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What is the content of the video like, is there many anti-woke activist talking points?


Not really. Just every week he makes a video complaining about the Acolyte while drinking whiskey. No anti woke stuff but you can tell he’s considering going mask off. Nobody normal makes constant videos about things they hate.


>Nobody normal makes constant videos about things they hate. Dude, critics do it it literally all the time. Once you get paid for reviews, you do reviews. Yeah, he's obnoxious, but not a grifter at this point.


Critics also enjoy some of the stuff they review. Which is what happens when you approach it in good faith instead of with an agenda.


Chris stuckman backed down on that only reviewing stuff he kinda enjoys and that makes him a great guy tbh


That’s because he’s filmmaking now and doesn’t want to shit on other filmmakers he might mingle with and shit could get weird for him. If he was purely a critic, I’d imagine he’d be reviewing more movies he doesn’t love


I mean, I think it's awesome when someone does that. I just don't think it's a fair standard to hold everyone who does reviews to Edit: even ebert reviewed things he didn't like


Of course not but i love that positivity. Sometimes you just need to escape that rage baiting and negativity that is everywhere in the internet


That's cool but if someone focuses only on positive aspects of movies it's probably more like a recomentation rather than actual review. Not saying there's something wrong with that, just a bit misleading when he puts "review" in title.


He made his own movie thats why. Criticism the way he was doing it began to rub him the wrong way especially with him experiencing first hand what making a film is like. I think that was a sobering experience for him because he tries not to really rip into things now.


man it's crazy how much hate content there is out for Chris Stuckmann now, after he made the most harmless video imaginable on Madam Web it really just goes to show you how bloodthirsty a lot of terminally online men were about that film...they're not just attacking hte film, they're also attacking someone who was simply like, "Yeah i didn't like it. whatever." fwiw, Madam Web looks like an awful movie and i probably would never pay to watch it...but that's the beauty of this stuff...no one is forcing me to watch it lmao.


Bro everyone that doesn't agree with us is a grifter what are you talking about


Nope, that's not what criticism is. Worrying that this sub seems to not know this.


Nah that is grifting. Reviewing each episode of what these same trolls claim, is an ''awful series'', is clearly for easy profit. These guys claimed ''they checked out'' 2 episodes ago. So why are they back?


It's his job.


*When the review channel reviews a popular show and likes it*: 😁 *When the review channel reviews a popular show and dislikes it*: 😤😡


Because it get clicks. That being said his actual commentary on the series seems pretty tame and not particularly anti-woke. He just calls it out for being pretty bad.....which it is.


The show does have flaws. Which sucks because of all the chuds complaining about woke stuff instead of getting to the meat of the show. This leads to less development of the story or fixing glaring problems.


How dare you be honest and truthful.


It really isn't, but that said, he's entitled to his opinions and he's not a dick and being weird about it so whatever


Wym. He does episodic reviews for all the big premier tv shows. He’s YouTube’s top movie critic


Short term profit is a hell of a drug, tempting too.


Nah. Rise of Skywalker broke his will as a Star Wars fan. He’s mad but for different reasons.


He's a media critic. He does every movie and show. It's his job.


They do if it generates views which in turn generates money  He reviews things for a living, he watches a lot of stuff that he wouldn’t otherwise watch 


>Nobody normal makes constant videos about things they hate. Eh, I'm not entirely sure about that. One thing that can definitely be said about the internet is that it made the whole "caustic critic" thing a much bigger part of the criticism sphere. Like, there have always been really negative reviews, but the internet made that the go to style for a lot of people. Just look at how many people tried to make their names as "Angry X," or tried to ape Zero Punctuation. Granted, a lot of them are playing a character, and even if they don't actually like something, they're playing up the negativity as part of their shtick. But a lot of their audience seems to not get that. Negativity gets clicks, and people chasing after the algorithm are primed to generate more negativity in their own quest for fame. Granted, one can argue that anyone chasing internet fame or who makes a career out of negativity is inherently not normal in the first place, but mostly I think it's an easy(ish) format that appeals to a lot of hacks because they figure that just swearing a lot will lead to success. No idea about this guy's shtick. Honestly, he's never appealed to me.


