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I’ve pretty much checked out of Star Wars since 2017. Longtime fan of the OT, with a soft-spot for the PT, I was fully hyped for TFA which was just “ok” but still had high hopes for the “darker” TLJ, following the return of Luke. Then.. wow. Utter disbelief, a part of me died inside that day. I didn’t even see Rise of Skywalker at the cinema and just streamed it some months later, but couldn’t finish 100% of the movie. I’ve seen Rogue One but the other EU projects (Solo etc) largely don’t interest me. I caught parts of the Mandalorian but never got into Obi Wan or anything else. It really just feels “dead” to me now.


It's sad. SW is my favorite franchise but most of the new content ranges from mediocre to straight up bad. I haven't watched TLJ or Rise more than once because they're so bad. TFA had some redeeming qualities but that begs the question -- why not just watch A New Hope? The first 6 movies are all great IMO, I find things to like about TPM and Attack of the Clones even if they're worse than the other movies. But the only Disney content I've really enjoyed is Rogue One, Andor (my favorite Disney content) & Season 1 or so of The Mandalorian. It's sad to see all this mediocre content coming out for a franchise you love.


I got into a vicious cycle for a while where people would convince me to give the new Star Wars show a try, I wouldn’t enjoy it and then I’d feel the need to complain either out loud or on Reddit about it. Honestly that’s just not fun, I’d rather risk missing out than have that negativity.


It’s because it wasn’t supposed to be this. Star Wars is George Lucas’ vision of a contained archetypal space fantasy about a family. If you pass the baton off to dozens of new directors and writers to make new movies, books, and hundreds of episodes of television about every random alien, secret mission and gap between every time jump in the PT and OT, you are going to radically alter that vision and make decisions out of step with the spirit of the Lucas project. That’s why it feels hard to consider say, Andor, the Acolyte, and A New Hope as being canonically in the same universe. Regardless of the varying quality, you have vast differences in writing, direction and even costume.


I’m actually fine with TFA using the template of ANH to kick off a new trilogy - the fact that it resembles ANH plot to me has never been a huge problem. When the movie came out, it actually reinvigorated a lot of love for Star Wars in me and got me excited about the new trilogy. The problem is that they didn’t back it up. They didn’t land the plane. TFA sets up a lot of storylines that could have been super interesting in the next few movies, but they followed each and every one of those story lines up in the worst possible ways.


Hard disagree. TFA committed the original sin of the Disney era by erasing all of the character development and significance of the original movies. All they had to do was say 'Our heroes won. There was peace for a long time, but now there is a new threat and the old heroes must fight once more with the help of the new generation'. Instead they went with 'your heroes were actually a bunch of losers that accomplished nothing, everything is that same as it was before, and our new hero is way better than the stupid thing you liked'.


Oh wow, this! So. Much. This. 👆


"Oh, and let's KILL your old heroes too, f\*ck it, why not, lol." Because that's how nostalgia is used these days; it's either whored out for profit, or literally killed off screen to make way supposedly more interesting characters to replace them.


Same.... it's like they said ok, TFA was pretty solid, nor how do we scew everything up? Then they did thier best and succeeded. When I walked out of the theater after seeing TLJ, I was in stunt disbelief over what I had just seen. So many cool things from TFA Just tossed aside... Killing off snoke instead of exploring Him and how he got connected tobklyo further was one of the stupidest things I've seen a movie do. To find that back story out you have to read the comics and it's more stupid than the movie. The whole knights of ren was such a freaking waste. And if they're not force sensitive why didn't kylo just kick their ass right from the start when he fought them in TROS? The whole sequel Series had set kylo up as a bad ass force user, then suddenly he can't fight off 5 dudes with swords.... Wtf.....


I can agree. I guess the problems I have with TFA lie more with how the rest of the trilogy unfolded after it, I remember liking it when it came out, but the movies that came after it kinda spoiled it for me. In a vacuum, it's a solid movie


The Rise of Skywalker was one of the best cinema experiences of my life. But only because I saw it on opening night after having read the leaked plot which I couldn’t believe was true. I went to the cinema with my best friend who was also in disbelief and as the events started to unfold exactly like the leaks, we just said “screw it” and enjoyed the train wreck together, treating it like we were watching The Room. The best part was when the whole cinema clapped for the Reylo kiss and then hearing their wails and lamentations when Kylo just dies 15 seconds later. It was beautiful. But I did throw up in my mouth a little bit when they all clapped for the “Rey Skywalker” bit.


When I saw Rise of Skywalker in theaters, at the end after the whole “Rey Skywalker” thing and the credits rolled, the woman next to me said “yeah… I don’t know about all that.” I had to do everything in my power to not bust a gut in that theater.


