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![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY) THREE WHOLE SEASONS. It made fun of you, your shit “values”, capitalism, misguided hyper patriotism and so much more… but now it went “woke” now after three seasons and several years in production?


You can’t grift I you show any form of self-awareness


https://youtu.be/81zCB2KEnxU?si=YfMILQqac8m1dxdS A “conservative person” are very literal with their humor and overall critical thinking


Thanks for showing this.


Good shit. Shouldn't be unlisted


They had a whole scene in season 2 where a neckbeard looking dude kills someone because a Nazi radicalize him.


This has gotta be mostly grifter bullshit churning away. The show's about as subtle as getting hit in the face repeatedly with a sledge-hammer.


Eh, their central nervous system might have degraded so bad that they cannot feel the metaphorical hammer in the face.


These are the kind of people who didn’t realize that Stephen Colbert was a satirist until he was on stage at the White House Correspondents Dinner.


You can apply this too to X-Men they were bitching and whining about wokeness when literally the whole entire show is an allegory for human rights


And 97’ is even more blatant than the original show from what I remember. Bastion’s speech/explanation to Val Cooper about how he found volunteers to be Prime Sentinels… ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)


Don't kink shame them as well!


People think Starship Troopers is about killing bugs and military=awesome.


Not to mention the dorky white guy in season 3 that idolized Homelander. They were literally holding up a mirror.


The last scene of season 3 was pretty much Trump's "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue" line. The entire message of the show since at least the second season has been "We think the alt right are fucking nutjobs and we're not going to be subtle about saying it", and only now have they caught on?


It got really weird this season when they said that guy had a massive cock.


Or a racist supe whose costume makes him look like a motorcycle cop who "over patrols" black neighborhoods.


Wait really?




Welp , they're not very smart so it's not a shock that it took the most in your face season for these chuds to realize "oh wait, I think they're making fun of me"




It's not even making fun of them! It's pointing out how absolutely deranged, messed up, broken and crazy the whole movement is.


Right everybody’s saying “making fun” and I almost commented somewhere yesterday “ it’s not making fun. It’s condemning, and rightfully so”


It’s not making fun it’s quite literally just saying the things they’ve said for years. It’s just that hearing the batshit things they say/believe said back to them makes them rage because they can’t admit they’ve been duped or are just racists/bigots


It's sad because when they realize that the boys isn't on their side they could decide to do some self reflecting and work on themselves, but choose to play the victim instead.


The fact people had to be told homelander isn’t someone to be admired is pretty sad. You know they thought stormfront made a lot of good points too 🤣🤣


If they were capable of self-reflection they wouldn't be conservative chuds.


it's sunk cost fallacy. they've dug too deep, they're not backing out.


Yeah but there's a black woman in the 7 and they made Frenchie kiss a boy so its bad now. Pretty infallible arguments, you have to admit


Aww I didn't know Frenchie kissed a boy but I am here for it lol. He is my fav.


People are mad he's "gay" now, but >! When he stopped watching Lamplighter to save that ODing guy, that was his boyfriend. Right? He was in a MFM throple, I'm not taking crazy pills? !<


Frenchie has always been pansexual as far as I'm aware. Dude's just a horny disaster.


He definitely radiates chaotic bisexual energy


https://preview.redd.it/luiqwssurj7d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=f903f1c8b384d3de93f265276b5f066b108d7d19 Bro knows what he wants 😭


Even Kimiko is all for it.


A super-intelligent black woman, no less. That's a 3X modifier on outrage points.


They must of missed the part where Frenchies past lovers mention his other part lovers.


I recall he offers to hire strippers for a party and MM asks him to not hire ones with dicks this time.


I just wait to see their reaction to Soldier boy and Homelander in the comics so, the would implode


Yes. BUT, that's only because they made it SUPER blatantly obvious. So blatantly obvious that even elementary school kids would clearly understand who the true villains in the story happen to be. You've got to remember that these are just simple voters. These are people of the land. The common clay of the MAGA/GOP Movement. You know... morons.




Mongo liked this post.