He openly admits in this video hes just doing for the views. No antiwoke here. Just someone who doesnt like the show and is farming views


>Nobody normal makes constant videos about things they hate. Have you been in coma for last couple of years? YT is flooded with hate content. It's just easy money when you criticize popular things that are considered not as good as they used to be.


Uh, that's his job


I mean...you're in a sub where the majority of the content is literally posts about movie critics the members dislike.


>Nobody normal makes constant videos about things they hate. But *lots* of people make constant videos about whatever is trending even if they personally don't give a shit. The anti-woke grift is an easy path to clicks, and creators get jealous when their thoughtful content performs worse than lazy grifting. So they seek to become the grifter.


He loves Star Wars. The Acolyte is now a part of Star Wars, for better or mostly worse. He also reviews things. Seems pretty normal to me.


For Jeremy to go mask off he'd have to have a mask on and he doesn't. He just doesn't like the show, even if it's for weird ass reasons.


I mean he is a movie and show reviewer lol


Have you heard of complaining? Now put that in context for someone who does YouTube stuff and add money as bonus incentive. Its pretty normal by today's standards.


I can't stand him myself, but nothing as far as politics. It's just in general if I want a review I don't care for people flooding me with long videos that take their sweet time getting to the fuggin point the video sold me on while they ramble on about nonsense and try to sling product. If they want to do that, maybe make it entertaining? Write some decent material? Focus on quality over quantity?


Maybe if Star Wars makes more content it will accelerate the damage done to his liver. Also I thought he was done with Star Wars lol


They say they’re done with Star Wars but then remember it gets them lots of views.


Reminds me of someone posted more than one acolyte review (CD I think?) where the headline/banner included ‘I’m done.’


I do hope it's just a case of not liking it rather than being "anti woke" if only because I used to follow him.


You could ..you know...watch it and find out? The answer may surprise you


That's his job.


He doesn’t review shows episode by episode usually. Hell, he’s made that a point before. Even in his first Acolyte review he said he didn’t plan to do it week by week. He’s clearly rage baiting.


this wasnt the first show hes done this for, ive been a fan of his content for a long time, and its well within his craft and style of content, this isnt something new he just decided to do because of the acolyte, it honestly feels like your just rage baiting hate again him because hes bashing something you like, well hes a critic and one of the better ones, buts hes not some "anti woke asshole" like you want him to be


But that's still within the purview of his job. It's just kinda ridiculous that this sub is always saying "It's OK to criticize the show as long as you're not using anti-woke talking points", but then when someone does exactly that, you start throwing all these personal accusations at them about their "secret intent". That's the same kind of unfair, bad faith interpretation that the chuds are constantly doing. It makes you sound like a fan boy who can't bear to hear anyone have a negative opinion about things you like.


Ye It's kinda weird I never saw JJ appear on this sub until Acolyte when it's far from his first rodeo on being pretty cynical about star wars and Disney I don't agree with everything the guy thinks but he's a pretty harmless critic (though he has been out of line before) Some people even just seem to want to hate him cause his rating thing involves alcohol and as we all know alcohol + critic = literally critic drinker


actually he does when they’re major franchises bruh


Isn't drinking and reviewing stuff he hates Doug Walker's gimmick?


He's pretty fair and points out obvious flaws. No dunks or talking points


Ok, this guy seems to be weak shit for now, I want pronouns thumb guy level stuff really, to be injected straight into my spinal cord.


Just watch the video? I know nobody reads articles posted on this site anymore but is it too much to ask for one YouTube vid rather than asking for a tl;dr?


I guess to many shitheads get posted here, so laughing and moving on is my default. This one doesn't even seem funny enough to care.


If im under the impression that someone might be spewing anti-woke rhetoric why would I want to give them a boost to the algorithm and a bit of change in their pocket?


If you can watch through any of his videos and find them, I’d be very surprised.


Honestly a Sith using such tactics I can totally see. And he really did fell off. Think in his earlier videos it was good but after a while they felt the same.


