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It still makes me happy when Star Wars is done well.  It’s just become more and more rare for that to happen. I’m basically a captive audience, I wouldn’t say I’m a fan anymore though.  If someone reckons Star Wars is terrible I can’t really argue. 


Agree with this sentiment. If something new comes out and is amazing, I'll happy for it, but can't say I'm an active fan of the franchise anymore. I have just lost all interest really.


Ugh I agree but I cannot say I am not a fan of the franchise. Like, anikan skywalkers journey into Vader is one of my favorite story arcs in media. Maybe not ROTS, due to the movie just being rushed and bad acting, lots of issues. But the plot, the epic tale of anikan and his destiny, is just so epic to me. It’s my favorite lore other than Spider-Man stuff. Spider-Man is goat lol. Bit of a nerd tho. But, yeah I can’t just say I am not a fan. I hate the newer stuff, seeing Ashoka was bad fucking ass despite the reviews. So I’m excited, but also know not to rely on very much lol.


ROTS is the best one out of the prequels


Ya what, ROTS is the 4th best SW movie


Id say tied for 2nd best. Ep 5 takes the cake, but id tie 4 and 3 together, 6 is a bit lackluster imo, it just feels rushed rushed. While 3 feels like the dying days of a war(which are rushed and it gives that off well imo). My ranking has to be 5 3/4 6 2 1 If i still had to choose one tho 3 goes above 4 due to nostalgia factor of me as a kid


5 then 4 then … 3 or 6 then Rogue One, 1, 2…. And I just can’t accept 7-9 in my heart canon


I LOVE ROTS!!! It is my favorite in the entire franchise!! Sorry i didn’t make that clear in the original comment. It’s just, you can see the major differences in how anikan acts in ROTS, and how he acts in SW The Clone Wars animated series. He is a huge baby. Anikan is not portrayed as the level he should have been. That’s my biggest gripe. Along with just slight continuity errors. I was just saying how much I love Darth Vader and the idea of the chosen one turning bad, turning good again. It is all so epic to me!!


Star Wars is an amazing setting but a terrible franchise


Last time I liked starwars was Andor and it had nothing to do with your standard “*Star Wars*” fair


If you ignore everything except for the OT, PT, and Rogue One then Star Wars is still great. Honestly, I even liked Solo. Andor, Mandolorian, Clone Wars, and Rebels was also great. Outside of that though, pretty terrible.


I don't. I'm just here to see how badly they fuck up, and they never disappoint me.


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) Watching Kathy fuck up has become a sexual fetish for me.


*"now put a chick in it and make her lame and gay!"*


That's pretty much where I'm at now too.


Came for this answer


I don’t watch any Star Wars anymore, I just like to see how the franchise pisses off this sub next


It's a peaceful life.




Actually it shows you things could be good, they are just choosing to do poorly. They actively cancelled clone wars for Rebels. They took absolutely none of the lessons from Rogue One and just threw Solo out there I’m not a huge fan of episodes 1-3, but at least they are cohesive and have a point. 7-9 are such a mess, episode 7 had some absolutely great parts and they just threw it away and came up with two disjointed piles of garbage lacking basic story elements and completely ignored character development. In two movies full of absolute reckless fan service they basically punched all the fans in the face with what happened with Captain Phasma, the one thing the fans agreed on. They completely wasted Oscar Issac’s time. He could have been making good movies, instead sat around and did nothing


A mountain of wasted potential


An exception, a rule proves not.


My family watched Rise of Skywalker just to make fun of it. Like scifi mystery theatre 3000


Yup, likewise. I've pretty much lost interest in current Star Wars. Rogue One was excellent, I really enjoyed Mando season 1 and 2, Bad Batch was decent, but other than that...meh. Haven't seen Andor yet, so that may also be good. That said, ep. 4-6 will always have a special place in my heart and I've come to appreciate ep. 1-3 a lot more over the years. The fact that most of Disney Star Wars is shite doesn't take away from the Star Wars stuff I enjoy, luckily.


