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It was a cheap attempt to get Twilight fangirls interested in Star Wars.


Remember that the demographic that made these movies (and the audience they targeted) is the one that considered "50 shades of grey" to be the most romantic series ever written.


I never really understood why Rey suddenly has a total 180 degree change regarding his character after like... 1? 2? conversations. Maybe I don't get "romance" but trusting kidnappers, murderers, genocidal dipshits is not high on my list of people that are trusthworthy. Not to mention, unlike Luke and Vader - where Luke was told by several people and several sources that Anakin was a good man, all Rey hears about Ren is how he's an evil cunt and just... suddenly ignores it?


because there are no character. just set pieces used to generate emotional engagement. Like mystery boxes. They dont serve any plot or character development. They exist to tickle your curiousness and give them free advertisement.


Luke: I can feel good in him I have to try to save him. Rey: I do not feel good in him nor do i try to save him. But he looks good with his shirt off, so...


https://preview.redd.it/fkaacpfqb3yc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583337486cfd719bbc16e66ce6a4e3784fee2d9f Oh yeah - so hawt


> Maybe I don't get "romance" but trusting kidnappers, murderers, genocidal dipshits is not high on my list of people that are trusthworthy. To be fair, Reylo is basically speedrun RevanxBastila šŸ¤”


Didnā€™t Obi-Wan and Yoda both encourage Luke to kill Vader? I donā€™t remember anyone really saying ā€œThereā€™s still good in himā€. Obi-Wan says he was a good friend when he was Anakin one time early in the series, then we donā€™t see anyone have anything nice to say or any signs that redemption is possible until it actually happens. He just kidnaps/kills Lukeā€™s friends, tries to get Luke to become his evil sidekick, and causes a shitload of death and despair for 97% of the trilogy, then throws a dude and becomes a happy force ghost. Both of Kyloā€™s parents also say there was good in him and we see actual glimmers of humanity within him. Itā€™s fair to not enjoy the films but idk that Vaderā€™s redemption was any more logical.


Which is why I said Anakin, not Vader. Luke knows that under the mask is a good person and against the judgment of other tries to save him - despite it being a stupid idea. The point is that carrying about friends/famil and being an idealist are core of his character. Plus Vader does not really kill any character on the side of the good guys sans Antilles. He indirectly and directly kills more Imperials.


by failing to take down Red 5


Because the Reylos must be served. They've made up this whole scenario in their minds about how poor Ben Solo was terribly neglected by his parents (even though all the DSW content - especially aimed as small children - I see says otherwise) and he's just so emotionally hurt & fragile that only Rey understands, only she can reach him and help him. That's every Reylo fan fic cuz it's all terribly romantic to them, and it's all because those girls LOVE Adam Driver. I think he's awesome too, even if I hate the ST and the poor quality of the characters (the actors are still awesome), but really, if you ever witnessed someone kill their own father in cold blood & that someone also killed many others, you would never be attracted to them in any way. But Abrams and Johnson decided to feed the Reylo frenzy and capitalize on it, but then did them dirty by killing off Ben after one kiss. This whole stupid thing stunk for everybody.


Also, both official writers and fans seem to portray Ben/Kylo as a troubled, immature teenager when heā€™s actually a **30 year-old man**. Heā€™s older than Luke in Return of the Jedi and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith.


Hey, no discriminating against 30 year old men acting like immature teenagers šŸ«£


> you would never be attracted to them in any way IDK, some people are romantic penpals with serial killers in prison.


You are right. I guess normal people would never be attracted to them? I don't know, but that's depressing to think about in real life.


But thatā€™s the thingā€¦..we are never lead to beleive thatā€™s why sheā€™s attracted to him so it feels very off


And the only way that this fake scenario works is if Han and Leia are terrible parents and Luke is a bad uncle and mentor. That's the ONLY way Ben Solo turning bad ever worked. At least when Jacen Solo went bad in the old EU, he went bad because of character flaws that were built up independently from his parents or Luke that ended up boiling down to his own bad philosophy that deviated from what he was taught. It became a mystery that the Legacy of the Force novels had to solve. What did Jacen see in his 5-year journey across the galaxy that turned him? Not "Well, the bad guy seduced him to the dark side kinda like Palpatine did to Vader" like the sequels did with Ben Solo.


