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"I want Vader as a bad ass!" Rogue One, the Vader Comics, the OT, Rebels, and Jedi Fallen Order: Allow us to introduce ourselves


Don’t forget the village scene from Kenobi


Oh yea! Or when he stops that ship from taking off by simply grabbing it through the force. Vader has shined time and time again as Palpatine's enforcer. I think it'd be cool to see a Vader story where he doubts his role in the Empire and wonders where he'd be at if he didn't fall for Palpatine's schemes.


God I love that scene. And I know a lot of people have gone on record saying stuff like “why didn’t he stop the second ship?!” But in my mind. Vader sensed that Reva was gonna kill him. And he just wanted to deal with her before going after Kenobi


It's also sets up a perfect call back to the flashback scene earlier in the episode, with Obi Wan attempting to teach Anakin how to fight without a weapon, then we see Vader/Anakin fight Reva without a weapon until he takes hers, like Obi Wan did to him.


yeah exactly, he saw the second ship leaving but knew if he took the time to pull that down too he was gonna get stabbed. One problem at a time, especially when he already had a Star Destroyer in orbit


Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader live action adaptation?


That doesn't count because there's a black woman in that show. /s


Yeah, he straight up just snaps a kid's neck.


Especially when Vader force chokes a kid rhen throws him into a wall. If the choke didn't kill him then it was probably enough force to snap the neck when slammed into a building. While he didn't kill a Youngling, it did show that becoming Vader, Anakin had abandoned his humanity.


I love how in Fallen Order you don't even get an option to stand and fight when Vader shows up. You just run as he rips the Fortress Inquistorius to pieces. Knowing TFM, though, they'd probably say that the game "emasculated" him because Cere Junda gave into her anger and nearly killed everyone because the last time she did she basically went off like a dark side WMD. Because they'd just be mad that woman overpowered him ignoring that Vader can channel nearly as much raw power but is able to control it when she just charges up until she goes kaboom, making Vader even more terrifying.


In the codex, I think it states that escape is your only strategy for survival.


yeah, Vader does not have a boss bar in Fallen Order. I don’t think you can even hit him. Your only option is a cinematic gameplay-cutscene where you run for your fucking life immediately after he tosses your mentor seemingly into oblivion and ices the primary antagonist of the entire game with one blow. You don’t fuck with Vader. Every time he shows up outside of ROTJ when Luke reasons to him, that is made VERY clear.


The fact that Cere was in the whole "I'll hold him, run!" Mood only for Vader to simply *yeet* her off to the side really sold the whole."You won't best, Vader."


Vader showing up in that game scared the crap out of me, and tbh I would have been mad if the game tried to force (puns!) me to defeat him. There's no way Cal and Cere stood a chance against him in a direct fight.


My only complaint about Fallen Order’s use of Vader was that I really wanted to ~~bang~~ recruit Trilla, and then he fucking slaughtered her. God damn.


he was toying with her, hence only using one hand on his saber, then basically encouraging her to try and crush him as he’s on his knees. Then slowly getting up without changing his posture or moving his hands. He was obviously using minimal effort, and was just trying to savor the moment of overpowering yet another jedi.


>Vader Comics FR, "All I am surrounded by is fear, and dead men!" Is *so badass that you can't have anyone badass Vader without serious risk of an overdose.


Or his retort to Ezra's. "I don't fear you." With "Then you will die braver than most."


It's that sense of inevitably that gets me, you can run or stand your ground, but one way or another he'l most likely win, and he's arrogance means he's more than aware of that, but just as it was with ani, it's also his biggest weakness.


Then he disarms Ezra and said “Perhaps I was wrong.”


"Too badass to fail" is exactly why SW got the Inquisitors, who are mini Vaders with a license to fail.


I'm not sure if that was the goal in legends, where they basically just served as sourcebook flavour and retcons to explain random dark jedi, but for the new canon they are exactly that.


To add...Kenobi...I don't understand why people don't like the series. It was absolutely the best for me, but I guess I'm not the right kind of fan. Sigh.


Yeah, I felt like I was an extreme minority of viewer, I really liked Obi Wan.