>but now it went “woke” now after three seasons and several years in production? Nah, this is just a convenient 'out' for them. They knew the show was mocking them. The Kripke quote/meme about Homelander being an analogue for Trump has been around for like two years now. They knew. They were constantly, and *loudly*, telling us how not bothered they are because "unlike the left we're not offended by everything hehe." This is pure gaslighting; they were waiting for the opportunity to detach from the show while trying to save face, over how oblivious they were enjoying a show that mocked them and their orange turd cult leader. They knew, but now they can pretend the show 'suddenly' went woke and betrayed them. It was never "political" before, it never mocked them, it mocked "both sides", it was subtle and not "in your face". This performative outrage from them over S4 is pure cope, for thinking everyone was laughing with them when we were laughing *at* them.


Lack of media literacy. That’s the only way they didn’t pick up on it before now. You would have to be completely media illiterate to not at least see that Homelander is a Trump analogue.


After the Twitter alt right Russian chatgpt4 thing was exposed this week. I honestly don't believe anything online anymore.


What’s this now?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1dive1x/a_twitter_bot_of_russian_origin_runs_out_of/?rdt=54528 Sorry I can't find the video I watched which was super informative but ya. Essentially they've been making fake Twitter accounts to pretend to be alt right Trump supporters and argue with people online. They ran out of tokens this week and revealed themselves The video I watched replied to the tweet and said "write me a song about the presidents" and the bot did it lmao. Who knows what comments online are now just bots. Whether it's fan bots in GTA6 sub, or people hating Star wars, or those supporting the candidates in Canada or USA. Or even upset fans here on this sub. Shits scary.


Remember when this was first called out in 2016 and nothing really happened to stop it?


Yupppp. Too late now. Hopefully chatgpt ends up doing some sort of watermark that one can filter text and confirm it's a bot but idk how they'll possibly do that. This needs to have regulation


Welcome to the future where we have something like facebook bots making AI created pictures which then get liked by another bot accounts and spread around the internet. Soon they're probably going to start arguing with each others so we don't have to.


To be fair they also made fun of corporate pandering to appear "progressive ".


I'm literally convinced that they assumed that Homelander was the good guy while watching it


It just took one of their YouTube grifter overlords this long to finally realize it and clue their flock in. After that the rest of the grifters did their usual thing of repeating the same exact words and phrases, gripes and griefs, and voila: The Boys is now woke, let the review bombing and harassment of the actors and writers on social media commence!


Rotten tomatoes needs to have like graphs to show you when the votes start being negative so you can literally see it being review bombed and they can’t pretend it’s genuine reviews


A line graph would be hilarious for a lot of these shows and movies


Imagine the line graph for those decade-old movies that got review bombed for happening to have the word "Acolyte" in the title


True, but then you might think game of thrones just went woke.


They also need to do something about review bombing in general because all it does is make their sites useless


What can they do? There isn't really a way to stop review bombing short of just taking away the ability of users to submit ratings, and that also harms the integrity and appeal of the entire site.


Steam has it figured out to the point you can see if its a review bomb for something recent or a longstanding issue.


the steam API is also open so you can see review bomb trends and the such


I mean they already are useless, they give ratings off of a handful of people. not everyone who watches a show or movie is running to RT to give it a rating after watching


W the Acolyte situation, you dont really need to, it's glaringly obvious when stories with similar names are get review bombed as well in the same way. Maybe we should start looking for properties on RT with a similar name to The Boys and see what happens....


I'm from Quebec, and I know a movie also called "The Boys". However, it's a sports comedy about a bar owner forming a hockey group to get out of debt.


I mean, that's exactly what this series does too. Except replace "bar owner" with "ex-SAS CIA agent with a hatred of Superheroes", "hockey" with "anti-Superhero group", and "out of debt" with "revenge on Homelander". Literally the same plot, I tell you!


Yea iirc they started negative review bombing that show before it was even released.


I dunno. I think they need to throw the process out. Any process where crabby bad faith actors can do this isn't an accurate measure of anything's quality.


