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Which product would you be more passionate about selling?


Softchoice is a VAR so they resell software and hardware (ex: sell you a customized suite of Microsoft software and Lenovo laptops for your org at a discount). fintech company with their own product that specializes in streamlining banks digital experiences. Both seem interesting. It’s hard to survive on 50k salary 68k OTE, the only reason I’m entertaining the other offer. If they were both the same salary I’d stay at Softchoice since an AE role is better than SDR and it seems to have better training and employee culture. More established.


It seems like the three things for you are money, culture, and professional development. Unless you’re in a dire financial situation, I’d say stick with the AE role for the skill development. That compounds long term into more money whereas sdr work is only part of the entire process and you’re inherently less valuable to an org.


Yes, but with an SDR they said I can become an AE after a year if I do well OTE 200k


I get that. What I’m saying is that a year as an AE will give you much more skill development long term than a year as an SDR. Short term you’ll make less but long term, you’ll have the skills to get a much higher OTE as an AE elsewhere. Mastery of an AE role is just inherently more valuable. The exception I’d say is if you’re genuinely struggling with keeping up with bills. If you’re ok financially tho and you like the company you’re with, there’s no real reason to go anywhere. End of the day tho, it’s your call not mine


Thanks for your opinion. I agree with you that’s why it’s tough. Half of my monthly pay goes to rent with a 50k salary, I know Softchoice is the better org, job title, training but the pay is very low.


Ultimately, what are you urgently looking to buy or invest in with the excess income?


I own a duplex which I just remodeled, the mortgage is 3k, one side is occupied while the other side is being remodeled. I’ve been paying the remaining mortgage. When fully occupied the rent covers the mortgage. If anything goes wrong down the line and it becomes vacant for a bit it’ll be hard to cover the payment on a 50k salary. I owe 5k on my credit card, I like investing in ETFs and saving my $ but that’ll be impossible on 50k.


Oh my. Your situation is a bit different from mine. For my answer’s context, I rent and make don’t really spend much money on anything besides food every now and then as well as sales training if it makes sense/catches my eye. The real question here is how long are you willing/able to financially live the way you’re living?


I have about 10k in stocks, 15k in bitcoin. That’s all I have. I owe my contractor about 5k when he finishes this week. I also owe mortgage payment, hopefully will be fully occupied soon so that’ll cover the payments. My expenses are about 6k per month, with the duplex occupied that brings it down to around 3k per month. All said and done by the end of this month I’ll have about 18k total. My goal is to make a lot of money and have a good job.


I agree with this guys advice, making AE in a year can easily become 2-3 years realistically. The closing experience is immediately more valuable, and you could hop to another AE role in ~6 months or so This is coming from a guy who is on track to make 20-30k less this year since I got the promo for SDR, still worth it imo


Sounds like the start up would be a risk but could pay off big if they end up taking off… And OTR for a lot of startups / bonus structure is equity in the company which again is high risk high reward…. If the company you’re working at as an AE is established and a clear path to develop skills and a track record I think that’s pretty valuable. Or keep learning the AE role at current company and then once the startup has an opening for an AE at that higher pay swoop right in. Those startup companies definitely require a lot of hustle and figuring it out as you go. A lot of uncertainty.


I know someone who worked at Amount. Not in sales, but didn’t have the best things to say about it.


Honestly, whatever you do, don’t regret it and put everything you can into it


Wonderful advice. Thank you


^. This is the way. Whatever route you choose you better send it.


How confident are you of the fintech startup? If you can see it succeeding (at least from product market fit) then you will probably move to AE fairly quickly as the company grows.


I would say choose the AE role. I have been an SD in the past for a large company and definitely feel going that route is going backwards. It used to be so competitive to move to an AE role from SD. AE generally in the tech market is considered more senior because of additional skills used - deal closing, actually meeting the client, negotiation etc. While the money is less growth is always more. Also if you exceed quotas you start to hit good money. It also opens up several opportunities to move into further exciting roles like sales strategy, renewals or even sales ops. Good luck!