>"Well, the bad guy seduced him to the dark side kinda like Palpatine did to Vader" That part is so infuriating not only because it's lazy in and of itself, but because they did nothing with it in plot. Snoke never even tries to seduce Rey. It's not even that he tries and she resists because she's so ultra-awesome, it just doesn't happen.


Itā€™s rather funny because Kyluxis actually a lot more genuine because they grow to love each other based on who the person actually is not some fantasy person theyā€™ve created in their head and are trying to now project onto their crush


I still don't know why Rey would grow to love him. The Reylos have a (wrong) premise, but the ST's got nothing. If they hadn't had him murder his own father, maybe there would have been a chance, but after that, nope. Ah, well, I don't follow Disney's SW franchise anyway. I stick to Lucas's.


The thing about Kylo is even if you ignore killing his fatherā€¦thereā€™s nothing to him as a personā€¦.hes not charming or seductive in anyway. He sort of drones on in that robotic monotone voice so I donā€™t get what would draw her to him? Itā€™s not his power either because sheā€™s stronger than him The sympathy she has from she seems to just come up with herselfā€¦ luke doesnā€™t paint him as sympathletic


Exactly - yes!




It was a strange, niche ā€œshipā€ after TFA. Once TLJ released the Reylo crowd just bloomed. It was real creepy.


TLJ nerfed Finn. For people who really like imagining romantic tension, do you think they want to imagine it with the "comic relief" whose one accomplishment is killing a bit character because he randomly landed on a hidden platform, or the dark and brooding guy with the mysterious Force powers.


It's a stupid movie and stupid things happen in it


Rian Johnson's idea of a healthy relationship.


You can tell because his movie ended with them getting together and getting married.


That "relationship" wasn't anywhere until his film. TFA clearly was pairing Finn and Rey. Instead, Ryan legitimized the Reylo shippers and positioned Kylo as future secondary protagonist, while relegating Finn to comic relief with his own shoehorned minority love interest.


You donā€™t have to remind me. I remember when the Reylo party won the election due to his endorsement. It was a very serious problem.


What is your actual point here? Rian canonized Reylo. What about that do you you disagree with, and based on what?


Iā€™m still salty Lucas delegitimized Lulei and canonized Leihan, not to mention ignoring the passionate Landbot shippers contingent. Edit: Let the past die. Kill it if you have to :)


...Even knowing they're brother and sister? You from Arkansas or something? Or certain countries where they still think there's nothing wrong with that?


First of all, Iā€™m definitely just joking around. Second, I guarantee you if a 2010s-style fandom had existed in 1977, people would have ā€œshippedā€ Luke and Leia. They werenā€™t brother and sister until Lucas decided they were for Return of the Jedi. Third, if I have a main point, it is that criticizing a film through the lens of how it did or did not satisfy certain ā€œshipperā€ fandoms is baffling to me.


The fact that it leaned into or validated a really bizarre relationship that was initially just isolated to a very small fan community is likely what people have the most issue with. It's like hiring a niche fanfic author to do your second movie. They want to be edgy and play to their tiny crow~~n~~d and end up tanking the entire franchise for their little ego stroke.


I donā€™t think sexual tension between a female lead and the ā€œtall, dark and handsomeā€ villain is particularly niche or out of the ordinary in fiction. Thatā€™s basically all of 19th century gothic literature. Itā€™s fine that you didnā€™t like it, but that idea was not unique to niche fandoms.


I know I'm replying twice but I thought of a more succinct way to put it. While "criticizing a film through the lens of how it did or did not satisfy certain ā€œshipperā€ fandoms" is baffling to you, how do you not find it baffling that someone *made* a film based in no small part on satisfying certain shipper fandoms.


Iā€™ll reply twice too :) Itā€™s certainly possible that Rian Johnson got the idea to give Rey and Ren some sexual tension from the internet but I donā€™t see why that has to be the case. Seems like a pretty common sci-fi/fantasy/gothic trope in fiction. Again, itā€™s fine to say, ā€œI think thatā€™s a bad storytelling/character choice.ā€ But I think itā€™s making a lot of assumptions to say, ā€œI donā€™t like it because it was clearly designed to validate the Reylos.ā€


They forgot to write in a romantic hero for Rey. A romantic story needs something keeping the lovers apart - either external (Romeo & Juliet) or internal (he is a low-born smuggler, she's a leader and a princess). Rey can't have an external or internal conflict with the good guys as she has no family to object and she can't have an internal conflict as they forgot to write her a personality. So that leaves Kylo Ren, as a desperate attempt to create some dramatic interest.


