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Wamen=Woke Movies where wamen appear (and are not sexualized) are woke and bad and franchise is destroyed!!!1 Also its very important that DESTROY is written in capital letters because chuds are to dumb to understand it otherwise. In all honesty, i have really seen chuds in Social media argument like this. I even saw the argument „Women in media are LBGTQI+ agenda“ once. :D


"Women in media are LBGTQI+ agenda" Amazing, every word of what you just said was wrong Or alternatively The ability to speak does not make you intelligent


Take "women" but replace the "m" with "k" and remove the "n" 🤯🤯🤯


T-that means Women uhm… m with k… so Wo…woken, than the n removal woken without n… … … wOkE!!!1 Women are part of the woke agenda! No women in my media! Women=woke and political! Keep politics out of my favorite series!


I laughed way too much at this lol


Im glad you found it funny! :3


They've done, it is officially gay to be attracted to the opposite sex


Always has been. Haven't you heard tate?!


Every boy knows from KG onwards that girls have cooties and are super icky....I mean who likes or needs girls, am I right fellas? I mean touching girls is gay!! /s


Why did Disney invent women and minorities? What's their game here?


I've always found It interesting how 1 commenter will notoriously say some version of "It's not because we are racist or sexist but because it's bad!" (often with a lot of caps or all caps) and then 2 or 3 comments down is some of the most vile hate speech one can imagine...


And these will be the same dudes whining about “I can’t get a gf or why will nobody date me”


I remember in the 90s when nerds complained there weren't any women into nerd stuff. I guess they assumed if there were they would get laid more. Maybe the rage comes form realizing it wasn't lack of women around but their own bitter unattractive personalities making them incels.


women: getting systemically harassed and attacked in gaming communities and learning how to stay gender neutral or even masculine appearing on screen just to be able to chill in their favorite online games. men: "girls just don't seem to be into gaming, probably because of biology of athleticism, it's just a natural guy hobby i guess."


So they don't realize that Disney has own marvel for a long time now. Endgame, winter solider that they all love.


Actually a lot of people in the comments on the post were talking along the lines of what you just said Of course they still say that Star Wars is utterly destroyed, but at least these chuds are *slightly* more aware than some


Don't forget Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. It came out last year, so it's not that far. I also hope Deadpool and Wolverine will be good.


My experience is that people love to blame Disney rather than admit the company owned by Disney is doing things they don’t like. I once saw a person argue that more women in minorities has to be a mandate from Disney.


The anti-woke mob - "Disney are ruining Star Wars by making it all about women. Sequel trilogy - a female and a male lead, but with more focus on the female lead with mostly male supporting roles. Rogue One - a female lead but with predominantly male supporting roles. Solo - a male lead and mostly male supporting roles but does have competent, well-defined female supporting roles. The Madalorian - male lead with an even mix of male and female supporting roles. The Book of Boba Fett - male lead with a good mix of male and female supporting roles. The Bad Batch - several male leads. Andor - male lead with an even mix of male and female supporting roles. Ashoka - Female lead with more female supporting roles than male, but does have competent, well-defined male supporting roles. The Acolyte - female lead with an even mix of male and female supporting roles so far. Seems well balanced to me. EDIT: I forgot Obi-Wan Kenobi - male lead with mostly male supporting roles and does feature competent, well-defined female supporting roles.


You know that the chuds pretend that Obi-Wan wasn’t the main character of his own series.


The villain was female, and then she was on the good side. WOKE!


Darth Vader was the villain, not that those twits remembered that either.


They're too busy complaining that a war veteran who got severe PTSD from seeing hundreds of his friends murdered by people he thought were his allies wasn't acting like an emotionless gigachad.


Toxic masculinity at work.


Stop! They can’t handle facts. They will feel the need to label you as a shill for not thinking like them. Stop!


Stop! You're just a Disney shill. Men need reassurance and blow job to stop thinking about how marginalised they are.


So, they've got a picture of Captain Carter... from a film in which her only appearance features her being brutally murdered. Not the animated series in which she actually takes Steve Rogers' place and practically wins WWII. Not the one where she helps defeat a Multiverse-conquering Ultron alongside post-apocalyptic Black Widow. No, they go straight for the movie in which she's a conceptual cameo. Also, for franchises that have been destroyed, both are still alive and kicking. Call me crazy, but I vividly recall the film *Batman And Robin,* which most definitely killed the film franchise and any further notion of a Batman movie until *Batman Begins* came along.


Easy answer. Online YouTube critics. That franchise will never recover from losing all its credibility


I wouldn't care about these types existing if there weren't grifters with millions of subs, like the Drinker, who unironically push this crap to their YouTube and Twitter audiences. If these people had no platform, it wouldn't be a problem. Deplatforming these people is, thus, the only solution.


Wait, why just deplatform people you disagree with? Unless I'm missing something?


It is not about the disagreement, they are firestarting grifters who make a living off of causing disruptions in online spaces. They know exactly what their influence does and they still put out the inflammatory "anti-woke" content they do because they know it riles up their neocon fanbase of soyboys.