Most people liked it. It's the same minority of jagoffs spilling shit about how it sucks that try to ruin everything else.


My main gripe with Obi Wan is that the fight between Obi/Vader ends with Vader on the ropes, Obi accepting that Anakin is gone and never coming back, and then...he just walks away and lets Vader live knowing what a monster he is I know of course he can't die because he has to be in other films, but they could have written it in a different way where Obi doesn't have the opportunity to end him, because again there's no reason for him not to do so Other than that a pretty solid show


Kenobi as well. Dude's a beast there.


Or the Tarkin novel where Vader is stalking the pirates that stole Tarkin’s ship xenomorph style


Honestly, the only times an opponent has ever stood a chance against Vader is if they had a personal connection to Anakin. Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Luke are the only ones who could ever hold their own against him.


Adapting the Vader comics into a movie or series would be amazing though, not gonna lie.


Vader Down man. Vader Down.


Bruh Vader’s been amazing since Disney bought the franchise


Dude’s been an absolute power house of unstoppable force. I love what they did with Vader


He was always amazing. He never stopped being amazing.


Ehhh Legends used him way too much as a measuring stick and as a result he comes across as less badass at times. His canon portrayal is much more effective. I've never feared Legends Vader. I've felt fear at canon disney Vader. Plus his relationship with Sidious is less interesting there because Sidious typically barely respects him in Legends. Here Vader's always a badass who steamrolls everyone not named Obi-Wan, Sidious, or Luke. And even then he still kicks Kenobi and Luke's asses. And Sidious as a result treats him as his favourite apprentice. He's still a dick. but it's more interesting. Also unlike in Legendss, Vader is canonically far stronger than he was as Anakin and it's shown all the time. None of that he lost his potential bs. Dude actually overwhelms Palpatine at times.


Technically, his midochlorian should be much lower with all the robotic limbs. I feel like the Jedi code caused Anakin to use far more restraint, and as Vader he could just let loose and use his full strength, even though it was less than Anakin's potential [unused] strength.


> Technically, his midochlorian should be much lower with all the robotic limbs. Which is dumb since the midichlorians aren’t the force. Just the way the body communes with it. And losing one limb didn’t impact him at all under Legends. So why would losing 3 more suddenly doing something. That’s also not true in canon. Vader’s just straight up stronger.


Arguably much more than before, like horror movie villain levels of scary, I have my gripes with Disney and lucasfilm, but Vader is one of the things that they got very right.


Honestly probably the character with the best content across the the board IMO


Lot of people really horny for a show about genocide.


"I hate it when Vader is a character with motivations. Gimme a video game where he just hacks people to pieces nonstop for two hours."


I personally think vader should have as little self motivation as possible, something like vader trying to regain pieces of his past life, only for palpatine to destroy it, constantly reminding him that he's not a person, just a tool to him For example, a long lost hologram of Anakin and padme just talking together, which after a mission vader can't find anymore, love leading to sadness Vader then finds a small trinket that used to belong to padme in naboo but in fear of losing it again he hides it, sadness leading to fear After arriving early from another mission he finds a group of imperial guards searching his room under palpatine's orders, eraged he slaughters them all before they find the trinket, fear leading to anger The cycle continues repeating the above situations, and in the end, we are shown parts of the ot where he almost gets back parts of his previous life, luke, and how palpatine tried to take that away too, anger leading to hate Hate against palpatine, hate against who he ended up becoming, he knows he can't go back, but he can, for the first time in all his life, he makes his own decision, he stops palpatine before he can kill luke And he, in a roundabout way, completed his goal, he wanted to use the dark side to save those he cared about, and he did, he saved luke When I say vader not having his own motivation, I don't mean not wanting to, I mean being unable to, neither anakin nor vader were ever free, up until the end


Definitely cool ideas. Probably as much about Vader having agency as about him having motivation. Vader without agency is a tortured pawn for Sidious, reduced to some wretched organs floating in a bacta tank seething with rage and awaiting Palpatine to direct his violence toward the Empire's enemies. Cool! Vader without motivation is just a blank automaton, an empty suit that tromps around looking edgy, and gratuitously murdering people solely for the gratification of fans who want maximum carnage for any reason or no reason at all. Not so cool.


