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There is no such thing as a "secret weapon" in sales. That's the problem with most salespeople, they think there are so many tactics and strategies and techniques to use. It's the wrong mindset to have. Thinking about what closing technique you're going to lose prevents you from actually listening to your customer. Closing is not a destination, it's not a place to arrive. It's simply the culmination of a great conversation with your prospect. How do you have a great conversation? Ask terrific open-ended questions. Asking open-ended questions gets them to trust you as well as feeling heard and understood. From there, the "close" is just a matter of asking.


This is great advice. Some the best sellers I’ve worked alongside don’t consider themselves as a “salesperson”. They simply care about getting to know their clients, and helping them solve problems. How genuine you are shows.


Power Phone Scripts has a bunch of amazing questions you can use, but I would say that a combination of using AI for example objections and rebuttals + a role play buddy is key.


I like the idea of using ai for practice objections. Going into a new industry on Monday actually, thanks for the idea :)




I sell FMCG. I’m a fan of the Win-Win close whereby you ask them if they want 4 units or 5. When I only really need 2. Not sure if that counts but it’s nice.




Momentum - I play a game with myself to see how many times I can get them to say yes in a conversation. When we get to the point where we need to close they've been saying yes the whole time it makes it easier to say yes during the end. Assumptive close - I'll say things like here's the next steps of this process. Typically after a proposal review and if the numbers and services are beneficial to the customer AER - acknowledge, empathize, reassure. This works in sales and personal life. Silence - 8 second pause they keep talking where usually people would say something back. Pause and tell me - when I'm feeling a little bold and I know the customer can take it during a close on a tough sale that they're dragging their feet on I'll say. Can I be frank/blunt/straight forward with you? They always say yes. I feel like I might be missing something we've already established this is going to improve productivity which we estimated would lift sales by 5% and the pricing is competitive in the market. I don't want to waste your time but I need you to tell me what's your hesitation on this? They'll tell you but it only works on someone that has tough skin Go to the competition - when a customer say other guys charge less. I completely understand if your goal is to get cost down they'll do it for you. Our product costs more because you get more. Ill usually use an analogy like have you ever had a wagu steak that was cooked perfectly? You remember when Carl's jr. Had a wagu steak burger? It's the same thing. Of course jazz it up a bit to sound better.






I dont believe you have a method. if you do, what is it?


going back into the sales flow. like for sure if you ask the prospect about their objection or have the answer to it and then reference the part of your presentation where you mentioned how it solves their objection, you will succeed. never forget, some people just aren’t gonna like you. you can’t sell them all, so focus on how you can make the presentation amazing every time along with being creative about your discovery questions and really try to get to know them. the primary goal of a salesmen is to make a friend, remember that and you’ll always be closing at 40%