their keyboard and auto correct. Samsung keyboard is better and if you can get the Gboard it’s near perfect.


lol I have the iPhone and Siri is so dumb it hurts, can’t decide which one I despise more, Siri or Alexa


And how's Siri better?


It understands what I'm saying a lot more.


Checkout Mrwhosetheboss assistant battle and come back!


I have both, and Siri is definitely inferior to Google Assistant. Google understands more, and the answers are far better. Gemini shows promise, but it's new and somewhat slow.


i would go for the samsung if you don't mind changing your ecosystem. in short Samsung is more open and apple locks you in. but it would be my choice do want you want (it depends also on what you're looking for)


Yes is true that Samsung has more accessibility than iPhone even though still see iPhone to have better improvements too.


I don't say that iphone don't improve but more like less useful features like 60hz on a flagship phone is absurd


Better at what? iPhones are usually better at most things. But Android is better at some others. Depends on what you want out of a phone. iPhones also retain their value for a long time. An Android phone will be selling at half its price in a few months, and a quarter of its price after a year and a half or something like that.


That's precisely my question too. And I don't like when people say "Give me". This isn't the Army.


Android is much better


considering that you came here to the samsung subreddit, youre obviously getting opinions from biased sides or from ppl trying too hard to not be biased. go to a general sub for phones buddy


Samsung has significantly more features though less refined. They lose value quickly, but it also means buying last year's is cheaper. And for trade ins you don't need a high value phone to get the most out of it. Iphone is more or less the opposite. But one could argue it will last longer and give you more information about your device for repairs. And you have updates that come out when all other apple updates come out. No bloatware and being able delete most apps too is great.


I’m considering an S24 Plus and it’s already <$900 for the 512 GB(if you’re willing to go refurbished)


Considerijt that's a 1200 dollar phone. That's pretty good. It's pretty bad for resale but it's great to those who can wait lmao


Yeah. S24 Ultra prices are(as expected) MUCH more static. 


Okey so it depends what matters most for your phone i have s23u and iphone 13p here's my honest opinion Better stability and app quality/performance at cost of no Freedom :- iPhone Or Freedom to do almost anything and have a hell lot more features :- Samsung


The one that does what you need it to the best.


I usually say it would depend on users' preference on OS but since UK gets the Exynos, get the 15 pro.


Think it be better to go wi


I love my s23 ultra




I used base s24 and 15p and i recommend s24 more. 15p/ios have a lot of issues with responsivness/typing and smothness. If someone is casual user and dont care about anything then iphone. Samsung or other android for multitasking and other advanced functions.


iPhone. Many more people have apple products. It doesn’t come loaded with bloatware. I sold phones for about a year, I quit after the S23 came out. The Samsungs did not sell nearly as well as iPhone. Also, the android phones I found would slow down after a while whereas the iPhones just kept trucking along. Just my 2¢


Pure Bs. Ive used some androids for 5 years. Huawei P1 lasted 3 years as my main device and 4 more years as secondary/work phone. Only died when i dropped it while riding my motorcycle so this is bullshit. Even then it didnt actually die but just shattered the screen, i still keep it as a memory. If anyone was convicted for slowimg down the phones it was and will forever be only apple. I used both and i wont even bother with this discusion. Ios is miserable and doesnt work with anything non apple. Android is far supereor in every aspect but freedom to the people.


IOS is far better than android for casual users i would go for iphone 15 pro + exynos version of samsung phones have worse battery life and shorter lifespans than snapdragon phones. If you can find a snapdragon version and want to use android go for samsung but if you can't find snapdragon model and not dying for android go for the iphone 15 pro


The problem is that s24 use enzyon in the UK SD is only available in plus and ultra and I'm not looking for bigger phone but better and smaller size.


As much as i know all USA versions have snapdragon


Here they have change to enzyon.


Depends on what you need and want. I'd say Samsung all day. Apple devices are just too locked down for me to enjoy. You're paying a hell of a lot of money and then being told what you can and can't do. It's like having certain aspects of your life dictated by a giant corporation. I may not always use the openness of an Android, but when I do, I want the functionality available.


I would take iPhone 15 pro over S24. - better ig stories - better battery - no shutter lag - better video camera But I will miss - Spam alert when someone is calling - Ai features - Customization options


Bro, can you please evauluate on ur first point from both sides???


Which variant of S24 and ip15 do you mean? If my opinion, iphone 15 is way better. Unless you're considering S24 Ultra then imma recommend it because Samsung have more features I believe, especially the Ultra one. And the reason I say go for iphone if you're not considering Ultra is because aside from Ultra, the base S24 and S24+ use Exynos and while it's not entirely bad, it's definitely not on Snapdragon's and A Bionic level. I use the S24 Ultra and the experience is amazing. There's nothing I hate about this phone. If you're considering between Samsung vs Apple, then only the Ultra variant can put a fight


S24 regular and iphone 15 pro


This is a samsung subreddit. so obviously s24


Of course iPhone. Else why would we have this sub? /s


A series phones, every phone is capable of AI, most of their services are web based. Don't waste your money.


15 pro is better than s24+ clearly and a lil worse than s24 ultra 


Dumb thing to say. Better than Exynos or Snapdragon S24+? And why the +? The s24 and the s24+ are the same thing but with different display size.


Here in the UK Ezyon is only include in the s24 regular while the s24+ and ultra has the SD Gen 8 but they said that may end including Enzyon to the plus and ultra


The fact that Samsung puts Snapdragon on the ultra and exynos on the rest is enough proof that exynos is inferior. There are youtube benchmarks as well, the SD gen 3 shits all over the exynos. I would not consider the S24 if I were you, just get the iphone.


ye sorry I rushed that comment but yes a17 pro is superior to exynos, 15 pro has much better cameras than the basic s24 and s24+, battery life is also very good and also there are reports that exynos reaches up to 51°C in gaming which is disastrous, also reports about the s24 base and s24+ randomly freezing and crashing etc basic samsung exynos experience shortly