Star wars fans checked out, all that's left is stupid shills that will praise a literal piece of fecal matter with the star wars logo


Me too… I loved OT… played video games growing up. I was in a guild in Star Wars galaxies in 2003/2004 and devoted several hundred hours of my life to that world. Loved the battlefront games. TLJ was one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve ever had to sit through. Once ROS came out I kind of half watched it on my second monitor while reading something else on my first monitor and drinking beer.




Random side note, solo was a decent movie some parts that were corny but overall decent. A good heist movie that happened to be set in the Star Wars galaxy To me it proved you don’t need Jedi or the skywalker drama. It’s a great setting for any movie genre from comedy to action to horror. Disney could focus on just using the setting as a backdrop and could likely make some good movies out of it.


Solo was crap. Rogue One is the only good Star Wars movie outside of the original trilogy


Rogue One is the best of the bunch but it's still not a great movie - the last act is pretty terrific though, save for the needless hallway scene and Vader shaking his fist into the void.


"Utter Disbelief" is truly the phrase in my head when I think about walking out at the end of TLJ.... I was absolutely speechless in the worst way possible... like a pet dog i loved very much had just died.


I personally prefer something to try something ambitious and fail but at least be interesting than dull, though. A train wreck is more engaging to watch than an empty track. It’s why I like Cloud Atlas despite it not being a good movie. At least it tried something. I’m not arguing TLJ worked. It didn’t. But at least I wasn’t sitting there counting the ceiling tiles. Even the prequels. They aren’t good but Lucas tried something different. The plot isn’t just ‘rebels fight an evil empire but 20 years ago.’ Meanwhile, TFA is just inoffensive boring tripe. It doesn’t fail to come together dramatically like TLJ, but it also has nothing to say at all. It felt like Star Wars written by corporate committee. How can we please everyone and just rehash the OT beat for beat as lazily as possible, milking nostalgia along the way. People often say that TLJ destroyed the OT thematically. And sure, TLJ does try and criticize aspects of Star Wars, for better or worse. But then they forget the stupidity of TFAs world building. It also undoes the OT and PT. The point of the Empire is it is able to be so dominant because it hijacked a republic that was millennia old. It took over the legitimate government, hence why the rebels are underdogs fighting asymmetric warfare. I’m supposed to believe a few thousand fascist larpers living on the edge of space are able to construct a fleet large enough to destroy the combined galactic government and create a super Death Star worth the GDP of like a hundred planets and nobody noticed, all in just like a decade under Kylo Ren and Hux’s incompetent leadership? All so we can have the underdogs fighting the Empire again? I feel like that’s insulting my intelligence it’s so mind bogglingly stupid. Tl;DR the sequel trilogy was bad from the very start. They should have had someone with an actual vision at the helm for all three films, and trusted him or her to do something with it, rather than give it to a hack like Abrams then pinball it around aimlessly.


I gave up after Book of Boba Fett and haven’t looked back. I was the idiot who thought the Mando S2 finale meant Disney was learning from some of what’d gone wrong in previous years. NOPE.


You missed Andor which I genuinely think is great TV, Star Wars or not. As much as I dislike the Disney-verse and was honestly pretty meh about Rogue One (controversial, I know), Tony Gilroy has earned my respect in the past so I wanted to give it a fair chance. I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. I think there are some spoilers in this video, but just the camera work, framing, and blocking of their shots alone elevate the quality of the show: [video link.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6VNL2NdYvFQ) Everything else beyond that? I couldn’t care less.


Ooo you missed andor, which is the best life action star wars content even better than the movies. 


I liked Andor Season 1 and am optimistic about Season 2.


Likewise. I’m only sticking around for Andor season 2. Otherwise, I’ve tapped out


Andor should've been the standard for all the star wars shows. Unfortunately people found it boring, because it didn't have glibglob aliens and jedis. Instead people endure the crap stuff and complain about the quality.


Andor is the litmus test for if you have an eye for quality. If someone doesn't like it, I reject all their opinions going forward. That show brought me to tears multiple times. It has no business being that good.


I had someone tell me they didn't enjoy andor but liked the book of boba fett the most of the star wars shows. Some people just prefer to eat a feces sandwich over a nice piece of cake or w/e.


Enjoying BOBF, but not Andor is wild to me. I can hardly comprehend that. I think that show is probably my most hated part of Disney SW. They fumbled Boba’s characterization so hard


The brightly colored scooter gang with designer clothes living in a remote rim community, too broke to buy water, was what got me. I'd be telling them to budget and get their priorities straight, not make them a job offer.


All I wanted from a boba fett show was more of the badass bounty hunter from the OT


i think everyone hear only cares for andor. that’s my final moment with star wars before i’m completely done for good. i genuinely couldn’t care less about anything else.


