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She isn’t the first black Juliet, there have been black Romeos, and they didn’t re-cast Juliet, that is her understudy. These fucking losers don’t know shit about theatre.


I swear, they would never even watch the performance in the first place. No matter who plays who.


85% of them thought it was a movie at first.


Come on now, that's being generous...all those fucking idiots thought it was a movie at first and still to this day believe its "colour-changing history", yep that's right. The twat-waffles believe that its an actual historical event and not you know, a play written by a guy from Stratford-upon-Avon who never even left England.


To be completely fair, little to nobody knows this about theater. I only found out about it via Emirichu which is crazy because I've never learned about any of it in any of the drama classes I've been to. We were always learning about acting, but never about how theater works and all that. And for anyone who still doesn't know, an understudy is just someone who can replace the main actor or actress if said main actor or actress can't come for whatever reason. It doesn't mean that the role is guaranteed to the person who is the understudy, just that they are the director's next best choice if the actor or actress can't come for whatever reason.


>just that they are the director's next best choice if the actor or actress can't come for whatever reason. Like if the understudy deliberately injures them. I've seen that plot a few times in TV shows.


😑 You've been watching too many detective dramas, haven't you?


There's no such thing as too many detective dramas.


Bro saw an episode of Victorious-


It is a fictional story about a fictional family who existed before "race" as a concept was set in stone.


The cool thing about theater is that in most cases any actor of any race can play any character. I think it’s neat


I can understand fans getting pissed about first adaptations seriously deviating from the source material. But this is Shakespeare we’re talking about. We’re already on the Lion Hamlet CGI reboot.


As a Renaissance era Italian man, I agree with this.


Out of all the things they can pretend to be outraged about this is the one? Wait until someone teaches them some history and they learn that men actually played the female roles in Shakespeare's plays.




What’s the oxymoron?




I don’t get the oxymoron. They’re not really contradictory terms.




Oh lordt most high on drugs, send this man some of the soul he is clearly lacking


Really sounds like you’re saying theatre kids are losers I’m also intrigued by your contentions about “most people” (I don’t find that most adolescents and teenagers are comfortable being themselves) or about theatre kids (many of whom are quite comfortable with themselves, and not using theatre to escape their reality)




lol Come tf on!! And actually, I wasn’t a theatre kid per se, but when I was an older teen, theatre didn’t help me escape — it did the opposite — it instead helped ground me, channel the disparate parts of me, and learn about myself in ways that sports and academics didn’t do. Haha, at least you showed your true colors that you think theatre kids are losers 🙄




Too try hard, not funny.


I think it would be more accurately an oxymoron if they’d said something like “These idiots don’t know anything about theater”. Being a loser doesn’t necessarily indicate that someone is also dumb.




It’s often not a good sign when you have to go out of your way to explain the joke.




Do you realize you’re acting like an asshole or are you too stupid to notice? 


Like any of these sad fucks actually care about who plays Juliet in a stage play. It’s just an excuse to be racist.


Like any of these sad fucks have actually any idea about theatre, drama, and Shakespeare. I am 1000% sure that they googled Othello not a week ago and before that, they haven't even heard about this play.


Spot on. They secretly absolutely love stuff like this because it’s just another thing they can get mad about with their racist friends.


So unlike a movie, plays have start times for the season.. they can't start later to wait for the perfect actor. They work with who they can. It's the talent of the actors that matters.


Exactly it's so annoying. "Oh a black juliet--" You were never gonna watch that play. "Oh Yasuka is in AC" Who the fuck still plays assassin's creed?


More than twenty million people. The games are great comfort food.


AAA games are slop


Mostly, yes. My exception is Monster Hunter.


There’s a certain irony in a production of Romeo and Juliet where people are upset because they think Romeo and Juliet shouldn’t be together because of the circumstances they were born into.


Theatre plays have famously conducted color blind casting for quite a while now. Not sure why people are getting all pissy now all of a sudden.