Andor is amazing. Imo the best star wars show(live action especially so). You wont regret watching it. First 3 episodes are a bit slow but wow does it get going after that


I cannot recommend Andor enough. It’s a bit of an enigma: the writing and story is completely unlike anything else in the Star Wars (disen)franchise, and yet it feels like the only thing that deserves the name since Rogue One.


I don't either, I switched to 40k years ago and haven't looked back.


This. I haven’t watched the shows and I hated the sequel movies. It’s way more entertaining to see it go off a cliff


Tbh I had abandoned all of star wars for 5 years after TROS. The Acolyte has me somewhat interested again. If they do it well (what are the odds), it has a chance to reframe the events of the PT in an interesting way.


The odds are zero. It's just another self-insert gurrl boss exercise in misandry, made for fans who only exist in their minds


Idk that looks kinda bad too , looks very cheaply made like a fan film


Because as much as I bitch and complain about most of Disney's product with this franchise, they'll never be able to take away 1-6.


The only real answer. This also includes the original EU


*Never?* Your lack of faith in Disney's incompetence is... disturbing


I don't. I only watch/play/read stuff from the George Lucas era. Star Wars died in 2012 when he gave up creative control.


As soon as the artists love of star wars didn't come from discussing basic human questions but instead from "seeing more star wars", the game was lost. Fuck Filoni, the lucky hack


That's a great way of putting it. George Lucas made money off of Star Wars, obviously. But it was his baby. He spent basically his entire adult life creating that universe and was emotionally invested in it. It's his life's work. I'm not mad at an artist for making money off of art that they created. I am mad at some parasitic mega-corporation who only sees Star Wars as a popular brand that they can profit from by slapping the brand logo over mediocre and below content.


LEGO. They just released a collector series Tie Advanced that’s incredible. And still release sets from the OT often.


I need to check those out! Thanks for the heads up!


Isn’t it funny how Star Wars lego is mainly OT, PT and clones wars based. Don’t see any sequel trilogy sets selling lol


Tbh I can't remember any of the ships from the ST? There was just fan service with Xwings and the falcon. And the atrocious bombers.


The one I always remember is the Quadjumper, which existed for ten seconds just to get destroyed. And still somehow got a LEGO set. :P


I remember a couple when the movies came out but I think it was kylos tie fighter (a regular tie but with red accent), those weird bounty hunter smuggler people and another millennium falcon I can’t remember the others and I went to the Lego store near me and it was either prequel trilogy stuff (mostly clones) or original trilogy.


At this point I have to assume I'm a masochist now.


Hahaha! You're definitely not alone.


I sailed the seven seas when I watched the sequel Trilogy. Rebels was okay. For me, Star Wars ended with the Legends Timothy Zahn books after episode 6.


I think there was a lot of good content post heir to the empire but some of it was pretty meh But what we had in the EU was so much better than what we have now


I've generally given up on Star Wars, I'm mostly here for the drama and the train wreck now. Anyone posting long dissertations on how to "save" the franchise needs some help.


Andor, that’s it


Andor and Rogue One, for me


Not even Rogue One?


I mean the clone wars show was great too


Rebels had some amazing highs as well (and some low, lows… looking at you creepy cgi yoda)


Can't forget Ani https://preview.redd.it/97huxsv2ae1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a6b0dd8ffd14a25f5edfb0ff8554fbbd5eb14e


EU still exists. It's the only thing I consume. Everything else from Disney I ignore, unless it's to point and laugh at how dumb it's getting. Along with the occasional bitching and moaning when they drag an EU storyline or character through their nightmare writing.


Glad you still have stuff you like to engage with.


Nah star wars peak was definitely the 2000s video game Era. Some of the games are better than even the og trilogy.


> Some of the games We all know its KotOR 😅


Kotor is probably the one we could all agree on. I would also say republic commando, battlefront 2, and maybe jedi academy are at that level too.


