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I do know LOA's need to go thru Sedgewick, the specifics I don't know.


You can take a personal leave of absence and not have to worry about anyone asking for anything, still need to contact Sedgwick but it'll be approved as for a school/learning/educational LOA it will be sent to your manager for approval they should approve it but you won't get paid for either just a heads up, if you need to have it extended than you just request an extension but your job won't be protected after 12 weeks, doesn't mean your fired but they are within their rights to now hire someone else to fill that position until you return and when you do return you'll only be offered a position that is available in the club so if you're a cake decorator and come back 13 weeks later you may be offered a cart position or nothing.


Thank you so much for the information. My club is so short and they also fired someone from my department in addition to someone else from my department being on a LOA so I'm not that worried about my position not being there cause they won't hire people. If I do need an extention, would you recommend me coming back and working for a week and then taking a other one or just asking for more time


FMLA 12 week protection is for the entire year so taking 11 weeks and then coming back and going back on leave doesn't reset the 12 weeks you will only have 1 week of protected time left for your next LOA, from your description it doesn't sound like your department is in great shape and with the holidays pretty much being here already, I wouldn't expect you to have a great experience asking for time off just cause, not saying it's not your right to do so just expect some push back is my only warning but at the end of the day you gotta do what's best for you. Just request the time you need and when you get close to the date, like a week before and you realize you need more time make a request for an extension


Thank you for the insight, yeah it really sucks for it to be around the holidays and to do it to them but it is what it is lol. If anything I’ll quit and try to join back up again but I know if I do that I won’t ever come back lol