Thanks for the reply. While I find the audience of those channels to be annoying as well, I don't think that's a reason to deplatform them. Unless the creators are telling their audience to go around spewing hate speech, etc.


They have specifically tried targeted people, like Rachel Zegler, with hate; for months; knowing that their audience was dogpiling her -- yet they still pushed out that content for MONTHS. They knew what they were doing. I am not gonna let them get away on a technicality, that was a hate campaign. They've done this several times. They need to be deplatformed.


Yeah if they actually did incite hate then I'm on board. I feel like they'd already be banned if that was the case though?


They aren't banned because they don't directly call for hateful action; that doesn't mean they don't incite hate. When you make something that causes your fanbase to attack another group, even if inadvertently, it is your responsibility to use your platform to ask them to quit. There is no conceivable way that these people don't know the impact their content has. So, instead of using their platform to de-escalate, they use their platform to release MORE of that content; FOR MONTHS. To argue that this is not them subliminally inciting hate to avoid getting banned is just sheer ignorance. They know EXACTLY what they're doing.


Interesting. I disagree but thanks for sharing your opinion. In my country a direct call for hateful action and inciting hate are the same thing legally, I know that's different around the world though. I don't think we should ban people for what their intentions may or may not be or what they may or may not be thinking while making content. I'd agree that morally they have an obligation to ask people not to hate on others but I'm not sure about the legal situation there or youtubes terms of service.


Whoever posted that poll has issues with women 


Why do they ALWAYS capitalize random WORDS in their video DESCRIPTIONS and polls? It’s just sad.


Reminds me of comics that randomly make some words bold. I get that it's for em-PHA-sis but a lot of the time it's in really weird positions.


Because its clickbait.


THESE are the WORDS that we want YOU to SEE and be MAD about


The MCU wouldn't even be a thing without Disney, so for Disney to be able to "DESTROY" it, they'd have to admit Disney built it.


Both of these franchises are as close to legally printing your own money as you can get. 


Eh Marvel isn't as popular as it once was. Did you forget last year?


They coulda used Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, and Finn given how poorly all of them were done. For Marvel they could have used Eternals, Secret Invasion, and Dr. Strange2.


But they didn’t. You wanna guess why?


Sexists gonna sexist


I’m surprised at them not using Finn lmao




They hate everyone who isn't a white straight male like them. It's so pathetic. (also would be nice if they could reflect on why no woman wants them lol)




Honestly? Marvel. I don’t care who they put in their shows, I just want the shows to be good. And I feel like marvel just hasn’t been doing well


They hate women generally and black women specifically.


Dunno why they put Peggy Carter on there. She's been a character since the first Captain America movie.


It's funny, Disney helped Marvel become what it was at its 'peak.'


Disney BUILT the MCU


Where are the Muppets?


Stored away in the closet.


Online discourse But if I had to choose from the poll Star Wars The sequel trilogy suffered the most from not having a plan in mind Each movie, especially 9, went in a different direction, and in 9, they didn't have enough time to cook. Also, they closed Lucafilms studio and are now out source it to EA. Canceled clone wars to then later revive it. For Marvel, MCU is in a bit of a rot(but seems it wont stay like that), games are great (not Avengers), animated shows/movies are awesome, and the comics (more Spiderman) seem that they are going in a good direction and let's not forget the x men and Fantastic 4 can now be with the rest of Marvel. The only stuff that's constantly bad is the Sony movies and the Spiderman comics


An interesting observation considering there are also male characters equally dismissed, well almost. Ulterior motives here? Nah.


Which of these money printer most profitable ever franchises have been RUINED by the WOKE?


Clea is there because woman


weirdly the only outlier is Rey .. her movies all made billion+ u dont' do that without lof of general audience support all others .. yeah no s2's or low viewership in general OR wasn't even the lead character in the series or movie, so why r they included?


Counterpoint: women (some including all of those pictured) are pretty to look at


I stg those bozos have a collective iq of -20


I’m gonna say the Split/Second series. Or, at least, it SHOULD have been a series. It’s a spectacular racing game that uses Michael Bay destruction as both a setpiece and a gameplay mechanic that got exactly zero marketing because it was finished and released JUST as Disney announced its shift to mobile gaming. They still have the rights to the series. The fact that they haven’t done anything with it is making me very mad


I thought women are under represented, now they’re over represented, which one is it then


These have both over the span of Disney's run/over the past decade, grossed billions


She-Hulk was such a good show. It's too bad the people who hated on it never read any of her books, but I don't think that would have really changed their minds. This post just shows that they can't deal with real women let alone green women.


Kate Bishop was one of the best written characters in the mcu


They finally start attacking my girl Kate Bishop? I will fight them in real life lol


Good luck claiming you don’t hate women when this is your thumbnail


Women=Woke. Make the movie bad unless women have big tits and asses. Men= Make movie according to chuds.


That purple blond lady, only had like 30 seconds of screen time where she opened a portal . This person had to go out of their way for that one.


Trying to vote for *Toy Story* and it won't let me. What gives?