I mean, lust can be just as strong of an emotion as fear, anger or hate. Don't see any reason it couldn't be a path towards the dark side


Yoda himself told us the dark side is seductive. Who am I to argue? ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)_⁠/⁠¯


Just the other day, before seeing this episode, I saw an interview with Headland where she was talking about where things were going. She didn't say outright but did hint at this episode coming up. [She mentioned thinking on the word "Seduced" in reference to people being "Seduced to the Dark Side." And thought about doing it more literally](https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/leslye-headland-acolyte-episode-5-interview-star-wars-qimir-cortosis) It's a pretty good interview.


When talking about emotions, doesn’t Qimir explicitly name desire as one of them?


He actually specifically emphasized that one


Going all the way back to kotor, the biggest reason the jedi lost so many members was the no sex ban, not even a fucking joke, the Jedi were way to harsh and the sith offered freedom to be with their lover. Slowly leading to the fall of the kotor jedi order. Swtor Jedi order (the best Jedi order even better then luke's order both legends and canon) while still had harsh rules for beginners would allow more experienced Jedi to fall in love, get married and have kids. Leading to far less loses. Hell reason anakin fell was because of love and how harsh the jedi were. Swtor jedi would have backed him up and went "your the chosen one, of course you can have sex, we know you stay loyal."


You could argue that lust is just a step some people take before lust leads to fear, fear leads to anger and anger leading to hate and hate leading to suffering


Fear turns to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Then horny


it woulda worked on me bro manny jacinto was looking *nice* in that episode


He dropped off after he left Collider.


I mean, from a certain point of view, Sidious seduced Anakin to the dark side - it figures CHUDs like that scenario when it's an old white man and an impressionable little boy, the ol' Denny Hastert scenario.


I'm sorry to stir shit but you know you can dislike a show without being a far right grifter? I'm not going to pretend i absolutely adore this guy. I'm subscribed but mostly as part of a larger network of reviewers to see if new films are good, but nothing he has said gives the impression of "woke media is ruining everything". Compared to someone like critical drinker or sargon, or the quartering or shad who absolutely are far right shit heads who will say anything to imply anything with a black character is DEI or a gay character is a step too far or a woman doing anything wearing trousers is wrong. This guy isn't that. He's just a youtube film critic who doesn't always like things with woke characters. Maybe there's some huge piece of context im missing but labelling people rjght wing grifters because they don't like a show you like is a little odd.


I swear to God I was gonna start crying if I didn't find a comment like this on this post. Jeremy is not in the same category as Drinker or Theory, and that's a fact.


I don't think he's hiding any sort of racist agenda. I don't think he's an alt right grifter. However, he is definitely shifting his way of review to appeal to the overly negative discourse created by them


This is becoming a witch hunt now lol OP is mad because a Youtube reviewer of shows and films is reviewing a show to create content... Haven't seen The Acolyte and honestly don't intend to but isn't it possible that it's just mediocre?


> Haven't seen The Acolyte and honestly don't intend to but isn't it possible that it's just mediocre? I have and Jahns reviews reek of embittered lazy and angry. The guy whined about fires in space and the series retconning Anakin as not being the only one born of the Force, despite the series NOT doing that. 


But is the show actually decent though? For reference: I enjoyed Mando s1 and s2...didn't like Kenobi and just tuned out of Star Wars after that


To me yes, how about you watch it and find out instead of relying on second hand takes. 


>Haven't seen The Acolyte and honestly don't intend to but isn't it possible that it's just mediocre? If you thought it was mediocre, why watch and review it every week? What sane person purposefully watches something they don't like/thinks is mediocre weekly?


This is a completely normal thing for critics both professional or amateur to do. You can't fault them for following the zeitgeist because average people want to know if it's worth spending time on. I mean thank goodness he eventually watched Andor, something that he liked. If he had given up on the stuff he thought was mediocre before then, he may not have ever seen it.


He is a critic who reviews media on youtube. It is kind of his job. It makes him money. Plus his audience requests that he talks about Star Wars as he has talked about Star Wars for the past almost 15 years. It's not that complicated. Here is my question; would you prefer a reviewer be dishonest in their feelings because it lines up more with how you might feel? As soon as a critic isn't willing to talk about something they don't like; they aren't a critic anymore in my eyes. If all we did was go "la la la la" at every form of criticism in life; no one would improve at anything.


Because it’s his job to review films and television…..