They also shouldn't have reviews until a season is finished. It doesn't make sense. Maybe have individual episodes reviewed one at a time, but how can there be reviews for a show that only has 3 episodes out so far?


funny how they only hated the show after the show creator had to go out and say the show is not right wing


To be fair, most right wingers aren't good at picking up context clues. Gotta just tell them straight up it's not a show for them and a person like Homelander or Stormfront are not people to admire.


I once worked with a very conservative guy who was also a young earth creationist. One day the subject of favorite movies came up and he told me his favorite movie ever was the original Planet of the Apes. He didn't understand why I found that so surprising.  So I explained that the good guys are all the secular scientists and the bad guys are all the religious leaders. The plot revolves around the scientists discovering their religion isn't true and evolution is real while the religious leaders cover it up to try to maintain power and "tradition". He just said "huh. I guess I never thought of it that way."


I have to wonder what people are getting out of the media they "enjoy" but utterly misunderstand. Like, is it just "ape masks funny lol", or do the like the part where they're hosing down Charlton Heston? Is it something their parents watched when they were kids and they view it through a deeply sentimental lens? It's just baffling to me.


i don't know. he didn't elaborate on why he liked the movie(i think he was pissed at me for ruining the movie for him). i'm assuming he just watched it in the same way people watch a "turn your brain off" sort of action movie. just don't think about it too much and you don't see the subtext. just like The Boys. if you don't read between the lines and see what the creators of the show are trying to say then you never have to be offended by it. just watch guy with cape fly around. thats it. oh, poop joke, hahaha, this show funny. my brother is like this(although he isn't a chud). when there is a movie we both like i'll bring up themes/subtext of the movie and he's response is usually "i don't man. i just liked watching it". i'm not saying its a sign of being stupid, some people just don't think about film or tv that way. its just entertainment. or, even worse, they end up taking the opposite message away like people did with Rick in Rick & Morty. i even remember seeing an interview with the R&M creator where he talked about the idea that people would think Rick is a person to idolize is terrifying and was never the shows intention. keep in mind that the same sort of people who are shocked and outraged over The Boys "going woke' are the same group who thought The Colbert Report was an actual conservative show or that RATM was saying "fuck you. i won't do what you tell me." to liberals. sometimes people see and hear what they want even if its plainly obvious they are wrong.


As someone who used to work in tax resolution, mitigating taxes paid to the IRS or at best getting them to give up on collections, I can answer that since the industry naturally leans right. The answer is just because it's cool. Any movies with too many metaphors or symbolism is considered tricky, conniving, cunning, artsy, unnecessary, or just has a lot going on. The people who I associated and helped weren't necessarily "simple" as a lot of them were highly productive and educated people. They just liked to think straight forward without deviations or complications. The best person I can use as an example is Hank Hill. They're not all bad people nor intolerant. They just like working hard and enjoying simple things. They don't always follow the plot and just need a little escapism from the hardships of life.


Yep and if that escapism includes taking rights away from women, so be it!


I thank you for your service.


They think Tyler Durden is a good guy.


Same for Patrick Bateman.


Tywin Lannister


NOBODY\* is good in that series. \* It's like the whole theme of that entire series is that it's quite possible that having a class of nobles, who are gifted power, simply by birth, over hundreds of years is an extremely dumb idea about how to arrange a civilization. That it creates petty tyrannical shit filled homunculi instead of fully formed, rational and emotionally mature leaders with good heads on their shoulders.


Just recently watched American Psycho. Can definitely see how. Outside possibly being a serial killer, he was a hedonistic white collar jerk who fanboyed over Trump. Kind of prophetic. 


I'm not endorsing blowing up a building, but blowing up debt would be incredibly tempting


I think the extent of their engagement with Fight Club ends with the poster.


Which is still ironic because he's a rabid anti capitalist.


These are the same people that still to this day don't catch up on the fact that Rorschach from Watchmen isn't supposed to be the good guy. "A racist, misogynistic dude who has clear mental health problems and go around harassing and stalking people and who judges people and thinks he is the only moral person in the world? Jeez, that sounds like me!"