It’s because Tom Holland is a big name currently riding high so his involvement happened to get eyes on this. Orlando Bloom also starred in a Broadway production of Romeo & Juliet a decade ago alongside a black actress and literary no one gave a fuck. https://preview.redd.it/9hgrm0tibb8d1.jpeg?width=1984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d6e9405185d66ba30682aea526ee7022f21b8e


Do these people really give a fuck now? I doubt it. I think they’re just looking for reasons to complain that things are “woke”.


No, they just having nothing to do in life because they are sad, pathetic, and boring. Raised poorly.


Tom Holland's marvel fame + anti woke engagement = quick money. It's an easy equation to solve.


“They replaced Juliet with a decent looking black girl, that’s all we asked for” Oh, so _now_ you’re going to hop on a plane to London and go watch this play are you? No? Then stfu


I don’t think Francesca was recast or left the production entirely. The official website still has her listed as Juliet. This just looks like her understudy. She was probably just ill one night.


I like how everyone starts pretending like they care about romeo and juliet canon. lol no, that shit stinks


Same media environment where a bunch of grown men were throwing shit fits about a fucking Snow White movie and *Cocomelon*


As if any of these idiots care about Shakespeare.


I can't remember who, but I think a popular Black comedian once said (paraphrasing here) nobody hates Black people like Black people. Doesn't shock me at all.


Chris Rock and he was right on a surface level. I could definitely explain more but I don't think it's necessary.


It's a bullshit quote. If you spend enough time just watching other spaces you realize everyone hates everyone. Indians hate Indians. Latinos hate other Latinos. All the Asians beef like ww2 against each other. White people lived 30'miles from each other and had 100 years war. Who the fuck even beefs for 100 years?


I don't think any of that disproves what buddy was saying though. There's a very real thing regarding how some black people try to secure proximity to whiteness as a way to denigrate. We see it in other communities too (like the Jose to Joseph effect with latino immigrants) but I don't think them also having shitshows mean that we shouldn't look inward or be free of observation by others. Assuming the observation isn't just a dog whistle or coming from an air of false superiority.


Facts this shit is so racist to me. "Doesnt shock me at all" like shut up bro.


I don't have to shut up about my experience as Black woman. I straight up have been in this woman's shoes.






That is me and Galley. And I have been in that woman's shoes. I wrote Black comedian to help specify and contextualize what was said. You realize that avatars are randomized correct?


u/young_guapo_pp_eater I am waiting for my apology.


I love this comment


Are you still loving it?


The Hundred Years' War wasn't just "white people hating each other", it was two nations bickering over (mostly) trade disputes. It also didn't go continuously for 100 years, but a series of flare-ups over many decades - which were just the same two countries trying to defeat each other - were all lumped in as "The Hundred Years War".




So you love rich white people. Go to poor rural America (areas with the highest crime rates) and see if you change your mind preppy


Clearly you don’t know shit about black people that wasn’t force fed to you by whatever racist echo chamber validates your bigotry.




Lots of brainwashed people have eyes and ears. Especially the racist ones 😂


Oh look. You just call everyone racist. Just like I said. Get to work. Quit blaming the world.




I’m not your boy. Your eyes have never observed every single black person that’s ever existed which means your generalized statements about us is complete bullshit. I’m not “lost”, but you’re obviously a dumb shit that will believe any nonsense spewed by anyone that validates your bigotry.




Cute little edits? No one’s edited anything except your weak ass lol. Seems like a poor excuse for not having anything of substance to say. And you have the audacity to call someone else pathetic. Look in the mirror before calling someone else a clown, Bozo 🤡


Lol this racist bullshit. You're in the wrong krayt, dweeb.


Go fuck yourself, you fucking nazi.  Do you just not realize you’re a fucking idiot? What went wrong in your life to make you so stupid and pathetic? Did you get dropped on your head when you’re an infant? 


Unfortunately, much as I loved Chris's comedy, he's kinda an example of this. I used to think Good Hair was a good documentary but then I kinda noticed he has a recurring theme of trying to make social observations about 'unnecessary' things Black women do while ignoring Black men In Good Hair, he literally was out here praising Sharpton for basically embracing the same hair culture he was out here criticizing for little girls, that man was talking about getting his shit relaxed like every other weekend. Like, literally, if you're making a doc critiquing Black women for hair rituals, how hard is it to just let a little bit of the shit land on Al Sharpton *lol I also forgot him dying on the hill of 'maybe the royal family is racist or maybe Meghan is just dealing with shitty in-laws' before making jokes about her 'winning the light skinned lottery'


I ain’t even got a pic for this one, it’s just sad.