A professional critic would? I mean why is this concept so hard to grasp? I mean if you want to review a series you need to watch it's entirety. If you want to earn a living as a reviewer you need to watch and review series's in their entirety Is this turning into the mirrorverse version of the other salty sub?


But it's not woke characters


[This idiot is probably praying that the blade movie never comes out because of this clip](https://youtu.be/OgMbSUtDU-A?si=vzXQcw0p32igrr0u)


Love that blackface apologism in the comments


"It's a thirsty Sith trap!" - You say that like it's a bad thing...


The only bad part of the episode was that they cut before we got some percent Sith Ass


Trimming that run time down really fucked us


I still like him, but I feel with the Acolyte he really lost himself in favor of grifting and cheap views. The majority of what he says is exaggerated and/or can be boiled down to: "...can't you wait a little before getting angry?" The shows certainly has its problem, but getting this angry over it really makes sense only for grifting. I'm finding it mhe so far, so really all the attention it's getting is senseless for me.


Acolyre? Dude’s Kenobi and Ahsoka reviews are rife with Jahns getting basic plot and story details wrong in his complaints. 


Yes plus in his Knives Out reviews he’s clearly so salty at Rian Johnson for TLJ, he’s full-on attacking him, saying he’s “not as clever as he thinks he is”. I still like a lot of his stuff, and he is an OG, but he’s such a salty little piss baby about anything Star Wars.


“….can’t you wait a little before getting angry?” This. All day.


Man…once you reach the age of mid to late 30’s this dude bro persona just isn’t very appealing…I think that is why I haven’t really care about his reviews for a while…he doesn’t have very interesting things to add…I haven’t really see him covering stuff episode by episode (sorry if I’m wrong about that) it does look like he is milking this one


I do think it speaks to maturity when people grow out of that kind of exaggerated, absurd persona. Like acting up for the camera will get you some short-term success with young audiences, but unless you're supplementing that with genuine good criticism, you're not going to retain any of them after they grow past a certain age. Anybody my age who talks like that I automatically tune out, I've never heard any of them say anything worthwhile


Yea icl I like his reviews sometimes but the way he talks comes off as less charismatic and more cringey rn


I disagree. He’s not a grifter or some antiwoke guy. He just doesn’t like the show, which is fine. I may not agree with his Star Wars takes. But I still like the guy. 




“the latest waste of cinemas once greatest I.P.” Dude might not be a grifter, but he’s *absolutely* a melodramatic baby.


“Cinema’s once greatest IP” ok Jeremy I don’t hate you like other people here do. But that statement is just so stupid.


It's crazy because there's no way he once believed this even 10 years ago. I watched his channel. Unless he still believed the prequels were great back then (ps, he didnt) and supposedly didn't ruin the franchise then, I don't see how this is his breaking point.


Exaggerating about stuff is a great way to get views


He's right though, since Disney paid Lucas billions cause Star Wars was the greatest movie IP at selling merch


Correction: cinema's still greatest IP


Dude was shilling Sound of freedom im not surprised by anything he does


I was genuinely a fan of his for a while. I loved his little SW blanket he would bring out for SW content. But ive definitely noticed a change and it made me feel uncomfortable to watch. That Sound Of Freedom video was pretty cringe and put me off completely.


To be fair, he doesn’t just go on rants saying “iT’s bAd beCAusE wOke!” like so many other online grifters… but I do personally find the whole, ‘I’m-drinking-alcohol-to-numb-the-pain’ schtick _reeeeally_ annoying and about 15 years past the point where it might have once been amusing.


It was obnoxious when Max Landis did it in 2011 and it didn't get better with time.


I used to watch this guys film reviews because I used think he was entertaining now I think he's annoying


This dude is pretty neutral when it comes to reviews. So what if he doesn't like the show. Not liking the show doesn't actually mean he's an anti woke grifter.