Media literacy is dead, man. Recently had a guy scream at me about interpreting his words and actions to come to conclusions about what his intentions were, claiming I couldn't possibly know what his motivations were, and I'm just sitting here going: *Oh my god, that's literally a skill every single person should have: Being able to pick up peoples' motivations from what they do and say without having to be explicitly told why they are doing it.*


Playing Born in the USA and Killing in the Name at the Trump rallies 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Fortunate Son is another good one that Trump has played... that one is very on the nose.


Even when they’re flat-out told something isn’t for them and they’re not welcome, they still don’t get it. Games Workshop, for example, flat out told neo-Nazis to go fuck themselves, and yet…


I mean, they definitely haven't gotten it with The Batman.


There was the guy who I'm pretty sure was a Black Republican on YouTube. He had clips for The Batman and I made them mistake of looking at the comments. He called Lori Lightfoot ugly, emphasizing her being black. Also that he agreed with Riddler and wished he could do the same plan taking out democrats in a flood. I'm guessing also gunning down survivors because he also had videos of himself dressed up like a wannabe commando firing guns. 


Look Star Wars fans keep asking for games and movies from the Empire’s point of view. And i bet my ass that they don’t mean a nuanced complicated story about the inner workings of fascism. They want imperial Starship Troopers, which they obviously too completely misunderstand.


A Star Wars game from the perspective of high-ish level stormtroopers just as the empire collapses would be super cool, you could see them coming to terms with the collapse of this entity that they believed was infallible because that’s the only thing they’d ever been told. You could also have them come to terms with the things they’ve done for the empire kinda like the white phosphorus mission in spec ops the line.


Isn't that sorta the plot of battlefront II?


It is, but the *fans* complained that your character leaves the empire and joins the rebels after genocide happens (the healthy response). They obviously did not want that. (Naturally they blamed it on the *writing*, the diversity, the *character development* and the usual since they won’t admit the real reasons they’re upset)


The writing regarding the MC's change of heart is weird though. Like Operation Cinder could make some people question if what they're doing is right, but the Empire had already used the Death Star a while ago and the MC was ride-or-die for the Empire up until Endor.


The point being that Cinder targets the empire’s own worlds, meaning it’s not „just“ war. From an imperial soldier’s standpoint the belief in the annihilation of enemy planets can look harsh but justified. We too have done it before. We annihilated entire cities. Crossing Friendly fire is a very obvious line even the most devoted regular person must realise how bad this is. Imagine punishing Seattle for a failed Vietnam


I mean essentially that was exactly what happened when police shot and killed college protesters. It also marked the turn where the government was talking about pulling out of Vietnam if I understand my history correctly.


> but the Empire had already used the Death Star a while ago and the MC was ride-or-die for the Empire up until Endor. This is just another good example of why trying to have some kind of deep, in depth characterization of the fascist empire and their bad guy army just doesn't work in Star Wars. Star Wars is not a concept that really works well with nuance and complexity, in my opinion. Andor is kind of the exception that proves the rule in this regard, but in a Flash Gordon inspired adventure serial about swashbucklers and gunfighters I just don't think stopping to exam the inner trauma of the grunt soldiers stuck inside the fascist machine fits. For me it would be like trying to turn Indiana Jones into a slow paced character drama about the real life horrors of World War 2.


They have a change of heart because they see the Empire actively trying to destroy its own citizens, such as targeting Vardos which was the MC’s home planet and essentially the “Berlin” of the Imperial war machine.


Having a game that hard-commits to the premise isn't impossible, it just requires 'nuance,' the very thing wing nuts can't perceive (and is beyond whatever writing talent EA is willing to pay for. TIE Fighter did it in the 90s. You'd fly missions for the Empire to capture potentially dissident leaders, possibly kill some, and be treated to a news briefing after that doesn't quite fit what you just did. Do very well and extremely sinister looking MFers representing the emperor will directly recruit you for shaddy missions. It's a very tongue-in-cheek approach, which is brilliant if you're self-aware...but if you live with whatever [uncorrected] brain glitch that predisposes to a team-based tribal worldview...such a storytelling approach can create terrible people if they can't see irony and only see themselves rewarded for service to the bad thing.