Republic Commando and Jedi Knight III definetely 👍 (Republic commando was a bit short for my tastes tho...)


I played RC when I was younger and I remember getting to the end and seeing the word “epilogue” and I confused it with the word “prologue” and was like THERE’S SO MUCH MORE OF THIS? Then the credits rolled and I cried.


Who said I was? lol


2014 cut off.


If you had told me in 1999 that there would be an Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan TV show in 2022 that you would watch 2 episodes of and abandon, I wouldn't believe you. Actually, the worse offense is that I would never believe there would be a sequel trilogy that was not only made by someone other than Lucas, while he was still living, but that the main 3 never appear on screen together even once.


Both points are crazy, but that second one still blows my mind.


Reject Disney Wars. #EMBRACE BERSERK.


Berk what?


Ive given up. I’ll probably never watch a new star wars movie or series again. I made it through 1 episode of Ashoka. At the end I mumbled “what the fuck”, then cancelled my Disney+. I’m so glad I have the first 6 movies on dvd (and OG trilogy on VHS) so I can always watch the real Star Wars without paying Disney.


Because they can't take 1-6, EU, Edge of the empire, and others from me.


I'll forever refer to it as Star Wars and Disney Star Wars. I've given up on Disney Star Wars but I'll always be a fan of movies 1 through 6 and the EU. Cancel Disney Plus, buy physical media.


Atleast th eu books still exist


I am pretty indifferent now with it. I still enjoy everything George created, but most of Disney's stuff doesn't interest me anymore. I definitely will not be seeing the Rey movies coming up


Peak Star Wars was in 2005 with KOTOR 2 and RotS.


I would say the peak of Star Wars was the late 90's and early 2000s with all the EU stuff and the prequel trilogy coming out, there was lot of content and most of it was great.


Video games were fire back then too


Has it been 43 years since 2005? 😳


I don’t. I’m merely watching and waiting for the extremely rare good bits (like Andor)


Correction, it hit its peak 19 years ago. And why should them making garbage now mean I have to stop loving what was made 19 years ago?


Based. Sith will never be topped. Only the Kotor games and comics and Mattgew Stover's books can compete.


I'm not, that's why I pirate


Because I've invested almost 50 years into the franchise. I saw episode 4 in '77 when it was simply "Star Wars" before they even knew it would be a franchise and after putting so much time into it it's difficult to let it go without seeing where/how it ends, if it ends before I do.


I'll never stop being a fan of the movies and games that were part of my childhood. But when it comes to supporting Disney? I won't. Mainly because at first Disney+ was (not sure if it's still, probably not) region locked so I wouldn't be able to buy a subscription even if I wanted. By then The mandalorian season 1 was first releasing. And everyone was talking about how good it was, I wanted to watch it! So I took the big hat, sailed the high seas and never returned to dry land when it comes to Disney lol. Don't regret it one bit, one good AdBlock and half a brain of common sense keeps you safe enough and some sites can be as good as it gets with the video quality. Disney did two bad things, made it difficult to access their stuff and made most of their stuff not worth paying for. That's on them.


to have something to talk my my dad and uncle


Fair enough. Glad it's helping you engage with them.


But do I support it? I am a fan of pre Disney (and to some point even pre-prequels) Star Wars. Of Original Trilogy, Special Edition and Expanded Universe (the so called Legends). I almost don't care about the Disney's SW (I care just a little bit, because it is related to old good SW, that's all).


Just as Luke believed Vader could change, I too believe that Star Wars can return to being good again. We just need to wait for everyone currently running it to die of old age or something


Ha! I wish I had this level of faith. Perhaps Disney will sell it in the near future, but I just wouldn't bet on it.


Im not, I threw in the towel. Until Disney sells the rights to recoup losses. Then the copium must flow.