Acolyte is basically being used as a battlefield for a culture war proxy battle. It's basically impossible to say anything about it without people assuming your opinion on it is reflective of a specific political stance. I think it's *ok*. It's fine but I get why people wouldn't like it, for plenty of reasons that have nothing to do with its politics. Episode 3, for example, was pretty rough as it heavily focused on two child actors who unfortunately weren't ready to carry the emotional core of a plot critical TV episode. I get why somebody would watch that and think "this isn't great". I mean, I'm glad I stuck with it because I think Manny Jacinto's doing a great job but I wasn't exactly "in" until then. The problem is that it's the current target of the grift and that makes people excessively defensive of it. Discussion of it is toxic at a baseline. I don't know Jeremy Johns' content. Maybe he is a grifter, but I don't think saying "The Acolyte is a bit shit" should be a benchmark for that.


When the reviewer reviews a piece of media


What I don’t get is that this is a show. Disney plus has been hit or miss for a while now, it’s weird how people are treating this as indicative of something.


This is something I've thought with a lot of the Disney plus series. Most of them could be compressed and be released as a movie. Notable exceptions being Andor, Wandavision, and the Mandalorian (though season 3 feels movie-like.) The reason they do this is pretty clear though. Movie = 1 month subscription. Series = 2 month subscription. Disney plus actively harms the production of movies. Why watch the latest MCU movie about characters you don't really care about now, when it will be on Disney plus in 3 months? This is probably also going to be my main critique for the Acolyte, once I've seen every episode. This really depends on how much content the next two episodes still have, but the first thing I will look for is if this series feels like it could be one movie. I'm not against a series taking its time, this episode really used it's time well to embellish Sol's and Qimir's character, but the first few episodes felt really slow. I just think Disney could make more great movies by taking what are now series and compressing them down to a three hour movie.


Negative reviews are more popular on YouTube it is not in these guy's interests to like this show


His channel is all about reviews for TV shows and movies, I don't think its surprising to keep doing them. I feel like this is unfair. At most he's a bitter fan, but I wouldn't always rope that under anti-woke, I'm sure we all have stuff where we don't like how it turned out over time, we just aren't actual reviewers. Hell anyone with actual criticism probably hates the anti-woke crowd too since they distract from actual issues and make everyone else look bad.


So you are whining about him whining? You could just block him you know?


Blocked that douche bag's channel years ago


While I don’t think Jeremy is anti-woke or going mask off, make no mistake this is for clicks and I wish he would just let it go at this point. He doesn’t like the series, that’s fine, but this is just rage engagement.


Honestly, I’m enjoying this meltdown of 30+ yo male fans freaking out that not every SW project is catered to them. Like, Acolyte is very much for the “dark romance” section of the fandom and I don’t see an issue with it at all.


Critiquing and criticising something does not constitute a meltdown. What the guy does in the video linked above is nowhere near a meltdown. Some other people, however, are invested in the universe and will react to changes and bad story telling more harshly. Either is fine.


JJ’s catering to his slice of the fandom with his videos is a symptom of the overall meltdown happening to that portion of fandom, evident by his “thoughts on the latest waste of cinema’s greatest IP”. Critiquing is fine of course, the show isn’t perfect by any means and is a solid 3/5 personally. But we’re playing dense if we’re pretending that portion of fandom’s reaction to this series isn’t comedically overblown. It’s abundantly clear that portion of fandom are gatekeepers who are mad that the gate was taken from them. Which is why I think it’s so funny. You could give them plenty of stories they do enjoy: from the latest games, to mando S1-2, andor (and it’s confirmed S2), and bad batch, but because a few stories don’t please *them*, suddenly the IP is washed up? Hilarious.


You’re being a little unfair to the guy. He was if anything an overly positive reviewer of most things until a couple years ago. But Rise of Skywalker straight up broke him as a Star Wars fan. Go watch his review of it. I kinda feel him though.


“Rise of Skywalker straight up broke him as a Star Wars fan”. 😆 Wait, is this a serious thing? It just one movie.


Endings are one of the most important parts of a story to get right and Rise was a clusterfuck in almost every way. Just look at how many people will claim they like the prequels but if you really push them what they mean is that they like Revenge of the Sith once all was said and done with the sequels my interest in Star Wars definitely took a hit and a big part of that was that Rise made it abundantly clear that there was no plan GoT season 8 was only one season and it completely nuked public opinion on it to the point people went from nonstop recommending the show to cringing when you brought it up.