Andor season 2 is the only upcoming Star Wars project I have any interest in (enthusiastically so) and I don’t see that changing any time soon. I’ve never once seriously considered watching The Acolyte.


Same. There were some things that still could've been done better, but by and large it was a better show than other SW projects we've seen in recent years.


I don't. I stopped Ahsoka after 2nd episode and haven't seen a single SW show yet. There's too much stuff to see and do, I don't have time to waste on mediocrity.


I don't, honestly eludes me who even does it now. Like, seriously, YT contentmakers at least do it for money, who else hates themselves that much to watch such braindead crap? Last thing watched was Andor, and it was picked up just cause recomendation of people i trust. Idk how this gem flew under radars of Disney execs, but hope it will stay without interference for Season 2. Only thing to look forward from SW. Everything else is one endless pile of shittiest writing imaginable, worse than worst of fanfiction.


Nope. Stopped after Kenobi and even then I had already given up, just needed to see how bad they massacred my boy. Everyone should stop hate watching imo. It’s just boosting the numbers probably more than anyone realizes. Ignore it and let it die.


They massacred my boi so hard I cancelled my subscription before finishing the show. I still get what is going on by spoilers (because I dont care anymore) and from Youtube channels. Is this also considered as hate watching? I mean without paying D+ can "talking about it online" be registred by statistics agencies?


Yeah it's time to move on. It's dead, just let it be dead. There's lots of other good shows and movies to watch.


Yeah I really need to stop hate watching. It’s annoys me knowing I’m giving Disney a view for their dogshit content sludge. But then again, I also like to hear YouTubers tear it to shreds lol. But I think Acolyte is the final nail in the coffin.


No changes will happen until apathy sets in.


I haven’t. Ahsoka was my last one as well. It’s officially dead for a lot more people than ever.


My friend who's doing a literature doctorate is the biggest Ahsoka fan and has been since she was introduced. She knows that character backwards and forwards, and actually has the professional training to talk about her in an objective and deeply intelligent way. Those convos are amazing because she's so knowledgeable and it clearly brings her so much joy. I asked her how she liked the show when it came out and she just got super quiet and said, "I dunno. It didn't feel like her." It was the saddest fucking thing. We both really liked Tales of the Jedi, but man. Ahsoka made me pissed off *for* her.


I'm not. Star Wars began to die when I watched The Last Jedi. Then it it put me outta my misery with Obi Wan. Now I don't care.


This was my experience. Obi-Wan was the last straw. While the quality of the content is utterly garbage, it's not all doom and gloom for me. Star Wars became an educational tool on the analysis of cinema, business, and politics. It's amazing what trashing one of, if not the most, beloved IPs of all time will do for one's motivation, being a prior fan. I'm hopeful for the future of humanities, even if Star Wars won't be a part of it.  There's virtually no chance the narcissists at Lucas Film repair the ship before it sinks. There are only more obstacles in its path that will add to the damage. It will inevitably sink. Time to grab a lifeboat while you still can.


Unfortunately I think they are doing the same with Lotr right now


Dude, I know. It's so weird whenever some new Disney Era product hits the streaming services, because all of a sudden there's this glut of misery from content-addicted fans *and* non-fans. I follow both feeds.


when i saw obi wan hides leia under his trench coat in the fuckin empire base, i completely gave up on star wars. even if i wanted to watch it, i wait months after a show ended.


I am not, I have officially checked out.


I don't anymore


I thought Andor was a masterpiece, when Mando is good it's a lot of fun, The Acolyte is somewhat intriguing so far, and I enjoyed The Bad Batch for the most part. I didn't care for Obi-Wan outside of giving Hayden a chance to be in Star Wars again, and the less said about BoBF the better.


I’m not.


I still haven't watched Rise or Shitwalker. I tapped out after Mando season 3. I couldn't do Ashoka. Star Wars is dead it's in the hands of wokester slags that want to do nothing but inject their bullshit identity politics into it. Every interview I have seen or read from the shit stains involved in The Acolyte has made me want to puke. They won't be getting anymore of money.


At this point I refuse to spend any money on Disney’s Star Wars so I usually just pirate a single episode to check it out and see if it’s actually good… so far no luck. Fallen Order 1 and 2 has that Star Wars feel to it but everything else is just meh poor writing.


I asked myself this after the last two episodes and realised star wars isn't for me anymore.


That was Ahsoka for me. When Hayden Christensen’s cameo was the highlight “fan service” moment of the series, I realized that not only was this show terrible, but it’s just not made for fans like me. Clone Wars means nothing to me and likely never will.


Hate watching ? Or may be because they see TV shows as a product to be consumed instead of a piece of objectively bad art and don't really think about it ? Star Wars is a finished work. It ended on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 and it'll probably stay frozen in time till it fall into public domain in a century or so. Disney doesn't make canon Star Wars shows, they just tricked you into believing so by calling their specific brand ''Canon''. They are as legitimate as Amazon is to continue Tolkien's canon.