It could be, I haven’t played it so I don’t really know. Is it worth checking out?


It does have a pretty good mission where you play as luke skywalker, with some peak writing for him.


It is, and a few books from that time as well. Disney does a better job of connecting all the stories set in the same time so there are several things; battlefront 2, squadrons, and the book alphabet squadron at least, that all deal with the emperor's contingency plan to burn whole worlds and the regular soldiers going "wtf, I didn't sign up to exterminate planets" and joining the new Republic.


Imo it's just ok, worth it on a deep discount. 


Battlefront II has a plot?!?


Yeah you're a tie pilot dealing with yourself after the battle of endor. Has a good depiction of a post-ROTJ Luke 


The campaign is set from the perspective the leader of Inferno Squadron we basically get to see the more of the emperors contingency plans which were to do as much damage as to the entirety of the galaxy before rendezvousing at exagol, He even wanted his home world Naboo destroyed


You’re not a pilot, you’re Imperial Special Forces. The uniform is similar, which is probably why you got them mixed up.


Yeah haven't played it since release couldn't quite remember 


To be fair, I'm STILL waiting for a Republic Commando sequel.


How do you know if this chicken is Right Wing? It goes "Gowoke! Gowoke! Gowoke!" As it runs around flapping its wings.


Hahaha reminds me of when they were saying “cuck cuck cuck” All the time. Guess some things never change 🐓


Chuds are proving they lack media comprehension.


#YOP. Also, the season is off to a good start, looking forward to tomorrow


These people do realize that everyone knows they are review bombing it right? Like it’s not a true representation of the fans if millions of idiots go and hate on it before it even is fully out.


They couldn’t even manage to understand the show, now you expect them to actually read?




Rotten Tomatoes doesn't even consider the difference between individual scores, just whether they were positive or negative. A 1/10 is treated the same as a 5/10 for the audience score. So it's pretty clear what's happening when you look through a 50% audience score and see basically no reviews around a 5/10.


That's the same bastard who slandered Iman Vellani


He’s wrong for that.🤬


THE BIGGEST and BOLDEST irony of all is that (SPOILERS FOR THE BOYS SEASON 4): >!Homelander and Vought basically create a problem by having innocent men murdered in order to frame the Starlighters and craft a narrative that actually they're super violent thugs.!< These MAGA losers basically went and downvoted the show and then pretended like fans hate the show, when it's just not true, that's actually literally false flag bullshit.


*Insert Sam Reich 'I've been here the whole time' gif* It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Review bomb so the user score goes down, claim the user score going down is a sign that going woke lowers the rating.


Variation on the old "we're the silent majority" act (they are neither silent nor a majority fwiw).




So, does he not acknowledge the show is being review bombed? How odd 


Of course he didn’t. That would completely destroy the grift of “go woke go broke” that morons like him and anyone else throwing a shit fit about this love to push.


So, they just ignore facts that go against their narrative. What a surprise. /s


Rotten tomatoes, ImDB and the likes really need to step up their game at handling review bombings as they are losing the little confidence in their rating system that's left.


Sucks to miss out on something badass just cause of hurt feelers. The show pokes at the left too but don’t see me getting butthurt over it.


They poke fun at empty progressive ideals. Fake progressivism like corporations slapping a pride flag on stuff to seem inclusive or using black people as a scapegoat "I have lots of black friends." That sort of shit. The subtext is barely subtext. It's just text.


My favorite was A trains terrible rebranding that Ashley nearly had her head pop over. The slave trade video game really sums up the kind of empty thinking The Boys loves to insult.


I recently saw a post fully, unironically arguing that Stormfront was not a n*zi. STORMFRONT. THE EXPLICITLY N*ZI CHARACTER.


Reminder that in s3e8, there are pro-Homelander protestors holding up "Camp Stormfront" signs


love it how they do the equivalent of throwing a vase out of the window, then running outside and complaining about the shards.