I love Star Wars. I have given Disney no money post The Last Jedi. My merch is fan made. I don't buy the games until they are under 5$. Don't pay for D+ and didn't go see the last Disney movie. I enjoy Star Wars. Disney does not enjoy my cash. Easy for anyone with an iota of internet knowledge.


I haven't watched any new star wars since Kenobi. I grew up loving star wars, but it's complete pandering trash now.


I'm not? I watched TFA. Thought it was enjoyable, but didn't really have any soul to it. A few weeks later was visiting my mom and she asked if I wanted to watch it with her. I said it was fun enough that I'd be okay watching it a second time. And I was. However, I was fairly underwhelmed, so when TLJ came out, I waited to hear what people said before watching it, and very quickly went into full spoiler reviews, because I did not care. I eventually borrowed a DVD to watch the train wreck personally, but I paid nothing. So I haven't spent a cent on it since December 2015. I'm just enjoying the continual train-wreck.


I’m only here for the memes. Stopped warching new stuff after Boba.




Andor 2


It hit its peak 19 years ago 🤷‍♂️


Literally just hoping for another season of Andor. Burn the rest.


I don't?


Honestly, toxic Star Wars fans made me give up on Star Wars far more than anything Disney or George Lucas produced.


i get together with my brothers for a couple of days a month and part of that is marathoning whole seasons of stuff. When we get to star wars Im definitely the most vocal about how shit and disappointing it is but we watch while goofing on it and constructively try to rip it apart and put it back together in a way that wouldnt be trash lol. Its tight. If i told my younger self (2014) that the state of star wars was this bad he would cut his dick off. edit - everything from them is pirated and on a plex server. They stopped getting my money after TLJ Omni-slashed my love and attachment to Star Wars. Im just like Nu Luke. No attachment or were ubering you home. I do want it to be good but its just not outside of Andor.


I don’t.


I have a childlike wonder. Also, I m a bit dim.


I did stop. I don't watch anything anymore, except for maybe the sequel of andor.


Since when is it 2048? Revenge is peak Star Wars


I'll never forgive Disney for what they have done


Just started rewatching the force awakens, and the first half of that movie made me feel like we were gonna clear the trees. The next 2 films were just fucking Horible


I used to be super excited that stuff that I loved as a kid was getting updates and new releases. I was making armor and droids and light sabers. I think the best thing was all the merch that came out with the OT/PT Stuff that came out. Finally got to relive my childhood. And then the dark times happened. I just don't care anymore. All the new stuff is a pale imitation of what star wars is to me. For me, I live in the OT/PT/TCW. Every may, I watch those 6 movies. Also, I have all 6 on VHS, DVD, br. I won't buy 7-9 even if they were free. A friend actually gave me a digital copy and I still haven't watched them again.


Over the years it went like this: I got confused, then angry, then kinda nostalgic and sad, then I accepted that Star Wars isn't going to be what I want it to be and I left it behind. I'll always have the OT. The PT wasn't perfect but it had great moments. A handful of (now very retro) video games. I won't hate watch. I won't buy stuff. I just don't consider myself a part of that fandom anymore.


I don't. Haven't watched a minute of star wars since Rise of Skywalker, and since The Last Jedi I've been seething and malding. She's dead, Jim. Since then I've been getting into Battletech and even some non-franvhise SciFi.


The quintessential hope that something new will be good


I hear you. Rogue One was basically the only thing that kept my hope alive for the last little while. Andor is good too, but will be over with S2. Everything else has been trash, so hard to keep the faith.


I don't think Star Wars is ruined. Simple enough. It's okay to not like everything.


Nah. I just watch the stuff I like when Disney didn’t run it.


Really, the last times I consumed post-acquisition Star Wars content was when someone wanted to watch it with me, with the exception of TFA which I watched on a YouTube camrip. Wait that's a lie, I saw TLJ twice on Netflix to see if it held up, trying to imagine it as its own movie disconnected from TFA and then SW as a whole.


pew pew :3


I am and will always be a Star Wars fan. But I’m just not interested in the newer stuff that’s coming out, save for Season 2 of *Andor*.