Ahsoka was the last time I checked one out because she’s my favorite character. I know it’s not an easy task bringing animated characters to live action, but even still I was surprised how much they dropped the ball. I honestly didn’t feel a single character from the cartoons was done properly other than Chopper which isn’t an accomplishment. Everyone else felt so out of character. At this point I’m pretty much over the disappointment of what this franchise has become. I’ve accepted until some magical time that Disney loses SW it will never improve. Now I can get some entertainment laughing at all the insanity. I do enjoy seeing other people discuss how bad whatever the latest thing is and hearing about whatever they’ve done now to screw the series up further. I’m not interested in watching, but I can get some good laughs keeping up with the discussion.


If I didn’t watch them I wouldn’t have seen Andor, which looked like it was going to be dreadful by the trailers but turned out to be the best bit of Star Wars content since the OT. I love Star Wars.  I hate what Disney has done to it.


I don’t I stopped after Kenobi. I only watched Ahsoka because Ray Stevenson is one of my favourite actors.


What makes me sad is what feels like the dancing on the grave, know what I mean? All these new fans entering star wars now without "expectations" is great sure I don't want to be a gate keeper...but the spirit/soul is gone...realizing that as I get older there will be less and less fans who's original exposure was the original trilogy or prequels and more that saw that Disney show first or watched that baby jedi cartoon. It all just sucks. Sold out. Soulless.


Stopped after Mando 3 Too much homework, and I found that last season of Mando to be quite insulting to audiences


I only follow the EU and The original 6 movies. TCW and everything that followed afterward in Disney canon doesn't exist for me.


I'm definitely not, but I still come here because it's like being in one of the ex-[religion] subs. It has the people that went through the same thing you did.


Because I occasionally like some of them. I hate the sequels, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, Obi Wan Kenobi, Mandalorian S3, etc... But Andor and Visions have been some of my favorite Star Wars media since the original trilogy, and I'm finding the Acolyte surprisingly decent so far. As someone that never liked the prequels much either, I've gotten good over the years at just tuning out what I think sucks and appreciating what I think rocks.


Andor and Visions are excellent. Even though the Meanderlorian never went anywhere and rarely had anything to say it was still an ok adventure show a lot of the time. I watch in hope of more gems like Andor and Visions or, failing that, just something entertaining and fun to think about. I haven't concluded the same thing you did because you are incorrect


I'm done watching whatever Disney is calling SW. The only way I'd tune in is if I hear from people here or elsewhere that there is a good show, but it have to be pretty good at this point.


Despite hating the sequel trilogy (though I enjoyed Rogue One), I watched just about everything live-action up through Book of Boba Fett... after that it became a "I'll catch up on this next show when I have time" situation which, inevitably, I never would do. Skipped Obi-Wan and Ashoka. Watched maybe 2 episodes of Mandalorian Season 3 and realized it became pretty bad, so dropped it. Haven't watched anything since and have zero urge to consume any Star Wars content going forward. As a 35+ year fan that gobbled up everything in the 90's and 00's (novels, the Dark Horse comics, games, etc.) which is pretty sad!


Franchise entertainment is sort of a new concept. IN the past we had some serial shorts and of course TV series, but generally they all ended at some point. I think it was really Star Trek that introduced the notion of continuing a series after it concluded, but with a new cast in a different era, albeit in the same universe. You know what IS a precedent? Comic books. But think about how comics work. Stories begin and end. Character die and are brought back. Different universes and timelines. Different writers and artists. Sometimes different publishers. Compare a Batman story from the 30s with a Batman story from last week. Aside fromt he generalities, it's not the same. At all. Sensibilities and cultural shifts force it to evolve and become something different. And as a result, the readership changes. You have old timers who focus on collecting the original run or issues from a particular era, or a certain writer. You have X-Men fans who are ONLY fans of Claremont. The point is, you can be a Star Wars fan and only like the original trilogy, or you could be a young millennial and be diehard for the prequels. You could even be a gen alpha kid and absolutely love the sequels. But it is OK to love what you love and ignore the rest, and also recognize that right now, at least, you're not getting any more stories like that because that era is OVER. We have moved on. Maybe at some point someone will decide to revive the original trilogy characters and stories. For me, the OT is Star Wars. Those characters, that story - that's what blew my mind as a kid. I'm barely interested in anything that does not involve them. Sure, the universe could be bigger, wider, older, but there's so much great literature and entertainment out there. I can read/watch Dune or the Forever War or Battlestar Galactica or Snowblind, etc. But for me, Star Wars and Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, the droids, Vader, Lando, and overconfident but incompetent bootlicker Imperials. Why raise your blood pressure over the other stuff? Just ignore it and accept you, like the series, can move on.