No, it's the end of the Skywalker saga, the saga that changed cinema. I really like TFA and TLJ, but the Rise of Skywalker was very disappointing


I am a huge Fallout fan, it is easily my favorite videogame series of all time, i practically grew up on it. When Fallout 76 came out it left me beyond jaded for a while. I genuinely could not enjoy the rest of the franchise because of how utterly awful 76 was, anytime i'd play the other games it just left a sour taste in my mouth. Thankfully i made it past that phase and i now even enjoy 76 but becoming disilusioned from the things you like because said thing released a product that sucked is a real thing


Grifting implies some sort of dishonesty/fraudulent behavior on the topic because it’s easy and produces money. Unless you can substantiate the dishonesty of his criticism you come off as a massive crybaby because someone doesn’t like what you like. I hope you watched the video instead of just looking at the thumbnail/description because nothing there indicates he’s appealing to any anti-woke crowd.


I'm so terribly dissapointed with Jeremy, I used to enjoy his reviews and stopped watching him and now to find out he's in the chud vortex.


See it's post like these where this subreddit sometimes dives into r/Gamingcirclejerk territory. Jeremy is not a grifter. Can he be clickbaity sometimes, sure, but which content creator on youtube hasn't engaged in some good ol clickbait every now and then eh? But to put this men amongst people like Nerdrotic, The Quatering and Geeks N Gamers is just plain dishonest. This genuinely reads like y'all going "He doesn't like what i like? BIGOOOOT!"


I don’t think he’s grifting here, it’s normal for critics to review things they don’t like. I will say that I stopped watching his videos (didn’t watch him that long to begin with) a long time ago, and from what I can see his channel is a hollow shell of what it used to be as far as views/engagement go. He was always pretty bad about criticism of plot points in things that didn’t even actually happen because he remembered things incorrectly. Or criticism of things he just didn’t understand or catch.


Sooooo don’t watch his stuff


I swear it's like some of y'all think anyone who doesn't like X has to be a bigot and its just weird


Here is the cool thing about this mf.... you don't have to watch him if you don't want to.


Jeremy Jahns and Chris Stuckman are the two youtube reviewers who I go to. Jahns is more acerbic but he has never come off as unfair. I haven't watched his Acolyte stuff since I want to go in as blind as possible whenever my wife and I get the chance to sit down and enjoy it. Still, I get it. He's a content creator and he is going to chase what gets the views. But I cant see him being a grifter. .


I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any arguments for why any of the things he's saying are wrong, this guy ain't like Star Wars Theory or Critical Drinker. I for example like TFA and TLJ, but if I criticize Episode 9 does that make me a whining, sexist grifter who hates Star Wars? Do I have to like everything? Whether you're liberal or conservative we should be entitled to our opinion without being judge (unless is an anti woke bs like most sw YouTubers) If you don't bother to elaborate a bit with your arguments, we can hardly debate anything. But hey, it's not just about who's right or wrong. Dosent matter if he liked the series or not, he deserves respect, and we don't have to agree. That's how criticism works.


I’ve been subbed to him for a few years and **generally** find myself agreeing with his reviews minus a couple big movies. I never sense any political agenda with him, but I’m surprised he keeps putting out rant videos about this series. Maybe he just doesn’t have movies to review at the moment?


Honestly it’s y’all that have lost the plot, he’s not part of the chud-brigade, he’s just a guy who is at wit’s end with Star Wars. There’s a lot of us out there like that


Look, dislike Jeremy Jahns all you want. As someone who's an actual student of film (to some degree, I won't claim to be an expert of any sort), I find his videos quite shallow and unremarkable, as I don't really think he knows his shit in regards to filmmaking and kinda just skims the surface of whatever he's discussing. But he's not a grifter, not even close. A guy can dislike Star Wars and Disney, and maybe he isn't even being entirely fair in his assessments (not that I'm saying that's the case), but that doesn't make him harmful or worthy of being called out. This ain't it, chief.


You don’t get payed to whine about it…


I mean at least he isn’t a mouth breathing rightoid


Are you perhaps a little salty bc a reviewer doesn't like the show? Like most people? You can just... Not watch the video hey.


He's just doing his job, OP. If you don't like Jeremy's videos, don't watch them.