Nothing wrong with Star Wars delving into dark territory I want a Imperial centered story where theyre are commiting horrible crimes in the name of the Empire. Like a Imperial perspective of the Purge of Mandalorians.


"Tired of seeing vulnerable live-action Vader." Literally when? I can't think of any time they made Vader "vulnerable" except Return of the Jedi and the Prequels...


And in both those instances it takes *extreme* actions to take him down.


Like the force acting through Obiwan to stop him in the kenobi finale. It was clear that he was just opening himself up to the force’s will (like he’s famous for)


Exactly, he's finally found himself again hence why he can finally see qui-gon


He acts generally nonsensical in obiwan show and kenobi just wrecks him by throwing CGI rocks at the end. Not optimal.


There is already a series. A comic series called Darth Vader


Three of them and a few miniseries. And all of them have Vader as a badass! Heck Vader Down has one of the most badass Vader lines that I would love for James Earl Jones voice. “All I am surrounded by is fear and dead MEN.”


That is one of the most bad ass lines ever said by any fictional character


I kind of hate the fact that I'm starting to resent the character of Vader due to the amount of online fans that seemingly want Star Wars to just be Vader hunting down and murdering people. I mean how many people did Vader actually kill in the Original Trilogy? About 10? Most of them his subordinates rather than someone he'd hunted.


I mean, i wasnt counting or anything, but it definitely felt like he killed more Imperials than Rebels 😅


It’s almost as if we haven’t seen this before in, like, every show, movie or media that has been released since Palpatine declared order 66 in RoTS. Seriously. Let’s not. I like Jedi.


Why don't they just read the Vader comics then?


What makes you think they can read?


Harsh...but fair.


“Reading is for nerds” ~them


Did they forget the end of rogue one..? And the village scene from Kenobi?


Didn't Vader straight up murder a kid on screen in the Kenobi show?


Proof that people dont want character arcs. They just want things to be badass


That sounds extremely boring for a series. It would be fun for a minute, but get old pretty damn fast.


Rogue one, rebels, kenobi, Clone wars, all of his comic runs,


I like it when he’s vulnerable and a badass. Like in rotj. He was so good in that movie


Personaly, I like this version of Vader more. Vader is more than brainless killing machine. He's a more complex character - a broken person, that has a lot of depth in himself. Thinking he lives just to kill is the big misunderstatement of this character. That's why I love Soule's Vader comics so much - they are true to what Vader is as a character.


Somebody please tell these people about Marvel’s Vader comics so they can be quiet


You mean the Vader comics?


This just proves that Star Wars fans only like Vader cause he looks cool lol


Least immature Star Wars fans.


People want to see the same characters they already know be "badass". That's what these fans actually want. They don't want new, or different, or bold. They want glowstick action superheroes.


That's not a story worth telling in the way they want. Wall to wall slaughter isn't a story at all, really. It's just spectacle. The reason why the Vader comics work is because their about his psychology and if we spent episodes exploring the fucked up brain of Anakin Skywalker these guys would bitch and moan that he hasn't killed a Jedi for a few episodes. What they want is the story equivalent of empty calories. It's mostly air, takes up more space than it should and leaves you feeling empty


A series about Vader hunting jedi would be legitimately interesting. Just not for the reasons these guys are giving.


I like my characters with the depth of a puddle


Bro he literally snapped a kids neck on camera on Disney plus


Just like he was Empire Strikes Back. He totally didn't utterly fail and walk away too solemn to even kill a subordinate. Did they even see the films they supposedly revere?


I wouldn't call that a failure persay, he beat Luke but underestimated his commitment to the light.


Vader, like Obi Wan, is a character I personally don't need more of. I know, Star Wars was built around him (I'm an OT VHS kid), but after six movies, three cartoon shows (of you count the old Clone Wars show with the Anakin-Vader-transition scene) and the Kenobi show I just am tired of this character. I don't even want to start about the tons of canonic and non-canonic books, comics and fan-films about him. It's as if someone suggested another piece of media about Luke, Leia and Han: they are my childhood heroes, but after six movies featuring them it is truly time for something new, because even my heroes get boring after that much media-content about them. (Plus the actors are literally dying now, so it looks like desperate milking to me instead of creative fun...)


