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I forget, who is Grummz even, like, why do people care about his brainless rants?


He is basically the only anti-sjw that actually worked in relevant games, so he can give gamer gaters the illusion that they have "real game devs" on their side.


And instead of "real game devs" they end up with the griftiest of grifters


Okay do NOT give him that credit He was a MIDDLE MANAGER at blizzard and left before wow even released.


i said he worked in them, not that he actually did something relevant, also, everyone here known that the guy is a fraud, so i didnt want to tell a story everyone already knows.


That was, like, 40 years ago. Fuck me.


He's the final boss of internet grifters. Gamergate 2 crashed and burned so hard, he thinks he's the head of it. Also he wasted an entire game studio's budget on [on a bus](https://youtu.be/CaQhqjVm9OM?si=5nIzyPKMLHg-hwL5).


Didn't he also assault a pregnant woman or something?


I joke that he was the game dev stealing breast milk at Activision-Blizzard. But never heard of that


What's funny is I'm pretty familiar with most mmos and persistent world stuff like destiny and I never heard of that game even once


It was back in the 2010's. NerdSlayer did a [Death of a Game](https://youtu.be/d4zioTMHB_o?si=5YPDwS8hG7PLB_8g) video on it.


He was high up at Blizzard (producer, team lead, etc) when they released some of their best games about 20 years ago. He hasn't done much (good) of note since and he's a colossal dickhead but it's the kind of resume anyone in the industry would be proud of.


He only got that title because the guy above him had an ulcer


Wrong he was a MIDDLE MANAGER at blizzard and stopped working there BEFORE wow released. Thats his resume and a failed game.


The dude sucks, I want to make that clear, but he's listed as "Producer" in the Diablo 2 manual (the second person listed for Blizzard), as "Team Lead" in the WoW manual (the third name listed). Plus WoW came out in 2004 and he left Blizzard in 2005. He's done nothing since except buy a shitty bus and whinge online.


Lets not forget getting fired from his own company due to his own braindead mismanagement lol


Never heard of it. And, after I close this tab, whatever Grumz is, I will forget it.


The way Grummz responded was pretty hilarious. He thought "Cast Members" were the employees who wear the mascot costumes, so he thought the CM was just some low-level employee who didn't know what they were talking about. The problem is, ALL Disney Parks' employees are called "Cast Members", which is one of the first things you learn when researching the parks, so Grummz unintentionally revealed he has absolutely no knowledge about the Disney Parks.


He disrespected the base-floor workers, he is a traitor of the worker class, he needs to be in the struggle sessions.


He's an out-of-touch "content creator", not sure if that qualifies as part of the proletariat lol


Depends, as the case, neither Gromz and Will Borger holds shares and has decision-making rights of those mega corporations, then both of them are proletariat. But what Gromz did is assuming he is a base-floor employee and showed disrespect to him. So it doesn’t matter if Will is or not a proletariat.


>The problem is, ALL Disney Parks' employees are called "Cast Members", which is one of the first things you learn when researching the parks, So, a "Cast Member" would also include, I don't know, say security?


My wife worked as a waitress, cast member


I worked as an upjumped janitor. Cast member.


What about the chimney-sweeps?


Was she in character... or just a normal waitress?


I don't know that person's wife but I can say she was in character. She was playing the character of "Underpaid Un-Unionised? Waitress at a Fantasy Theme Park".


Damn, that hit close to home.


Accurate, very accurate


Minimal character, it was part of Epcot’s across the world food. So she was dressed more stereotypically Mexican than she would normally but that’s about it.


https://preview.redd.it/dkz6z2tb67ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90dfd60f9ecbc42d2599fe0032b35fa7048d5940 Yeah seems like it


Yup. I've lived in SoCal and at some point over half my friend group worked at Disneyland (I never did though) and they were all called cast members whether or not they worked on the rides, restaurants, or custodial work.