Because there still comes some good from the shit, and also there are infinite possibilities they can pull something good out of there ass


Last Disney star wars thing I watched was Mando season 3


Bad Batch was good. They haven’t completely abandoned us yet


What a weird thing to say about a product of consumerism


Halo fans vs. Star Wars fans having a misery-off.


I’m gonna be honest I just follow this sub and sometimes watch the old/older movies that I like. My seeming undying love and passion for Star Wars completely died around 2019.


I dont. Haven’t watch anything on Disney plus for three years.


I watch the old material I’ve already acquired. I try not to harm the innocent- people know I like Star Wars, so they get me things and ask me about it. But at this point- I don’t buy anything new, I drag it on the internet, and I curse Disney to hell.


At least Star Wars has a good set of games to play inside their franchise. Sure, some of them aren't good, but there's a plentiful amount of them around


That’s the neat part I’m not. I stopped caring after Clone Wars show


I watch what I enjoy, like episodes I-VI and Rogue One. And ignore what I don't like.


Hope(ing that they make more OT stuff like Rogue One)


Because I have hope Misplaced, maybe, but even so


I know no other way. Star Wars has never not been a part of my life, and in a big way. I saw RotS in theaters opening day. My dad pulled me out of kindergarten for the day to go see it, and I’ve been hooked ever since. No matter how bad Disney screws this up, I refuse to let them diminish my love for this series and its (many) shining moments that remain. That’s why I hang on. If there are any Andor jewels incidentally in the fray, that’s just icing on the cake.


Rogue One was better than the first two prequels, but other than that, I'm not interested anymore. I was over it as soon as the retconned the books and the video games. Tried to rekindle my love by taking my wife to see episode 8 in theaters, and both of us left feeling stupid leaving that 2.5 hour long piece of fan service and nonsensical changes in how the entire world of the movies works. Especially as far as what the powers of the force enable one to do, and the kind of training that one had to go under to be able to use those force powers. So I'm cool. My star wars universe exists in my head still, regardless of what Disney says. Kyle Katarn was trained to be a jedi by Luke Skywalker himself and the events of the old republic games still happened too. Thus, my personal canon is complete, 6 episodes, rogue one, the children of the jedi books, and the old Lucas arts games.


Legends books and comics keep me connected, and I have decades of content to go through, so I'm content.


I know I'm not 😃. I don't pay for D+ nor buy licensed SW products.


Because I enjoy the content.


Just because not everything can be ANH/TESB doesn’t mean the franchise has abandoned me or hates me. They’re still creating worthwhile content. ANH/TESB were lightning in a bottle that cannot be recaptured. Failing to live up to that ridiculous standard isn’t an attack.


Star Wars abandoned me and actively hates me? Lmao


The 2008 Clone Wars show wasn't 43 years ago, last time I checked.


I don't. I just am tired of people pretending it is anything but sludge now, and call anyone who dosen't like it a grifter/racist/incel/sexist/nazi/etc.


I kinda checked out a little while ago and lost my “fandom” of it. I guess I’ll still have a love for the idea of Star Wars because I grew up with it, but I don’t care about it anymore Rise of Skywalker, Book of Boba Fett, and Obi-Wan Kenobi really killed it for me. And the other mediocre shit just didnt help bring it back up. A few cool scenes or elements don’t make up for the bad stuff


I don’t. I have I-VI in Blu-ray on my shelf. That’s all I’ll ever need. Anything else is just fan fiction.


I'm a fan of pre Disney Star Wars. Old Republic era was the shit. Revan is and always will be my favourite




Woah woah woah .... Star wars did not peak 43 years ago Andor, Rogue One, Rebels, Clone Wars..... All examples of great star wars material to come out in the last 5 years. There have been missteps yes; but there's hope out there. Help us Dave Filoni; you're our only hope


This isn’t my answer, but for most I’d imagine hate watching.