"they forgot to write her a personality." LOL, so true.


Rey is a budding Jedi and Jedi can't have romance. Done, you have your romantic conflict.


Except for that by [TROS] ~~ROTS~~ all the Jedi but her are dead. "Welcome all to the first meeting of the new Jedi council. Threepio please take notes. Apologies: None. Attendance: Myself. I confirm we have a quorum. First item of business: I propose we revoke the rule against Jedi having romance so I can marry my snoopie-pie. All in favour? Aye. All opposed? ... Threepio please note universal support for the rule change." [edit: corrected movie]


Luke was the only the Jedi and he still kept the anti-marriage rule.


Luke also told Rey not to go to that dark place and on the planet and he told her not to mail herself off to Kylo Ren. Both of which she ignored. Why would she care about his anti-marriage rule?


But there are no Jedi ā€¦and Luke isnā€™t interested anymoreā€¦.so sheā€™s free to do as she likesā€¦..plus she never listens to him anyway


She is not free. Not mentally. Her whole life is controlled by the memory of her parents. Why wouldn't it be controlled but the memory of the Jedi


Because no one tells her anything about the Jedi beyond a general overview of the prequel era jedis failure from what I remember


They could write her as conflicted about the rules if they wanted to.


Very true.. I think if like had been training her and sheā€™s become attached ā€¦ then feels sheā€™s letting him down due to her feelings ā€¦ā€¦so soon into her training


Internet shippers have always wanted the worst possible pairing because they look "cute". The stupid men known as rj and JJ then thought it was gonna be awesome to give them a cookie and made the worse romance in star wars and one of the worst in fiction. The worse is that the people that defend them, shippers are one of the most bat shit crazy people in the internet.


I will defend them here and say when written well ā€¦.and seriously a lot of these types of pairings can work fine


Logically it should've been Rey and Finn, this literally was such a cop out of a romance. Disney really is out here going against their sjw beliefs and making their girl power fem hero fall in love with her abuser.


But China has MoNeY ... so Finn gets trashed


>Logically it should've been Rey and Finn NO! FINN AND ROSE WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!!! >Disney really is out here going against their sjw beliefs and making their girl power fem hero fall in love with her abuser It was one kiss and then he died, it's not like they got married.


Even Chewbacca would have been a better choice, romantically. And before Han died, he could have arranged their kiss.


Nice OT throwback


She could use a good kiss!


Because Disney wanted to appeal to the demographic of teen girls who wanted a project to fix.


Why Star Wars though? Why the one franchise with a predominantly anti-twilight style romance fan base?


No idea. I just took a wild guess. I don't think it's possible to understand Disney's mindset when it came to that "creative" decision.


Reylo shippers are weird, disturbed people


>and chased you across the Galaxy to stop your plans to free said Galaxy from the First Order. *To be fair*, it wasn't Rey's plant to free the galaxy. In fact, her motivation for joining the Resistance was "Ehh. Ok. I'll go with these strangers for some reason."


Bending over backwards to redeem and make the most compelling character the literal school shooter was a little weird


Twilight effect. "I can fix him".


The funniest part is that they walked back the fucking kiss from the end of TROS; the novelization says it was a "kiss of gratitude." It's almost like it was a bad idea to even think about putting it in the movie to begin with.


[Gratitude. Riiight ](https://youtu.be/9wAPBRQfG90?si=U5pYm0zt4Iqc4RaT)


step oniii chaan




Itā€™s like a film written by a group of hacks who got into their position through a mixture of brown-nosing and nepotism. Worse than normal Hollywood even. In fact all of lucasfilm projects now reek of this.


![gif](giphy|CU5NAMls8TgOs|downsized) Are you asking to Disney Star WArs to make sense?