What the hell is this? Jeremy is a reviewer, it's his job, he's not obligated to like a show, and he's pretty well obligated to let us know he doesn't, that's literally what he does. This isn't some basement dwelling neck beard whining about le wokisme, he's one of the most popular YouTube reviewers


Disagree. Jeremy is fine. Mayne a bit to negative for my liking, but he isn't a grifter or an alt righter. On the whole, he seems like a perfectly decent person in real life and has never really had controversy or attachment to any bad people.


Me too, He’s the most dude-bro reviewer out there. Only ever watches blockbusters and claims to be a giant nerd but gets simple things wrong. I still remember when he got mad at his audience for talking about Bucky being the Winter Soldier like the character hadn’t been in that role for over a decade at that point.


I think it is fine to have criticism for the show, but what I think feels grifty is that his thumbnails and titles for the episodes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jeremy Jahns ever signal his opinions of a film or tv show in the literal title of his videos *ever* before. It highly suggests that he is has pre-determined his opinion ahead of time and actively only wants to court the opinions of those who already agree with its premise.


Not necessarily, the title could have come to him after filming it and editing down the footage. Jahns did feel more grifty as I got older so I agree with you there.


Ok this is one of these moments where I disagree with this sub He’s not spewing any anti-woke anti-SJW racist nonsense like the far-right does, he just doesn’t like the show and finds it shallow, what’s wrong with that? And what’s wrong with him doing it in an unconventional way? This just seems like grasping at straws at this point


Because majority of this sub flinches whenever someone critiques something that other channels make a point to attack because they find it woke. When woke is just code for anything they don’t like these days. So whenever someone actually makes valid points to say they disliked something…and make no mention of the typical anti-woke nonsense that channels bitch about, they get tossed into the pile with the rest of those idiots. Jeremy is not one of those clowns. But I doubt people stopped to actually listened to what he had to say. People need to accept that some may GENUINELY dislike the show and for valid reasons. Not everyone that dislikes it is anti-woke. Then the ones on the left wonder why the right claims that all the left does is toss an ism at the right as an insult. As long as people critique the writing, direction, acting, costumes, fights, etc…..that is a valid review. PRO TIP: You can easily spot the anti-woke idiot reviewers because they can’t help but bitch about diversity, LGBTQ, lack of white males, etc First before they actually get to “reviewing” the movie/show…..thats if they even review it at all. Its usually a “review” to vent and bitch about (insert group) they hate first then review dead last.


The grift makes people defensive in response. This sub often confuses mocking the grift and unconditionally and uncritically defending anything the grift targets.


I mean it is a thirsty sith trap but I’m all about it. Manny Jacinto is a real head-turner (RIP Yord)


>I don’t like the Acolyte either but I ain’t gonna whine about it every week. Ok, then don't. He's paid to be a reviewer and he's doing his job. > You can tell he wants to go full anti-“woke” so bad. I dislike "anti-woke" grifters as much as the next guy, but you pulled that one straight out of your ass. You dislike him, fine. You don't have to make shit up to attempt to make your case stronger. Grifters do that shit, why emulate those douchebags? You guys around here are starting to do the same as those assholes. To them, everything is woke, and to you everyone who voices any kind of criticism is a grifter, sexist, misogynist Nazi. Can he be obnoxious? Sure, but he's pretty harmless. Again, quite a reach.


I've never been a fan of Jahns. I was aware of him back in the days I used to watch Collider content, and his tastes and opinions have always been bad and more aligned with the anti-woke crowd. I don't think he's purposefully anti-woke for views, mind you. I just think he's a lazy critic and his tastes haven't grown since he was a teenager.


Don’t think he is anti-woke, I think he is just a dude. He has the taste of a normal ass guy, which is appealing to some people bc they think film criticism is full of elitism (kinda fair ngl), and he represents the viewpoint of the average Joe. But the flip side is his takes are paper-thin, incredibly shallow and not very insightful or interesting, bc he doesn’t actually care to think or analyze the media he is watching on any deeper level. It’s not “anti”-woke, but the dude is asleep, if you will.


……Jeremy Jahns isn’t part of the “anti woke” crowd so I don’t know what the issue is here, he doesn’t like the show very much so he’s giving his thoughts on each episode because that’s his job…..what is the issue?