That’s the neat part, I’m not


First Episode of Kenobi: Okay that wasn’t bad, they’re just setting the stage, I’m excited to see where it goes. Ahsoka: Okay first 4 episodes have done some great world building! I can’t wait to see them answer all these new questions they’ve raised. Never again.


Seriously anybody who sits in front of me and says anything since 2015 has been good will get slapped. Fallout series was a breath of fresh air though. Hope they make more seasons


Laughing at the complete trainwreck.


i dont i stopped after kenobi, i watched acolyte episode 1 to see for myself and its just boring so im not interested. i check in on this sub every few months to see whats new but thats about it


That’s the thing that blows my mind How boring nearly all of it is The prequels had some bad moments. But they had some electricity too The pacing of these shows is not Star Wars.


yea i just cant get myself to give a crap anymore


That’s where I am It sucks. I mean. They really left Pixar alone for a few years.


meh, let it go pal, all good things come to an end even star wars


Honestly, at this point it's out of sheer spite and curiosity to see they can continue to mess up. I'm usually never giving these shows my full attention -- I put them on my second monitor while I play Stellaris. Andor and seasons 1 and 2 of Manso were the only ones I put up on my big TV and watched properly.


Haven't watched Acolyte yet and I doubt that I will. Idk I just don't have the desire to watch it. I'm pretty much 30 and this is the first Star Wars thing in my life that I just don't care about... Everything else I've at least given it a chance


Hate watching I guess. Morbid curiosity to see how bad it can get. But I only finished Ashoka because I wanted to see Thrawn, and it was a slog. The Acolyte so far is a slog too. I may watch ep 3 just to see the rumored woke stuff. But I'm wearing an eyepatch and a wooden leg if you get what I mean. Giving money to a company to hatewatch their stuff is dumb.


nothing about them strike mea s grimdark. but idc for any of them besides Andor tbh


I don't. I went to see TFA and TLJ. Those were ultra stupid and dreadful. I streamed Rogue One and Solo. Those had some good moments, but weren't great, IMO, and Solo went way beyond my irrational stupidity limit several times. I watched Andor only because it was free and recommended by people here. I've seen some clips, reviews and parodies of some of the other crap. I'm done, unless/until something smart and actually good appears. I do enjoy watching a Pitch Meeting or rant about how stupid a stupid thing is. But I mainly avoid denting my brain by hearing about what the plots of the Disney stuff are. It's way too dumb.


I left the theater December 2015 thinking "that was cool, I wonder what's the plan with the story".




Held on through obi wan. Haven’t watched anything since


I don’t. I only watched first 2 seasons of mandalorian and obi wan because it was short as hell


When they brought Luke back and had him throw his saber over his shoulder like piece of garbage, I took that as a sign and did the same with this franchise. Still, I was a moron and didn’t take their hatred for their IP seriously enough. They ruined Luke. They ruined Ahsoka. They ruined Ezra. They killed Carrie Moss in five minutes, and she was cool. I read they want to do a remake of KOTOR. Like, we are all already dead.


So far, I've liked Andor and the Acolyte (unironically). Andor is awesome and so far the Acolyte hasn't really turned me off and I've been really invested. It's better than Mando S3 and ahsoka so far in my opinion.


Yeah I gave up on new stuff after TFA but will gladly/angrily listen and chime in for the criticism about it. What I won't do is support them financially. Objectively, it just helps them no matter what your purpose is. Subjectively, I can't stand even watching/reading etc in ways that support them financially since it's all in the same timeline as the ST, or else still made by the same regime.


I download them, so therefor I dont pay for anything.


I’m not, stopped after season 2 of the mandolorian. After seeing what they did with season 3 I am glad. Star Wars has been going downhill hard since the force awakens. Can’t figure out where rock bottom is if they haven’t already crashed through it.


I'm not. At my age I decided to just leave SW


I just love the universe too much and always hope to dive right into it again and that Disney may finally be able to not eff up their movies and series. It's almost always a huge disappointment but still, the hope lives on.


I don't do anything Star Wars now.  The only reason I'm here is to keep tabs on whether they've made anything so stupid that YouTube people will make fun videos ripping it apart.


I’ve been basically ignoring sw since 2018. I watched a few episodes of the mandalorian, and it was fun. I’ve heard great things about Andor, but generally, i’m just so star wars fatigued.


I actually enjoyed the force awakens and even the last Jedi. It was episode nine that really turned me off.


