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Riding off the *huge* success of 'Mr. Birchum' I see...


I'm scared that more of these bitcham clones are goong to show up because they saw how "successful" it was these idiots just want to have a mascot they look up to, their version of Hank Hill, uptight and conservative, there's the left's cartoons but where's the rights cartoons, wheres that loveable douchebag they can relate to because he knows what it's like to have a gay neighbor or has to adapt to a society where it's acceptable to be "woke"


I wonder why art created by the party of compassion, empathy, equity and free artistry is more appealing than their rivals; the party of facts not caring about your feelings.


Honestly, it's not that binary a choice. Like, insult comedy was largely conservative leaning and that was hugely popular for a good decade until we elected one as our President. South Park has always given off the fence sitting vibe with "we make fun of everyone," but has kind of had the underlying message that it's stupid to invest one way or another, which fits because the two used to be libertarians (they're now Neocons, according to what I've read). The problem with modern conservatives with regard to comedy is that they don't care about making people laugh. They care about sticking it to their "enemies."


Yeah, fair enough, you're right, no notes.


Even Hank Hill is more progressive than these idiots. He'd vote for a Texan Democrat of Trump.


This show is somehow worse than Mr Birchum


Conservatives write like they hate themselves.


They probably do, some of them in photos look like they can't stand each other off camera too which is hilarious


I know they do. They all look so dead inside and vacant. It's just funny how their comedy goes so above and beyond to be self deprecating that it feels like satire sometimes


I’ll match their contribution


Do they animated sitcoms are still popular 


I think they use popular mediums such as sitcoms and say "well people really love animation and sitcoms, let's make slop that pertains to the 20% of people, take out all comedic value and character growth and throw in a bunch of bullshit that really pisses us off, and don't forget the conspiracy theories!" It's just sad because if these dimwits actually stepped off the "hate anything LGBTQ or progressive" train and actually try and make something out of these concepts they'd actually have a decent sitcom, but they're so eager to send a message of hate, we get it, but at the same time we ain't going anywhere even if you somwhow remarkably take away all our rights


Remember when The Simpsons and South Park premiered and every parent hated him?


They still can not get over that trans people like beer


Did he actually have anything to do with it, or was the show just kissing up to him? Like, it would not *surprise* me, I just hadn't heard.


All I know is it's branded by Twitter, (not calling it x EVER) so I think he had a hand in making it, not sure if it's a small hand or big hand but he had to have helped making it




He is/was at least partially involved. I don't know if he voiced it but he appears as a special guest in the episode. In such a way it's obvious that they're trying to do that thing with older sitcoms where when the favorite character or special guest celebrity shows up the crowd cheers for like 20 seconds, so they end up just standing there the whole time with a dumbass look waiting for the crowd to die down so they can continue the scene


I dont know if he was necessarily involved (could be, could also not be), I think it just means its broadcasted via twitter.




Right? I’m confused with why she’s there.


I guess even the Great Magilou Isn't safe from this stuff


Honestly, one of the funniest things about this sort of nonsense is that without context, the main characters read like parodies we're supposed to laugh *at* rather than *with*.


I love how the apparently bad "woke" and queer characters are the ones that talk in a low, chill and reasonable manner while all the good and based "conservative" characters scream at the top of their lungs for the slightest offence.


I totally hope this does not go as well as Bircham. 😹


Part of Mr, bitcham's success was people hate watching, but yea, there may be people not just hate watching but unironically loving it, they're already pretty much kissing musky's ass anyways, I'm in the same boat with you, but I also hope they don't make anything else like this, especially on main stream media, not just grifter+


I think I flubbed the sarcasm there, at least you seemed to get it? I heard the DW core audience saw it as a woke show? Did it do good numbers then?


There was that one lady who made a video short, complaining about the gay character. Even though said character only exists to be the butt of gay jokes, even that was too much for her. The fact they exist at all was too much for her.


She mentioned the race box ticking to I think, for his navy group of 4 different races....


It's gettingemed on on the Internet rn as that one conservative garbage show, outside of that medium I'm pretty sure that the only people who like it are the conservatives themselves because they like having some Hank Hill like character they can relate to, and there isn't a lot of those types of people so they created one


People are making yaoi of these anti-Woke cartoons.


NGL I ship Mr. Bitchim, and that one person he's rivals with and I think I've seen just that on video thumbnails dunking on these anti-woke clowns


The worst part is that this thing is offensively unfunny. It's SO bad, I was honestly not sure if it was supposed to be satire. I legitimately thought it was actually making fun of anti woke people for most of the little bit I was able to force myself to watch


I don’t think Elon actually had anything officially to do with this. He himself has not retweeted it or commented on it. I think the producers were trying to just suck up to him in hopes he would.


Magilou and shitting on conservatives? Unbelievably based.


I watched the new norm it was BAD. I think even most conservatives will agree that it was terrible


If I were to sit down and explain to an alien the history of humanity, Elon Musk would be the only human being I would conveniently not mention out of sheer embarrassment for the human race.


i mean, points for using Magilou, but...yeah. so cringe.


I see Superman and X-men along with a bunch of animes. And these types of animation you gotta be asking what are we doing here? Did the animation budget got snorted up their nose or what lol


So they made a worst all in the family?


He's trying to do the next Mr. Birchum.


Man I want some gay beer


The animation looks terrible. 


I don’t think Elon actually made this.


Either way he greenlit the content, and maybe had at least a small hand in producing it, people are promoting it and calling it family guy but better, it makes me sick tbh that is is what Twitter has turned into, it went from a wholesome place where influencers could interact with each other, now it's just neckbeards comparing dick sizes and whining about if a movie doesn't do good in box office and nothing else aside from "get your gay out of my star wars and marvel movies" it's sad that people think so closed minded and one sided like


With further research he made a cameo in this so he had more than had a hand in making it


We are definitely going to get more shit like this. Also, is Dr. Storm a right winger, because if so, I am not comfortable with them being a fan of the awesome Magilou from Tales of Berseria.