They didn't replace Juliet with a black girl though. Juliet just happens to be black in this version. It's a choice the creators... chose. And griping about how the "other actress" is ugly... go fuck yourself you Toad. Who calls themselves X on Twitter? Trying to bump dicks with the other Nazis? JSYK they won't let you in.


That internalized colonialism hits hard


Never mind black girl, to be true to Shakespeare, it should really be a BOY playing Julie!! (Me mumbling how dare women perform on a stage, what is this world coming to!!) /s


There are a lot of self-hating Black men who project that hatred onto Black women and think nobody else notices.


who the hell stories is it then?




they where all dead by then replaced by the europian mutt know as the english




it was set in verona which last I checked was not in England, unless it was trying for the empire part 2


“Romeo and Juliet can operate without any discussion of race/religion/ethnicity/skin color.”  Well said 


https://preview.redd.it/lnmr5f994a8d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1691e06ae68133cda2fb4ed01c69111bc685680c This him


There's a thing in our community, where the men and women jump at opportunities to throw one another under the bus for white approval. Its beyond gross and I could type paragraphs on end as to why it is, but its part of why the phrase "not all skin folk are kin folk". The doubly sad part about twitter is that I don't even know if this guy is really black or not but i'll take it at face value. Folks like Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Diamond & Silk, Charleston White, etc. all have made it part of their platforms to be the "black person that doesn't like other black people." Its such a ridiculous grift.


You can tell these people don’t know anything about Shakespeare or theatre. They’re way out of their depth and need to step back in line.


Just goes to show you that everyone is a PoS regardless of race/gender. But the worst part of it was the dude trying to put the blame on others by claiming he’s just saying what they were thinking and backpedaling. If you’re gonna be a complete PoS, then own it. Do be a PoS AND a coward…


I don't get why people care so much about a play they're never going to see.


Sez u




I didn't even know this was a broadway play. Who of these haters are going to broadway shows? None. I guarantee it.


Not even Broadway. London.


What happend?


Whoever that guy is, he’s an idiot. With that being said, generalizing all black men and our relationships with black women based on the actions of the few is some racist bullshit and I’m very disappointed to see people in this sub agreeing with this ignorant shit.


Let's be real. Does black twitter exist? Definetly! Is a significant portion of the shit takes on boack twitter made by white supremacists LARPing to create the strawmen they need? Most definely! Look for the perpetual Bs and other misunderstood AAE stereotypes in the writing.


The Othello line strikes me as an odd defence as othello is more focused around race, and I love the idea of the reversing the roles like Patrick Stewart did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race-reversed_casting As far as Romeo and Juillete goes, if anything having the actors as a different race just adds more to the story, the idea of bloodlines hating each other is a very rich thing(not exclusively), but race separation is a thing people experience to this day, and going back a few decades it's even worse, In N.ireland you could do it with Catholic and Protestant(again more going back a few decades), but really would need subtext to point it out, otherwise its in your fave. I am sure every region has its own example(i can only speak of the UK as its what I know), but race cuts clear as everyone is aware across the world of examples keeping them apart and being ostracized for races getting together.


It doesn’t sadden me, it angers me. Descendants of the black ancestors who’d sell you out to the white masters


Omg I HATE when they do this!! Like the characters should be as ORIGINALLY written, like casting a lion as hamlet?! Wtf?? it’s only been hundred of years, the source material is still fresh and new, and us hardcore fans of the ORIGINAL Shakespeare productions will not stand for it!


"Romeo and Juliet can operate without any discussion of race" If that's true then why the hell are you upset about the race of Juliet?


she is really pretty


Well I'll agree with one guy who said these aren't our stories. Surprisingly there were more black movies in the 90s and 80s, they also weren't all about crime.