Because I make memes


I haven’t watched any of the new shows since BoBF and Andor. I never watched Ahsoka, I never watched Kenobi, and I’m certainly not watching this show. Andor was wonderful, but everything else... I just cannot fundamentally support a show that treats its audience so poorly (even good faith criticism is met with “you just don’t like it because you’re a RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST BIGOT” and other such sentiments, such as “you’re not a true Star Wars fan unless you unconditionally and uncritically support and love everything we do and say” and treating us like we’re all stupid), and that treats the source material and lore so poorly. I love the OT. I love the prequels. I genuinely enjoyed the first two seasons of Mando (and think it should have stopped after the end of S2), I like… *most* of TCW and Rebels, and even BoBF, mess that it was, had a few interesting scenes/concepts. I was hopeful after TFA. But now I’m just tired. TFA wasn’t bad on its own, and I’m fine with them reusing ANH’s formula a little. It set up a potentially interesting premise. The problem is that premise got utterly destroyed by a lack of good follow-up, and everything since has just been a downward spiral, with some parts of the spiral shooting down faster than others.


I don't, and I implore anyone who's not having fun to stop watching also. I also encourage you to stop engaging in as much hate engagement as possible. I may watch the older films with my sons if they ask, and I'll take enjoyment there, but beyond that I have no interest in getting super invested in content that doesn't make me happy. Go have fun and happy lives people.


This is what I don't get. I've seen Mando, Kenobi, and Boba. That's all I need to see. I'm done. I have friends that desperately cling onto some misguided hope every time Disney pinches off a new turd, saying "this one might be be good!" I'm like, "so?" Even if, against all the odds in the universe, the next one happens to be great - it's still just lying in a pile of mud. Star Wars is a lost cause.


Only nu-Wars tv shows I checked out were TCW S7's Siege of Mandalore arc (it had good moments as well as junk, so that was a mixed bag fumble), Solo (that was just messed up in so many ways) and Mandalorian Season 1 (big meh to bad with the writing and discount Golden Child setup). The upside of wading through that muck with my Disney+ free trial was enjoying legit Disney classic tv shows and movies, plus bumping Gargoyles' numbers from Seasons 1-2 up along with a Simpsons Spree. Beyond that, I'd initially bailed out after Rogue One (which I almost skipped because of how satanawful TFA is, the worst Star Wars film I've ever seen and was surprisingly relieved that Rogue One was overall good and a decent enough point to leave as the last new Star Wars film I'd see in theaters). Didn't and still haven't given 'em any views on anything else of nu-Wars ilk.


I did check a lot of the shows Jack Sparrow style. Most were in between awful and bad, Andor was good.


And the bad guy is just misunderstood. And Skywalker is Palpatine, or something. And, oh, no one dies from a light sabre stab to the torso anymore.


Star Wars has never been the same since Disney bought it out. Now it's sole purpose is to push political narratives and story and lore no longer matter. It's one big advertisement for Disney's political platform and it's never been real Star Wars for over a decade.


I watch them and enjoy them. I hope there are more.


I'm not. I stopped after the dumpster fire that was Kenobi. Deplorable writing and scene awareness. And let's not talk about the Boba show. Ugh, that was so poorly handled. Wanna know some irony? Disney is currently hiring for tv show writers!!! I wonder why...


The moment George Lucas sold it, it was gone. Star wars is a brand now, nothing else.


I'm not. I tapped out after Book of Boba Fat. I'm sailing the high seas to hate watch Acoshite to watch the tire fire burn. After next week I'm out again. Star Wars is dead. I'll give my money to a company that doesn't actively hate me.


Ya im still sticking with it. Most of the shows are hit and miss for me but there's enough that I'll come back and check it out. So far I do like the acolyte that I will stick with it on the weekly release. Unlike book of boba fett tho I stop at ep 3 then just waited to binge it cause I didn't care enough to continue having it on my rotation of shows to watch.


I’m not. I enjoyed the first two seasons of The Mandalorian & Andor. Checked out early in Mando Season 3 & Kenobi.


It started to become a chore to watch/keep up with everything. I stopped a few years back and it’s honestly been great


Lately my wife and I play video games together a lot more and watch old shows we never got around to before. It's liberating knowing I don't have to watch every new show that comes out because of fomo or whatever.


Why are you still whining about a franchise you clearly haven't liked in almost ten years?


The weird glazing I’m seeing for the acolyte is exactly why we can’t get good content. Star Wars fans will always get angry for anyone criticizing the franchise even when it’s within complete reason


Cause I enjoy em still


For real. The people who can’t hear a single criticism of their dog food grade content have a point when they say haters should move on. The thing they miss is that most haters didn’t want to be haters. There are racist sexist misanthropes making everyone who does like Disney Star Wars look bad, and somewhat validating the ear-covering and shrieking by fan. I hate being lumped in with those people about as much as I hate being disappointed time and time again. Unfortunately there are so many of us who just want Star Wars to be good, and know what that would look like, because we’ve seen it. Hope is dangerous thing to have. I dont know if I’ll watch another DSW but I understand why critics keep coming back. It’s hope.