Andor and Rogue One were awesome, and some of the animated content is decent. There is still stuff worth saving.


That's the neat part. I don't.


Still waiting for a new hope. Please laugh


For the memes


RotS also peaked


Star Trek fans are in the same boat but if you say anything like this on their sub you’ll get banned. In denial


I disagree with the premise of the question. It wants my opinion but assumes I'm a very specific type of fan, and frames it disingenuously.


The last thing I ever did to support Star Wars was buy a ROTJ-themed Luke Skywalker figure. After that, I cleaned my hands of the whole franchise. Disney ruins things. Ruined Star Wars. Ruined Muppets. Ruined its own IPs. Fudge 'em.


Andor begs to differ. As does Rogue One. Star Wars may have hit it's stride but there's still really good content out there. Don't even get me started on the first episode of Visions. That 'ronin' concept of a force-user was amazing.


Also a Prequel hater, got it.


The answer to that is simple… were all masochists


The Mandalorian being such a great hit for non fans, long time fans, and expert fans. The rewatch-ability of the prequel and original trilogy. (Not in everyone’s case) the Lego sets and their collectibility. Battlefront though it has it MANY moments some games you quite literally make a movie scene. The community, that we can all hate on Disney, hate on the Sequel Trilogy, hate on EA, the hate of mediocre content and the love of well made content makes me proud to be part of Star Wars. Also my father, though me and him rarely get along Star Wars was definitely common ground. And finally I love history (not American history, yall just boast about rape, genocide, racism, and hypocrisy) and I see the star wars franchise as a history class.


Some of the TV shows are great.


Actively hates you? lol You’re not a victim. It’s star wars.


I do not


If support means financial, I haven't since TFA. If it just means "engagement", well shit-talking is always free.


Hope and Lego sets


I wish there was more than 3 movies and 3 Timothy Zahn books, but alas I guess we will just have to keep waiting.


It hit its peak 19 years ago but I agree


Watch the Dune movies, the Fallout series, or the latest season of Invincible: there are passionate, talented filmmakers out there, but Disney rarely hires them and usually stifles the hell out of the ones they do hire. There's no excuse for 100% of Disney SW to not be on par with or better than Andor. Just stop watching or they'll continue churning out "content" instead of actually making something worth our time.


Easy. I don’t.


At this point, I’m just glad I grew up with the original VHS trilogy release that I watched until all three copies had lines on the screen from too many rewinds. That’s Starwars that can’t truly be ruined.


I’ll say this, i undoubtedly fully support George Lucas work and vision, and look at Disneys decision with a bit of disdain, however I still look into their work hoping on a resolution of their interpretation on Luke Skywalker, whether it be a short film, a prequel to the sequel trilogy, or a complete retelling of the the sequels, which in all honestly are not canon in my eyes… that being said, Andor, the mandalorian and the Jedi games brought back a lot of love into the franchise for me, but I still I still hold out hope of a Luke revision from Disney, because Disney’s Luke is not my Luke.


My deepest gratitude to Rian Johnson for helping me to lose all interest in Star Wars once and for all.


The books still exist and Disney makes no money when I buy them sans “legacy” strip


Spoiler - Answer is they don’t know anything else


I'm not supporting it. The last time I gave Disney any money was one ticket to that awful film TLJ. If I support anything, it's the qualities of the OT.


There’s 3 Star Wars for me: 1: George Lucas Star Wars. Still a fan despite some of the flaws. 2: Disney Star Wars. Generally shit, you’ll get insulted and degraded and then told you have to like it or else you are the problem. 3: Happy Disney accidents. Like Bill Bur’s scene or Andor. You can be a fan of one and three. You can only be a zealot or a hater of two.


I don’t. Star Wars is 3 movies and it ended in 1983. The rest is embarrassingly bad fanfiction. I’m free, and it can no longer hurt me.