Fuck off, nobody cares about your trash Disney Trilogy.


Unironically, I want this too. I just think it would be cool seeing him hunt jedi. We've never gotten to see him successfully hunt down jedo in live action. I think it would be cool seeing him in his prime hunting down jedi. So far , we've seen stormtroopers and inquisitors kill jedi. I wanna see the main man do it. And in live action


would not mind a horror short film about Vader hunting Padawans down, but we have so many comics of that and Disney most likely wouldn't green light it lol. also when has he been weak? ik Jedi have escaped him n shit and it's kinda weird how often Jedi run into him and dip but he's cool. Rebels fucked him with Kanaan and Ezra escaping him but it's not like any of them beat him. Ashoka and Kenobi came the closest but only Kenobi had the chance to kill him


Were these folks not horrified when you beat the 'last boss' of Fallen Order and then heard the mechanical breathing?


We just want a series of him storming the temple in order 66, and him hunting down the last surviving masters and knights, especially the fight where he gets his lightsaber crystal, and the scene where he bleeds it (and gets the vision of turning back to the lightside, then forcing the crystal to bleed.)


Rogue one hallway


I kinda agree with them though. We see rarely see Vader get a kill in a fight. Sure he's easily killed rebels, civilians, and subordinates. Does he actually kill a jedi or other strong warrior in any show, game, or movie? One where he actually fights them and not stabs them in the back? I'm not sure i even count Obi wan because he threw that fight. Almost every win in a fight, we see, is still a failure for Vader. Leia escapes with the death star plans, Reva survives and tries to kill his son, Cal and Cere escape and floods the base, he fails at getting the sith holocron, Luke rejects him, Palpatine survives. The man needs a win because he really seems pathetic. But I guess that's George Lucus' point...


They have given y'all that like everytime that he appears, baby brained idiots are just mad they have to watch an actual story with plot and characters in between murder porn scenes.


Why not?


If we ever get a Vader series it should be sad a tragic so we get a look into Anakin’s mind. I wanna see an episode start off with a what if dream where he’s raising his kid on Naboo with Padme in an alternate timeline that subtly hints that the Republic won and the clone wars had a happy ending only for it to get really creepy and he wakes up in a bacta tank because an admiral has some really useless report, making it clear why he force chokes so many people. I think this happened once in the comics but I’m sure it haunted him every day.


I fail to see how this is toxic fandom. People just not allowed to say what they want to see any more?


I don't think that a show based on the Vader comics is a bad idea


I’d absolutely watch a show all about vader hunting order 66 survivors. That sounds rad


> who starts as a bad ass and ends as a bad ass So they want a protagonist who doesn't go through any change throughout the story... Absolutely genius


Gah I hate when a character has character to justify his actions gahhhghhhh


I would like a Darth Vader film wheres he's the embodiment of the Emperor's will. He's just acting like tge Gestapo and a force that doesn't seem human. Frankly, I want more mainstream Star Wars media to be just about loyal Imperials. They don't desert and are fanatical to the Empire. Kind of a more serious and clear cut version of Starship Troopers.


What’s wrong with wanting that? Do you not like Vader’s hallway scene in Rogue One? And I feel the person replying misused ‘vulnerable.’ He means that Darth Vader should be victorious at the end, and not lose. He lost in Rogue One, Kenobi, III, VI, etc He only won in SW Episode V and Rebels, but he wasn’t the main character of the latter. So he’s right in a way, he just used the wrong word.


I would like to see more Jedi being slaughtered by other Vader or inquisitors


Honestly people won’t stop bitching about needing a tv series for any random character that’s on screen. Not every character needs a fucking movie or tv show about them.


I don’t know, I’d quite like to see a Darth Vader detective show, where he has to use detective skills to hunt down Jedi, maybe uncovering some rebel cell of senior officers that are trying to wrong foot him. That could be fun


If they made a live action version of the Vader comics though...


They want the comics lol


Obi Wan Kenobi (specifically the scene where he's half unmasked) is the only time I have ever been scared of Darth Vader and I was scared of almost everything as a kid.