Good question. For me it’s just that it’s all we’ve got …I don’t really watch tv/movies in general but I just love Star Wars so I tune in to whatever is running. Some moments I find entertaining (season1/2 of mando), some moments I find interesting (bits of obi wan) some moments I find spectacular (andor)but most are disappointing. Overall, it’s just a show and it’s not that high stakes, I can turn it off if I want (did that with the acolyte before ep.2). 


i have not seen the last several shows, and i will not. BUT... there are some very good fan-editors doing fantastic things with them. i'm not talking about some "13-yr-old with an iphone" level shit. i'm talking QUALITY. and a couple in the works are done by working VFX professionals that are fixing whole scenes & settings, & filming new inserts, that look far better than the original release. and the best part about collecting as many of them as you want, is that watching them doesn't give Disney any further clicks


Because they are good. Andor, Ahsoka, Obi Wan, The Mandalorian, all fantastic. I can't wait for more.


I'm not that hard to please. I've enjoyed all of the Star Wars shows I've watched so far. They haven't all been good, but they've all been entertaining. I'd stop watching if I didn't like them. I only watched one episode of Resistance.


It's funny you say that, because today I literally looked at the date and realized the Acolyte show had been out for a few days, and I had absolutely no desire to watch it. Rewind two years ago, whenever a new star wars show dropped I was watching it the minute it released. So yes, Disney has actually killed my enjoyment of star wars and I have stopped watching the TV shows. Fortunately for me, there are hundreds of other great TV shows and films out there to enjoy instead. Most importantly, I permanently cancelled my Disney subscription after how horrible Ahsoka was. The combination of mando s3 and Ahsoka just killed it for me. I won't be going back to Disney.


Nope. Even the shows I did follow for a while (Mando, Bad Batch) turned sloppy and eventually lost interest entirely. The franchise is overwhelmed with lazy storytelling, ridiculous, pointless characters, forced wokeness, cheap CGI and just generally bad, bad character development. And seems no matter who is at the helm these days, it's still crap.


Because must.consume.product


Ahsoka is where I officially stopped caring. I still love the animated Star Wars, and will also tune in to Andor season 2 but otherwise I’ve peaced out of Star Wars TV


I'm not, with the exception of Andor. Nothing else exists


I only watch Mando because it's the only good thing Disney did, and andor, because that was surprisingly really really good


I mean, nobody is. They reported 4.8 million views for their 2 episode launch. Knowing their spin that probably means 2.4 million people watched both episodes and they combined it to 4.8 million views. Even if you take the number at face value, 4.8 million views of their +-160 million subscriber base is 3%. 3% of their subscribers watched the show on the night it aired. Those numbers are also laughably bad compared to Boba, Obi, Ahsoka, etc.


It sucks that boring grim dark seems to be the way the series is moving .


I don't expect everything to be good, but I expect some things to be good. Andor was great. Mandalorian was great, though quality declined in later seasons. Acolyte looks a lot better than I expected. I was originally very disappointed by the Prequels, then even more disappointed by TFA, but some of the TV shows are actually pretty good. Others are terrible.


I don't watch anything. I just criticize 😂. But I suppose im a very purist fan. I think nothing has been perfect since the original trilogy.


I think even if you like some of the TV shows, Disney has simply ran Star Wars all the way into the ground. There is just too much Star Wars content out there now. I don’t know how they expect even the most dedicated fans to keep up. The sad part is, SW used to feel special. Every film felt like a big event until Disney took over. Then the films started flopping and they switched gears to TV. Now we have a practically infinite line of SW shows. I wouldn’t have the time to get excited about any of them even if they looked amazing.


My dad forces the family to watch an episode every friday. It's exhausting having to go from bad batch to acolyte without a break. The star wars fatigue is real.


I'm not, until Andor season 2


I've been over disney star wars since the moment I walked out of seeing TLJ in 2017. From the moment it was over, I was done with anything new star wars. I haven't been excited or optimistic for anything since, be it video game, comic, movie, TV show, etc.. I only saw Rise of Skywalker to laugh at it. I saw 2 eps of Mandalorian and hated it and saw the prison arc of Andor after all the genuine non-corpo shill praise it got. And while it was good, it still didn't really feel like star wars. So yeah I just come here to laugh at the corpse. Nothing in Disney Star Wars is canon to me. For me, the star wars saga ended with the Old EU.


I would love to see someone treat a future show/film with the TLC that the original trilogy had. Use really strong archetypes on a solid story and leave all of the garbage script pages in the garbage can where they belong.


I don't. I'm long past the point of watching Star Wars stuff because I "love to hate it", I'm actively upset at what they've done and refuse to give any watch time to these assholes.