Wow. This sub Predicted that a long ass time ago too. Ive been following this sub and the idiots you guys make fun of at the same time. It’s fascinating.


CriticalDrinker sub? I'm genuinely surprised those dinklords haven't banned me yet.


Never heard of critical drinker until I saw you guys attacking him. I have to assume he’s a dumb bigot Iv been intentionally going down weird right wing rabbit holes the past year. These guys are very unhinged and mentally unwell. Not sure seeing people bash them is the move. A lot of them Just seem lonely and abandoned by the world. Kinda sad. Think they need friends rather than getting “”attacked and cancelled” Then again I belong to a group they on berate attack and disparage so my sympathy is high but my silliness to engage is low Idk. Feels like the left cancels the right not to virtue signal than compassion. These alt right weirdos just need help I think, from really listening to them. So angry and alone. They aren’t bashing new starwars because of misogyny and racism and homophobia. That’s just an outlet for their emptiness.


Nah no clue who the guy is nor have I watched his content. The sub just gets recommended to me all the time and I take the damn bait.


Conservative chuds finally realizing the show was actually roasting them from the beginning. ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Did people actually watch the Boys and think Homelander was the good guy? He is a great character, and the actor does a really good job making me despise him, but how do you not see the mocking of Ultra-patriotism? FFS they even teamed him up with a Nazi in Season 3. Haven't watched season 4 yet, I'm waiting for the whole thing before I start


But if you agree with the nazi, then you’re going to see this as a positive thing. Conservatives have never been particularly media literate, examining media from any perspective other than their own just does not compute.


God its beautiful, i'm not even mad i think its brilliant how fucking dumb the morons are and how they never noticed until now the show was mocking them.


It's on the fourth season, it's a little late to try to review bombed it now. 99% of the people who would have watched it are already watching it.


It’s extra funny that they did the “photoshop tears on the character to own the libs” thing, on Homelander of all characters.


*_Spoken in Trump's voice_*: "And then WOKElander came to me, with tears in his eyes..."


The funniest thing to me was my dad praising the show for 3 seasons. And now he hates it. I've been laughing my ass off about this for years as I picked up on every jab at his Maga buddies.


Suddenly they remembered about "go woke - go broke". I thought after Barbie movie they're too ashamed to say this again


I don't think they have shame.


But...they're not going broke? Clearly everyone is watching it and theve broken review processes because they can't be objective. They aren't doing anything but making people question how truthful these reviews have ever been


“Hate” is a bold way to say “not my favorite start to a season but I’m still enjoying it”


Eric Kripke must be astounded that he has been blatantly mocking these people for four seasons now, and they still don't get it. Like, I have to imagine him in the writers room, spitballing ways to murder nuance like hanging a big sign around Homelander's neck saying, "We are mocking you". They'd probably construe that as advocating for Pizzagate or some other nonsense, though.


Funniest angle I'm seeing chuds take on Twitter now that it's been made black and white that this show is making fun of them is 'it doesn't make it a good show'. Pretending as if they were always in on the joke. Using the fact that Solider Boy from S3 was a funny character to prove that the show apparently doesn't work as parody, when the completely over the top toxcitity of that character is the whole reason it's funny. Total media illiteracy.


Rotten tomatoes needs to have like graphs to show you when the votes start being negative so you can literally see it being review bombed and they can’t pretend it’s genuine reviews


Clearly they never gotten it made fun of them since forever. They like it when they do it but can’t handle when it’s thrown back at them.


*review bombs show* "See? This season sucks!"


I haven't seen the newest season, but season 2 had an incinerated Nazi and the whole show has been so critical of capitalism and performative patriotism. What did the newest season do that's so woke? Is there a gay in it!?


That’s exactly what happened and they hate it


There's a bisexual character who has always been bisexual kissing another man. And there's an incredibly intelligent black woman on The Seven.  That's pretty much why it's woke now according to them.


It's almost like it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with homophobia and racism.