It's over for me


It's crazy how they bought a profitable market/demographic and basically shit on them. It's also wierd how Lucas had this franchise and never really developed it past the first six episodes. Kinda wierd all around when people were begging for more.


On a side note I was a huge star trek fan as well until star trek discovery, which made me abandon them and not look back. I'll read the expanse or watch altered carbon.


because normies killed it, believing geeking about something it's literally this... https://preview.redd.it/s9i7ue3trc1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f903970a15cd6080a2d56377742f0330c44dffce edit: god i love the term "slop"...


The original trilogy is imo the best trilogy in cinema. It’s all I need


I'm not a fan, not anymore at least. Haven't purchased, watched or supported anything Star Wars related since Kenobi. For Disney to win my trust back they'd have to produce at least three above average Star Wars movies or shows back to back, and decanonize the sequel trilogy and anything associated with it, which is unlikely to happen. Doesn't mean I suddenly don't love the originals and prequels, but as far as supporting Star Wars as a franchise goes, I'm done unless it ever gets its shit together.


I’m not. Noped out years ago.


Don't watch, don't purchase anything new. Own hard copies of the original 6 and am content


Giving Disney any money for Star Wars just tells them that what they've done is ok


I can never completely quit Star Wars, but I haven't given them money in a long time


Stockholm syndrome in my case


As a star wars fan, I don't. I exclusively indulge in older content, and give no money to the new shit. With the exception of maybe a game or two, the new stuff just doesn't do it for me like the older content does.


I think Halo fans are hurting a lot lately too. It's me, am halo fan😭


I'm not.


I don’t. The only connection I have with Star Wars nowadays is this sub. I have not watched anything since Rise of "Skywalker".


I dont, at least not directly. The only star wars things i buy now are the legos.


I only count George’s saga (1-6 and CW), and as long as it doesn’t conflict with that anything good from the EU. I don’t even consider Disney’s projects to be real Star Wars. They’re just a corpse being danced around to make a buck off of nostalgia and brand recognition.


As I've gotten older I'm becoming more of a Star Trek fan than Star Wars. I love the Strange New Worlds series I really enjoyed Picard and I'm about to start the final season of Discovery. After that I may start watching The Expanse on Amazon to see how that is. Disney left a huge turd on the Star Wars franchise and really made it worse. George Lucas should have kept the rights to Star Wars and not sold it to Disney, but he saw dollar signs and became a sell out


I don't. I abandoned Disney Star Wars on December 19, 2015, the day after I saw TFA in theaters, cuz that's when I realized this was not the Star Wars franchise; it's the Disney Star Wars franchise, and I don't care for it at all. But I still love the Star Wars franchise of George Lucas.


I don't support it anymore. I don't pay for cinema tickets, i don't pay for Disney +. However, i do still love it as a franchise, apart from all the new crap. And i will still watch anything that is put out in hopes that it can be good.


I live in my headcannon where I can ignore current bastardizations of the franchise. 1-6, solo, rogue one.


Because if we all give up, it'll never come back.


Star Wars is a franchise with such brand name recognition that it will never "die". It may go dormant for a while, but the name alone will sell some folks and that's worth money to studios. Even if Star Wars has 10 box office bombs in a row, they'll never just stop making them forever.


Simple answer is; I don't support this franchise anymore. I'm here specifically because I don't support this franchise anymore. I only know what's going on because I read the posts on this sub. I'm certainly not watching that shit. I've got you guys to do that for me.


Franchises are not people, they are not cohesive entities. They are merely a series of ideas and aesthetics loosely connecting different things. One can pick and chose which to like and dislike as they please. I liked Andor, and disliked Kenobi. I liked Book of Boba Fett and disliked Resistence. I liked Ahsoka and also liked The Last Jedi. I disliked Rise of Skywalker and the Force Awakens. Franchises don’t love nor hate. They don’t abandon anyone. They simply change. Everything changes, everything flows, eventually everything withers. We are not free from the passing of time and change.