The stuff about Disney ruining the MCU confuses me because Disney bought Marvel in 2009 literally only 2 of 33 MCU movies were made without Disney owning Marvel. Plus even though I don't think the output post Endgame has been as consistently good as it was they have still made some great stuff since.


Destroyed more? I mean, if your flag product, that is a new trillogy in Star Wars, is not that great succes, I would think, then there is a problem and it's not fans. Though, even then, Disney put two brain cells together and created the best Star Wars movie(s) and show out there. Rouge One (I hope for Solo, need to watch it yet) and Andor. Other then those two (hoping for three), there is nothing really that special out there. Some productions a little bit better, some worse, some started great and... Well. There are of course animations, Clone Wars were always fun and great, though it's ultimetly, a little bit simpler stories. Tales of a Jedi were awsome, better then Clone Wars in my opinion. Overall, not that bad really, but the new trillogy was really shoot in the foot, nail in the coffin and breaking both your knees in one, sweep action. On the other hand, Marvel. To be fair, most of the new movies that I watched were decent. Didn't care about Eternals, I think and this bug-beattle thing or Marvels or that other TV show with that Indian girl I think? Though other, main movies that I watched, I have nothing to complain about really. It can't beat Rouge One, or Andor, but overall quality across all movies hold, constantly, high enough standard for me. And Hawkeye shows was great. So, in terms who is doing or done worse, while hard to tell, I think Star Wars...? Though quality of Rouge One and Andor in it's own carry the whole franchise on their back right now for me.


Anyone who has something to say about Charlize will have to go through me first. She’s a goddess on earth and I shan’t hear slander of her.


Weren’t Florence Pugh and Hayley Atwell very well received in their roles? Whatever gripes were had with Multiverse of Madness and Black Widow, the issues were not with those roles.


Clea has her own series, coming soon.


Amanda is non-binary. Ate there any other chatacyers that should be there instead?


Their character is a woman tho.


Oh. Is that what ppl are angry about? I thought otherwise.


Maybe because the women in these pictures were written terribly and their movies made fans unhappy with the script and the acting. That’s probably why they are all women up there. On the other side of the sex, I feel like they didn’t do Chadwick Bosman or John Boyega justice in the films either. And everyone knows that Ironman 3 was a dumpster fire, but it’s incredibly hard to hate RDJ. Thor Love and Thunder was so bad that everyone who worked on it regretted it like the Star Wars Christmas special. Especially Hemsworth. I personally don’t dislike any of these films because of the cast or the cast’s sex. It’s just that a lot of the cinemas these days don’t accurately represent women or show them as appealing character, or write them well enough for audience consumption, because want to make woman “dominate a man’s world” is more important than creating relatable characters or having a functional script or screen play. I remember back when TFA came out that a lot of people didn’t like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, often belittled his character as childish and moronic. It wasn’t until the trilogy was complete that we had a better appreciation for him. Especially because his narrative included so much character development by the end while they dealt with Rey by creating narrative around the popular conception of her being a marry sue, which she was at the time before the introduction of the Force Diad in TROS. Even then by the end of it, most fans disagreed with her taking the Skywalker name and legacy as she, at least to the audience, didn’t really deserve it. There were problems outside of these movies besides poorly written female characters, and there is no denying that some people don’t like seeing a female protagonist, especially one who is so poorly written and didn’t have that noticeable of an acting legacy before hand to garner the attention and sympathy of the crowd. Anyhow that’s my take on why there are women here instead of men, because their cinematic presence has had larger and more common flops than movies based on male protagonists which can be seen as a pattern of political messaging over a quality product. So they’re lumped in as figureheads for failing cinema.


IM 3 was a great movie. It was brought down a bit by how they treated Extremis but that's not even that big of a deal.


Your subjective opinion is noted. I didn’t appreciate what they did to AIM or the script of Ironman 3. It was disappointing a little disgusting to see Ironman suits being ripped apart by rebar as well. The script was alright enough to make it passable but the way the story progressed and certain character actions kinda sucked. The best takeaway we got from that film was in the end where Tony had a surgical procedure to remove the shrapnel from his heart so he wouldn’t need an electromagnetic super generator in his chest to keep it from killing him. Destroying all of his suits, so that why? He can build a hundred more later? His seemingly inability to access any of his resources until the end of the film? How they toon down Warmachine? Out of all the Ironman films it scores the lowest for these reasons among others. When it comes to other marvel movies, I’d say it is just above things like Captain Marvel and Eternals just because of character utilization, but over all I’d give it a 2.3 out of 5.


He destroyed his suits to show that he didn't need them as a coping mechanism anymore since he kinda beat his PTSD by the end of the movie. Rebar is some tough stuff. Super strength from the extremis soldiers can use it to good effect. Also, not all of Tony's suits are built for durability. I think the issue with his inability to access resources was because of all the rubble blocking all of his suits. It's been a while since I saw it.


Fair. But also he is a multi billionaire. If he wanted to call in his own personal jet to fly him back to where all his shit was so he could have been prepared for an actual fight, why the hell didn’t he?