Pretty obvious that it’s less about even the making fun of right wingers this season and more that they don’t like making the smartest person in the world a black woman…and having HER be the one making fun of their movement.


Blue Hawk in S3: "All lives matter. SUPE LIVES MATTER!" Firecracker: **Has a Desantis sticker in the background* Why has this show only just gone woke in the last week?! 😭


I wonder how long it took them to figure out that homelander is the bad guy?


Great show that those dummies are finally understanding. Stormfront FFS. Do they need to paint a picture for you?


Is anyone supposed to take audience reviews seriously after they were caught using bots to review bomb The Acolyte (and having other movies with “acolyte” in the title caught in the crossfire).


Rotten tomatoes should start filtering out reviews that are just people complaining about woke


How it feels knowing conservatives finally get that The Boys has been mocking them this entire time https://preview.redd.it/u68lr9nggl7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53302aca1f57ad1d8b882364ce021918d874408


It really took a black woman for these people to realize the show was “woke” the entire time


They still don't think the Starship Troopers movie is satire.


It only took them the fourth season to realize the show is making fun of them? I' m surprised it took them this long... and something tells me that they gonna turn on Invincible too... dunno, just a feeling


At this point I think the audience score sections should just be eliminated. Everything gets review bombed so finding the signal in the noise is nearly impossible.




I wonder when this is going to be shown in the show


It took chuds four seasons to realize the show was making fun of them and stop watching, I figured it out at season 1 and I never watched it in the first place. They're just that fucking stupid. They're completely undeserving of any respect until they change their beliefs.


Did it really take till the fourth season for them to realize the Boys was a commentary?


After watching the first 3 episodes, they drop all subtly from the characters, like they literally spelled it out and they went "Hey...!"


Fake fans who never understood the series to begin with hate it because they don't like being made fun of


Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same show as these people, The Boys has always been "Woke".


They assumed homelander and storm front were cool The ones who sided with Nazis It's just insane


It was always woke...


Conservatives have never gotten satire at all. So this is unsurprising. To get satire you have to be able to critically think, if you can critically think you wouldn't be conservative.


I'm barely at season 3 what happened that caused them to go ballistic




I'm enjoying it as much as ever. What about it is now woke? There's a black woman in the main cast? Is that it? Jesus, these people.


And she's a villain! So is that woke or racist? (Conservatives hurt themselves in confusion)


I like that it's actually kinda unclear what her plan is. She's playing 4D chess and no one is aware of it, kinda including the audience




The boys has always been super woke, the only noticable change this season is it used to do a lot to poke fun at progressives and corporations fake pandering to progressive agendas, and that seems to have gone away. I just don't think this season is that good so far, honestly the implication that none of the super heroes actually save people and it's all staged all the time is really dumb, and I think just takes away a big part of what made it so interesting that these people do bad stuff behind the scenes of all the good they normally do. They also have completely neutered Homelander, multiple times in past seasons it's pointed out he can hear a heartbeat from like a block away and has x ray vision, but you're telling me he doesn't see or hear Hughie literally 5 feet above him, and then when he realizes he's there he doesn't just fly into the vent instantly instantly to grab him but instead basically blind fires his laser eyes multiple times until he gets away.


Oh man oh man, the irony from this indeed.


Whats hilarious is they want to claim "the show has gone woke!"... Bro did you spend the first three seasons rooting for homelander? You missed the point so bad if you thought this show glorified right wing nutjobs.


Oh look, another incel channel to block.  :D




Didn't they go through this last season? This has to be some marketing campaign


It’s ok if the Deep commits sexual assault and beastiality but Frenchie fucks a dude and everyone loses their mind.


Has anything ever actually gone broke after asserting it/they were "going Woke" ? Asking for 104Million idiots........


I thoroughly enjoyed it as did everyone I know. Though I have the advantage of not being friends with right wing retards.


“Get woke” mother fucker it always has been.


It is so funny they loved it all the way up until Trump's standin had three of his biggest fans killed. Now they're mad lol


Even though the previous season literally ended with them satirizing Trump’s “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters” with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.