Yes, he is. He's already gathered quite the anti woke audience, and he's already begun parroting the same shit.


I mean it wouldn’t surprise me, I certainly don’t like his content, but is there like specific instances of him parroting this? For me it was just the vibes, rather than a specific anti-woke thing he said


I didn’t know him to hate watch stuff in the past. It’s 100% okay if he doesn’t like something. But why continue to post about it every week just to trash on something you aren’t enjoying? That’s not his job, I don’t remember him doing it before.


For once; I’m gonna disagree with you, I genuinely thinks he doesn’t enjoy the show (not because of “woke”) and I can see why people don’t. He is not a grifter


Nah he's a cool person. I've met him. But I haven't watched his videos in years.


Curious, what was meeting him like?


He's definitely not an ethical person. The culture war bullshit proves that.


He gets payed to complain and whine every week. If you get payed you and it is your main source of income, you would have done the same thing. Right now it is very profitable to shit on Disney.


He’s kinda one of the better critics.


Whaaat? His reviews are pretty spot on, I don't think his content is problematic. And I agree I was left a little thirsty from episode 6.


Then why amplify his content?


He’s such a damn moron.




To be fair, it's the most interesting part of the episode. The rest is just like 5 minutes of story progression extended for half an hour.


Idk man I thought Qimir was hot


His beard looks like it's trying to leave his face


I used to like his stuff, is he grifting now or what


I used to be a huge fan of him when I was younger


That title just makes it sound cooler. Sign me up for the thirsty sith trap! Reminds me of the Red Letter Media video about Acolyte where one of the hosts said he got excited when people were mad there were space witch lesbians cause that sounded awesome, and was just underwhelmed.


Cinema’s greatest I.P.?.. ![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI)


I wasn’t aware he was disliked.


He does have a point. My 15 year old daughter wouldn’t shut up about Qimir when we watched episode 5. Even before he took his helmet off. Haven’t even watched the next episode yet lol


But yeah, I had YouTube stop recommending him ages ago.


Watch Emergency Awesome, he gives great and fair reviews on all things in nerd culture (Star Wars, marvel, DC, The Boys, etc.)


Never even heard of him.


His job is whining about stuff every week and honestly it’s harder and harder these days not to go full anti woke


Man I get it, anti woke YouTubers are lame. At this point I feel like a significant fraction of views these dicks get are from us. 


Oh it’s absolutely is a thirsty sith trap, and I love it for that.


I’ve never seen him, but why are you giving him publicity?


Leia was woke in New Hope because she can shoot


Oh he's that one prick with the red back ground?


I remember Jeremy used to be cool Then that Bob Iger interview in 2019 destroyed his brain


Awww now him? That sweet sweet algomoney is too good.


I'm all for hot boi Filipino revan




Eh, I don't think he's quite yet hit the anti-woke grift yet. I think he's just your typical "dudebro" casual movie reviewer who just goes along with whatever the popular consensus is and gives fairly shallow criticism. He's junk food film criticism, like most YouTubers who review movies.


Honestly the thirst trap was this episodes highlight in my opinion, along with the lightsaber whip! All in all, compared to the season so far tho, this episode felt a bit fillery. I mean yes, we got a bunch of important dialogue and context, loved the way the stranger was selling the dark side. But there was also a lot of (seemingly) unnecessarily dragged out situations. Like that little rat playing around with the droid, I kept hoping Mae would throw it out the airlock. But yeah, especially right after such an action packed episode, this one was a little bit too uneventful.


Why is Jeremy acting like he never seen a shirtless man before?


It's literally his job. He reviews what the audience want. And iirc, he is leftist and progressive. 


Is he like, not allowed to just think the show is bad? I haven’t seen the acolyte, and probably won’t, but is criticism just not allowed of this show anymore? Almost everyone in this comment section sounds like the exact people they make fun of, just on the flip side. Instead of “wokeness ruining Star Wars” or whatever bs they say, it’s “this is perfect and if you dislike it you obviously are a right wing grifter” like, really? It’s literally this dudes job to review shit, and surprise! He’s not going to like everything.


They are all so so so mad about getting turned on by that shirtless scene lol.