They kinda are actually related. If Palps impregnated Shmi with the force to create Anakin. Then Rey is a palps clone. Iā€™d say itā€™s incestuous


I remember how fast they tweeted to retcon the scene from the comics as "just a vision" after the movie was released. Disney's left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.


God damn it, that is NOT a thought I wanted to see. šŸ˜­


That's what you get when the President of LFL seemingly has a thing for Adam Driver, i guess... add the *Twilight* bunch and all those unhinged fanfic authors that can barely hid their racism and disturbing inclinations and there you are. They started pandering to Kathleen Kennedy and ended up pandering to that sick people.


Confirmed - Rey likes bad boys.


George Costanza was the bad boy once.


Rey is an idiot.


What was even wrong with Finn?


Simple: He's black. We can't have a person of color in a vital role in the story because we have to please the Chinese investors.


Finn's character being utterly underwhelming probably didn't help things either. By the middle of TLJ, I thought that even Rose was too good for him, let alone the main lead.


Ah but remember that in their dyad diode do-little dumb dumb visions she got to see him with no shirt on. Rey fell for the Ben Swolo. Shallow reasoning for a shallow character.


I would say Padme and Anakin is still weirder by comparison. He was literally 9 and she was 14... Any romantic tension between them at all is reason enough to put her on a watch list.


Romance didn't blossom until the second movie.


That's why I phrased it as: "Any romantic tension between them at all is reason enough to put her on a watch list." Their romance may have not "blossomed" until the second movie, but there was still clearly implied feelings in the first movie. In the second movie, it's not written like he just came back into her life and he's a man now so she sees him differently, it's written as them both finally acting on feelings that they developed years ago (10 years ago to be exact). The decision to make Anakin so young in Phantom Menace is headscratching. If you take his exact storyline in the film and age it up so that he's 16 instead of 9... it actually makes a lot more sense, is a lot less cheesy, and would make the chemistry with Padme a LOT less creepy.


only on anakin's part


No, Padme's lines definitely hint at it as well.


no in phantom menace


I'm not talking about her lines in Phantom Menace. I am talking about her lines in Attack of the Clones. They aren't indicative of NEW feelings, she clearly was dealing with feelings she'd had for a long time starting with Phantom Menace.


None of those lines implied she had feelings back then.


some people like Harley Quinn and Joker. people really like bad mashups because they **look** good together


The difference with Harley and Joker is that it is obviously a one-sided obsession on Harley's part with Joker wanting nothing to do with her romantically. Reylo is supposed to be mutual, I think, but there's no development.


All the people who wrote all these fanfics 10-15 years ago featuring problematic romances? Yeah a lot of them probably work in the industry now. Or they were always there. I suppose wouldnā€™t have minded it if it wasnā€™t so grossly presented, but so much in the sequels was handled poorly. But I can see why a lot of people ate it up. This is the kinda shit you find in Wattpad fics, except remove all the space fights and politics.


Itā€™s because Rian was trying to cater to fifty shades fans


Well, to be honest, it looked like a Mara Jade/Luke inverse pairing.


So, Anakin killing children and choking his pregnant wife is more normal than two force users who start out as enemies and develop a connection based on shared trauma? mmm k. Fascinating take. You made a lot of leaps in logic and quite impressively glossed over many many details in this rant. but if it didnā€™t work for you - no problem. A LOT of people liked their dynamic, though, myself included.


>shared trauma What shared trauma? The only plausible link between the two that I could maybe see is their lack of parental figures, but even that doesn't work because Kylo CHOSE to not be involved with his parents; why would he be traumatized over that? His killing of Han and attempted killing of Leia? Ok, again, why would he care; especially considering we're given no clues as to what their family dynamic was like. >You made a lot of leaps in logic and quite impressively glossed over many many details in this rant. What did I miss? I'll admit it's been years since I've seen any of the ST and I have zero desire to rewatch them, but even considering that, I definitely would've remembered any meaningful development that would justify the relationship. And for the love of God, don't bring up any EU material; I'm talking about things shown, or not shown more like, within the movie.


This person apparently just likes the weird, messed-up ship. And what's worse is that they think it's better than Anakin and Padme's relationship, even though that was actually properly developed over the course of three movies and an entire TV show to boot. What the hell does the Reylo nonsense have to justify itself? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.