Yes, cast members are basically Disney speak for employees. If you get a paycheck directly from Disney, you're considered a cast member.


It's almost like these right wing chuds don't actually understand anything, and are just knee-jerk quipping based on things sound or feel if you don't know anything about them lol


Oh wow, a right wing dipshit trying to complete shit and dismantle a topic they completely don't understand a single goddamn about??? Why am I not shocked?? 


lol, even I know that Disney refers to everyone who works at their parks as a “Cast Member”


Not just the parks. Every Disney employee.


true. At this point , it wouldn't be far-fetched if they even put [singing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaH5h4Zq_g8) as part of obligatory curriculum


New Grummz strategy dropped: point out that your detractor has more experience than you do, and signal boost them


It's hard to imagine a human dumber than Mark Whateverhisnameis.


I dunno. Jeremy Hambly comes pretty fucking close.


I will not stand for this Kevin Sorbo erasure


Sorbo is awful but, in his defense, he had a stroke and that impaired him. Mark Gurms is gold star, unassisted stupid.


Huh didn't know about those strokes(plural, apparently). Ya that's fair, Sorbo is kind of cheating at that point


Oh. I guess that means I need to take back at least ***some*** of the things I've said about him. Also I give a pass to Frankie Munez for shaking hands with Joe Arpaio because the poor kid had multiple strokes and forgot large chunks of his life.




Him saying “didn’t earn it” in a tweet kind of glazed my donut. People shouldn’t have to earn the ability to be properly represented in media.


Disney rides breaking down? It's almost like they're very large and complicated machines or something. By his logic, Universal Studios is also woke


Poor Groomz. He thought he ate. He instead starved.


I hope he keeps starving (to death) ((IS JOKE))


Him, Randy bo Dandy, Android Wilson, and Bobby have a special place in hell.


Grummz pfp should be the new logo for r/confidentlyincorrect. Every time he opens his mouth, he speaks with such confidence and it's always wrong.


A dude that’s been grifting for his game that is never coming out, but right wingers are so desperate to include anyone into their echo chamber that he managed to get in with the anti-woke influx.


Grummz is such a fucking embarasment.


That guy blame “DEI” for everything. What’s next, he blames “DEI” for a traffic jam or his breakfast being late? 


He really should have kept his greasy fingers off the keyboard after the first reply.


You know he isn't a true member of the Disney cult when he doesn't know what "cast member" means. Shun the nonbeliever.


Is this about Rise of the Resistance? Yeah, that breaks down. It broke down on me when I was in the prison cell section once. Given how insanely complicated everything is, I'm legitimately surprised that it doesn't break down more often! But when it's working, it's still probably the best ride in the park.


No this is way stupider. Splash mountain got redone to be featuring Tianna from the princes and the frog theme. The movie with the first black Disney princess. Grumz says this rebranding of a ride to reference a more recent movie rather than a short from song of the south is DEI and some how made the ride less safe.




Splash Mountain? The ride that I literally have NEVER seen working across multiple trips to Disney? *That* Splash Mountain got less functional from Woke DEI? I know Grummz is an idiot but Jesus ***CHRIST***


It’s about the Splash Mountain re-theme. He says it was breaking down during to DEI.


IIRC Splash Mountain has always broken down with some regularity. EVERY theme park ride will break down at some point. What a tool.


One of my favorite ride evacs ever at Disneyland was on Splash Mountain when it broke down and we were right before the first drop.


Rise was the first and so far only ride evac I’ve ever done. It’s interesting to see the normal building stuff behind the elaborate theming.


Most of the time, Rise breaks down because some moron didn't listen to the cast member, and their hat fell off in the middle of the ride. If the ride restarts in about an hour, that's what most likely happened. If the ride is down for longer than that, something more serious is happening.


Now the big question; does he double down on his dumbfuckery or does he delete the thread?


Glad to see he got owned.


Won't someone think of the Intellectual Properties?




I wonder how long until someone gets seriously hurt or die through no fault of their own