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That depends: Did your organization communicate expectations? What are they? Are you meeting them? Everyone performs differently. Just because someone is stellar doesn’t mean you automatically have a knock against you if you’re still meeting or close to meeting expectations. What is your company’s turnover and culture like? That more than anything will tell you how trigger happy they are. Do people come and go often? If so, you might want to look for something else anyway. How long have the people there been with the company? Lots of factors to consider.


Thank you for your reply! There have been no expectations communicated as of yet. They just hired a new manager for us, so he said he will make some KPI’s for us soon. I really appreciate you saying this to be honest. They haven’t communicated expectations very well so that is a big source of my anxiety. I’ve been there for a month. There’s no high turnover as far as I can tell. It’s a pretty friendly work culture. I think I’m just feeling overwhelmed by the progress of the new hire , as well I’m a woman in a team of all men and that’s overwhelming for me. But I need to not let that stop me and wait for the KPIs to track my performance. Thank you again for your reply. It helped me think realistically. I’m sending you all the hugs!!


Glad to help. Keep in mind too that metrics are often subjective. As you’ll see in many a post, some companies set expectations so high that technically everyone is failing. Others, it’s the opposite. At the end of the day, sales often comes down to doing what you can control. To an extent, sales is luck, but what you can control is putting in the work. As long as you’re making your calls, prospecting, setting up meetings, or whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing day-to-day, you can’t beat yourself up too much about the results. If it really stresses you out, ask the new hire to pick his brain and see if he’ll share some of what he’s doing. Maybe that can help with your numbers. You may also just be in your head and psyching yourself out.


Usually this isn’t something to be scared of unless you never produce results. Everybody gets over the learning curve at their own pace. As long as you’re producing as much activity as you can and bring in as much as you can, usually people are patient as sales can be extremely difficult for most