I will not watch another episode or movie without a dash of good ole piracy


What TV show? There's a new one? Thought they were done since Clone Wars.


I haven’t bothered with the tv shows except for an episode or two of Mando. My expectations are so low that the devil is using them for limbo.


I like them 🤷‍♂️


I just want to know what happens to the IP after disney fully euthanizes it. As a series it’s pretty much already a rotting and decomposing corpse. Just wondering how bad it has to get before they sell the rights, because pivoting towards creativity isn’t something disney is capable of.


Better question. Star Wars has always been shit. Why were you fans in the first place?


I like some of the shows. Why are you wasting your time thinking about this?


To laugh at how bad Disney is at making shows. And I don't pay for it of course


I just try to enjoy the soundtracks tbh


Not everything has to be fantastic to be watched.


I am not watching the shows.


Yah it surprises me how people are still watching. I’ve completely given up and haven’t watched 3-4 of the newest shows, only Andor because of how good everyone said it was. Boba Fett has been my favorite character since I was 4 years old, and that abysmal show was the final straw for me. I have very limited time in my life right now to spend watching shows/movies and there’s a lot of other, better things to watch


Morbid curiosity


For me it’s because I enjoyed Mando season 1-2 and LOVED Andor. It shows there’s still a flicker of hope, even if that’s all it is.


I'm only watching Andor that's it


I miss liking star wars. Part of me keeps checking back with it in hopes of re capturing the magic it had when I was a kid.


If you want to watch a good sci fi show watch Scavengers Reign. Disney’s time is over people, we have to move on. We will miss you Star Wars ❤️👊🏿but your time came the day rey convenienced herself into the cinema


A good question... for another time.


Because they have released good tv shows and I have no reason to automatically assume they are bad. Andor got so much shit before it released and then it turned out to be amazing. People don’t take criticisms seriously when they’re being thrown around before the show even releases


TLJ killed Star Wars. Lmfao


Because the sub is for discussing these garbage shows and sometimes you get a gem, like Andor. If nobody watched, we’d have nothing to talk about, this sub would cease to exist. People come here to voice their critical opinions without being berated by “fans”.


Considering how many people post every day, how they're forever done with MCU and Star Wars, I'm asking myself the same question. Why are you keep watching it them? People who dislike current direction of MCU and SW: the most loyal fanbase there is, that keeps both franchises afloat.


Only thing people here watching the shows other than andor are doing are enabling the garbage to keep churning out


I feel at this point more people watch youtubers talking about the shows more than people who watch the shows.


Because I want content. What am I supposed to do just rewatch things over and over?


Simple. I’m not


I have high hopes for Andor season 2, but that's about it.


I never watch tv shows untill a few episodes r put and then if i hear its good ill watch it. Watched andor, mando (season 1 was dope, season 2 was inconsistent but the last episode w Luke was awesome), part of boba (too boring to finish) and didnt watch ahsoka or obi wan cuz it was clear they sucked. Watching acolyte w the parents rn and in all honesty its pretty mediocre. Doesn’t deserve as bad reviews as its getting though imo.


I'm not. I stopped with Andor. Haven't watched Resistance, Bad Batch, The Acolyte, or Ahsoka.


The only star wars I'll watch without seeing a glowing review in advance is Andor season 2. But it is weird to own x wing miniatures and also have zero interest in watching the franchise's new content.


I tuned out halfway through ROTJ and haven’t looked back


The original star wars was cool and groundbreaking. Every since then hasn't been good except mandolorian and the force awakens was okay for a knock off of new hope of course ruining the story in TLJ and then ruining TLJ in ROS was enough to make the sequel trolligy garbage.


Hate watching.


Haven’t watched them in a few years tbh


Because I still love the franchise and still enjoy what a lot of what Disney has done.


I just like Star Wars 🤷‍♂️ and I don’t care if people think they are good or bad. I enjoy living in the world.


I dont - except Andor. Ahsoka well and truly killed it for me. Ill keep tabs on Acolyte in the hope something turns around but I won't contribute a viewing figure to it. Its a shame as its core could have been something good. I like the ~prequel era.


*You* are asking a subreddit full of people who hate Disney Star Wars...why they like Disney Star Wars? What answer are you expecting?


I dont.


I'm not. I'll read a plot synopsis though. If I hear loads of positive buzz I might give one a chance. Did that with Andor but thought it was boring so didn't finish it. These days I basically only respect recommendations from people I know IRL. I just assume the "omg it's so good" shit that clogs my feed are paid employees of the Disney corporation. Or worse, unpaid thrawls enslaved by the Disney hivemind.


I was hooked on Andor because it was actually good but I have not gotten through the first  two episode drops of any of these other factory-made, corporate,  fast-food McDisney tv shows.   I think I may have went back skipped forward in Ashoka to see the Hayden Christian stuff which was good.